112 research outputs found

    Estevarapinnan alapuolisen metsikön käsittelyohjelman optimointi

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    Työttömyyden kustannukset 1990-luvun Suomessa

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    Teollisen internetin mahdollistamat uudet liiketoimintamallit sähkösuunnittelualalla

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    The objective for this thesis was to investigate the current state of Internet of Things in general and in building services and how the development of IoT will impact electrical engineering and what new business opportunities might arise from it. The Internet of Things is the idea of connecting everything and analysing the data these things generate in order to make more informed decisions or automate monotonous tasks. There are many companies researching and developing IoT applications on all levels from electronics manufacturers to software developers, creating IoT platforms for their customers to use. There are many challenges with IoT in building services, for example how to handle big data, privacy and security concerns, the diversity of protocols etc. Many of the current lighting and HVAC control systems will become obsolete with IoT systems since they are based on inferior technology and require independent cabling and control systems. The integration of these systems will change the role of the electrical engineer to a point where automation design, traditionally with emphasis on HVAC control, will become more focused on electrical systems, and is thus more convenient to include with electrical engineering than HVAC engineering. Electrical engineering firms must build reliable partner ecosystems in order to succeed with IoT adaption due to the complexity of these systems. The introduction of a data engineer in the building services team is currently not possible but should be investigated since the data from sensors and devices is going to grow exponentially in the coming years.Tämän työn tarkoitus oli kartoittaa teollisen internetin tämänhetkinen tilanne pääasiassa talotekniikan kannalta. Tutkimme miten teollinen internet tulee muuttamaan sähkösuunnittelualaa ja mitä uusia liiketoimintamalleja se tuo tullessaan. Teollisella internetillä tarkoitetaan laitteita ja esineitä jotka ovat kytkettynä yhteen internetin välityksellä. Nämä laitteet tuottavat dataa joka kerätään ja analysoidaan jotta yritysten päätöksentekoja voidaan tukea paremmilla analyyseilla. Järjestelmällä voidaan myös helpottaa ihmisten jokapäiväistä elämää automatisoimalla yksinkertaisia tehtäviä. Monet suuryritykset, prosessorivalmistajista ohjelmistotaloihin, tutkivat ja kehittävät teollisen internetin järjestelmiä ja alustoja heidän asiakkailleen käytettäväksi. Teollisen internetin käyttöönotossa talotekniikassa on vielä haasteita, esimerkiksi suuren datan käsittely, yksityisyys ja turvallisuushuolet, yhteisen rajapinnan ja protokollien puute jne. Monet nykyiset valaistus- ja LVI-ohjausjärjestelmät tulevat tulevaisuudessa menettämään asemansa teollisen internetin tarjoamien etujen myötä. Vanhentunut tekniikka ja järjestelmäkohtainen kaapelointi tulevat poistumaan. Järjestelmien integrointi tulee muuttamaan automaatiosuunnittelijan roolia palvelemaan enemmän sähkötekniikkaa LVI-tekniikan sijaan, kuten tilanne on tänä päivänä. Tulevaisuudessa automaatiosuunnittelijan on järkeä olla tiiviimmässä yhteistyössä sähkösuunnittelijan kanssa, jopa samassa toimistossa. Sähkösuunnittelutoimistojen tulee rakentaa uusia luotettavia suhteita muiden teollisen internetin sidosryhmien kanssa, koska uusi ajattelutapa on liian suuri kokonaisuus yhden henkilön tai toimiston hallittavaksi. Suunnittelijaryhmään voisi tulevaisuudessa sijoittaa erillisen data-suunnittelijan suuren datamäärän takia. Datamäärä tulee kasvamaan eksponentiaalisesti teollisen internetin myötä

    Täystyöllisyyden keinot hidastuvan kasvun oloissa

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    Artikkelissa selvitetään mahdollisuutta täystyöllisyyden saavuttamiseen konkretisoituna koskemaan Suomea. Taustaksi otetaan jatkuvasti ajankohtainen 60 vuoden takainen Arthur Okunin artikkeli kasvun, työllisyyden ja työttömyyden yhteydestä. Voidaanko tätä yhteyttä muuttaa siten, että olisi edettävissä täystyöllisyyteen  silloinkin, kun talouskasvu ei ole tämän kannalta yksistään riittävää? Tässä nostetaan esiin eräitä keinolinjauksia samalla haastaen tutkijayhteisöä esittämään ja tutkimaan näitä ja muita keinoja. Täystyöllisyysaiheen ajankohtaisuus korostuu haettaessa ratkaisuja väestön ikääntymisen ja julkisen velan hallintaan. Maahanmuuttokysymys rajataan tästä tarkastelusta sen tärkeydestä huolimatta

    Clinical frailty and outcome after mechanical thrombectomy for stroke in patients aged > 80 years

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    Objectives: Data concerning the results of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) in old patients is still limited. We aimed to investigate the outcomes in thrombectomytreated ischemic stroke patients aged > 80 years, focusing on frailty as a contributing factor. Patients and methods: We performed a single-centre retrospective cohort study with 159 consecutive patients aged > 80 years and treated with EVT for acute ischemic stroke between January 1st 2016 and December 31st 2019. Pre-admission frailty was assessed with the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Patients with CFS > 5 were defined as frail. The main outcome was very poor outcome defined as mRS 46 at three months after EVT. Secondary outcomes were recanalization status, symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage (sICH), and one-year survival. Finally, we recorded if the patient returned home within 12 months. Results: Very poor outcome was observed in 57.9% of all patients (52.4% in non-frail and 79.4% in frail patients). Rates of recanalization and sICH were comparable in frail and non-frail patients. Of all patients, 46.5% were able to live at home within 1 year after stroke. One-year survival was 59.1% (65.6% in non-frail and 35.3% in frail patients). In logistic regression analysis higher admission NIHSS, not performing thrombolysis, lack of recanalization and higher frailty status were all independently associated with very poor three-month outcome. Factors associated with one-year mortality were male gender, not performing thrombolysis, sICH, and higher frailty status. Conclusion: Almost 60% of studied patients had very poor outcome. Frailty significantly increases the likelihood of very poor outcome and death after EVT-treated stroke.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Peer reviewe

    Lainsäädännön työllisyysvaikutusten arviointi ja taloudelliset vaikutukset

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    Serum fibroblast growth factor 21 levels after out of hospital cardiac arrest are associated with neurological outcome

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    Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21 is a marker associated with mitochondrial and cellular stress. Cardiac arrest causes mitochondrial stress, and we tested if FGF 21 would reflect the severity of hypoxia-reperfusion injury after cardiac arrest. We measured serum concentrations of FGF 21 in 112 patients on ICU admission and 24, 48 and 72 h after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with shockable initial rhythm included in the COMACARE study (NCT02698917). All patients received targeted temperature management for 24 h. We defined 6-month cerebral performance category 1-2 as good and 3-5 as poor neurological outcome. We used samples from 40 non-critically ill emergency room patients as controls. We assessed group differences with the Mann Whitney U test and temporal differences with linear modeling with restricted maximum likelihood estimation. We used multivariate logistic regression to assess the independent predictive value of FGF 21 concentration for neurologic outcome. The median (inter-quartile range, IQR) FGF 21 concentration was 0.25 (0.094-0.91) ng/ml in controls, 0.79 (0.37-1.6) ng/ml in patients at ICU admission (PPeer reviewe

    Large-scale spatial synchrony in red squirrel populations driven by a bottom-up effect

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    Spatial synchrony between populations emerges from endogenous and exogenous processes, such as intra- and interspecific interactions and abiotic factors. Understanding factors contributing to synchronous population dynamics help to better understand what determines abundance of a species. This study focuses on spatial and temporal dynamics in the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) using snow-track data from Finland from 29 years. We disentangled the effects of bottom-up and top-down forces as well as environmental factors on population dynamics with a spatiotemporally explicit Bayesian hierarchical approach. We found red squirrel abundance to be positively associated with both the abundance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) cones and the predators, the pine marten (Martes martes) and the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), probably due to shared habitat preferences. The results suggest that red squirrel populations are synchronized over remarkably large distances, on a scale of hundreds of kilometres, and that this synchrony is mainly driven by similarly spatially autocorrelated spruce cone crop. Our research demonstrates how a bottom-up effect can drive spatial synchrony in consumer populations on a very large scale of hundreds of kilometres, and also how an explicit spatiotemporal approach can improve model performance for fluctuating populations.Peer reviewe

    Fishing-induced versus natural selection in different brown trout (Salmo trutta) strains

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    Wild, adfluvial brown trout (Salmo trutta) are iconic targets in recreational fisheries but also endangered in many native locations. We compared how fishing and natural selection affect the fitness-proxies of brown trout from two pure angling-selected strains and experimental crosses between an adfluvial, hatchery-bred strain and three wild, resident strains. We exposed age 1+ parr to predation risk under controlled conditions where their behaviour was monitored with PIT-telemetry, and stocked age 2+ fish in two natural lakes for experimental fishing. Predation mortality (16% of the fish) was negatively size-dependent, while capture probability, also reflecting survival, in the lakes (38.9% of the fish) was positively length- and condition- dependent. Angling-induced selection against low boldness and slow growth rates relative to gillnet fishing indicated gear-dependent potential for fisheries-induced evolution in behaviours and life-histories. Offspring of wild, resident fish showed slower growth rates than the crossbred strains. Strain effects suggested significant heritable scope for artificial selection on life-history traits and demonstrated that choices of fish supplementation by stocking may override the genetic effects induced by angling.Peer reviewe

    Is infarct core growth linear? Infarct volume estimation by computed tomography perfusion imaging

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    Objectives Current guidelines for recanalization treatment are based on the time elapsed between symptom onset and treatment and visualization of existing penumbra in computed tomography perfusion (CTP) imaging. The time window for treatment options relies on linear growth of infarction although individual infarct growth rate may vary. We aimed to test how accurately the estimated follow-up infarct volume (eFIV) can be approximated by using a linear growth model based on CTP baseline imaging. If eFIV did not fall within the margins of +/- 19% of the follow-up infarct volume (FIV) measured at 24 h from non-enhanced computed tomography images, the results would imply that the infarct growth is not linear. Materials and Methods All consecutive endovascularly treated (EVT) patients from 11/2015 to 9/2019 at the Helsinki University Hospital with large vessel occlusion (LVO), CTP imaging, and known time of symptom onset were included. Infarct growth rate was assumed to be linear and calculated by dividing the ischemic core volume (CTPcore) by the time from symptom onset to baseline imaging. eFIV was calculated by multiplying the infarct growth rate with the time from baseline imaging to recanalization or in case of futile recanalization to follow-up imaging at 24 h, limited to the penumbra. Collateral flow was estimated by calculating hypoperfusion intensity ratio (HIR). Results Of 5234 patients, 48 had LVO, EVT, CTP imaging, and known time of symptom onset. In 40/48 patients (87%), infarct growth was not linear. HIR did not differ between patients with linear and nonlinear growth (p > .05). As expected, in over half of the patients with successful recanalization eFIV exceeded FIV. Conclusions Infarct growth was not linear in most patients and thus time elapsed from symptom onset and CTPcore appear to be insufficient parameters for clinical decision-making in EVT candidates.Peer reviewe