23 research outputs found

    Peak resultant force versus power.

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    <p>The influence of the power level on the peak resultant force on the implant during cycling. The medians and ranges are shown for various power levels for the four patients (WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP5).</p

    Force range versus power.

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    <p>The influence of the power level during cycling on the force ranges during a pedal revolution. The medians and ranges are shown for various power levels for the four patients (WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP5). The calculated average pedal force is represented by the dashed line.</p

    Epionics SPINE system with the positions of the Epionics segments S1–S12.

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    <p>On average, the lumbar lordosis is covered by the first six segments (shown in red). Middle: Schematic sketch of the definition of the determined segmental angle is shown for a single exemplary sensor unit S2.</p

    Age-Related Loss of Lumbar Spinal Lordosis and Mobility <i>– - Figure 6 </i> A Study of 323 Asymptomatic Volunteers

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    <p>Mean values of the segmental range of extension (RoE) for the Epionics segments S1 to S6 in all investigated age groups (<b>A</b>). Males (above) and females (below) are shown separately. Error bars represent the standard deviation. (<b>B</b>): Absolute change in the segmental RoE for the Epionics segments S1 to S6 in all investigated age groups in relation to the youngest cohort (20–29 yrs) for males (above) and females (below) separately. The youngest cohort is normalised to ‘zero’ as a reference. The red area highlights the pattern of the absolute change between the oldest and youngest cohort. (<b>C</b>): Relative change in the segmental RoE for the Epionics segments S1 to S6 between the oldest and youngest age groups for males (above) and females (below) separately. The youngest cohort is normalised to 100% as a reference. Values indicate the percentage of the RoE the oldest cohort possesses in relation to the youngest cohort. The red area highlights the pattern of the relative changes between oldest and youngest cohorts.</p