350 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of Four Cataclysmic Variables with Periods above 7 Hours

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    We present spectroscopy of four cataclysmic variables. Using radial velocity measurements, we find orbital periods for the first time. The stars and their periods are GY Hya, 0.347230(9) d; SDSS J204448-045929, 1.68(1) d; V392 Hya, 0.324952(5) d; and RX J1951.7+3716, 0.492(1) d. We also detect the spectra of the secondary stars, estimate their spectral types, and derive distances based on surface brightness and Roche lobe constraints.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, to be published in December 2006 PAS

    The New Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable SDSS 154453+2553

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    The cataclysmic variable SDSS154453+2553 was recently identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We obtained spectra and photometry at the MDM Observatory, which revealed an eclipse with a 6.03 hour period. The H{\alpha} emission line exhibits a strong rotational disturbance during eclipse, indicating that it arises in an accretion disk. A contribution from an M-type companion is also observed. Time-series photometry during eclipse gives an ephemeris of 2454878.0062(15) + 0.251282(2)E. We present spectroscopy through the orbit and eclipse photometry. Our analysis of the secondary star indicates a distance of 800 {\pm} 180 pc.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in PAS

    Deriving an X-Ray Luminosity Function of Dwarf Novae Based on Parallax Measurements

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    We have derived an X-ray luminosity function using parallax-based distance measurements of a set of 12 dwarf novae, consisting of Suzaku, XMM-Newton and ASCA observations. The shape of the X-ray luminosity function obtained is the most accurate to date, and the luminosities of our sample are concentrated between ~10^{30}-10^{31} erg s^{-1}, lower than previous measurements of X-ray luminosity functions of dwarf novae. Based on the integrated X-ray luminosity function, the sample becomes more incomplete below ~3 x 10^{30} erg s^{-1} than it is above this luminosity limit, and the sample is dominated by X-ray bright dwarf novae. The total integrated luminosity within a radius of 200 pc is 1.48 x 10^{32} erg s^{-1} over the luminosity range of 1 x 10^{28} erg s^{-1} and the maximum luminosity of the sample (1.50 x 10^{32} erg s^{-1}). The total absolute lower limit for the normalised luminosity per solar mass is 1.81 x 10^{26} erg s^{-1} M^{-1}_{solar} which accounts for ~16 per cent of the total X-ray emissivity of CVs as estimated by Sazonov et al. (2006)

    The Peculiar Type Ic Supernova 1997ef: Another Hypernova

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    SN 1997ef has been recognized as a peculiar supernova from its light curve and spectral properties. The object was classified as a Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) because its spectra are dominated by broad absorption lines of oxygen and iron, lacking any clear signs of hydrogen or helium line features. The light curve is very different from that of previously known SNe Ic, showing a very broad peak and a slow tail. The strikingly broad line features in the spectra of SN 1997ef, which were also seen in the hypernova SN 1998bw, suggest the interesting possibility that SN 1997ef may also be a hypernova. The light curve and spectra of SN 1997ef were modeled first with a standard SN~Ic model assuming an ordinary kinetic energy of explosion EK=1051E_{\rm K} = 10^{51} erg. The explosion of a CO star of mass MCO6MM_{\rm CO} \approx 6 M_\odot gives a reasonably good fit to the light curve but clearly fails to reproduce the broad spectral features. Then, models with larger masses and energies were explored. Both the light curve and the spectra of SN 1997ef are much better reproduced by a C+O star model with EK=E_{\rm K} = 8 \e{51} erg and MCO=10MM_{\rm CO} = 10 M_\odot. Therefore, we conclude that SN 1997ef is very likely a hypernova on the basis of its kinetic energy of explosion. Finally, implications for the deviation from spherical symmetry are discussed in an effort to improve the light curve and spectral fits.Comment: "To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol.534 (2000)

    The Long-Period Orbit of the Dwarf Nova V630 Cassiopeiae

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    We present extensive spectroscopy and photometry of the dwarf nova V630 Cassiopeiae. A late-type (K4-5) absorption spectrum is easily detectable, from which we derive the orbital parameters. We find a spectroscopic period of P=2.56387 +/- (4 times 10^{-5}) days and a semiamplitude of K_2=132.9 +/- 4.0 km/s. The resulting mass function, which is a firm lower limit on the mass of the white dwarf, is then f(M)=0.624 +/- 0.056 solar masses. The secondary star is a ``stripped giant\u27\u27, and using relations between the core mass and the luminosity and the core mass and the radius we derive a lower limit of M_2 \u3e 0.165 solar masses for the secondary star. The rotational velocity of the secondary star is not resolved in our spectra and we place a limit of V_rot*sin(i) \u3c 40 km/s. The long-term light curve shows variations of up to 0.4 mag on short (1-5 days) time scales, and variations of 0.2-0.4 mag on longer (3-9 months) time scales. In spite of these variations, the ellipsoidal light curve of the secondary star is easily seen when the data are folded on the spectroscopic ephemeris. Ellipsoidal models fit to the mean light curve give an inclination in the range 66.96 \u3c i \u3c 78.08 degrees (90 per cent confidence). This inclination range, and the requirement that M_2 \u3e 0.165 solar masses and V_rot*sin(i) \u3c 40 km/s yields a white dwarf mass of M_1=0.977^{+0.168}_{-0.098} solar masses and a secondary star mass of M_2=0.172^{+0.029}_{-0.012} solar masses (90 per cent confidence limits). Our findings confirm the suggestion of Warner (1994), namely that V630 Cas is rare example of a dwarf nova with a long orbital period

    A high resolution coupled hydrologic–hydraulic model (HiResFlood-UCI) for flash flood modeling

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    HiResFlood-UCI was developed by coupling the NWS's hydrologic model (HL-RDHM) with the hydraulic model (BreZo) for flash flood modeling at decameter resolutions. The coupled model uses HL-RDHM as a rainfall-runoff generator and replaces the routing scheme of HL-RDHM with the 2D hydraulic model (BreZo) in order to predict localized flood depths and velocities. A semi-automated technique of unstructured mesh generation was developed to cluster an adequate density of computational cells along river channels such that numerical errors are negligible compared with other sources of error, while ensuring that computational costs of the hydraulic model are kept to a bare minimum. HiResFlood-UCI was implemented for a watershed (ELDO2) in the DMIP2 experiment domain in Oklahoma. Using synthetic precipitation input, the model was tested for various components including HL-RDHM parameters (a priori versus calibrated), channel and floodplain Manning n values, DEM resolution (10 m versus 30 m) and computation mesh resolution (10 m+ versus 30 m+). Simulations with calibrated versus a priori parameters of HL-RDHM show that HiResFlood-UCI produces reasonable results with the a priori parameters from NWS. Sensitivities to hydraulic model resistance parameters, mesh resolution and DEM resolution are also identified, pointing to the importance of model calibration and validation for accurate prediction of localized flood intensities. HiResFlood-UCI performance was examined using 6 measured precipitation events as model input for model calibration and validation of the streamflow at the outlet. The Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) obtained ranges from 0.588 to 0.905. The model was also validated for the flooded map using USGS observed water level at an interior point. The predicted flood stage error is 0.82 m or less, based on a comparison to measured stage. Validation of stage and discharge predictions builds confidence in model predictions of flood extent and localized velocities, which are fundamental to reliable flash flood warning

    QZ Serpentis: A Dwarf Nova with a 2-Hour Orbital Period and an Anomalously Hot, Bright Secondary Star

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    We present spectroscopy and time-series photometry of the dwarf nova QZ Ser. The spectrum shows a rich absorption line spectrum of type K4 +- 2. K-type secondary stars are generally seen in dwarf novae with orbital periods P-orb around 6 h, but in QZ Ser the absorption radial velocities show an obvious modulation (semi-amplitude 207(5) km/s) at P-orb = 119.752(2) min, much shorter than typical for such a relatively warm and prominent secondary spectrum. The H-alpha emission-line velocity is modulated at the same period and roughly opposite phase. Time-series photometry shows flickering superposed on a modulation with two humps per orbit, consistent with ellipsoidal variation of the secondary's light. QZ Ser is a second example of a relatively short-period dwarf nova with a surprisingly warm secondary. Model calculations suggest that the secondary is strongly enhanced in helium, and had already undergone significant nuclear evolution when mass transfer began. Several sodium absorption features in the secondary spectrum are unusually strong, which may indicate that the present-day surface was the site of CNO-cycle hydrogen burning in the past.Comment: 11 pages, 3 postscript figures, 1 jpeg greyscale figure. Accepted for publication in PAS