516 research outputs found

    O paraíso turístico enquanto forma urbana particular no litoral brasileiro

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    As funções urbanas da costa brasileira são diversificadas conforme novos significados são inseridos nesta parcela do território. A partir de 1950, contribuintes bastante específicos são responsáveis pela ressignificação das zonas de praia enquanto paraísos litorâneos turísticos. A pesquisa investiga a formação das imagens turísticas de paraísos litorâneos brasileiros e os impactos desta nas dinâmicas existentes, utilizando o levantamento de metadados de folksonomia das plataformas colaborativas para discutir a imagética turística, os fluxos e as ações de planejamento turístico. Verifica-se que a ressignificação do termo paraíso denota importantes estratégias de associação das imagens turísticas a valores eternos, funções urbanas e possibilidades de encaminhamento de ações de planejamento urbano e territorial. Palavras-chave: Paraísos litorâneos, urbanização litorânea, turismo, folksonomia

    Sobre monstros, navios fantasmas e ilhas afortunadas:: mitos e discursos fundadores dos paraísos turísticos litorâneos.

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    Tratar da constituição dos paraísos turísticos demanda considerável esforço teórico e metodológico. Isto porque, ao passo que citadas formas urbanas verificam importantes dinâmicas de valorização das zonas à beira-mar, constituídas no modo de produção vigente, também é necessário compreender aspectos referentes às condicionantes culturais e psicológicas que conferem às zonas de praia considerável importância para mais diversas parcelas da sociedade. A discussão objetiva compreender mitos e discursos contribuintes da formação das imagens e materialidades dos paraísos turísticos litorâneos e, para tanto, recorre-se a abordagem materialista e hermenêutica dos escritos e relatos sobre mitos e processos que historicamente constituíram as visões socialmente difundidas sobre os riscos, possibilidades e benefícios de fruição das zonas de praia. Verifica-se que, ao passo que ais visões foram difundidas, não só o termo se modifica, como também a sociedade confere novos significados à zona costeira, agregando tal paisagem ao hall de espaços sagrados da modernidade

    Indicadores não financeiros de avaliação de desempenho : análise de conteúdo em relatórios de administração de empresas do setor bancário

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília,Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais, 2017.Nos últimos tempos, a gestão empresarial passou a utilizar indicadores não financeiros, aliado a indicadores financeiros, na avaliação de desempenho afim de tomar as melhores decisões gerenciais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar quais são as medidas não financeiras de avaliação de desempenho divulgadas pelas empresas do segmento de bancos listadas na BM&FBovespa. Os dados foram coletados no segundo semestre de 2017 por meio da análise de conteúdo dos Relatórios de Administração divulgados no ano de 2017 referentes ao ano de 2016 e a amostra é composta por quatro empresas: Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Itaú e Santander. Foram identificados 517 indicadores, organizados em seis categorias. A categoria “pessoas” teve destaque, com 34,4% dos indicadores, por conta do alto grau de detalhamento do quadro de funcionários. A categoria com menos indicadores identificados foi a “inovação”, com alguns dados da transição do meio físico para o digital. Este trabalho visa contribuir com o meio acadêmico, a fim de alimentar o debate sobre a importância de indicadores não financeiros para a tomada de decisões gerenciais de curto, médio e longo prazo.In recent times, business management has started to use non-financial indicators, combined with financial indicators, in performance evaluation in order to make the best managerial decisions. This paper aimed to identify the non-financial measures of performance evaluation disclosed by the companies of the segment of banks listed on BM & FBovespa. The data were collected in the second half of 2017 through the analysis of the contents of the Management Reports released in 2017 for the year 2016 and the sample is made up of four companies: Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Itaú and Santander. A total of 517 indicators were identified, organized into six categories. The "people" category was highlighted, with 34.4% of the indicators, due to the high degree of detail of the staff. The category with the fewest indicators identified was "innovation", with some data on the transition from physical to digital. This paper aims to contribute to the academic environment in order to feed the debate about the importance of nonfinancial indicators for short, medium and long term managerial decision making

    Unsaturated response of clayey soils stabilised with alkaline cements

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    The influence of suction on the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated chemically stabilised soils is still mostly unknown and unquantified. This is also motivated by the difficulties associated with the experimental procedure required to fully characterise the unsaturated response of the soil, including its direct influence on traditional strength tests. The present paper presents the soil water retention curves obtained for a Portuguese soil before and after being stabilised with Portland cement (OPC) and an alkali-activated cement (AAC). Saturated undrained triaxial tests were also performed for the same curing conditions (0, 28, and 90 days). Previous attempts to characterise the retention curve of soils stabilised with AAC are unknown, and the results showed that the pore volume structure is already formed after 28 days, prior to the full development of the gel matrix responsible for the strength increase between 28 and 90 days. The curve changed after stabilisation, and with each binder, as the OPC presented a higher air-entry value and a narrower suction range compared to the AAC solution. The significant differences between the curves obtained from each binder suggest the future development of a methodology to assess the quality of the AAC stabilisation.ERDF -European Regional Development Fund(undefined

    Data2MV - A user behaviour dataset for multi-view scenarios

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    The Data2MV dataset contains gaze fixation data obtained through experimental procedures from a total of 45 partic- ipants using an Intel RealSense F200 camera module and seven different video playlists. Each of the playlists had an approximate duration of 20 minutes and was viewed at least 17 times, with raw tracking data being recorded with a 0.05 second interval. The Data2MV dataset encompasses a total of 1.0 0 0.845 gaze fixations, gathered across a total of 128 exper- iments. It is also composed of 68.393 image frames, extracted from each of the 6 videos selected for these experiments, and an equal quantity of saliency maps, generated from aggregate fixation data. Software tools to obtain saliency maps and generate complementary plots are also provided as an open- source software package. The Data2MV dataset was publicly released to the research community on Mendeley Data and constitutes an important contribution to reduce the current scarcity of such data, particularly in immersive, multi-view streaming scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    UAV-based doline mapping in Brazilian karst. A cave heritage protection reconnaissance

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    Abstract Dolines are depressions in the soluble ground that indicates the degree of karstification. They may also act as connection points (vulnerability spots) between the surface and underground for the transmission of runoff, sediments, and pollutants. The delineation of these spots (dolines) is a crucial step in environmental management through land use planning to protect the karst underground, which is rich in flora and fauna. This requirement can benefit from a cost-effective, accessible, and non-invasion high-resolution investigation generating digital elevation models (DEMs) from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and automated object detection techniques. This study examines the capabilities of UAV-based DEM in detecting dolines across 50 km2 in the environmentally protected area of river Vermelho (APANRV – Área de Proteção Ambiental das Nascentes do Rio Vermelho). Initially, an automatic objects (doline and no-doline) detection algorithm was applied to the DEM, followed by a visual inspection to differentiate doline from possible dolines in orthomosaic photos, topographic profiles, and shaded UAV-based relief (digital terrain model; DTM and DSM). For the redundancy checking, a cluster analysis with four tests was conducted. The objects generated from the best clusters and morphological analysis were gathered in the same base for visual inspection. Out of a total of 933 objects identified, 41% were obtained from the DSM base, 25% from the perimeter-to-area ratio, and 34% through convergence between the two-analyses. Subsequently, the resulting doline typologies are discussed in reference to their proximity to hydrogeological features and their impacts on underground vulnerability. The findings aligned with the previous research as dolines were highly concentrated near sites where carbonates come in contact with siliciclastic sediments

    Niche overlap and daily activity pattern of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in kale crops

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    Kale (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala) is of great importance in human nutrition and local agricultural economies, but its growth is impaired by the attack of several insect pests. Social wasps prey on these pests, but few studies report the importance of this predation or the potential use of wasps as biological control for agricultural pests. This study aimed to survey the species of social wasps that forage in kale (B. oleraceae var. acephala), recording the influence of temperature and time of day on the foraging behavior of these wasps. The research was conducted at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais - Bambuí Campus, from July to December 2015, when twelve collections of social wasps that foraged on a common area of kale cultivation were made, noting the temperature and time of collection for each wasp. Polybia ignobilis, Protonectarina sylveirae and Protopolybia sedula were the most common wasp species foraging in fields of kale. Interspecific interactions between wasp species did not affect their coexistence within kale fields, with peak foraging occurring between 1000 and 1100 hours. Social wasps are important predators of herbivorous insects in the agricultural environment and the coexistence of a great diversity of these predators can help control pest insects that occur in the crop. Moreover, knowing factors that influence foraging behaviors of common wasp species that occur in this crop is important for effective use of these insects in the biological control of pests

    Compressed earth blocks stabilized with glass waste and fly ash activated with a recycled alkaline cleaning solution

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    Sustainable alternatives are increasingly demanded as a sound response, from the construction industry, to the worldwide growing concerns with the environment. Such effort is justifiable by the degree of the contribution of this human activity to the problem, and it has thus propelled the development of a major trend in terms of funded research. The study reported in this paper focused on the physical-mechanical properties of compacted earth blocks formed by a common Portuguese silty clay (as the mineral skeleton), stabilized with a sustainable alkali activated cement exclusively produced from wastes and residues, including coal fly ash and glass waste, in a 50/50 wt ratio combination, and activated with an alkaline solution from the aluminium industry, using activator/precursor weight ratios of 0.50, 0.57 and 0.75. After optimising the alkaline activated cement (AAC), the AAC/Soil blocks were fabricated, using the response surface method to define their composition based on curing periods of 28 and 180 days at controlled ambient temperature. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and several durability tests were performed, and the material was characterised using FTIR and SEM. The results evidenced the effectiveness of the alkaline cementing agent in forming a binding matrix for the soil particles. An average compressive strength of 17.23 MPa, in unsaturated conditions, was obtained for the blocks. The newly formed soil-binder structure was very capable to withstand wetting and drying cycles, ice-thaw cycles and erosion. The microstructure of the material was further analysed, using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The results demonstrated the real possibility of using this type of cement as a viable alternative to traditional soil stabilisation binders used in earth construction.This work was funded by the R&D Project JUSTREST-Development of Alkali Binders for Geotechnical Applications Made Exclusively from Industrial Waste, with reference PTDC/ECM-GEO/0637/2014, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).The research was supported by the GEO-DESIGN project, no17501, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through NORTE 2020 (North Regional Operational Program, 2014/2020)

    Simultaneous presence of excess weight and insufficient hours of sleep in adolescents: prevalence and related factors

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    Introduction: An increase in excess body fat and a decrease in the number of hours of sleep per day are health problems affecting the paediatric population. Objective: To estimate the combined prevalence of overweight and insufficient sleep/day in adolescents, and the association with sociodemographic characteristics, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted with 1,132 participants from 14 to 19 years old in São José, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Body fat was assessed by body mass index (BMI) and classified by the Z-score, while adolescents reported the total hours of sleep/day. Sociodemographic data, physical activity and sedentary behaviour were collected by self-filled questionnaire. Results: The simultaneous prevalence of overweight and insufficient sleep/day was 17.5%. The factors associated with this condition were to meet the recommendations of the practice of physical activity per week, participate in gym class twice/week and period greater/equal to four hours/day in front of the screen. Conclusion: Guidelines in the school environment in relation to health problems posed by weight excess and the amount of insufficient hours sleep can be present when recommendations on physical activity and sedentary behaviour are given to students