70 research outputs found

    Blood glucose-lowering nuclear receptor agonists only partially normalize hepatic gene expression in db/db mice

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    ABSTRACT Agonists of the nuclear receptors peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) ␥, PPAR␣, and liver X receptors (LXRs) reduce blood glucose in type 2 diabetic patients and comparable mouse models. Since the capacity of these drugs to normalize hepatic gene expression is not known, we compared groups of obese diabetic db/db mice treated with agonists for PPAR␥ [rosiglitazone (Rosi); 10 mg/kg/day], PPAR␣ [Wy 14643 (Wy; 4-chloro-6 -(2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinyl)thioacetic acid); 30 mg/kg/day], and LXR [T0901317 (T09; N-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)-N-[4-[2,2,2-trifluoro-1-hydroxy-1(trifluoromethyl)-ethyl]phenyl]-benzenesulfonamide) ; 40 mg/kg/day] and from untreated nondiabetic litter mates (db/ϩ) by oligonucleotide microarrays and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The 10-day treatment period of db/db mice with Rosi, Wy, and T09 altered expression of 300, 620, and 735 genes including agonist-specific target genes, respectively. However, from the 337 genes differentially regulated in untreated db/ϩ versus db/db animals, only 34 (10%), 51 (15%), and 82 (24%) were regulated in the direction of the db/ϩ group by Rosi, Wy, and T09, respectively. Gene expression normalization by drug treatment involved glucose homeostasis, lipid homeostasis, and local glucocorticoid activation. In addition, our data pointed to hitherto unknown interference of these nuclear receptors with growth hormone receptor gene expression and endoplasmic reticulum stress. However, many diabetes-associated gene alterations remained unaffected or were even aggravated by nuclear receptor agonist treatment. These results suggest that diabetes-induced gene expression is minimally reversed by potent blood glucose-lowering nuclear receptor agonists

    The active metabolite of leflunomide, A77 1726, interferes with dendritic cell function

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    Leflunomide, a potent disease-modifying antirheumatic drug used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and immunosuppressive effects. Although most of the beneficial effects of leflunomide have been attributed to its antimetabolite activity, mainly in T cells, other targets accounting for its potency might still exist. Because of mounting evidence for a prominent role of dendritic cells (DCs) in the initiation and maintenance of the immune response in RA, we analyzed the effect of the active metabolite of leflunomide (A77 1726; LEF-M) on phenotype and function of human myleloid DCs at several stages in their life cycle. Importantly, DCs differentiated in the presence of LEF-M exhibited an altered phenotype, with largely reduced surface expression of the critical co-stimulatory molecules CD40 and CD80. Furthermore, treatment of DCs during the differentiation or maturation phase with LEF-M aborted successful DC maturation. Exogenous addition of uridine revealed that DC modulation by LEF-M was independent of its proposed ability as an antimetabolite. In addition, the ability of DCs to initiate T-cell proliferation and to produce the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor-α was markedly impaired by LEF-M treatment. As a molecular mechanism, transactivation of nuclear factor-κB, an transcription factor essential for proper DC function, was completely suppressed in DCs treated with LEF-M. These data indicate that interference with several aspects of DC function could significantly contribute to the beneficial effects of leflunomide in inflammatory diseases, including RA

    The Comprehensive Native Interactome of a Fully Functional Tagged Prion Protein

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    The enumeration of the interaction partners of the cellular prion protein, PrPC, may help clarifying its elusive molecular function. Here we added a carboxy proximal myc epitope tag to PrPC. When expressed in transgenic mice, PrPmyc carried a GPI anchor, was targeted to lipid rafts, and was glycosylated similarly to PrPC. PrPmyc antagonized the toxicity of truncated PrP, restored prion infectibility of PrPC-deficient mice, and was physically incorporated into PrPSc aggregates, indicating that it possessed all functional characteristics of genuine PrPC. We then immunopurified myc epitope-containing protein complexes from PrPmyc transgenic mouse brains. Gentle differential elution with epitope-mimetic decapeptides, or a scrambled version thereof, yielded 96 specifically released proteins. Quantitative mass spectrometry with isotope-coded tags identified seven proteins which co-eluted equimolarly with PrPC and may represent component of a multiprotein complex. Selected PrPC interactors were validated using independent methods. Several of these proteins appear to exert functions in axomyelinic maintenance

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Predicts Post-Load Hypoglycemia following Bariatric Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    <div><p>Postprandial hypoglycemia is a complication following gastric bypass surgery, which frequently remains undetected. Severe hypoglycemic episodes, however, put patients at risk, e.g., for syncope. A major cause of hypoglycemia following gastric bypass is hyperinsulinemic nesidioblastosis. Since pancreatic islets in nesidioblastosis overexpress insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor α and administration of recombinant IGF-1 provokes hypoglycemia, our main objective was to investigate the occurrence of post-load hypoglycemia one year after bariatric surgery and its relation to pre- and post-operative IGF-1 serum concentrations. We evaluated metabolic parameters including 2 h 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and measured IGF-1 serum concentration in thirty-six non-diabetic patients (29 f/7 m), aged 41.3±2.0 y with a median (IQR) BMI of 30.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup> (27.5–34.3 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), who underwent elective bariatric surgery (predominantly gastric bypass, 83%) at our hospital. Post-load hypoglycemia as defined by a 2 h glucose concentration <60 mg/dl was detected in 50% of patients. Serum insulin and C-peptide concentration during the OGTT and HOMA-IR (homeostatic model assessment–insulin resistance) were similar in hypoglycemic and euglycemic patients. Strikingly, pre- and post-operative serum IGF-1 concentrations were significantly higher in hypoglycemic patients (p = 0.012 and p = 0.007 respectively). IGF-1 serum concentration before surgery negatively correlated with 2 h glucose concentration during the OGTT (rho = −0.58, p = 0.0003). Finally, IGF-1 serum concentrations before and after surgery significantly predicted post-load hypoglycemia with odds ratios of 1.28 (95%CI:1.03–1.55, p = 0.029) and 1.18 (95%CI:1.03–1.33, p = 0.015), respectively, for each 10 ng/ml increment. IGF-1 serum concentration could be a valuable biomarker to identify patients at risk for hypoglycemia following bariatric surgery independently of a diagnostic OGTT. Thus, IGF-1 testing could help to prevent a significant complication of gastric bypass surgery.</p></div

    IGF-1 in patients with euglycemia and post-load hypoglycemia at 2 h during the post-operative OGTT.

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    <p>(A) Box-plots of pre- and post-operative serum IGF-1 concentrations in patients with euglycemia (n = 17, black bars) and post-load hypoglycemia (n = 18, white bars). Outliers are represented by dots. (B) Pre-operative serum IGF-1 concentration plotted against 2 h glucose concentration during the post-operative OGTT (n = 35). (C) Post-operative serum IGF-1 concentration plotted against 2 h glucose concentration during the post-operative OGTT (n = 35). (D) ROC-AUC curve for detecting post-load hypoglycemia according to pre-operative IGF-1 concentration (n = 35). Differences between IGF-1 concentrations between the two groups were calculated by unpaired student's t-test. The association between pre- and post-operative serum IGF-1 concentration and post-operative 2 h glucose concentration during the OGTT was analyzed using Spearman's rank correlation,*p<0.05.</p

    Characteristics of obese patients before and one year after bariatric surgery.

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    a<p>Metabolic syndrome was defined according to IDF criteria;</p><p>ALT, alanine transaminase; BP, blood pressure; FLI, fatty liver index; GGT, gamma-glutamyl-transferase; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, WHR, waist to hip ratio.</p