364 research outputs found

    Purification, molecular cloning, and expression of the gene encoding fatty acid 13-hydroperoxide lyase from guava fruit ( Psidium guajava )

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    Guava fruit was identified as a particularly rich source of 13-hydroperoxide lyase activity. The enzyme proved stable to chromatographic procedures and was purified to homogeneity. Based on gel filtration and gel electrophoresis, the native enzyme appears to be a homotetramer with subunits of 55 kD. Starting with primers based on the peptide sequence, the enzyme was cloned by polymerase chain reaction with 3′ and 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The sequence shows approximately 60-70% identity to known 13-hydroperoxide lyases and is classified in cytochrome P450 74B subfamily as CYP74B5. The cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli (BL21 cells), with optimal enzyme activity obtained in the absence of isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside and σ-aminolevulinic acid. The expressed enzyme metabolized 13(S)-hydroperoxylinolenic acid over 10-fold faster than 13(S)-hydroperoxylinoleic acid and the 9-hydroperoxides of linoleic and linolenic acids. 13(S)-Hydroperoxylinolenic acid was converted to 12-oxododec-9(Z)-enoic acid and 3(Z)-hexenal, as identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The turnover number with this substrate, with enzyme concentration estimated from the Soret absorbance, was≈2000/s, comparable to values reported for the related allene oxide synthases. Distinctive features of the guava 13-hydroperoxide lyase and related cytochrome P450 are discusse

    Characterization of a multidrug resistant Citrobacter amalonaticus clinical isolate harboring blaNDM-1 and mcr-1.5 genes

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    A multidrug resistant isolate, identified as Citrobacter amalonaticus using MALDI-TOF MS and confirmed by genomic analysis, was recovered from a pediatric patient in a hospital from Buenos Aires, Argentina. By whole-genome sequencing a total of 16 resistance genes were detected, including blaNDM-1 and mcr-1.5. To the best of our knowledge this is the first description of these two genes together in a clinical isolate of the Citrobacter genus.Fil: Faccone, Diego Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Área de Antimicrobianos; ArgentinaFil: Albornoz, Ezequiel Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Área de Antimicrobianos; ArgentinaFil: Tijet, Nathalie. Public Health Ontario; CanadáFil: Biondi, Estefania. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Sonia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Área de Antimicrobianos; ArgentinaFil: Pasteran, Fernando. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Área de Antimicrobianos; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Miryam. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Melano, Roberto Gustavo. University of Toronto; Canadá. Public Health Ontario; CanadáFil: Corso, Alejandra. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Área de Antimicrobianos; Argentin

    Clonal dissemination of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 harbouring KPC-2 in Argentina

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    AbstractThe present work describes the abrupt emergence of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) and characterizes the first 79 KPC-producing enterobacteria from Argentina (isolated from 2006 to 2010). The emergence of blaKPC-2 was characterized by two patterns of dispersion: the first was the sporadic occurrence in diverse enterobacteria from distant geographical regions, harbouring plasmids of different incompatibility groups and blaKPC-2 in an unusual genetic environment flanked by ISKpn8-ΔblaTEM-1 and ISKpn6-like. blaKPC-2 was associated with IncL/M transferable plasmids; the second was the abrupt clonal spread of K. pneumoniae ST258 harbouring blaKPC-2 in Tn4401a

    Dioxin Toxicity In Vivo Results from an Increase in the Dioxin-Independent Transcriptional Activity of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

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    The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) is the nuclear receptor mediating the toxicity of dioxins -widespread and persistent pollutants whose toxic effects include tumor promotion, teratogenesis, wasting syndrome and chloracne. Elimination of Ahr in mice eliminates dioxin toxicity but also produces adverse effects, some seemingly unrelated to dioxin. Thus the relationship between the toxic and dioxin-independent functions of Ahr is not clear, which hampers understanding and treatment of dioxin toxicity. Here we develop a Drosophila model to show that dioxin actually increases the in vivo dioxin-independent activity of Ahr. This hyperactivation resembles the effects caused by an increase in the amount of its dimerisation partner Ahr nuclear translocator (Arnt) and entails an increased transcriptional potency of Ahr, in addition to the previously described effect on nuclear translocation. Thus the two apparently different functions of Ahr, dioxin-mediated and dioxin-independent, are in fact two different levels (hyperactivated and basal, respectively) of a single function

    Correlated Evolution among Six Gene Families in Drosophila Revealed by Parallel Change of Gene Numbers

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    Proteins involved in a pathway are likely to evolve in a correlated fashion, and coevolving gene families tend to undergo complementary gains and losses. Accordingly, gene copy numbers (i.e., repertoire size) tend to show parallel changes during the evolution of coevolving gene families. To test and verify this hypothesis, here we describe positive correlations among the repertoire sizes of six gene families, that is, trypsin-like serine protease, odorant-binding protein, odorant receptor, gustatory receptor, cytochrome P450, and glutathione S-transferase after excluding the possibility of phylogenetic constraint and random drift. The observed correlations are indicative of parallel changes in the repertoire sizes of the six gene families that are due to similar demands for the quantity of these different genes in different lineages of Drosophila. In conclusion, we propose that the correlated evolution among these six gene families in Drosophila is a signature of a parallel response to ecological adaptation

    Regulation of Mouse Small Heat Shock Protein αb-Crystallin Gene by Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

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    The stress-inducible small heat shock protein (shsp)/αB-crystallin gene is expressed highly in the lens and moderately in other tissues. Here we provide evidence that it is a target gene of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) transcription factor. A sequence (−329/−323, CATGCGA) similar to the consensus xenobiotic responsive element (XRE), called here XRE-like, is present in the αBE2 region of αB-crystallin enhancer and can bind AhR in vitro and in vivo. αB-crystallin protein levels were reduced in retina, lens, cornea, heart, skeletal muscle and cultured muscle fibroblasts of AhR−/− mice; αB-crystallin mRNA levels were reduced in the eye, heart and skeletal muscle of AhR−/− mice. Increased AhR stimulated αB-crystallin expression in transfection experiments conducted in conjunction with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) and decreased AhR reduced αB-crystallin expression. AhR effect on aB-crystallin promoter activity was cell-dependent in transfection experiments. AhR up-regulated αB-crystallin promoter activity in transfected HeLa, NIH3T3 and COS-7 cells in the absence of exogenously added ligand (TCDD), but had no effect on the αB-crystallin promoter in C2C12, CV-1 or Hepa-1 cells with or without TCDD. TCDD enhanced AhR-stimulated αB-crystallin promoter activity in transfected αTN4 cells. AhR could bind to an XRE-like site in the αB-crystallin enhancer in vitro and in vivo. Finally, site-specific mutagenesis experiments showed that the XRE-like motif was necessary for both basal and maximal AhR-induction of αB-crystallin promoter activity. Our data strongly suggest that AhR is a regulator of αB-crystallin gene expression and provide new avenues of research for the mechanism of tissue-specific αB-crystallin gene regulation under normal and physiologically stressed conditions