1,749 research outputs found

    Uncertainties for Pre- and Post-Launch Radiometric Calibration of Imaging Spectrometers for Multi-Sensor Applications

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    An important aspect to using imaging spectrometer data is the radiometric characterization and calibration of the sensors and validation of their data products and doing so with error budgets with known traceability. The radiometric accuracy of a given sensor is important for demonstrating the expected quality of data from the sensor. Known traceability allows data from multiple sensors to be directly comparable as will become more important in the near future with the expected launches of multiple imaging spectrometers from multiple countries, agencies, and commercial entities. The current work describes the state of pre- and post-launch radiometric absolute and relative uncertainties and their role in harmonising on-orbit data. Examples of prelaunch uncertainties based on the calibration of EnMAP and the calibration planned for the CLARREO Pathfinder Mission are presented highlighting recent work in the area of detector-based approaches using tunable laser sources. Post-launch calibration approaches for Pathfinder, EnMAP, CHIME, and DESIS including traditional vicarious calibration methods and the challenges of working with commercial data are presented. The vicarious calibration discussion relies on the example of the recently-available RadCalNet data to describe typical methods and challenges that will be faced when harmonising data between imaging spectrometers as well as with multispectral sensors

    The Theology and Practice of Individual Confession and Absolution and Its Application to Pastoral Care from an Early North American Lutheran Perspective

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    The two subjects of this study^ namely, pastoral care and Individual confession and absolution, have traditionally been seen as closely connected. Each has also a unique character. In this study both subjects will be focused on from the perspective provided by the historical analysis of their development within the Lutheran context, specifically that of North American Lutheranism in the nineteenth century. Pastoral care has been greatly developed, particularly in the area of pastoral counseling, in the last fifty years. This parallels the increasing development of the behavioral sciences in this century. The causes and consequences of such rapid growth in pastoral care will be analyzed in the present study. This growth has not been free from tensions; on the contrary, in many ways it has brought the ministry, and tile pastor himself, into conflicts and confusion. The solution for this critical situation rests in a correct understanding of the theological principles of pastoral care and of its relationship with basic Christian doctrine. For this reason a solid biblical definition of pastoral care must first be established. It is only on such biblical grounds, and by the guidance of the doctrinal formulations emerging therefrom, that the task of pastoral care and counseling can continue to be accomplished in the faithful use of Word and sacrament (including other Christian resources like confession and absolution, prayer, Chris tian fellowship and pastoral conversation) and in the discriminating application of insists from behavioral sciences. Finally» it is only on this biblical basis and the distinction of law and gospel thus provided that pastoral care will serve to accomplish the church\u27s ultimate purpose to be the servant of God\u27s reconciliation with man

    Detection and measurement of paracaspase MALT1 activity.

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    The paracaspase MALT1 is a Cys-dependent, Arg-specific protease that plays an essential role in the activation and proliferation of lymphocytes during the immune response. Oncogenic activation of MALT1 is associated with the development of specific forms of B-cell lymphomas. Through specific cleavage of its substrates, MALT1 controls various aspects of lymphocyte activation, including the activation of transcriptional pathways, the stabilization of mRNAs, and an increase in cellular adhesion. In lymphocytes, the activity of MALT1 is tightly controlled by its inducible monoubiquitination, which promotes the dimerization of MALT1. Here, we describe both in vitro and in vivo assays that have been developed to assess MALT1 activity

    CLOCK Genes and Circadian Rhythmicity in Alzheimer Disease

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    Disturbed circadian rhythms with sleep problems and disrupted diurnal activity are often seen in patients suffering from Alzheimer disease (AD). Both endogenous CLOCK genes and external Zeitgeber are responsible for the maintenance of circadian rhythmicity in humans. Therefore, modifications of the internal CLOCK system and its interactions with exogenous factors might constitute the neurobiological basis for clinically observed disruptions in rhythmicity, which often have grave consequences for the quality of life of patients and their caregivers. Presently, more and more data are emerging demonstrating how alterations of the CLOCK gene system might contribute to the pathophysiology of AD and other forms of dementia. At the same time, the impact of neuropsychiatric medication on CLOCK gene expression is under investigation

    Understanding Difference-in-differences methods to evaluate policy effects with staggered adoption: an application to Medicaid and HIV

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    While a randomized control trial is considered the gold standard for estimating causal treatment effects, there are many research settings in which randomization is infeasible or unethical. In such cases, researchers rely on analytical methods for observational data to explore causal relationships. Difference-in-differences (DID) is one such method that, most commonly, estimates a difference in some mean outcome in a group before and after the implementation of an intervention or policy and compares this with a control group followed over the same time (i.e., a group that did not implement the intervention or policy). Although DID modeling approaches have been gaining popularity in public health research, the majority of these approaches and their extensions are developed and shared within the economics literature. While extensions of DID modeling approaches may be straightforward to apply to observational data in any field, the complexities and assumptions involved in newer approaches are often misunderstood. In this paper, we focus on recent extensions of the DID method and their relationships to linear models in the setting of staggered treatment adoption over multiple years. We detail the identification and estimation of the average treatment effect among the treated using potential outcomes notation, highlighting the assumptions necessary to produce valid estimates. These concepts are described within the context of Medicaid expansion and retention in care among people living with HIV (PWH) in the United States. While each DID approach is potentially valid, understanding their different assumptions and choosing an appropriate method can have important implications for policy-makers, funders, and public health as a whole

    Caspase-mediated cleavage of raptor participates in the inactivation of mTORC1 during cell death.

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a highly conserved protein complex regulating key pathways in cell growth. Hyperactivation of mTORC1 is implicated in numerous cancers, thus making it a potential broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic target. Here, we characterized how mTORC1 responds to cell death induced by various anticancer drugs such rapamycin, etoposide, cisplatin, curcumin, staurosporine and Fas ligand. All treatments induced cleavage in the mTORC1 component, raptor, resulting in decreased raptor-mTOR interaction and subsequent inhibition of the mTORC1-mediated phosphorylation of downstream substrates (S6K and 4E-BP1). The cleavage was primarily mediated by caspase-6 and occurred at two sites. Mutagenesis at one of these sites, conferred resistance to cell death, indicating that raptor cleavage is important in chemotherapeutic apoptosis

    Opportunities to Intercalibrate Radiometric Sensors From International Space Station

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    Highly accurate measurements of Earth's thermal infrared and reflected solar radiation are required for detecting and predicting long-term climate change. We consider the concept of using the International Space Station to test instruments and techniques that would eventually be used on a dedicated mission such as the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory. In particular, a quantitative investigation is performed to determine whether it is possible to use measurements obtained with a highly accurate reflected solar radiation spectrometer to calibrate similar, less accurate instruments in other low Earth orbits. Estimates of numbers of samples useful for intercalibration are made with the aid of year-long simulations of orbital motion. We conclude that the International Space Station orbit is ideally suited for the purpose of intercalibration