730 research outputs found

    Content Representation of Tactile Mental Imagery in Primary Somatosensory Cortex

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    The imagination of tactile stimulation has been shown to activate primary somatosensory cortex (S1) with a somatotopic specificity akin to that seen during the perception of tactile stimuli. Using fMRI and multivariate pattern analysis, we investigate whether this recruitment of sensory regions also reflects content-specific activation (i.e., whether the activation in S1 is specific to the mental content participants imagined). To this end, healthy volunteers (n = 21) either perceived or imagined three types of vibrotactile stimuli (mental content) while fMRI data were acquired. Independent of the content, during tactile mental imagery we found activation of frontoparietal regions, supplemented with activation in the contralateral BA2 subregion of S1, replicating previous reports. While the imagery of the three different stimuli did not reveal univariate activation differences, using multivariate pattern classification, we were able to decode the imagined stimulus type from BA2. Moreover, cross-classification revealed that tactile imagery elicits activation patterns similar to those evoked by the perception of the respective stimuli. These findings promote the idea that mental tactile imagery involves the recruitment of content-specific activation patterns in sensory cortices, namely in S1

    Content Representation of Tactile Mental Imagery in Primary Somatosensory Cortex

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    The imagination of tactile stimulation has been shown to activate primary somatosensory cortex (S1) with a somatotopic specificity akin to that seen during the perception of tactile stimuli. Using fMRI and multivariate pattern analysis, we investigate whether this recruitment of sensory regions also reflects content-specific activation (i.e., whether the activation in S1 is specific to the mental content participants imagined). To this end, healthy volunteers (n = 21) either perceived or imagined three types of vibrotactile stimuli (mental content) while fMRI data were acquired. Independent of the content, during tactile mental imagery we found activation of frontoparietal regions, supplemented with activation in the contralateral BA2 subregion of S1, replicating previous reports. While the imagery of the three different stimuli did not reveal univariate activation differences, using multivariate pattern classification, we were able to decode the imagined stimulus type from BA2. Moreover, cross-classification revealed that tactile imagery elicits activation patterns similar to those evoked by the perception of the respective stimuli. These findings promote the idea that mental tactile imagery involves the recruitment of content-specific activation patterns in sensory cortices, namely in S1

    Investigation of hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity in mice deficient in the actin-binding protein Drebrin

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    The dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton plays a key role in controlling the structure and function of synapses. It is vital for activity-dependent modulation of synaptic transmission and long-term changes in synaptic morphology associated with memory consolidation. Several regulators of actin dynamics at the synapse have been identified, of which a salient one is the postsynaptic actin stabilising protein Drebrin (DBN). It has been suggested that DBN modulates neurotransmission and changes in dendritic spine morphology associated with synaptic plasticity. Given that a decrease in DBN levels is correlated with cognitive deficits associated with ageing and dementia, it was hypothesised that DBN protein abundance instructs the integrity and function of synapses. We created a novel DBN deficient mouse line. Analysis of gross brain and neuronal morphology revealed no phenotype in the absence of DBN. Electrophysiological recordings in acute hippocampal slices and primary hippocampal neuronal cultures showed that basal synaptic transmission, and both long-term and homeostatic synaptic plasticity were unchanged, suggesting that loss of DBN is not sufficient in inducing synapse dysfunction. We propose that the overall lack of changes in synaptic function and plasticity in DBN deficient mice may indicate robust compensatory mechanisms that safeguard cytoskeleton dynamics at the synapse

    Specifying the light-absorbing properties of aerosol particles in fresh snow samples, collected at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS), Zugspitze

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    Atmospheric aerosol particles like mineral dust, volcanic ash and combustion particles can reduce Earth’s snow and ice albedo considerably even by very small amounts of deposited particle mass. In this study, a new laboratory method is applied to measure the spectral light absorption coefficient of airborne particles that are released from fresh snow samples by an efficient nebulizing system. Threewavelength photoacoustic absorption spectroscopy is combined with refractory black carbon (BC) mass analysis to determine the snow mass-specific and BC mass-specific absorption cross sections. Fullerene soot in water suspensions are used for the characterization of the method and for the determination of the mass-specific absorption cross section of this BC reference material. The analysis of 31 snow samples collected after fresh snowfall events at a high-altitude Alpine research station reveals a significant discrepancy between the measured snow mass-specific absorption cross section and the cross section that is expected from the BC mass data, indicating that non-BC light-absorbing particles are present in the snow. Mineral dust and brown carbon (BrC) are identified as possible candidates for the non-BC particle mass based on the wavelength dependence of the measured absorption. For one sample this result is confirmed by environmental scanning electron microscopy and by single-particle fluorescence measurements, which both indicate a high fraction of biogenic and organic particle mass in the sample

    Default Mode Network as a Neural Substrate of Acupuncture: Evidence, Challenges and Strategy

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    Acupuncture is widely applied all over the world. Although the neurobiological underpinnings of acupuncture still remain unclear, accumulating evidence indicates significant alteration of brain activities in response to acupuncture. In particular, activities of brain regions in the default mode network (DMN) are modulated by acupuncture. DMN is crucial for maintaining physiological homeostasis and its functional architecture becomes disrupted in various disorders. But how acupuncture modulates brain functions and whether such modulation constitutes core mechanisms of acupuncture treatment are far from clear. This Perspective integrates recent literature on interactions between acupuncture and functional networks including the DMN, and proposes a back-translational research strategy to elucidate brain mechanisms of acupuncture treatment

    Chemical Doping of Conjugated Polymers with the Strong Oxidant Magic Blue

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    Molecular doping of organic semiconductors is a powerful tool for the optimization of organic electronic devices and organic thermoelectric materials. However, there are few redox dopants that have a sufficiently high electron affinity to allow the doping of conjugated polymers with an ionization energy of more than 5.3\ua0eV. Here, p-doping of a broad palette of conjugated polymers with high ionization energies is achieved by using the strong oxidant tris(4-bromophenyl)ammoniumyl hexachloroantimonate (Magic Blue). In particular diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based copolymers reach a conductivity of up to 100 S cm−1 and a thermoelectric power factor of 10 \ub5W m−1 K−2. Further, both electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) as well as a combination of spectroelectrochemistry and chronoamperometry is used to estimate the charge-carrier density of the polymer PDPP-3T doped with Magic Blue. A molar attenuation coefficient of 6.0\ua0\ub1\ua00.2 7 103 m2 mol−1 is obtained for the first polaronic sub-bandgap absorption of electrochemically oxidized PDPP-3T. Comparison with chemically doped PDPP-3T suggests a charge-carrier density on the order of 1026 m−3, which yields a charge-carrier mobility of up to 0.5 cm2 V−1 s−1 for the most heavily doped material

    Representative Percentile Curves of Physical Fitness From Early Childhood to Early Adulthood: The MoMo Study

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    Introduction: Monitoring of physical fitness in youth is important because physical fitness is a summative indicator of health. From a developmental and preventive perspective, physical fitness levels are relatively stable from childhood to early adulthood. Thus, it is important to monitor physical fitness on a population based level being able to intervene at early stages (1). In order to reliably assess and evaluate the physical fitness of youth, a reliable system of standard values based on representative data is required. The aim of this analysis is to report sex- and age-specific physical fitness percentile curves from childhood to early adulthood in a nationwide sample in Germany. Methods: We use data from the nationwide representative Motorik Modul (MoMo) Study in Germany (data collection wave 1: 2009–2012; age: 4–23 years; n = 3,742; 50.1% female). Physical fitness was assessed by means of the MoMo test profile covering four dimensions of physical fitness (strength, endurance, coordination, and flexibility) and including eight physical fitness items. Percentile curves were fitted using the LMS transformation method of Cole and Green. Results: Standardized age- and sex-specific physical fitness percentiles were calculated for eight items: ergometric endurance testing, standing long jump, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping side-ways, balancing backwards, static stand, and stand and reach test. The physical fitness curves differ according to gender and the fitness dimension. Physical fitness improvements with age are linear (e.g., max. strength) or curvilinear (e.g., coordination) and have their stagnation points at different times over the course of adolescence. Discussion: Our results provide for the first time sex- and age-specific physical fitness percentile curves for Germany from 4 to 17 years. Differences in curve-shapes indicating a timed and capacity-specific physical fitness development. Nationwide German physical fitness percentiles can be useful in comparing different populations (e.g., cross-country), reporting secular trends, comparing special groups, and to evaluate physical fitness interventions

    The SCLtTAxBCR-ABL transgenic mouse model closely reflects the differential effects of dasatinib on normal and malignant hematopoiesis in chronic phase-CML patients

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    The second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) dasatinib is a clinically approved drug for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) as well as Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In addition to its antileukemic effects, dasatinib was shown to impact on normal hematopoiesis and cells of the immune system. Due to the fact that the murine in vivo studies so far have not been performed in a chronic-phase CML model under steady-state conditions, our aim was to study the hematopoietic effects of dasatinib (20 mg/kg p.o.) in BCR-ABL expressing SCLtTAxBCR-ABL double transgenic (dtg) mice. Dasatinib robustly antagonized the CML phenotype in vivo in our transgenic mouse model, and this effect included both mature and immature cell populations. However, similar to patients with CML, the fraction of Lin(neg)Sca-1(+)KIT(+)CD48(neg)CD150(+) hematopoietic stem cells was not reduced by dasatinib treatment, suggesting that these cells are not oncogene-addicted. Moreover, we observed differential effects of dasatinib in these animals as compared to wild-type (wt) animals: while granulocytes were significantly reduced in dtg animals, they were increased in wt mice. And Ter119(+) erythrocytic and B220(+) B cells were increased in dtg mice but decreased in wt mice. Finally, while dasatinib induced a shift from CD49b/NK1.1 positive NK cells from the bone marrow to the spleen in wt animals, there was no change in dtg mice. In conclusion, the present mouse model provides a useful tool to study mechanisms of TKI resistance and dasatinib-associated beneficial effects and adverse events.Peer reviewe

    Differential cerebral response to somatosensory stimulation of an acupuncture point vs. two non-acupuncture points measured with EEG and fMRI

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    Acupuncture can be regarded as a complex somatosensory stimulation. Here, we evaluate whether the point locations chosen for a somatosensory stimulation with acupuncture needles differently change the brain activity in healthy volunteers. We used EEG, event-related fMRI, and resting-state functional connectivity fMRI to assess neural responses to standardized needle stimulation of the acupuncture point ST36 (lower leg) and two control point locations (CP1 same dermatome, CP2 different dermatome). Cerebral responses were expected to differ for stimulation in two different dermatomes (CP2 different from ST36 and CP1), or stimulation at the acupuncture point vs. the control points. For EEG, mu rhythm power increased for ST36 compared to CP1 or CP2, but not when comparing the two control points. The fMRI analysis found more pronounced insula and S2 (secondary somatosensory cortex) activation, as well as precuneus deactivation during ST36 stimulation. The S2 seed-based functional connectivity analysis revealed increased connectivity to right precuneus for both comparisons, ST36 vs. CP1 and ST36 vs. CP2, however in different regions. Our results suggest that stimulation at acupuncture points may modulate somatosensory and saliency processing regions more readily than stimulation at non-acupuncture point locations. Also, our findings suggest potential modulation of pain perception due to acupuncture stimulation

    Somatosensory Stimulation With XNKQ Acupuncture Modulates Functional Connectivity of Motor Areas

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    Xingnao Kaiqiao (XNKQ) acupuncture is an acupuncture technique used for stroke patients. In 24 healthy volunteers, we applied this complex acupuncture intervention, which consists of a manual needle-stimulation on five acupuncture points (DU26 unilaterally, PC6, and SP6 bilaterally). XNKQ was compared to three control conditions: (1) insertion of needles on the XNKQ acupuncture points without stimulation, (2) manual needle-stimulation on five nearby non-acupuncture points, and (3) insertion of needles on the non-acupuncture points without stimulation. In a within-subject design, we investigated functional connectivity changes in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) by means of the data-driven eigenvector centrality (EC) approach. With a 2 × 2 factorial within-subjects design with two-factor stimulation (stimulation vs. non-stimulation) and location (acupuncture points vs. non-acupuncture points), we found decreased EC in the precuneus after needle-stimulation (stimulation<non-stimulation), whereas the factor location showed no statistically significant EC differences. XNKQ acupuncture compared with needle-stimulation on non-acupuncture points showed decreased EC primarily in subcortical structures such as the caudate nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, and red nucleus. Post-hoc seed-based analysis revealed that the decrease in EC was mainly driven by reduced temporal correlation to primary sensorimotor cortices. The comparison of XNKQ acupuncture with the other two (non-stimulation) interventions showed no significant differences in EC. Our findings support the importance of the stimulation component of the acupuncture intervention and hint toward the modulation of functional connectivity by XNKQ acupuncture, especially in areas involved in motor function. As a next step, similar mechanisms should be validated in stroke patients suffering from motor deficits.ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT0245390
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