4,523 research outputs found

    Chemical tracers of biological processes in shallow waters of North Pacific: Preformed nitrate distributions

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    Distributions of nitrate and Apparent Oxygen Utilization in the upper subtropical North Pacific Ocean reveal a layer with negative values of preformed nitrate. This layer occurs at depths just below the 1% light level and above the density of sigma theta 25.6. We show that large-scale spatial patterns in the distribution of this feature are determined by an interaction between light penetration and the depth of isopycnal surfaces which are ventilated in nutrient rich surface waters. Although the data alone are insufficient to distinguish between several possible causes, we believe the geographic and depth distributions of the negative preformed nitrate feature are most readily explained by respiration of nitrogen-poor dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the surface ocean with the possible accompaniment of nitrate uptake. Dissolved organic carbon gradients and transport calculations suggest that a significant fraction of the carbon flux out of the euphotic zone may be via DOM, indicating that the processes responsible for creating the negative preformed nitrate feature could alter the metabolite stoichiometry in upper subtropical Pacific Ocean

    Physical, chemical and biological structure of a coastal eddy near Cape Mendocino

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    We sampled mesoscale physical, chemical and biological structure in the coastal region of northern California in May, 1987. The circulation was dominated by an equatorward-flowing coastal jet and by a set of mesoscale eddies. High-velocity flow in the core of the coastal jet was composed of low-salinity, low-nutrient water, Cyclonic coastal eddies were observed near Cape Mendocino and Pt. Arena. The Cape Mendocino eddy is examined in detail. This eddy is a common feature which was present both before and after the spring transition, suggesting a relatively weak coupling between the eddy and the local wind field.The coastal circulation strongly affected the chemical and biological structure of the region. The coastal jet and cyclonic eddy increased primary production and phytoplankton biomass by increasing the nutrient supply to the euphotic zone. The change in slope of density surfaces in association with high-velocity flow in the jet and eddy raised isopycnals carrying nutrients to the surface layer. The inshore edge of the coastal jet marked the boundary between rich coastal water and oligotrophic offshore water. Since the jet was not carrying nutrients in the surface layer, advection by this feature was not an important nutrient source for the coastal ocean. The cyclonic flow and secondary circulation associated with the eddy appeared to act as a nutrient pump which provided a continuing input of high nutrient, low chlorophyll water to the center of the eddy. This resulted in low chlorophyll in the eddy center, and high chlorophyll and a large excess in dissolved oxygen at its outer edge. The coupling between physical and biological structure in the study region differs from that described for systems dominated by wind-driven coastal upwelling

    An albedo map of P/Halley on 13 March 1986

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    An albedo map is presented of comet Halley from a 10 micrometer image taken from the Wyoming Infrared Observatory on 13 Mar. 1986, and a 7311 A CCD image taken from the Anglo-Australian Telescope about an hour later. To construct this map, the CCD image was first converted from 0.49 arcsec/pixel to 1 arcsec/pixel to match the scale of the 10 micron image, then both were calibrated in lambda F sub lambda units. According to the albedo map, most of the inner coma of Halley lies between gamma = 0.04 and 0.08. The overall smoothness of the map is remarkable considering the large dynamic range of the optical and IR maps, and the differences in spatial resolution and image processing

    Sub-systems in nearby solar-type wide binaries

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    We conducted a deep survey of resolved sub-systems among wide binaries with solar-type components within 67 pc from the Sun. Images of 61 stars in the K and H bands were obtained with the NICI adaptive-optics instrument on the 8-m Gemini-South telescope. Our maximum detectable magnitude difference is about 5mag and 7.8mag at 0.15" and 0.9" separations, respectively. This enables a complete census of sub-systems with stellar companions in the projected separation range from 5 to 100 AU. Out of 7 such companions found in our sample, only one was known previously. We determine that the fraction of sub-systems with projected separations above 5 AU is 0.12 +- 0.04 and that the distribution of their mass ratio is flat, with a power-law index 0.2 +- 0.5. Comparing this with the properties of closer spectroscopic sub-systems (separations below 1 AU), it appears that the mass-ratio distribution does not depend on the separation. The frequency of sub-systems in the separation ranges below 1 AU and between 5 and 100 AU is similar, about 0.15. Unbiased statistics of multiplicity higher than two, advanced by this work, provide constraints on star-formation theory.Comment: Accepted by Astronomical Journal. 13 pages, 5 figure

    Revealing companions to nearby stars with astrometric acceleration

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    A subset of 51 Hipparcos astrometric binaries among FG dwarfs within 67pc has been surveyed with the NICI adaptive optics system at Gemini-S, directly resolving for the first time 17 sub-arcsecond companions and 7 wider ones. Using these data together with published speckle interferometry of 57 stars, we compare the statistics of resolved astrometric companions with those of a simulated binary population. The fraction of resolved companions is slightly lower than expected from binary statistics. About 10% of astrometric companions could be "dark" (white dwarfs and close pairs of late M-dwarfs). To our surprise, several binaries are found with companions too wide to explain the acceleration. Re-analysis of selected intermediate astrometric data shows that some acceleration solutions in the original Hipparcos catalog are spurious.Comment: Accepted by The Astronomical Journal. 15 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    The Neon Abundance in the Ejecta of QU Vul From Late-Epoch IR Spectra

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    We present ground-based SpectroCam-10 mid-infrared, MMT optical, and Spitzer Space Telescope IRS mid-infrared spectra taken 7.62, 18.75, and 19.38 years respectively after the outburst of the old classical nova QU Vulpeculae (Nova Vul 1984 #2). The spectra of the ejecta are dominated by forbidden line emission from neon and oxygen. Our analysis shows that neon was, at the first and last epochs respectively, more than 76 and 168 times overabundant by number with respect to hydrogen compared to the solar value. These high lower limits to the neon abundance confirm that QU Vul involved a thermonuclear runaway on an ONeMg white dwarf and approach the yields predicted by models of the nucleosynthesis in such events.Comment: ApJ 2007 accepted, 18 pages, including 5 figures, 1 tabl

    The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Offset Ring of HR 4796 A

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    We present J, H, CH_4 short (1.578 micron), CH_4 long (1.652 micron) and K_s-band images of the dust ring around the 10 Myr old star HR 4796 A obtained using the Near Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the Gemini-South 8.1 meter Telescope. Our images clearly show for the first time the position of the star relative to its circumstellar ring thanks to NICI's translucent focal plane occulting mask. We employ a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to constrain the offset vector between the two. The resulting probability distribution shows that the ring center is offset from the star by 16.7+/-1.3 milliarcseconds along a position angle of 26+/-3 degrees, along the PA of the ring, 26.47+/-0.04 degrees. We find that the size of this offset is not large enough to explain the brightness asymmetry of the ring. The ring is measured to have mostly red reflectivity across the JHK_s filters, which seems to indicate micron-sized grains. Just like Neptune's 3:2 and 2:1 mean-motion resonances delineate the inner and outer edges of the classical Kuiper Belt, we find that the radial extent of the HR 4796 A and Fomalhaut rings could correspond to the 3:2 and 2:1 mean-motion resonances of hypothetical planets at 54.7 AU and 97.7 AU in the two systems, respectively. A planet orbiting HR 4796 A at 54.7 AU would have to be less massive than 1.6 Mjup so as not to widen the ring too much by stirring.Comment: Accepted to A&A for publication on April 23, 2014 (15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables

    A Bosonic Model of Hole Pairs

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    We numerically investigate a bosonic representation for hole pairs on a two-leg t-J ladder where hard core bosons on a chain represent the hole pairs on the ladder. The interaction between hole pairs is obtained by fitting the density profile obtained with the effective model to the one obtained with the \tj model, taking into account the inner structure of the hole pair given by the hole-hole correlation function. For these interactions we calculate the Luttinger liquid parameter, which takes the universal value Kρ=1K_{\rho}=1 as half filling is approached, for values of the rung exchange JJ' between strong coupling and the isotropic case. The long distance behavior of the hole-hole correlation function is also investigated. Starting from large JJ', the correlation length first increases as expected, but diminishes significantly as JJ' is reduced and bound holes sit mainly on adjacent rungs. As the isotropic case is approached, the correlation length increases again. This effect is related to the different kind of bonds in the region between the two holes of a hole pair when they move apart.Comment: 11 page