5,254 research outputs found

    The Kinematic and Chemical Properties of a Potential Core-Forming Clump: Perseus B1-E

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    We present 13CO and C18O (1-0), (2-1), and (3-2) maps towards the core-forming Perseus B1-E clump using observations from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) of the Arizona Radio Observatory, and IRAM 30 m telescope. We find that the 13CO and C18O line emission both have very complex velocity structures, indicative of multiple velocity components within the ambient gas. The (1-0) transitions reveal a radial velocity gradient across B1-E of 1 km/s/pc that increases from north-west to south-east, whereas the majority of the Perseus cloud has a radial velocity gradient increasing from south-west to north-east. In contrast, we see no evidence of a velocity gradient associated with the denser Herschel-identified substructures in B1-E. Additionally, the denser substructures have much lower systemic motions than the ambient clump material, which indicates that they are likely decoupled from the large-scale gas. Nevertheless, these substructures themselves have broad line widths (0.4 km/s) similar to that of the C18O gas in the clump, which suggests they inherited their kinematic properties from the larger-scale, moderately dense gas. Finally, we find evidence of C18O depletion only toward one substructure, B1-E2, which is also the only object with narrow (transonic) line widths. We suggest that as prestellar cores form, their chemical and kinematic properties are linked in evolution, such that these objects must first dissipate their turbulence before they deplete in CO.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 34 pages, 12 figure

    Molecular Star Formation Rate Indicators in Galaxies

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    We derive a physical model for the observed relations between star formation rate (SFR) and molecular line (CO and HCN) emission in galaxies, and show how these observed relations are reflective of the underlying star formation law. We do this by combining 3D non-LTE radiative transfer calculations with hydrodynamic simulations of isolated disk galaxies and galaxy mergers. We demonstrate that the observed SFR-molecular line relations are driven by the relationship between molecular line emission and gas density, and anchored by the index of the underlying Schmidt law controlling the SFR in the galaxy. Lines with low critical densities (e.g. CO J=1-0) are typically thermalized and trace the gas density faithfully. In these cases, the SFR will be related to line luminosity with an index similar to the Schmidt law index. Lines with high critical densities greater than the mean density of most of the emitting clouds in a galaxy (e.g. CO J=3-2, HCN J=1-0) will have only a small amount of thermalized gas, and consequently a superlinear relationship between molecular line luminosity and mean gas density. This results in a SFR-line luminosity index less than the Schmidt index for high critical density tracers. One observational consequence of this is a significant redistribution of light from the small pockets of dense, thermalized gas to diffuse gas along the line of sight, and prodigious emission from subthermally excited gas. At the highest star formation rates, the SFR-Lmol slope tends to the Schmidt index, regardless of the molecular transition. The fundamental relation is the Kennicutt-Schmidt law, rather than the relation between SFR and molecular line luminosity. We use these results to make imminently testable predictions for the SFR-molecular line relations of unobserved transitions.Comment: ApJ Accepted - Results remain same as previous version. Content clarified with Referee's comment

    Price Flexibility Analysis of Virginia Hard Clams: Economic Considerations for Management of the Fishery

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    Price flexibility coefficients estimated for ex-vessel prices of Virginia hard clams indicate a very small (4.292 x 10-6 to 6.994 x 10-6%) decrease in price would occur given a 1% increase in the quantity supplied by Virginia harvesters. Data used were monthly landings of Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maryland and North Carolina over the period 1960-1979. Fifty-eight percent of the ex-vessel price changes are not explained by the supply response model used, suggesting other market and consumer demand factors play a large role in determining ex-vessel price. This conclusion is reached considering the historical range of production 1n Virginia. Possible legislative changes to aid the fishery are: (1) Allowing the use of efficient harvesting technologies on private leased bottom, (2) Consider seasonal use of efficient harvesting technologies to take advantage of seasonal peaks in ex-vessel prices, (3) Institute a new statistical reporting system that reports the catch/day of each harvester and the proportion of each market grade caught, (4) Establishment of subaqueous bottom ar1~as specifically for the field culture of hard clams, and (5) Set and 1~nforce a minimum legal cull size

    High Statistics Analysis using Anisotropic Clover Lattices: (I) Single Hadron Correlation Functions

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    We present the results of high-statistics calculations of correlation functions generated with single-baryon interpolating operators on an ensemble of dynamical anisotropic gauge-field configurations generated by the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration using a tadpole-improved clover fermion action and Symanzik-improved gauge action. A total of 292,500 sets of measurements are made using 1194 gauge configurations of size 20^3 x 128 with an anisotropy parameter \xi= b_s/b_t = 3.5, a spatial lattice spacing of b_s=0.1227\pm 0.0008 fm, and pion mass of m_\pi ~ 390 MeV. Ground state baryon masses are extracted with fully quantified uncertainties that are at or below the ~0.2%-level in lattice units. The lowest-lying negative-parity states are also extracted albeit with a somewhat lower level of precision. In the case of the nucleon, this negative-parity state is above the N\pi threshold and, therefore, the isospin-1/2 \pi N s-wave scattering phase-shift can be extracted using Luescher's method. The disconnected contributions to this process are included indirectly in the gauge-field configurations and do not require additional calculations. The signal-to-noise ratio in the various correlation functions is explored and is found to degrade exponentially faster than naive expectations on many time-slices. This is due to backward propagating states arising from the anti-periodic boundary conditions imposed on the quark-propagators in the time-direction. We explore how best to distribute computational resources between configuration generation and propagator measurements in order to optimize the extraction of single baryon observables

    Minimally invasive reconstruction of lateral tibial plateau fractures using the jail technique: a biomechanical study

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    BACKGROUND: This study described a novel, minimally invasive reconstruction technique of lateral tibial plateau fractures using a three-screw jail technique and compared it to a conventional two-screw osteosynthesis technique. The benefit of an additional screw implanted in the proximal tibia from the anterior at an angle of 90° below the conventional two-screw reconstruction after lateral tibial plateau fracture was evaluated. This new method was called the jail technique. METHODS: The two reconstruction techniques were tested using a porcine model (n = 40). Fracture was simulated using a defined osteotomy of the lateral tibial plateau. Load-to-failure and multiple cyclic loading tests were conducted using a material testing machine. Twenty tibias were used for each reconstruction technique, ten of which were loaded in a load-to-failure protocol and ten cyclically loaded (5000 times) between 200 and 1000 N using a ramp protocol. Displacement, stiffness and yield load were determined from the resulting load displacement curve. Failure was macroscopically documented. RESULTS: In the load-to-failure testing, the jail technique showed a significantly higher mean maximum load (2275.9 N) in comparison to the conventional reconstruction (1796.5 N, p < 0.001). The trend for better outcomes for the novel technique in terms of stiffness and yield load did not reach statistical significance (p > 0.05). In cyclic testing, the jail technique also showed better trends in displacement that were not statistically significant. Failure modes showed a tendency of screws cutting through the bone (cut-out) in the conventional reconstruction. No cut-out but a bending of the lag screws at the site of the additional third screw was observed in the jail technique. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the jail and the conventional technique have seemingly similar biomechanical properties. This suggests that the jail technique may be a feasible alternative to conventional screw osteosynthesis in the minimally invasive reconstruction of lateral tibial plateau fractures. A potential advantage of the jail technique is the prevention of screw cut-outs through the cancellous bone

    Towards a New Science of a Clinical Data Intelligence

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    In this paper we define Clinical Data Intelligence as the analysis of data generated in the clinical routine with the goal of improving patient care. We define a science of a Clinical Data Intelligence as a data analysis that permits the derivation of scientific, i.e., generalizable and reliable results. We argue that a science of a Clinical Data Intelligence is sensible in the context of a Big Data analysis, i.e., with data from many patients and with complete patient information. We discuss that Clinical Data Intelligence requires the joint efforts of knowledge engineering, information extraction (from textual and other unstructured data), and statistics and statistical machine learning. We describe some of our main results as conjectures and relate them to a recently funded research project involving two major German university hospitals.Comment: NIPS 2013 Workshop: Machine Learning for Clinical Data Analysis and Healthcare, 201

    Effects of Hypohydration on Muscular Performance in Females: An Ongoing Study

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    Dehydration (~3%) has been shown to negatively affect anaerobic performance. A majority of this research has been conducted using male participants. Like males, females have been shown to underestimate sweat loss, which could lead to insufficient rehydration and thus hypohydration. Additionally, due to differences in thermoregulation, it is possible that females respond to hypohydration differently than males. To date, no research has examined the effects of previous night dehydration on muscular performance in females. PURPOSE: The purpose of this ongoing study was to determine the effects of previous night dehydration on muscular strength, muscular endurance, lower body power, and perceptual measures in resistance trained females. METHODS: Healthy, resistance trained females (n = 7) completed two bouts of resistance exercise, either dehydrated (~3% body weight) (DT) or heat exposed with fluid replacement (HT). Each exercise bout consisted of one rep maximum (1RM) for bench press followed by 5 sets to failure of 75% of 1RM, 1RM for leg press followed by 5 sets to failure of 75% of 1RM, and vertical jump assessment. Participants estimated ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) after each exercise. Session RPE (SRPE) was estimated 5 minutes following completion of the protocol and estimations for feelings of recovery (PRS), perceived readiness to exercise (PR), thirst, and sleep quality were estimated prior to workouts. RESULTS: Analysis revealed a bench press 1RM (p = 0.05) and leg press 1RM (p = 0.03) were significantly lower for DT (bench: 95.0 ± 34.0; leg press: 461.4 ± 141.7) compared to HT (bench: 97.9 ± 34.3; leg press: 500.0 ± 141.0). There was no difference in total reps completed for bench press (p = 0.32) or leg press (p = 0.37) for DT (bench press: 31.0 ± 6.7; leg press: 47.9 ± 21.6) compared to HT (bench press: 31.7 ± 5.0; leg press: 49.6 ± 22.8). There was no significant difference (p = 0.15) for vertical jump height (DT: 17.6 ± 2.2, HT: 18.1 ± 2.6). RPE was not significantly different following bench press (p = 0.5) (DT: 7.1 ± 1.1, HT: 7.1 ± 0.9) or leg press (p = 0.41) (DT: 6.7 ± 0.5, HT: 6.9 ± 1.7). SRPE was significantly higher (p = 0.05) for DT (6.6 ± 0.5) vs HT (5.9 ± 0.7). Significant differences for PRS (p = 0.03) (DT: 5.4 ± 2.2, HT: 7.05 ± 1.3) and PR (p = 0.01) (DT: 3.9 ± 0.9, HT: 2.6 ± 0.5) indicate participants expected impaired performance during DT. Feelings of thirst were significantly higher (p = 0.001) for DT (6.5 ± 2.5) vs HT (2.1 ± 2.3). Estimations of sleep quality were significantly lower (p = 0.05) for DT (4.3 ± 3.3) vs HT (7.2 ± 2.1). CONCLUSION: Even though only preliminary data from a presently ongoing study, the current results suggest that previous night dehydration has a negative influence on both performance and perceptual measures in resistance trained females

    Effects of Dehydration on Resistance Training: An Ongoing Study

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    Introduction: Dehydration via hot bath has been shown to impair resistance training performance when performed the same day. The performance decrements in this instance could potentially be due to a combination of the dehydration and residual effects of the heat exposure and not of the dehydration alone. To date, no research has examined the effects of previous night dehydration on resistance training performance. Purpose: The purpose of this ongoing study was to determine the effects of previous night dehydration on performance and perceptual measures during a full-body resistance training protocol. Methods: Healthy, resistance trained males (n = 4) completed two bouts of a full body resistance training protocol (three sets to failure for bench press, lat pull, overhead press, bicep curl, triceps push down, and leg press), dehydrated (~3% body weight) (DT), or heat exposed with fluid replacement (HT). Heart rate (HR) was taken after every set, and participants estimated ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) after each exercise. Session RPE (SRPE) was estimated 5 minutes following completion of the protocol and estimations for feelings of recovery (PRS), perceived readiness to exercise (PR), thirst, and sleep quality. Results: Analysis revealed a significantly less (p = \u3c 0.001) total reps were completed for DT (163.0 ± 4.8) compared to HT (191.3 ± 10.3), though no differences were found for reps per exercise. No significant differences were found for HR (DT vs HT) at any time point. RPE was significantly higher for DT following bicep curl (p = 0.03) (DT: 7.8 ± 0.96, HT: 6.0 ± 0.82) and triceps push down (p = 0.03) (DT: 7.5 ± 0.58, HT: 6.0 ± 0.82). SRPE was significantly higher (p = 0.003) for DT (8.0 ± 0.0) vs HT (6.3 ± 0.5). Significant differences for PRS (p = 0.004) (DT: 5.0 ± 1.4, HT: 7.5 ± 0.58) and PR (p = \u3c 0.001) (DT: 5.0 ± 0.0, HT: 2.5 ± 0.58) indicate participants expected impaired performance during DT. Feelings of thirst were significantly higher (p = 0.001) for DT (7.98 ± 0.94) vs HT (2.73 ± 1.11). No differences were found for estimations of sleep quality (p = 0.59). Conclusion: Even though only preliminary data from a study presently ongoing, the present results suggest that previous night dehydration has a negative influence on both performance and perceptual measures

    Body Composition Estimation and Satisfaction in College Students

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    College students are at an elevated risk for engaging in unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, including disordered eating and low levels of exercise. Evidence also suggests that college students inaccurately estimate their weight status (e.g., reporting they are overweight when they are at a normal weight) and report high levels of body dissatisfaction. Efforts to promote healthy behavior change and body satisfaction first require an accurate perception of the problem. The purpose of this study was to 1) determine the accuracy with which college students estimate their weight and body composition, and 2) better understand the relationship between body composition and body satisfaction. Methods: Forty-five college students (males = 21 and females = 24), between 18 and 30 years of age, completed a survey with items assessing demographic characteristics, weight status estimation, body composition estimation, and the Body Part Satisfaction Scale (BPSS). Body composition was assessed using Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Paired samples t-tests were used to compare means between participant’s objective measurements and their estimated measurements. Bivariate analyses were used to determine relationships between body part dissatisfaction and body composition. Results: Males and females accurately estimated their weight (d =-.16, SD = 2.56, t(44) = -.414, p = 0.68), but significantly underestimated their body fat percentage (d =-4.37, SD = 7.62, t(44) = -3.85), p = 0.001). Greater body dissatisfaction was associated with a higher body fat percentage (r =. 353), but not body fat percentage estimation (r = .164). In the trunk region, a higher body fat percentage in that region was significantly associated with greater dissatisfaction for abdomen size (r = .323); higher body fat percentage in the arms and legs were mildly associated with greater dissatisfaction in the respective areas (r = .268; r = .260), though not statistically significant. Conclusions: Although college students accurately estimated their weight, they significantly underestimated their fat mass, indicating a misunderstanding regarding the proportion of their body weight composed of fat tissue. As expected, greater fat mass in specific body parts (e.g., arms, legs, and truck) was related with greater dissatisfaction in those specific areas. Future research should continue to investigate these relationships and body composition estimation accuracy in more diverse samples. Health promotion initiatives should aim to educate students on body composition and continue to promote healthy behavior change along with body satisfaction

    Effects of dietary protein and fiber at breakfast on appetite, ad libitum energy intake at lunch, and neural responses to visual food stimuli in overweight adults

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    Increasing either protein or fiber at mealtimes has relatively modest effects on ingestive behavior. Whether protein and fiber have additive or interactive effects on ingestive behavior is not known. Fifteen overweight adults (5 female, 10 male; BMI: 27.1 ± 0.2 kg/m²; aged 26 ± 1 year) consumed four breakfast meals in a randomized crossover manner (normal protein (12 g) + normal fiber (2 g), normal protein (12 g) + high fiber (8 g), high protein (25 g) + normal fiber (2 g), high protein (25 g) + high fiber (8 g)). The amount of protein and fiber consumed at breakfast did not influence postprandial appetite or ad libitum energy intake at lunch. In the fasting-state, visual food stimuli elicited significant responses in the bilateral insula and amygdala and left orbitofrontal cortex. Contrary to our hypotheses, postprandial right insula responses were lower after consuming normal protein vs. high protein breakfasts. Postprandial responses in other a priori brain regions were not significantly influenced by protein or fiber intake at breakfast. In conclusion, these data do not support increasing dietary protein and fiber at breakfast as effective strategies for modulating neural reward processing and acute ingestive behavior in overweight adults.R01 MH102224 - NIMH NIH HHS; UL1 TR001108 - NCATS NIH HHS; UL1TR001108 - NCATS NIH HH
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