25 research outputs found

    Gauge invariance in Loop Quantum Cosmology : Hamilton-Jacobi and Mukhanov-Sasaki equations for scalar perturbations

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    Gauge invariance of scalar perturbations is studied together with the associated equations of motion. Extending methods developed in the framework of hamiltonian General Relativity, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is investigated into the details in Loop Quantum Cosmology. The gauge-invariant observables are built and their equations of motions are reviewed both in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approaches. This method is applied to scalar perturbations with either holonomy or inverse-volume corrections.Comment: 16 page

    Anomaly-free perturbations with inverse-volume and holonomy corrections in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    This article addresses the issue of the closure of the algebra of constraints for generic (cosmological) perturbations when taking into account simultaneously the two main corrections of effective loop quantum cosmology, namely the holonomy and the inverse-volume terms. Previous works on either the holonomy or the inverse volume case are reviewed and generalized. In the inverse-volume case, we point out new possibilities. An anomaly-free solution including both corrections is found for perturbations, and the corresponding equations of motion are derived.Comment: previous mistake corrected leading to new result

    Primordial tensor power spectrum in holonomy corrected Omega-LQC

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    The holonomy correction is one of the main terms arising when implementing loop quantum gravity ideas at an effective level in cosmology. The recent construction of an anomaly free algebra has shown that the formalism used, up to now, to derive the primordial spectrum of fluctuations was not correct. This article aims at computing the tensor spectrum in a fully consistent way within this deformed and closed algebra.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Inflation in loop quantum cosmology: Dynamics and spectrum of gravitational waves

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    Loop quantum cosmology provides an efficient framework to study the evolution of the Universe beyond the classical Big Bang paradigm. Because of holonomy corrections, the singularity is replaced by a "bounce". The dynamics of the background is investigated into the details, as a function of the parameters of the model. In particular, the conditions required for inflation to occur are carefully considered and are shown to be generically met. The propagation of gravitational waves is then investigated in this framework. By both numerical and analytical approaches, the primordial tensor power spectrum is computed for a wide range of parameters. Several interesting features could be observationally probed.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Matches version published in Phys. Rev.

    Non-singular Ekpyrotic/Cyclic model in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    We study the role of non-perturbative quantum gravity effects in the Ekpyrotic/Cyclic model using the effective framework of loop quantum cosmology in the presence of anisotropies. We show that quantum geometric modifications to the dynamical equations near the Planck scale as understood in the quantization of Bianchi-I spacetime in loop quantum cosmology lead to the resolution of classical singularity and result in a non-singular transition of the universe from the contracting to the expanding branch. In the Planck regime, the universe undergoes multiple small bounces and the anisotropic shear remains bounded throughout the evolution. A novel feature, which is absent for isotropic models, is a natural turn around of the moduli field from the negative region of the potential leading to a cyclic phenomena as envisioned in the original paradigm. Our work suggests that incorporation of quantum gravitational effects in the Ekpyrotic/Cyclic model may lead to a viable scenario without any violation of the null energy condition.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Additional numerical results discussed to show robustness of non-singular bounce of the scale factor and turn-around of the moduli field. References added. To appear in Physical Review

    Etude des perturbations cosmologiques et dérivation des observables en Gravité Quantique à Boucles

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    La relativité générale est la théorie rendant compte de la gravitation via une déformation de l'espace-temps. Son application à l'Univers permet, dans le modèle Lambda-CDM, de bien rentre compte des observations cosmologiques. Cependant, à l'échelle de Planck, la théorie ne fonctionne plus et s'avère incohérente. Pour résoudre ce problème, il est sans doute essentiel de tenir compte des effets quantiques. Depuis près d'un siècle, concilier relativité générale et mécanique quantique est considéré comme une priorité de la physique théorique. La tâche s'avère néanmoins extraordinairement difficile et cette thèse est consacrée à l'une des pistes les plus sérieuses : la gravitation quantique à boucles. Pour aller de l'avant dans cette démarche nécessaire mais complexe, des confrontation avec des données expérimentales seraient essentielles. Nous nous sommes ainsi intéressés aux perturbations cosmologiques générées dans ce cadre. Nous avons étudié en détails les conséquences phénoménologiques des corrections de cosmologie quantique à boucles aux modes tensoriels dans un modèle d'univers en rebond. Une analyse de Fisher a été développée pour comparer ces prédictions aux éventuelles futures observations. Pour les autres modes, nous nous sommes placés dans un formalisme spécifique incluant le calcul de contre-termes permettant de prévenir l'apparition d'anomalies dans la structure de l'algèbre des contraintes. Ce formalisme a été appliqué aux cas des perturbations vectorielles puis scalaires. Les équations du mouvement invariantes de jauges permettant de calculer les spectres ont alors été dérivées.General relativity describes gravity as a deformation of space-time. Applied to the Universe as a whole, it explains well cosmological observations in the lambda-CDM paradigm. However, at the Planck scale, the theory is not anymore self-consistent. It is most probably necessary to include quantum effects. For a century, this has been considered as one of the main challenges for theoretical physics. This is however an extremely difficult aim to reach and this thesis is devoted to one of the main proposal: Loop Quantum Gravity. To go ahead in the construction of any quantum theory of gravity, it would be most useful to compare predictions with observations. To this aim, we have studied cosmological perturbations in this framework. We have investigated into the details the phenomenological consequences of loop quantum cosmology corrections in a bouncing universe. A Fisher analysis was carried out to compare the predictions with future data. For the other modes, we have used a specific formalism to include counterterms that prevent anomalies from appearing in the algebra of constraints. This formalism was applied to vector and scalar perturbations. The gauge-invariant equations of motion leading to the calculation of measurable spectra were derived.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Consistency of holonomy-corrected scalar, vector and tensor perturbations in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Loop Quantum Cosmology yields two kinds of quantum corrections to the effective equations of motion for cosmological perturbations. Here we focus on the holonomy kind and we study the problem of the closure of the resulting algebra of constraints. Up to now, tensor, vector and scalar perturbations were studied independently, leading to different algebras of constraints. The structures of the related algebras were imposed by the requirement of anomaly freedom. In this article we show that the algebra can be modified by a very simple quantum correction, holding for all types of perturbations. This demonstrates the consistency of the theory and shows that lessons from the study of scalar perturbations should be taken into account when studying tensor modes. The Mukhanov-Sasaki equations of motion are similarly modified by a simple term.Comment: 5 page

    Singularities in loop quantum cosmology

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    We show that simple scalar field models can give rise to curvature singularities in the effective Friedmann dynamics of Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC). We find singular solutions for spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with a canonical scalar field and a negative exponential potential, or with a phantom scalar field and a positive potential. While LQC avoids big bang or big rip type singularities, we find sudden singularities where the Hubble rate is bounded, but the Ricci curvature scalar diverges. We conclude that the effective equations of LQC are not in themselves sufficient to avoid the occurrence of singularities.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: Comments and references added. v3: Minor additions, version to appear in PR

    Anomaly-free vector perturbations with holonomy corrections in loop quantum cosmology

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    We investigate vector perturbations with holonomy corrections in the framework of loop quantum cosmology. Conditions to achieve anomaly freedom for these perturbations are found at all orders. This requires the introduction of counter-terms in the hamiltonian constraint. We also show that anomaly freedom requires the diffeomorphism constraint to hold its classical form when scalar matter is added although the issue of a vector matter source, required for full consistency, remains to be investigated. The gauge-invariant variable and the corresponding equation of motion are derived. The propagation of vector modes through the bounce is finally discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Matches version published in Class. Quantum Gra