3,155 research outputs found

    The Generalized Ricci Flow for 3D Manifolds with One Killing Vector

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    We consider 3D flow equations inspired by the renormalization group (RG) equations of string theory with a three dimensional target space. By modifying the flow equations to include a U(1) gauge field, and adding carefully chosen De Turck terms, we are able to extend recent 2D results of Bakas to the case of a 3D Riemannian metric with one Killing vector. In particular, we show that the RG flow with De Turck terms can be reduced to two equations: the continual Toda flow solved by Bakas, plus its linearizaton. We find exact solutions which flow to homogeneous but not always isotropic geometries

    Circles in the Sky: Finding Topology with the Microwave Background Radiation

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    If the universe is finite and smaller than the distance to the surface of last scatter, then the signature of the topology of the universe is writ large on the microwave background sky. We show that the microwave background will be identified at the intersections of the surface of last scattering as seen by different ``copies'' of the observer. Since the surface of last scattering is a two-sphere, these intersections will be circles, regardless of the background geometry or topology. We therefore propose a statistic that is sensitive to all small, locally homogeneous topologies. Here, small means that the distance to the surface of last scatter is smaller than the ``topology scale'' of the universe.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, IOP format. This paper is a direct descendant of gr-qc/9602039. To appear in a special proceedings issue of Class. Quant. Grav. covering the Cleveland Topology & Cosmology Worksho

    Spherical structures on torus knots and links

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    The present paper considers two infinite families of cone-manifolds endowed with spherical metric. The singular strata is either the torus knot t(2n+1,2){\rm t}(2n+1, 2) or the torus link t(2n,2){\rm t}(2n, 2). Domains of existence for a spherical metric are found in terms of cone angles and volume formul{\ae} are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; typo

    Holography for the Lorentz Group Racah Coefficients

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    A known realization of the Lorentz group Racah coefficients is given by an integral of a product of 6 ``propagators'' over 4 copies of the hyperbolic space. These are ``bulk-to-bulk'' propagators in that they are functions of two points in the hyperbolic space. It is known that the bulk-to-bulk propagator can be constructed out of two bulk-to-boundary ones. We point out that there is another way to obtain the same object. Namely, one can use two bulk-to-boundary and one boundary-to-boundary propagator. Starting from this construction and carrying out the bulk integrals we obtain a realization of the Racah coefficients that is ``holographic'' in the sense that it only involves boundary objects. This holographic realization admits a geometric interpretation in terms of an ``extended'' tetrahedron.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes; v3: "extended" tetrahedron interpretation adde

    Comments on Closed Bianchi Models

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    We show several kinematical properties that are intrinsic to the Bianchi models with compact spatial sections. Especially, with spacelike hypersurfaces being closed, (A) no anisotropic expansion is allowed for Bianchi type V and VII(A\not=0), and (B) type IV and VI(A\not=0,1) does not exist. In order to show them, we put into geometric terms what is meant by spatial homogeneity and employ a mathematical result on 3-manifolds. We make clear the relation between the Bianchi type symmetry of space-time and spatial compactness, some part of which seem to be unnoticed in the literature. Especially, it is shown under what conditions class B Bianchi models do not possess compact spatial sections. Finally we briefly describe how this study is useful in investigating global dynamics in (3+1)-dimensional gravity.Comment: 14 pages with one table, KUCP-5

    Current End-of-Life Care Needs and Care Practices in Acute Care Hospitals

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    A descriptive-comparative study was undertaken to examine current end-of-life care needs and practices in hospital. A chart review for all 1,018 persons who died from August 1, 2008 through July 31, 2009 in two full-service Canadian hospitals was conducted. Most decedents were elderly (73.8%) and urbanite (79.5%), and cancer was the most common diagnosis (36.2%). Only 13.8% had CPR performed at some point during this hospitalization and 8.8% had CPR immediately preceding death, with 87.5% having a DNR order and 30.8% providing an advance directive. Most (97.3%) had one or more life-sustaining technologies in use at the time of death. These figures indicate, when compared to those in a similar mid-1990s Canadian study, that impending death is more often openly recognized and addressed. Technologies continue to be routinely but controversially used. The increased rate of end-stage CPR from 2.9% to 8.8% could reflect a 1994+ shift of expected deaths out of hospital

    Soft phonons and structural phase transitions in La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125_{0.125}CuO4_{4}

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    Soft phonon behavior associated with a structural phase transition from the low-temperature-orthorhombic (LTO) phase (BmabBmab symmetry) to the low-temperature-tetragonal (LTT) phase (P42/ncmP4_{2}/ncm symmetry) was investigated in La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125_{0.125}CuO4_{4} using neutron scattering. As temperature decreases, the TO-mode at ZZ-point softens and approaches to zero energy around Td2=62T_{\rm d2}=62 K, where the LTO -- LTT transition occurs. Below Td2T_{\rm d2}, the phonon hardens quite rapidly and it's energy almost saturates below 50 K. At Td2T_{\rm d2}, the energy dispersion of the soft phonon along in-plane direction significantly changes while the dispersion along out-of-plane direction is almost temperature independent. Coexistence between the LTO phase and the LTT phase, seen in both the soft phonon spectra and the peak profiles of Bragg reflection, is discussed in context of the order of structural phase transitions.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Invariant Peano curves of expanding Thurston maps

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    We consider Thurston maps, i.e., branched covering maps f ⁣:S2→S2f\colon S^2\to S^2 that are postcritically finite. In addition, we assume that ff is expanding in a suitable sense. It is shown that each sufficiently high iterate F=fnF=f^n of ff is semi-conjugate to zd ⁣:S1→S1z^d\colon S^1\to S^1, where dd is equal to the degree of FF. More precisely, for such an FF we construct a Peano curve γ ⁣:S1→S2\gamma\colon S^1\to S^2 (onto), such that F∘γ(z)=γ(zd)F\circ \gamma(z) = \gamma(z^d) (for all z∈S1z\in S^1).Comment: 63 pages, 12 figure

    A Bayesian partial membership model for multiple exposures with uncertain group memberships

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    We present a Bayesian partial membership model that estimates the associations between an outcome, a small number of latent variables, and multiple observed exposures where the number of latent variables is specified a priori. We assign one observed exposure as the sentinel marker for each latent variable. The model allows non-sentinel exposures to have complete membership in one latent group, or partial membership across two or more latent groups. MCMC sampling is used to determine latent group partial memberships for the non-sentinel exposures, and estimate all model parameters. We compare the performance of our model to competing approaches in a simulation study and apply our model to inflammatory marker data measured in a large mother-child cohort of the Seychelles Child Development Study (SCDS). In simulations, our model estimated model parameters with little bias, adequate coverage, and tighter credible intervals compared to competing approaches. Under our partial membership model with two latent groups, SCDS inflammatory marker classifications generally aligned with the scientific literature. Incorporating additional SCDS inflammatory markers and more latent groups produced similar groupings of markers that also aligned with the literature. Associations between covariates and birth weight were similar across latent variable models and were consistent with earlier work in this SCDS cohort. Supplementary materials accompanying this paper appear online.</p

    Future asymptotic expansions of Bianchi VIII vacuum metrics

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    Bianchi VIII vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations are causally geodesically complete to the future, given an appropriate time orientation, and the objective of this article is to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in this time direction. For the Bianchi class A spacetimes, there is a formulation of the field equations that was presented in an article by Wainwright and Hsu, and in a previous article we analyzed the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in these variables. One objective of this paper is to give an asymptotic expansion for the metric. Furthermore, we relate this expansion to the topology of the compactified spatial hypersurfaces of homogeneity. The compactified spatial hypersurfaces have the topology of Seifert fibred spaces and we prove that in the case of NUT Bianchi VIII spacetimes, the length of a circle fibre converges to a positive constant but that in the case of general Bianchi VIII solutions, the length tends to infinity at a rate we determine.Comment: 50 pages, no figures. Erronous definition of Seifert fibred spaces correcte
