996 research outputs found

    UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet

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    The UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet would like to present a performance at the Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of North Georgia\u27s Gainesville campus, November 2-3, 2018. The Quartet consists of two tubas and two euphoniums. In addition to tubas and euphoniums, we often incorporate percussion into our performances. The UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet consists of the top two euphonium players and the top two tuba players from Dr. Adam Freys studio. The quartet plays a wide variety of music, ranging from classical transcriptions, to original compositions for Tuba-Euphonium quartet, and even jazz. Members of the quartet often create their own arrangements/compositions which we perform as well. The quartet has performed at a numerous event around the University, such as \u27OctubaFest\u27, \u27Spring Euphoria\u27, and the Dahlonega campuses instrumental honors recital. In addition to these performances, the UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet regularly performs at local churches and last January, the quartet performed at the Georgia Music Educator in Service Conference in Athens, Georgia. The quartet will be competing in the quartet competition of the International Tuba-Euphonium Conference (ITEC) at the University of Iowa this upcoming May

    Bio- and chronostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic Reifling Formation of the westernmost Northern Calcareous Alps

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    New finds of fossils including bivalves, ammonoids, brachiopods and palynomorphs from the Middle Triassic Reifling Formation significantly improve the age assignment for this unit in Liechtenstein and Vorarlberg. The lower part of the Reifling Formation is tentatively referred to the Late Anisian Paraceratites trinodosus Zone and somewhat older levels, whereas the uppermost part reaches the Ladinian Protrachyceras archelaus Zone (ammonoid zonation). The Middle Triassic successions of the study area are correlated with the coeval South Alpine reference section at Bagolino (Brescian Prealps), which also bears the Ladinian GSSP. The comparison shows that the Reifling Formation in the study area is age-equivalent with the South Alpine Prezzo Limestone and the Buchenstein Formation. A volcanoclastic layer in the upper part of the Reifling Formation at Flexenpass yields a U-Pb zircon age of 239.3 +/- 0.2 Ma. This value is slightly older than previously published minimum ages from equivalent horizons in the Southern Alps; the difference is thought to be mainly due to improved pre-treatment of zircons (annealing/chemical abrasion), which significantly reduces the effects of Pb loss. The new radio-isotope age further constrains the stratigraphical age of the Reifling Formation and supports the proposed biostratigraphy-based correlation of Middle Triassic successions in the Eastern and Southern Alp

    Получение желаемых передаточных функций импульсных систем автоматического управления

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    Рассмотрена задача получения желаемых передаточных функций импульсных систем автоматического управления. Предложен способ синтеза передаточных функций низкого порядка по прямым показателям качества, обеспечивающий конечное время переходного процесса

    Aquatic occurrence of phytotoxins in small streams triggered by biogeography, vegetation growth stage, and precipitation

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    Toxic plant secondary metabolites (PSMs), so-called phytotoxins, occur widely in plant species. Many of these phytotoxins have similar mobility, persistence, and toxicity properties in the environment as anthropogenic micropollutants, which increasingly contaminate surface waters. Although recent case studies have shown the aquatic relevance of phytotoxins, the overall exposure remains unknown. Therefore, we performed a detailed occurrence analysis covering 134 phytotoxins from 27 PSM classes. Water samples from seven small Swiss streams with catchment areas from 1.7 to 23 km(2) and varying land uses were gathered over several months to investigate seasonal impacts. They were complemented with samples from different biogeographical regions to cover variations in vegetation. A broad SPE-LC-HRMS/MS method was applied with limits of detection below 5 ng/L for over 80% of the 134 included phytotoxins. In total, we confirmed 39 phytotoxins belonging to 13 PSM classes, which corresponds to almost 30% of all included phytotoxins. Several alkaloids were regularly detected in the low ng/L-range, with average detection frequencies of 21%. This is consistent with the previously estimated persistence and mobility properties that indicated a high contamination potential. Coumarins were previously predicted to be unstable, however, detection frequencies were around 89%, and maximal concentrations up to 90 ng/L were measured for fraxetin produced by various trees. Overall, rainy weather conditions at full vegetation led to the highest total phytotoxin concentrations, which might potentially be most critical for aquatic organisms


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    Проблеми формування системи початкової освіти постійно знаходи-лись у фокусі громадської уваги менонітського соціуму, який намагався шля-хом надзвичайної концентрації інтелектуальних, фінансових та господарчих зусиль сприяти її всебічному становленню та розвитку. Ґенеза менонітсько-го віровчення, темпи та масштаб його поширення серед населення північ-них регіонів Західної Європи були об'єктивно зумовлені наявністю у пред-ставників даного релігійного руху елементарних освітянських навичок (вміння читати та писати), які були необхідні для раціонального тлумачен-ня біблійних та релігійних текстів. Поява розгалуженої освітянської системи в громадах менонітів була детермінована специфікою віровчення спільноти, її нагальними релігійними, церковними та громадськими потребами. Зазначимо, що меноніти розглядали шкільництво як один із засобів набуття «освічено-го благочестя»

    Kirzhnits gradient expansion for a D-dimensional Fermi gas

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    For an ideal D-dimensional Fermi gas under generic external confinement we derive the correcting coefficient (D2)/3D(D-2)/3D of the von Weizsacker term in the kinetic energy density. To obtain this coefficient we use the Kirzhnits semiclassical expansion of the number operator up to the second order in the Planck constant \hbar. Within this simple and direct approach we determine the differential equation of the density profile and the density functional of the Fermi gas. In the case D=2 we find that the Kirzhnits gradient corrections vanish to all order in \hbar.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields: Phase space topology and torus quantization via periodic orbits

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    A hierarchical ordering is demonstrated for the periodic orbits in a strongly coupled multidimensional Hamiltonian system, namely the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields. It mirrors the hierarchy of broken resonant tori and thereby allows one to characterize the periodic orbits by a set of winding numbers. With this knowledge, we construct the action variables as functions of the frequency ratios and carry out a semiclassical torus quantization. The semiclassical energy levels thus obtained agree well with exact quantum calculations

    Identification of a novel Rev-interacting cellular protein

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    BACKGROUND: Human cell types respond differently to infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Defining specific interactions between host cells and viral proteins is essential in understanding how viruses exploit cellular functions and the innate strategies underlying cellular control of HIV replication. The HIV Rev protein is a post-transcriptional inducer of HIV gene expression and an important target for interaction with cellular proteins. Identification of Rev-modulating cellular factors may eventually contribute to the design of novel antiviral therapies. RESULTS: Yeast-two hybrid screening of a T-cell cDNA library with Rev as bait led to isolation of a novel human cDNA product (16.4.1). 16.4.1-containing fusion proteins showed predominant cytoplasmic localization, which was dependent on CRM1-mediated export from the nucleus. Nuclear export activity of 16.4.1 was mapped to a 60 amino acid region and a novel transport signal identified. Interaction of 16.4.1 with Rev in human cells was shown in a mammalian two-hybrid assay and by colocalization of Rev and 16.4.1 in nucleoli, indicating that Rev can recruit 16.4.1 to the nucleus/nucleoli. Rev-dependent reporter expression was inhibited by overexpressing 16.4.1 and stimulated by siRNAs targeted to 16.4.1 sequences, demonstrating that 16.4.1 expression influences the transactivation function of Rev. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that 16.4.1 may act as a modulator of Rev activity. The experimental strategies outlined in this study are applicable to the identification and biological characterization of further novel Rev-interacting cellular factors

    Fractional Exclusion Statistics and Two Dimensional Electron Systems

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    Using the Thomas-Fermi approximation, we show that an interacting two dimensional electron gas may be described in terms of fractional exclusion statistics at zero and finite temperatures when the interaction has a short-range component. We argue that a likely physical situation for this phenomenon to occur may exist in two dimensional quantum dots.Comment: 12 pages, REVTE

    Laplacian-level density functionals for the kinetic energy density and exchange-correlation energy

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    We construct a Laplacian-level meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) for the non-interacting (Kohn-Sham orbital) positive kinetic energy density τ\tau of an electronic ground state of density nn. This meta-GGA is designed to recover the fourth-order gradient expansion τGE4\tau^{GE4} in the appropiate slowly-varying limit and the von Weizs\"{a}cker expression τW=n2/(8n)\tau^{W}=|\nabla n|^2/(8n) in the rapidly-varying limit. It is constrained to satisfy the rigorous lower bound τW(r)τ(r)\tau^{W}(\mathbf{r})\leq\tau(\mathbf{r}). Our meta-GGA is typically a strong improvement over the gradient expansion of τ\tau for atoms, spherical jellium clusters, jellium surfaces, the Airy gas, Hooke's atom, one-electron Gaussian density, quasi-two dimensional electron gas, and nonuniformly-scaled hydrogen atom. We also construct a Laplacian-level meta-GGA for exchange and correlation by employing our approximate τ\tau in the Tao, Perdew, Staroverov and Scuseria (TPSS) meta-GGA density functional. The Laplacian-level TPSS gives almost the same exchange-correlation enhancement factors and energies as the full TPSS, suggesting that τ\tau and 2n\nabla^2 n carry about the same information beyond that carried by nn and n\nabla n. Our kinetic energy density integrates to an orbital-free kinetic energy functional that is about as accurate as the fourth-order gradient expansion for many real densities (with noticeable improvement in molecular atomization energies), but considerably more accurate for rapidly-varying ones.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure