767 research outputs found

    Appearances can be deceiving: How naturalistic changes to target appearance impact on lineup-based decision-making

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    The present study examined the influence of appearance, procedure and position on identification decisions, post-decisional confidence ratings and estimates of discrimination and confidence-specific accuracy. Regarding appearance, the study examined the combined influence of three naturalistic changes that occur day-to-day (i.e. a reduction in cranial hair length, the removal of stubble, and a change of clothing), two of which have not been considered before in a lineup-decision context. Participants (N = 350) completed four experimental lineups which involved: viewing a target person, completing a brief distractor task, and making an identification decision and a post-decisional confidence rating from a photographic lineup. Participants were randomly allocated to complete simultaneous or sequential lineups, with appearance (no change, change), position (early, late) and target (present, absent) systematically varied across the four trials. Appearance affected all dependent measures and was particularly influential in target-present lineups. Naturalistic changes to target appearance reliably decreased correct identification rates, confidence in correct identifications, discrimination accuracy, and confidence-specific accuracy. Procedure and position, by contrast, had a more limited impact. Of concern for the criminal justice system, neither procedure nor position manipulations offset any reductions in lineup-decision accuracy when target appearance changed

    The impact of experienced versus non-experienced suggestions on children’s recall of repeated events

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    Three experiments were conducted to test the proposition that children’s suggestibility about an occurrence of a repeated event is heightened when an interviewer suggests false details that were experienced in non-target occurrences of the event as opposed to new details that never occurred. In each experiment, children participated in a repeated event during which specific items varied each time (e.g., the children always got a sticker but the theme of the sticker was different in each occurrence). Separate biasing and memory interviews were then conducted. In Experiment 1, the interviewer merely suggested that the false details might have occurred in the event. In the remaining experiments, the suggested details were clearly linked to the target occurrence with either a contextual or temporal cue. The potential moderating effect of the child’s age (Experiment 1) and the retention interval (Experiments 1 and 2) were also examined. Consistent with the initial hypothesis, suggestions about experienced (non-target) details were more likely to be repeated by the children compared to suggestions about non-experienced details. In Experiments 2 and 3, experienced suggestions were also more likely to inhibit children’s recall of the target occurrence. The relevance and generalisability of these findings to the legal setting are discussed

    A characterization of periodicity in the voltage time series of a riometer

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125(7), (2020): e2019JA027160, doi:10.1029/2019JA027160.This paper reveals unprecedented periodicity in the voltage series of relative ionospheric opacity meters (riometers) of the Canadian Riometer Array (CRA). In quiet times, the riometer voltage series is accurately modeled by a stochastic process whose components include both a six term expansion in harmonic functions and some amplitude modulated modes of lower signal to noise ratio (SNR). In units of cycles per sidereal day (cpsd), the frequencies of the six harmonic functions lie within 0.01 cpsd of an integer. Earth's rotation induces a splitting of the low SNR components, resulting in the appearance of nine multiplets in standardized power spectrum estimates of the considered CRA voltage series. A second feature of these spectrum estimates is a 6 min periodic element appearing in both the CRA voltage series and the proton mass density series of the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). Spectral peak frequencies have been detected, which lie near established solar mode frequency estimates. In addition, some of these peak frequency estimates are coincident with peak frequency estimates of the standardized power spectra for the time series of proton mass density and interplanetary magnetic field strength (IMF) at ACE.“Marshall_Francois_Supporting_Information_JGR_2019.pdf” contains a summary of the supporting information. The 1 hr sampled F10.7 series was obtained from DRAO (National Research Council, 2017). The three MAG time series of IMF strength were acquired from The ACE Science Center (2007), while the SWEPAM time series of proton mass density was acquired from Space Weather Prediction Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2018). The relevant data sets for the analysis of this paper are included in Marshall (2019). This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI), Bonneyville Power Authority, and Queen's University. David J. Thomson, the official holder of the grants and contracts, provided research and conference funding to advance this project. Special thanks to Ken F. Tapping (DRAO of NRCan) for his guidance in finding the data sets relevant to solar radio emissions. Glen Takahara, of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University, suggested exploring different data sets to confirm the modal origin of spectral peaks observed in the Ottawa riometer of the CRA. Alessandra A. Pacini of the Arecibo Observatory recommended checking to see if some of the modes could have been driven by the harmonics of Earth's rotation. Frank Vernon of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Scripps Institution of Oceanography confirmed how seismic data could be expected to reveal coincident spectral peaks at the detected frequencies in the riometer standardized spectra.2020-10-2

    Film and digital periapical radiographs for the measurement of apical root shortening

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy and agreement of scanned film and digital periapical radiographs for the measurement of apical root shortening. Study design: Twenty-four film and digital [phosphor plate sensor (PPS)] periapical radiographs were taken using the long-cone paralleling technique for six extracted teeth before and after 1mm of apical root trimming. All teeth were mounted using a typodont and the radiographs were recorded using a film holder and polysiloxane occlusal index for each tooth to ensure standardization during the different radiographic exposures. The film radiographs were scanned and the tooth length measurements for the scanned film and digital (PPS) images were calculated using Image-J-Link 1.4 software (http://rebweb.nih.gov/ij/index.html) for the two groups. The accuracy and agreement among the tooth length measurements from each group and the true tooth length measurements were calculated using intra-class correlation (ICC) tests and Bland and Altman plots. Results: A high level of agreement was found between the true tooth length measurements and the scanned film measurements (ICC=0.979, limit of agreement 0.579 to -0.565) and the digital (PPS) radiograph measurements (ICC= 0.979, limit of agreement 0.596 to -0.763). Moreover, a high level of agreement was found between the scanned film and digital (PPS) radiographs for the measurement of tooth length ICC=0.991, limit of agreement 0.411-0.231. Conclusion: Film and digital (PPS) periapical radiographs are accurate methods for measuring apical root shortening with a high level of agreement

    Experimental observation of nonlinear Thomson scattering

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    A century ago, J. J. Thomson showed that the scattering of low-intensity light by electrons was a linear process (i.e., the scattered light frequency was identical to that of the incident light) and that light's magnetic field played no role. Today, with the recent invention of ultra-high-peak-power lasers it is now possible to create a sufficient photon density to study Thomson scattering in the relativistic regime. With increasing light intensity, electrons quiver during the scattering process with increasing velocity, approaching the speed of light when the laser intensity approaches 10^18 W/cm^2. In this limit, the effect of light's magnetic field on electron motion should become comparable to that of its electric field, and the electron mass should increase because of the relativistic correction. Consequently, electrons in such high fields are predicted to quiver nonlinearly, moving in figure-eight patterns, rather than in straight lines, and thus to radiate photons at harmonics of the frequency of the incident laser light, with each harmonic having its own unique angular distribution. In this letter, we report the first ever direct experimental confirmation of these predictions, a topic that has previously been referred to as nonlinear Thomson scattering. Extension of these results to coherent relativistic harmonic generation may eventually lead to novel table-top x-ray sources.Comment: including 4 figure

    Lifespan extension and the doctrine of double effect

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    Recent developments in biogerontology—the study of the biology of ageing—suggest that it may eventually be possible to intervene in the human ageing process. This, in turn, offers the prospect of significantly postponing the onset of age-related diseases. The biogerontological project, however, has met with strong resistance, especially by deontologists. They consider the act of intervening in the ageing process impermissible on the grounds that it would (most probably) bring about an extended maximum lifespan—a state of affairs that they deem intrinsically bad. In a bid to convince their deontological opponents of the permissibility of this act, proponents of biogerontology invoke an argument which is grounded in the doctrine of double effect. Surprisingly, their argument, which we refer to as the ‘double effect argument’, has gone unnoticed. This article exposes and critically evaluates this ‘double effect argument’. To this end, we first review a series of excerpts from the ethical debate on biogerontology in order to substantiate the presence of double effect reasoning. Next, we attempt to determine the role that the ‘double effect argument’ is meant to fulfil within this debate. Finally, we assess whether the act of intervening in ageing actually can be justified using double effect reasoning

    Informing investment to reduce inequalities: a modelling approach

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    Background: Reducing health inequalities is an important policy objective but there is limited quantitative information about the impact of specific interventions. Objectives: To provide estimates of the impact of a range of interventions on health and health inequalities. Materials and methods: Literature reviews were conducted to identify the best evidence linking interventions to mortality and hospital admissions. We examined interventions across the determinants of health: a ‘living wage’; changes to benefits, taxation and employment; active travel; tobacco taxation; smoking cessation, alcohol brief interventions, and weight management services. A model was developed to estimate mortality and years of life lost (YLL) in intervention and comparison populations over a 20-year time period following interventions delivered only in the first year. We estimated changes in inequalities using the relative index of inequality (RII). Results: Introduction of a ‘living wage’ generated the largest beneficial health impact, with modest reductions in health inequalities. Benefits increases had modest positive impacts on health and health inequalities. Income tax increases had negative impacts on population health but reduced inequalities, while council tax increases worsened both health and health inequalities. Active travel increases had minimally positive effects on population health but widened health inequalities. Increases in employment reduced inequalities only when targeted to the most deprived groups. Tobacco taxation had modestly positive impacts on health but little impact on health inequalities. Alcohol brief interventions had modestly positive impacts on health and health inequalities only when strongly socially targeted, while smoking cessation and weight-reduction programmes had minimal impacts on health and health inequalities even when socially targeted. Conclusions: Interventions have markedly different effects on mortality, hospitalisations and inequalities. The most effective (and likely cost-effective) interventions for reducing inequalities were regulatory and tax options. Interventions focused on individual agency were much less likely to impact on inequalities, even when targeted at the most deprived communities

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, August 1963

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    The President writes • The uses and limitations of words • Commencement 1963 • 3,032 pledge 509,081;2,809contribute509,081; 2,809 contribute 192,568 • Loyalty Fund committee reorganized • Joseph J. Lynch, college steward • A description of the new dining hall • Chemistry changes • NSF grants for bio profs • Teaching awards • Pilot project: Physics chemistry mathematics • The not-so-ugly American • Best track season in Ursinus history • Double your dollars • Things are looking up • Preliminary thoughts on wills • Reading, writing, and Mazurkiewicz • The augmented Roman alphabet • Edwin C. Myers, \u2764 and Frederic W. Yocum, Jr. \u2764 • Eugene J. Bradford, \u2736 • Robert A. Petersen, \u2760 • Sue Harman, \u2765 • Results of the 1963 Loyalty Fund campaign • The leaders • Contributors to the 1963 Loyalty Fund • Ursinus alumni at Methacton High School • Class notes • Weddings • Births • Necrology • Our role as alumnihttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1077/thumbnail.jp
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