34 research outputs found

    Diurnal Rhythms and Symptom Severity in Panic Disorder

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    Fatal cerebral arterial gas embolism after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

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    We report the case of a 50-year-old woman undergoing elective endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, who developed coma and hemiparesis secondary to severe cerebral artery gas embolism. Despite prompt diagnosis and early hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO 2 ) she developed severe cerebral edema and died within 24 h

    Multicomponent Behavioral Treatment For Chronic Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    This study examined the efficacy of a multicomponent cognitive-behavioral therapy, Trauma Management Therapy, which combines exposure therapy and social emotional rehabilitation, to exposure therapy only in a group of male combat veterans with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thirty-five male Vietnam veterans with PTSD were randomly assigned to receive either Trauma Management Therapy (TMT) or Exposure Therapy Only (EXP). Participants were assessed at pre-treatment, mid-treatment, and post-treatment. Primary clinical outcomes were reduction of PTSD symptoms and improved social emotional functioning. Results indicated that veterans in both conditions showed statistically significant and clinically meaningful reductions in PTSD symptoms from pre- to post-treatment, though consistent with a priori hypotheses there were no group differences on PTSD variables. However, compared to the EXP group, participants in the TMT group showed increased frequency in social activities and greater time spent in social activities. These changes occurred from mid-treatment (after completion of exposure therapy) to post-treatment (after completion of the social emotional rehabilitation component); supporting the hypothesis that TMT alone would result in improved social functioning. Although the TMT group also had a significant decrease in episodes of physical rage, that change occurred prior to introduction of the social emotional component of TMT. This study demonstrates efficacy of exposure therapy for treating the core symptoms of PTSD among combat veterans with a severe and chronic form of this disorder. Moreover, multi-component CBT shows promise for improving social functioning beyond that provided by exposure therapy alone, particularly by increasing social engagement/interpersonal functioning in a cohort of veterans with severe and chronic PTSD. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Preliminary evidence for differential olfactory and trigeminal processing in combat veterans with and without PTSD

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    Structural and functional changes in the olfactory system are increasingly implicated in the expression of PTSD. Still, very little is known about the neurobiological networks of trauma-related odor sensitivity or how they relate to other objective and subjective measures of olfaction and PTSD. The purpose of this study was to replicate prior findings and further characterize olfactory function in trauma-exposed combat veterans with and without PTSD. We also sought to extend this area of research by exploring the effects of time since the combat-related index trauma (TST) on post-trauma olfactory function, as well as by correlating odor-elicited brain activity to general olfactory ability and odor-elicited PTSD symptoms. Participants included combat veterans with PTSD (CV+PTSD; n=21) or without any psychiatric disorder (CV-PTSD; n=27). TST was coded as greater (n=24) or less (n=24) than 5years. There were main effects and/or interaction for PTSD-status and TST across several parameters of olfactory function: odor detection, odor identification, ratings for trauma-related odor intensity and triggered PTSD symptoms, and trauma odor-elicited brain activation. Overall, results suggest olfactory impairment in chronic PTSD, but not necessarily in the earlier stages of the disorder, although some early-stage olfactory findings may be predictive of later olfactory impairment. Results also suggest that trauma-exposed individuals who never develop PTSD may demonstrate olfactory resiliency. Finally, results highlight a potentially unique role of trigeminal odor properties in the olfactory-PTSD relationship. Keywords: PTSD, Olfaction, Odor-threat, Trigeminal, fMR