38 research outputs found
Az endoszkópos papillotomia hosszú távú következményei
Endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopancreatographia (ERCP) során gyakran kerül sor a Vater-papilla endoszkópos
átmetszésére, a sphincterotomiára, rendszerint epeúti kő eltávolítása vagy sztent behelyezése
előtt. A papillotomia a záróizom szabályozó és barrier funkciójának végleges elvesztésével jár. A jól
ismert rövid távú szövődmények mellett a hosszú távon tapasztalható hátrányos hatások is figyelmet
érdemelnek. A visszatérő epeúti kövek nagyarányú előfordulása mellett ilyen az epehólyag-gyulladás
gyakori újrafellépése, ha az epehólyagot röviddel a papillotomia után nem távolítják el. Ezen hosszú távú
szövődmények egyetlen rizikófaktora a pneumobilia megléte. Ez azonban csak a betegek kisebb részét
érinti, mivel jelenleg ezekben az esetekben az epeúti kőeltávolítás után a köves epehólyag korai sebészi
eltávolítása a kezelési stratégia.
Azokban az esetekben, ahol az endoszkópos papillotomia elkerülhető (pl. 8 mm-nél kisebb epeúti kövek
eltávolítása esetén), ott érdemes a sphincter funkciójának megőrzése, hogy a kései negatív következmények
(visszatérő cholecystitis bent maradt epehólyag esetén, epeúti kőrecidíva, összes adverz esemény)
esélyét csökkentsük. A teljesen fedetlen vagy részben fedett öntáguló epeúti fémsztentek, vagy
egyszeres műanyag sztent behelyezése előtt a rutinszerű papillotomia kerülendő, kivéve a posztoperatív
epecsorgás esetét, ahol a papillotomiát követő műanyag sztent behelyezése kevesebb poszt-ERCP pancreatitisszel
jár, mint a papillotomia nélküli
Mesenterialis panniculitistől akut hasig = From mesenteric panniculitis to acute abdomen
Az akut hasi kórképek differenciáldiagnosztikájában alapvető a képalkotó vizsgálatok szerepe, de a vizsgálómódszerek korlátai a kórkép felismerését nehezíthetik. Két, kezdetben mesenterialis panniculitis miatt Osztályunkra felvételre került, középkorú férfi beteg esetének ismertetésén keresztül kívánjuk felhívni a figyelmet a mesenterialis panniculitis, mint radiológiai véleményekben nem ritkán megjelenő diagnózis mögött esetlegesen fennálló súlyosabb, életveszélyes kórképek lehetőségére. Első betegünk esetében vena mesenterica trombózis, második betegünknél pedig több, hasi eret érintő szűkület igazolódott az akut has hátterében. A klinikummal nem egyező képalkotó vizsgálatok eredménye esetén a radiológiai leletek revíziója feltétlenül indokolt
Diagnosis and treatment in chronic pancreatitis: an international survey and case vignette study
BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to evaluate the current opinion and clinical decision-making process of international pancreatologists, and to systematically identify key study questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis (CP) for future research. METHODS: An online survey, including questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of CP and several controversial clinical case vignettes, was send by e-mail to members of various international pancreatic associations: IHPBA, APA, EPC, ESGE and DPSG. RESULTS: A total of 288 pancreatologists, 56% surgeons and 44% gastroenterologists, from at least 47 countries, participated in the survey. About half (48%) of the specialists used a classification tool for the diagnosis of CP, including the Mayo Clinic (28%), Mannheim (25%), or Buchler (25%) tools. Overall, CT was the preferred imaging modality for evaluation of an enlarged pancreatic head (59%), pseudocyst (55%), calcifications (75%), and peripancreatic fat infiltration (68%). MRI was preferred for assessment of main pancreatic duct (MPD) abnormalities (60%). Total pancreatectomy with auto-islet transplantation was the preferred treatment in patients with parenchymal calcifications without MPD abnormalities and in patients with refractory pain despite maximal medical, endoscopic, and surgical treatment. In patients with an enlarged pancreatic head, 58% preferred initial surgery (PPPD) versus 42% initial endoscopy. In patients with a dilated MPD and intraductal stones 56% preferred initial endoscopic +/- ESWL treatment and 29% preferred initial surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: Worldwide, clinical decision-making in CP is largely based on local expertise, beliefs and disbeliefs. Further development of evidence-based guidelines based on well designed (randomized) studies is strongly encouraged
Performance measures for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound: A European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Quality Improvement Initiative
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and United European Gastroenterology present a short list of key performance measures for endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). We recommend that endoscopy services across Europe adopt the following seven key and one minor performance measures for EUS and ERCP, for measurement and evaluation in daily practice at centre and endoscopist level: 1 Adequate antibiotic prophylaxis before ERCP (key performance measure, at least 90%); 2 antibiotic prophylaxis before EUS-guided puncture of cystic lesions (key performance measure, at least 95%); 3 bile duct cannulation rate (key performance measure, at least 90%); 4 tissue sampling during EUS (key performance measure, at least 85%); 5 appropriate stent placement in patients with biliary obstruction below the hilum (key performance measure, at least 95%); 6 bile duct stone extraction (key performance measure, at least 90%); 7 post-ERCP pancreatitis (key performance measure, less than 10%); and 8 adequate documentation of EUS landmarks (minor performance measure, at least 90%). This present list of quality performance measures for ERCP and EUS recommended by the ESGE should not be considered to be exhaustive; it might be extended in future to address further clinical and scientific issues
Epeút- és epehólyag-gyulladás: diagnosztikus kritériumok és terápia
In developed countries, diseases of the gallbladder and the biliary tract count as some of the most frequent gastrointestinal disorders. The inflammation of the gallbladder/biliary tree is a potentially severe, even lethal condition that requires rapid diagnosis and early multidisciplinary approach to be treated. Although the frequency of these diseases is high, the treatment is not unified in Hungary yet. The aim of the evidence-based recommendation is to clarify the diagnostic criteria and severity grading of these diseases and to highlight the indications and rules of proper application of the numerous available therapeutic interventions. The recent guideline is based on the consensus of the Board members of the Endoscopic Section of the Hungarian Gastroenterology Society in contribution with renown experts of surgery, infectology as well as interventional radiology and it counts as a clear and easy applicable guide during the all-day healthcare practice. Our guidelines are based on Tokyo guidelines established on the basis of the consensus reached in the International Consensus Meeting held in Tokyo which were revised in 2013 (TG13) and in 2018 (TG18). Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(20): 770-787
Heveny gastrointestinalis vérzések ellátása = Management of acute gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding has a profound impact on public health due to its high prevalence and severity. With the elderly population taking more anticoagulants/antiaggregants/non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the digestive bleeding will certainly raise more and more challenges in quantity as well as in severity for the public healthcare system. The emergency medicine specialists and gastroenterologists have a central role in the management of patients presenting with gastrointestinal bleeding. In certain cases, radiologists, invasive radiologists, intensive care specialists and surgeons should also be involved in the decision making process and management of patients. Therefore, Hungarian experts felt the need to elaborate a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, practical local guideline reflecting the frequently arisen aspects based on current international guidelines. This guideline proposal covers topics of basic requirements, initial assessment of patients, risk evaluation, laboratory tests, hemodynamic resuscitation in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding followed by its consecutive steps of diagnosis and therapy sorted by location of the source of the hemorrhage. The authors give practical instructions for unsuccessful hemostasis or rebleeding. Finally, the role of surgery is also summarized in the management of gastrointestinal bleeding. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(30): 1231-1242