2,055 research outputs found

    P17. P3b event-related potentials show changes in varsity football players due to accumulated sub-concussive head impacts

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    BACKGROUND: Concussion has been a focus in football at all levels of participation. However, there is a growing appreciation that repetitive sub-concussive impacts may have more significant effects on overall neurological health than the isolated diagnosed concussions that have been the focus of recent research. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the number of head impacts that players experience throughout the season and their P300 evoked potential. METHODS: Canadian university football players (n=45) were separated into three groups based on player mass and position/skill (small-skilled, big-skilled and big-unskilled). Groups were separated into low and high levels of impact exposure based on the total number of head impacts experienced in-season. Players completed baseline, midseason, postseason, and follow-up neurophysiological tests to measure P300 evoked potentials. Statistically significant differences between high versus low impact subgroups for each player group were assessed using independent-samples t-tests. RESULTS: Small-skilled and big-skilled players showed statistically significant decreases in P300 amplitude at midseason and postseason for high impact players compared to low impact players. Follow-up measures revealed that all groups were not significantly different compared to baseline measures. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION: Players that experience a large number of head impacts in varsity football demonstrate significant decreases in specific EEG measures of cognitive function and information processing. INTERDISCIPLINARY REFLECTION: The combination of biomechanical head impact exposure with neurophysiological outcomes yields insight into the processes behind head impacts and their effects on the human brain

    Introducción al Modelado Ocupación

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    La Ocupación es la Fracción de las unidades de muestreo adonde una especie de interés está presente (ψ; psi).CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Does the Sverdrup critical depth model explain bloom dynamics in estuaries?

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    In this paper we use numerical models of coupled biological-hydrodynamic processes to search for general principles of bloom regulation in estuarine waters. We address three questions: What are the dynamics of stratification in coastal systems as influenced by variable freshwater input and tidal stirring? How does phytoplankton growth respond to these dynamics? Can the classical Sverdrup Critical Depth Model (SCDM) be used to predict the timing of bloom events in shallow coastal domains such as estuaries? We present results of simulation experiments which assume that vertical transport and net phytoplankton growth rates are horizontally homogeneous. In the present approach the temporally and spatially varying turbulent diffusivities for various stratification scenarios are calculated using a hydrodynamic code that includes the Mellor-Yamada 2.5 turbulence closure model. These diffusivities are then used in a time- and depth-dependent advection-diffusion equation, incorporating sources and sinks, for the phytoplankton biomass. Our modeling results show that, whereas persistent stratification greatly increases the probability of a bloom, semidiurnal periodic stratification does not increase the likelihood of a phytoplankton bloom over that of a constantly unstratified water column. Thus, for phytoplankton blooms, the physical regime of periodic stratification is closer to complete mixing than to persistent stratification. Furthermore, the details of persistent stratification are important: surface layer depth, thickness of the pycnocline, vertical density difference, and tidal current speed all weigh heavily in producing conditions which promote the onset of phytoplankton blooms. Our model results for shallow tidal systems do not conform to the classical concepts of stratification and blooms in deep pelagic systems. First, earlier studies (Riley, 1942, for example) suggest a monotonic increase in surface layer production as the surface layer shallows. Our model results suggest, however, a nonmonotonic relationship between phytoplankton population growth and surface layer depth, which results from a balance between several \u27\u27competing\u27\u27 processes, including the interaction of sinking with turbulent mixing and average net growth occurring within the surface layer. Second, we show that the traditional SCDM must be refined for application to energetic shallow systems or for systems in which surface layer mixing is not strong enough to counteract the sinking loss of phytoplankton. This need for refinement arises because of the leakage of phytoplankton from the surface layer by turbulent diffusion and sinking, processes not considered in the classical SCDM. Our model shows that, even for low sinking rates and small turbulent diffusivities, a significant percentage of the phytoplankton biomass produced in the surface layer can be lost by these processes

    Bivalve Grazing Can Shape Phytoplankton Communities

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    The ability of bivalve filter feeders to limit phytoplankton biomass in shallow waters is well-documented, but the role of bivalves in shaping phytoplankton communities is not. The coupled effect of bivalve grazing at the sediment-water interface and sinking of phytoplankton cells to that bottom filtration zone could influence the relative biomass of sinking (diatoms) and non-sinking phytoplankton. Simulations with a pseudo-2D numerical model showed that benthic filter feeding can interact with sinking to alter diatom:non-diatom ratios. Cases with the smallest proportion of diatom biomass were those with the fastest sinking speeds and strongest bivalve grazing rates. Hydrodynamics modulated the coupled sinking-grazing influence on phytoplankton communities. For example, in simulations with persistent stratification, the non-sinking forms accumulated in the surface layer away from bottom grazers while the sinking forms dropped out of the surface layer toward bottom grazers. Tidal-scale stratification also influenced vertical gradients of the two groups in opposite ways. The model was applied to Suisun Bay, a low-salinity habitat of the San Francisco Bay system that was transformed by the introduction of the exotic clam Potamocorbula amurensis. Simulation results for this Bay were similar to (but more muted than) those for generic habitats, indicating that P. amurensis grazing could have caused a disproportionate loss of diatoms after its introduction. Our model simulations suggest bivalve grazing affects both phytoplankton biomass and community composition in shallow waters. We view these results as hypotheses to be tested with experiments and more complex modeling approaches

    The test case of HD26965: difficulties disentangling weak Doppler signals from stellar activity

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    We report the discovery of a radial velocity signal that can be interpreted as a planetary-mass candidate orbiting the K dwarf HD26965, with an orbital period of 42.364±\pm0.015 days, or alternatively, as the presence of residual, uncorrected rotational activity in the data. Observations include data from HIRES, PFS, CHIRON, and HARPS, where 1,111 measurements were made over 16 years. Our best solution for HD26965 bb is consistent with a super-Earth that has a minimum mass of 6.92±\pm0.79 M⊕_{\oplus} orbiting at a distance of 0.215±\pm0.008 AU from its host star. We have analyzed the correlation between spectral activity indicators and the radial velocities from each instrument, showing moderate correlations that we include in our model. From this analysis, we recover a ∼\sim38 day signal, which matches some literature values of the stellar rotation period. However, from independent Mt. Wilson HK data for this star, we find evidence for a significant 42 day signal after subtraction of longer period magnetic cycles, casting doubt on the planetary hypothesis for this period. Although our statistical model strongly suggests that the 42-day signal is Doppler in origin, we conclude that the residual effects of stellar rotation are difficult to fully model and remove from this dataset, highlighting the difficulties to disentangle small planetary signals and photospheric noise, particularly when the orbital periods are close to the rotation period of the star. This study serves as an excellent test case for future works that aim to detect small planets orbiting `Sun-like' stars using radial velocity measurements.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 13 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Evaluación de la conectividad ecológica en el noroeste de Paraguay: el yaguareté y el puma como modelos

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    Para conservar estas especies y sus roles funcionales en la región Occidental de Paraguay es fundamental comprender cómo perciben y utilizan el paisaje y determinar cómo las áreas protegidas de la región, dentro y fuera de Paraguay, están ecológicamente conectadas.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Sustained Expression with Partial Correction of Neutrophil Defects 5 Years After Intramuscular rAAV1 Gene Therapy for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a common monogenic disorder resulting in emphysema, which is currently treated with weekly infusions of protein replacement. We previously reported achieving plasma wild-type (M) AAT concentrations at 2.5-3.8% of the therapeutic level at 1 year after intramuscular (IM) administration of 6×1012vg/kg of a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 1 (rAAV1)-AAT vector in AAT-deficient patients, with an associated regulatory T cell (Treg) response to AAV1 capsid epitopes in the absence of any exogenous immune suppression. Here, we report sustained expression at greater than 2% of the therapeutic level for 5 years after one-time treatment with rAAV1-AAT in an AAT-deficient patient from that study, with partial correction of neutrophil defects previously reported in AAT-deficient patients. There was also evidence of an active Treg response (FoxP3+, Helios+) and an exhausted cytotoxic T cell response (PD-1+, LAG-3+) to AAV1 capsid. These findings suggest that muscle-based AAT gene replacement is toleragenic and that very stable levels of M AAT may exert beneficial effects at lower concentrations than previously anticipated

    Treatment with ETC-1002 alone and in combination with ezetimibe lowers LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic patients with or without statin intolerance

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    BackgroundETC-1002 is an oral, once-daily, first-in-class medication being developed to treat hypercholesterolemia.ObjectivesTo compare 2 doses of ETC-1002, alone or combined with ezetimibe 10 mg (EZE), vs EZE monotherapy for lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).MethodsThis phase 2b, multicenter, double-blind trial-evaluated hypercholesterolemic patients (LDL-C, 130 to 220 mg/dL) with (n = 177) or without (n = 171) muscle-related intolerance to ≥2 statins; 1 at lowest approved dose. Subjects were randomized to 12-week treatment with ETC-1002 120 mg or ETC-1002 180 mg alone, EZE alone, ETC-1002 120 mg plus EZE, or ETC-1002 180 mg plus EZE.ResultsEZE alone lowered LDL-C by 21%, whereas ETC-1002 monotherapy with 120 mg or 180 mg reduced LDL-C by 27% (P = .0008 vs EZE) and 30% (P < .0001 vs EZE), respectively. The combination of ETC-1002, 120 mg or 180 mg plus EZE reduced LDL-C by 43% and 48%, respectively (both P < .0001 vs EZE). ETC-1002 alone or combined with EZE also reduced non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, LDL particle number, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein compared with EZE alone. Across all treatment groups, statin-intolerant patients reported more muscle-related adverse events than did statin-tolerant patients. ETC-1002 was safe and well tolerated, and rates of muscle-related adverse events were similar in all treatment groups.ConclusionsIn patients with and without statin intolerance, daily treatment with ETC-1002 120 mg and 180 mg alone or with EZE reduced LDL-C more than EZE alone and had a similar tolerability profile (NCT01941836)

    Detection of Potential Transit Signals in the First Three Quarters of Kepler Mission Data

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    We present the results of a search for potential transit signals in the first three quarters of photometry data acquired by the Kepler Mission. The targets of the search include 151,722 stars which were observed over the full interval and an additional 19,132 stars which were observed for only 1 or 2 quarters. From this set of targets we find a total of 5,392 detections which meet the Kepler detection criteria: those criteria are periodicity of the signal, an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio, and a composition test which rejects spurious detections which contain non-physical combinations of events. The detected signals are dominated by events with relatively low signal-to-noise ratio and by events with relatively short periods. The distribution of estimated transit depths appears to peak in the range between 40 and 100 parts per million, with a few detections down to fewer than 10 parts per million. The detected signals are compared to a set of known transit events in the Kepler field of view which were derived by a different method using a longer data interval; the comparison shows that the current search correctly identified 88.1% of the known events. A tabulation of the detected transit signals, examples which illustrate the analysis and detection process, a discussion of future plans and open, potentially fruitful, areas of further research are included

    Effect of 17 Days of Bed Rest on Peak Isometric Force and Unloaded Shortening Velocity of Human Soleus Fibers

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of prolonged bed rest (BR) on the peak isometric force (Po) and unloaded shortening velocity (Vo) of single Ca2+-activated muscle fibers. Soleus muscle biopsies were obtained from eight adult males before and after 17 days of 6° head-down BR. Chemically permeabilized single fiber segments were mounted between a force transducer and position motor, activated with saturating levels of Ca2+, and subjected to slack length steps. Vo was determined by plotting the time for force redevelopment vs. the slack step distance. Gel electrophoresis revealed that 96% of the pre- and 87% of the post-BR fibers studied expressed only the slow type I myosin heavy chain isoform. Fibers with diameter \u3e100 μm made up only 14% of this post-BR type I population compared with 33% of the pre-BR type I population. Consequently, the post-BR type I fibers (n = 147) were, on average, 5% smaller in diameter than the pre-BR type I fibers (n = 218) and produced 13% less absolute Po. BR had no overall effect on Po per fiber cross-sectional area (Po/CSA), even though half of the subjects displayed a decline of 9–12% in Po/CSA after BR. Type I fiber Vo increased by an average of 34% with BR. Although the ratio of myosin light chain 3 to myosin light chain 2 also rose with BR, there was no correlation between this ratio and Vo for either the pre- or post-BR fibers. In separate fibers obtained from the original biopsies, quantitative electron microscopy revealed a 20–24% decrease in thin filament density, with no change in thick filament density. These results raise the possibility that alterations in the geometric relationships between thin and thick filaments may be at least partially responsible for the elevated Vo of the post-BR type I fibers
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