36 research outputs found

    Effect of bead overlapping on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrWC alloy coatings

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    In order to protect industrial components, cobalt base alloys are applied as hardfacing material through welding techniques. A large number of papers have shown that controlling the chemical composition is a key point regarding the wear and corrosion resistance of coatings. This paper investigated the effect of bead overlapping on the microstructure and properties of CoCrWC alloy coatings. Mechanical properties were determined by hardness, sliding wear and microtensile tests. Bead overlapping reduces dilution during the previous bead melting, which in turn induces lower iron content. From the second bead on, an increase in the amount of interdendritic carbides and solid solution alloying was verified, accounting for the higher mechanical properties of the coatings

    Effect of ageing time on the toughness and the corrosion properties of duplex stainless steel UNS S31803

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    Duplex stainless steels are materials with high mechanical strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance, properties that make them rather appealing for the application on chemical and petrochemical industries. However, the exposure of such materials to high temperatures promotes the precipitation of deleterious intermetallic phases that cause significant damage to the mechanical and corrosion properties of these materials. In this study, the UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel received a thermal treatment at a temperature of 830 °C for 30, 90, and 180 minutes. After the treatment, the precipitates were characterized by backscattered electrons (BSE) and chemical composition mapping, and the properties of impact toughness were assessed by Charpy V-notch test for the different treatment conditions. The corrosion resistance properties were assessed by cyclic potentiodynamic polarization study. The thermal treatments at 830 °C resulted in a considerable reduction of impact toughness, and the corrosion resistance was also reduced in longer treatment times along with the loss of the passivation ability of the materials treated

    Tribological properties of amorphous carbon films obtained by electrodeposition from DMF using 2HEAL protic ionic liquid as dopant

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    Amorphous carbon films are widely used for improving the surface mechanical properties of metallic materials, substantially increasing the wear resistance [1,2]. Traditionally this type of film is obtained by vapor phase methods, which, in spite of being in a high technical and scientific development level have been associated with a number of limitations, in particular with regards to the implementation cost and large film production. In this context, electrodeposition shows itself as an alternative to traditional methods: it has low cost and limits the use of complex techniques, which generally require high temperatures and vacuum and cannot be applied for coating on substrate with complex shapes and large dimensions. It is true that the electrodeposition of carbon films also has experimental limitations, such as the limited deposition rate and, therefore, the aim of this work is to investigate the influence of the ionic liquid 2 HydroxyEthylAmine Lactate (2HEAL) in obtaining amorphous carbon films. An improvement in deposition rate by increasing electrolyte conductivity with the addition of ionic liquid is expected. This work is meant to investigate the changes occurring in the films with the addition of ionic liquid, especially from the standpoint of surface mechanical properties such as tribological behavior and interfacial properties. The results show that the addition of the ionic liquid led to change in the structure of the film, resulting in an improvement in the mechanical properties, as observed by reduced friction coefficient. An increase of abraded area of counterface and an increase of elastic work also indicates that behavior. Novelty statement The aim of this study was to obtain carbon films by electrodeposition using 2-HydroxyEthylAmine Lactate doped N,N DiMethylFormamide as electrolyte, in order to increase deposition rate. It will be the first report about the use of ionic liquids as dopants in the electrodeposition of carbon films. In addition, mechanical properties of the obtained films were evaluated and their relationship with the amounts of dopant was explored

    Electrodeposition of diamond-like carbon films on titanium alloy using organic liquids: Corrosion and wear resistance

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    AbstractDiamond-like carbon (DLC) films have been studied as coatings for corrosion protection and wear resistance because they have excellent chemical inertness in traditional corrosive environments, besides presenting a significant reduction in coefficient of friction. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films obtained by electrochemical deposition techniques have attracted a lot of interest, regarding their potential in relation to the vapor phase deposition techniques. The electrochemical deposition techniques are carried out at room temperature and do not need vacuum system, making easier this way the technological transfer. At high electric fields, the organic molecules polarize and react on the electrode surface, forming carbon films. The aim of this work was to obtain DLC films onto Ti6Al4V substrate using as electrolyte: acetonitrile (ACN) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). The films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization and wear tests. The results show that these films can improve, significantly, the corrosion resistance of titanium and its alloys and their wear resistance

    The synergistic effect of an imidazolium salt and benzotriazole on the protection of bronze surfaces with chitosan-based coatings

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    Abstract The class of imidazolium salts contains effective anticorrosion additives for metal substrates. This study evaluated the potential of 1-carboxymethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (HO 2 CC 1 MImNTf 2 ) for application in cultural heritage, exploring it as anticorrosion additive in chitosan-based coatings for the protection of copper-based alloys. Under accelerated corrosion conditions with HCl vapor, the chitosan coating with HO 2 CC 1 MImNTf 2 was less effective than the one with benzotriazole. The coating with a combination of HO 2 CC 1 MImNTf 2 and benzotriazole resulted in the optimal protective efficacy of the bronze surface, and it also maintained high transparency without changing the bronze appearance

    Eletrodeposição de filmes de carbono sobre a liga de titânio Ti6Al4V : influência da adição do líquido iônico prótico lactato de 2 hidroxietanolamina ao eletrólito de N,N-Dimetilformamida

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    É sabido que filmes de carbono são excelentes alternativas para aumentar a resistência ao desgaste e/ou aumento das propriedades lubrificantes de ligas metálicas. Geralmente, os filmes de carbono são obtidos por processos em fase de vapor. No entanto, estes processos têm certas limitações de implementação e representam grandes investimentos. A eletrodeposição é na maior parte das vezes uma alternativa industrial atraente, principalmente por causa de seu baixo custo operacional, mas, no caso específico da deposição de filmes de carbono produzidos por eletrodeposição em meio orgânico, as taxas de deposição são muito baixas, o que gera uma limitação que requer um estudo aprofundado sobre eletrólitos com maior condutividade iônica. A adição dos líquidos iônicos, como eletrólito suporte, num eletrólito orgânico pode contribuir para um aumento na condutividade do mesmo e permitir o aumento da taxa de deposição. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da adição de um líquido iônico prótico, o lactato de 2-hydroxietanolamina (2HEAL), em um eletrólito orgânico, a N,N-dimetilformamida (DMF), sobre as características dos filmes de carbono depositados por eletrodeposição em um substrato de liga de titânio Ti6Al4V. Observou-se que a adição de líquido iônico, em uma solução de DMF aumenta, efetivamente, a condutividade do eletrólito e acarreta a geração de maiores densidades de corrente de deposição e, consequentemente, taxas de deposição mais elevadas, originando filmes com maiores espessuras de camada. Também foi demonstrado que a concentração de líquido iônico no eletrólito influencia fortemente a estrutura e a morfologia superficial dos filmes de carbono depositados, com um aumento na quantidade de hibridizações sp³. A presença de carbono na superfície da liga de titânio, contribui para uma melhoria significativa da sua resistência ao desgaste em comparação com os filmes produzidos sem a adição de líquidos iônicos.Il est généralement admis que les films à base de carbone constituent d'excellentes alternatives pour augmenter la résistance à l'usure et/ou accroître les propriétés lubrifiantes des alliages métalliques. Communément, les films de carbone sont obtenus par des procédés en phase vapeur. Cependant, ces procédés présentent certaines contraintes de mise en oeuvre et représentent des investissements lourds. L’électrodéposition est, dans la plupart des développements industriels, une alternative très intéressante en raison principalement de son faible coût d’exploitation. Mais dans le cas spécifique de l’élaboration de films de carbone obtenus par électrodéposition en milieu organique, les faibles vitesses de dépôt semblent une limitation qui nécessite de mener des recherches sur des électrolytes à plus forte conductivité ionique. L'addition de liquides ioniques, comme électrolyte support, dans un électrolyte organique pourrait contribuer à une augmentation de la conductivité de celui-ci et permettre un accroissement de la vitesse de dépôt. Dans ce contexte, le présent travail a pour but d’évaluer l'effet de l’addition d’un liquide ionique protique, le Lactate de 2-HydroxyEthanolAmine (2HEAL), à un électrolyte organique, le N,N-DiMéthylFormamide (DMF),sur les caractéristiques de films de carbone déposés par électrodéposition sur un substrat en alliage de titane Ti6Al4V. Nous montrons que l'addition de liquide ionique dans une solution de DMF augmente en effet la conductivité des électrolytes en permettant d’appliquer des densités de courant plus élevées et d’atteindre des vitesses et épaisseurs de dépôt élevées. Nous mettons également en évidence que la concentration en liquide ionique dans l’électrolyte influence fortement la morphologie de surface des dépôts et la structure du film de carbone déposé avec une augmentation de la teneur d’atomes de carbone hybridés sp³. Le film carboné à la surface de l’alliage de titane obtenue par cette voie présente une amélioration significative de la résistance à l'usure tant par rapport aux films obtenus sans addition de liquides ioniques que par rapport au substrat non revêtu.It is generally accepted that carbon films are excellent alternatives for increasing the wear resistance and/or increasing the lubricating properties of metal alloys. Commonly, the carbon films are obtained by vapor phase processes. However, these processes have certain limitations of implementation and represent large investments. The electrodeposition is in most industrial development an attractive alternative mainly because of its low operating cost, but in the specific case of the carbon film deposition by electrodeposition in an organic medium, low deposition rates seem a limitation that requires research on electrolytes with higher ionic conductivity. The addition of ionic liquids, as a support electrolyte, in an organic electrolyte may contribute to an increase in the conductivity thereof and allows an increase of the deposition rate. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the effect of adding a protic ionic liquid, 2-HydroxyEthanolAmine Lactate (2HEAL), in an organic electrolyte, N,N-DiMethylFormamide (DMF), on the characteristics of obtained carbon films electrodeposited on a substrate of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. It was indeed observed that the addition of ionic liquid in a DMF solution increases the conductivity of the electrolyte and allows the application of higher current densities leading to higher deposition rate and higher film thicknesses. It was also demonstrated that the ionic liquid concentration in the electrolyte strongly influences the surface structure and the morphology of the deposited carbon film with a relative increase in amount of sp³-hybridized carbon atoms. The presence of the carbonaceous film at the surface of the titanium alloy contributes to a significant improvement in its wear resistance to wear compared to films produced without the addition of ionic liquids or compared to the bare substrate

    Obtenção de filmes finos de YSZ sobre substrato poroso de LSM a partir da técnica de spray pirólise

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    Este trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para a obtenção de filmes finos de YSZ, utilizando a técnica de spray pirólise sobre substrato poroso de LSM, mapeando os parâmetros operacionais da técnica, em especial a temperatura do substrato, com o intuito de avaliar as diferentes morfologias obtidas. Sabe-se que a técnica de spray pirólise possibilita a obtenção de filmes com características bastante diversas, desde filmes quebradiços até filmes pulverulentos, passando por filmes densos, os quais são almejados neste trabalho. Para tanto foram testadas três soluções precursoras, compostas de sais de zircônio e ítrio dissolvidos em três diferentes solventes. Variando os parâmetros operacionais e os protocolos de deposição, para cada solução precursora, foi possível definir um sistema de deposição no qual os filmes obtidos mostravam-se densos e homogêneos, possibilitando sua aplicação como eletrólito de células a combustível do tipo óxido sólido. Além disso, a caracterização microestrutural do material obtido, através de difração de raio X e espectroscopia de infravermelho, mostrou a composição de ZrO2 – 8% Y2O3, estabilizada na fase cúbica, sendo esta a fase de interesse na aplicação proposta para os filmes obtidos.The aim of this work was develop a methodology to obtain thin YSZ films, using the spray pyrolysis technique on porous LSM substrate, mapping the operational parameters of the technique, especially the substrate temperature, in order to evaluate the different morphologies obtained. It is known that the spray pyrolysis technique allows obtaining films with different characteristics, from brittle film to powdery films, passing through dense films, which are desired in this work. Therefore, ware tested three precursor solutions composed of zirconium and yttrium salts dissolved in three different solvents. By varying the operating parameters and protocols of deposition for each precursor solution, it was possible to define a deposition in which the films are showed dense and homogeneous, thus allowing its application as electrolyte in solid oxide fuel cell. Moreover, the microstructural characterization of the material obtained through x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy showed the composition of ZrO2 – 8% Y2O3, stabilized in the cubic phase, this phase is interest in the application proposed for the films obtained