7 research outputs found

    Perceptions et Practiques en Matiere de Contraception dans une Communaute Urbaine de la Ville d’Abidjan (Cote d’ Ivore)

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    Introduction : L’utilisation efficace de la contraception dépend de l’attitude des utilisatrices à l’égard de celle-ci. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les perceptions et pratiques en matière de contraception en milieu urbain. Matériel et Méthodes : Une étude transversale descriptive mixte a été réalisée au quartier Dallas, dans la commune d'Adjamé, auprès de femmes en âge de reproduction, d'hommes et de chefs religieux. L'aspect quantitatif a eu lieu du 5 mai au 4 juin 2018, tandis que l'aspect qualitatif a eu lieu du 5 juin au 4 juillet. De plus, des données quantitatives et qualitatives ont été saisies et analysées à l'aide du logiciel Epi info 6.1. Après l'enregistrement et la transcription, une analyse du contenu a été effectuée. Résultats :Troiscent femmes ont été sélectionnées pour l’enquête quantitative et 29 personnes ont participé à l’enquête qualitative. L’âge moyen des femmes était de 29,4 ±9,1 ans. Cent trente-deux femmes n’avaient pas abordé le sujet de la contraception avec leur partenaire. Les principales raisons étaient le désintérêt de la femme pour le sujet et l’ignorance. Soixante-deux femmes pensaient que la contraception était une pratique non bénéfique pour la santé. Les raisons pour lesquelles les femmes désapprouvaient la contraception étaient le rejet et les maladies. Les méthodes modernes étaient les plus utilisées. Conclusion : Les campagnes de sensibilisation et d’information au niveau communautaire peuvent permettre aux femmes et aux hommes d’avoir des attitudes adéquates vis à vis de la contraception moderne. Introduction: The effective use of contraceptive depends on user's attitudes towards contraception. This paper focuses on determining the perceptions and practices of contraception in urban areas. Material and Methods: A mixed descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Dallas, district of Adjamé, among women of reproductive age, men, and religious leaders. The quantitative aspect took place from May 5th to June 4th, 2018, while the qualitative aspect took place from June 5th to July 4th. Also, quantitative and qualitative data were captured and analyzed using Epi info software. After recording and transcription, a content analysis was carried out. Results: Three hundred women were selected for the quantitative survey, and 29 people participated in the qualitative survey. The average age of the women was 29.4 ± 9.1 years. Among them, one hundred and thirty-two women had not discussed contraception with their partners. The main reasons were theirignorance and lack of interest in the subject. In addition, sixty-two women thought that contraception was a non-healthy practice. The main reason for their disapproval was rejection and disease. Moreover, modern methods were the most widely used. Conclusion: Awareness and information campaigns at the community level can help women and men to develop appropriate attitudes towards modern contraception

    Human rabies in CĂ´te d'Ivoire 2014-2016: Results following reinforcements to rabies surveillance.

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    In Côte d'Ivoire, rabies is endemic and remains largely uncontrolled. The numbers of human exposures and rabies cases are unknown and are probably much higher than reported. Data on human rabies cases are collected by the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) Anti-rabies Center in Abidjan through a network of 28 NIPH local units, which cover the population of the entire country. During 2014, the NIPH initiated a program to reinforce the human rabies surveillance system in those 28 NIPH local units, with specific goals of improving the infrastructure, training, communication, and government involvement. Here, we report the progress and findings during 2014-2016. The reinforced system recorded 50 cases of human rabies (15-18 cases/year; annual incidence = 0.06-0.08 per 100,000) and more than 30,000 animal exposures (annual incidence = 41.8-48.0 per 100,000). Almost one-half of the human rabies cases were in children ≤15 years old. All were fatal and dog bites were the most common route by which rabies virus was transmitted. In the 32 cases where samples of sufficient quality for analysis were available, rabies was confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR. Post-exposure prophylaxis with rabies vaccine was administered to all animal exposure victims presenting at the NIPH local units, although only about 57% completed the full immunization schedule. All available reports were provided by the NIPH local units, indicating effective communication between them and the NIPH Anti-rabies Center. These findings indicate that the reinforcements resulted in highly specific detection of human rabies, provided detailed epidemiological data about these cases, and improved estimates of animal exposure numbers. These represent substantial advances, but further improvements to the surveillance system are needed to increase disease awareness and capture cases that are currently missed by the system. In the future, better communication between local health centers and the NIPH units, surveillance at the local health center level, and increased veterinarian engagement will help provide a more complete picture of the rabies burden in Côte d'Ivoire

    Characteristics and epidemiological profile of Buruli ulcer in the district of Tiassalé, south Côte d'Ivoire

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is a cutaneous infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. It is the third most common mycobacterial disease in the world in the immunocompetent patient and second in Côte d'Ivoire after tuberculosis. This study aimed to assess the characteristics and epidemiological profile of BU in the district of Tiassalé, an important focus of the disease in south Côte d'Ivoire, in order to better direct actions for prevention and control. Retrospective clinical data of BU cases in the period 2005-2010 from all 19 district health centres were collected and linked with geographical and environmental survey data. A total of 1145 cases of BU were recorded between 2005 and 2010 in the district of Tiassalé. Children under the age of 15 years were the most affected (53.0%) with a higher prevalence among males compared to females (54.7% versus 45.3%). Among individuals aged 15-49 years, females had a higher prevalence than males (54.2% versus 45.8%). The villages of Ahondo, Léléblé and Taabo, located in close proximity to the man-made Lake Taabo that was constructed in the late 1970s by damming the Bandama River, and the village of Sokrogbo located downstream of the dam, showed the highest BU rates in the sub-prefecture of Taabo. In the sub-prefecture of Tiassalé, the villages of Affikro, Morokro and N'Zianouan, located near N'Zi River, a tributary of the Bandama River, were the most affected. The distribution of BU is associated with environmental patterns (i.e. distance between village and Lake Taabo or Bandama River and its tributary N'Zi River). Awareness campaigns, coupled with early diagnosis and improved clinical management of BU, have been implemented in the district of Tiassalé and the incidence of BU has declined

    Malnutrition chronique chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans au nord de la CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    The malnutrition of children under five years of age constitutes a major public health problem in most developing countries. A cross-section study was carried in 2003 in the northern part of Cote d'lvoire to determine the prevalence of chronic malnutrition and to identify risk factors among children under five years of age living in urban and rural areas of the northern part of Cote d'lvoire. A total of 292 and 268 children under five years of age residing respectively in urban and rural areas were included in the study. Their median age was 24 months. Chronic malnutrition was more frequent in children from rural areas (39,9%) than in those living in urban areas (16,7%). Malnutrition was significantly associated with the type of food consumed by children under two years of age in urban areas, and it was strongly linked to emaciation of the mother and presence of childhood fever In rural areas. In light of these results, we advocate a healthy diet and adequate health status for the mother and child to Improve the nutritional status of children. Moreover, these results need to be completed and complemented by further studies for more detailed information to contribute to a better definition of actions to fight efficiently against malnutrition among children of the northern part of Cote d'lvoire.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe