624 research outputs found

    Aiming drug discovery at lysophosphatidic acid targets

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA, 1-radyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphate) is the prototype member of a family of lipid mediators and second messengers. LPA and its naturally occurring analogues interact with G protein-coupled receptors on the cell surface and a nuclear hormone receptor within the cell. In addition, there are several enzymes that utilize LPA as a substrate or generate it as a product and are under its regulatory control. LPA is present in biological fluids, and attempts have been made to link changes in its concentration and molecular composition to specific disease conditions. Through their many targets, members of the LPA family regulate cell survival, apoptosis, motility, shape, differentiation, gene transcription, malignant transformation and more. The present review depicts arbitrary aspects of the physiological and pathophysiological actions of LPA and attempts to link them with select targets. Many of us are now convinced that therapies targeting LPA biosynthesis and signalling are feasible for the treatment of devastating human diseases such as cancer, fibrosis and degenerative conditions. However, successful targeting of the pathways associated with this pleiotropic lipid will depend on the future development of as yet undeveloped pharmacons

    A reflection of the lasting contributions from Dr. Robert Bittman to sterol trafficking, sphingolipid and phospholipid research.

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    With the passing of Dr. Robert Bittman from pancreatic cancer on the 1st October 2014, the lipid research field lost one of the most influential and significant personalities. Robert Bittman's genius was in chemical design and his contribution to the lipid research field was truly immense. The reagents and chemicals he designed and synthesised allowed interrogation of the role of lipids in constituting complex biophysical membranes, sterol transfer and in cellular communication networks. Here we provide a review of these works which serve as a lasting memory to his life

    Health value choices among young adults

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is to provide a general idea of the health values of the population, their attitude towards people with disabilities, and, to prove the importance of change by highlighting possible shortcomings. Methods: In our pilot study, a total of 111 people were interviewed. The questionnaire used in the study included the Hofmeister-Tóth and Neulinger value list. Health values and attitudes towards disability were measured using the MAS (Attitudes Toward Disabled People Scale – dimensions: affective, cognitive, behavioral), and the ATDP-O (Attitudes Toward Disabled People) scale. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software. Results: Health ranks high on the value scale. Most people consider their own state of health as important (4.701) and good (4.126). Based on the results of the MAS questionnaire, respondents show a very negative attitude in all three dimensions. A significant weak correlation was found between the behavioral dimension, overt actions, verbal expressions of behavior, and the ATDP-O attitude scale towards people with disabilities (r = 0.202, p = 0.034). Conclusion: Our results suggest that forming the right attitude is essential, and this can be achieved through knowledge transfer. It is important to strengthen multicultural societies, so that we can create a healthier, more livable environment in our world

    Chemomechanical preparation by hand instrumentation and by Mtwo engine-driven rotary files, an ex vivo study

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    Objective: To compare the disinfecting efficacy of the sodium hypochlorite irrigation by root canal preparation with stainless steel hand files, taper 0.02 and nickel-titanium Mtwo files with taper 0.04-0.06. Study design: 40 extracted human teeth were sterilized, and then inoculated with Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212). After 6 day incubation time the root canals were prepared by hand with K-files (n=20) and by engine-driven Mtwo files (VDW, Munich, Germany) (n=20). Irrigation was carried out with 2.5% NaOCl in both cases. Samples were taken and determined in colony forming units (CFU) from the root canals before and after the preparation with instruments #25 and #35. Results: Significant reduction in bacterial count was determined after filing at both groups. The number of bacteria kept on decreasing with the extension of apical preparation diameter. There was no significant difference between the preparation sizes in the bacterial counts after hand or engine-driven instrumentation at the same apical size. Statistical analysis was carried out with Mann-Whitney test, paired t-test and independent sample t-test. Conclusions: Significant reduction in CFU was achieved after the root canal preparation completed with 2.5% NaOCl irrigation, both with stainless steel hand or nickel-titanium rotary files. The root canal remained slightly infected after chemo mechanical preparation in both groups

    Értékrendszer, életminőség, egészségi állapot = Value system, quality of life, health state

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    Projektünk célja az "egészség eredetének" kutatása egészség- és értékszociológiai eszközök integrálásával. Baranya megyei lakossági mintán egészségi kritériumok alapján validáltuk az Antonovsky-féle koherencia skálát (SOC), majd megvizsgáltuk ennek prediktívitását az általánosabb well-being mutatókra. Eredményeink a SOC-változó prediktiv erejét tanúsítják minden egészség-mutatóra, és a well-being (kognitív elégedettség, affektív boldogság) kritérium-adataival szembesítve. Attitűdinális és értékrendszeri tartalmait explorálva azt találtuk, hogy a SOC mélyebb rétegeiben a vállalkozói attitűdnek is részét képező személyes felelősségvállalási készség található, míg értékrendszeri magvában dominánsan az integratív Maitreyan, a proaktív Promethean és a kölcsönös social supportot ápoló Christian érvényesülnek. A három kulcsfogalom közötti interdependenciák elemzése megerősíti az "értékrendszer-életminőség-egészségi állapot" kauzálstruktúrális modell érvényességét. Elkészítettük és validáltuk a SOC-skála 6-itemes változatát, amelyet egy nemzetközi kutatásban hasznosítunk. Kidolgozott eljárásaink további alkalmazást nyertek a PTE fiatalok körében végzett "wellness" kutatásában. | Our project's aim is to research the 'origin of health' while integrating health- and value-sociological devices. On a population sample from county Baranya, we validated Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scale based on health criteria, (self-evaluation of health status, vegetative symptoms of lability, chronic illnesses and the so-called EDEC scale developed from these). Then we examined their predictivity in the case of more general indicators of well-being. Our results testify to the predictive power of the SOC variable in every health-indicator. We could also register its strong prediction concerning the criteria of well-being (cognitive satisfaction, affective happiness scales). Exploring its attitude and value system contents in deeper SOC levels, we found present a readiness to take personal responsibility, which also forms part of the entrepreneurial attitude, whereas in its value system core, the integrative Maitreyan, the proactive Promethean and the Christian maintenance of mutual support predominate. The analysis of interdependence among the three key concepts affirms the validity of the 'value system-life quality-health status' causal-structural model. We completed and validated a six-item variation of the SOC scale, which we will utilize in an international research. Our imple-mented procedures gained a further application in a Pécs University research of 'wellness' among young people