13,034 research outputs found

    Geology of the Transverse Range Province, Southern California

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    The Transverse Range province of southern California is an elongate geomorphic and structural unit that trends essentially east-west across parts of Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties (pl. 4). Its name reflects its transverse orientation with respect to the adjacent provinces, especially the Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada to the north and the Peninsular Ranges to the south. This distinctive province is geologically very complex, and comprises chains of mountains and hills that are flanked or separated by narrow to moderately broad valleys. These features, as well as most of their structural elements, lie athwart the general northwest-southeast grain of southern California, and several of them are responsible for the anomalous east-west alignment of the coast from Point Conception to the Santa Barbara area, and along the north side of Santa Monica Bay


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    New Generation Cooperatives have emerged as a contemporary means for farmers to invest in further processing activities. This paper considers real options as the basis for evaluating producer investment in a start-up cooperative that involves technological uncertainty. The investment and risk inherent in producer membership in an NGC is analyzed using real options theory logic. Real options theory has recently been extended to technology positioning projects and how the extent of uncertainty influences the value of a technology "option". Conventional net present value formulas have been shown to be limited when the conditions of the investment require substantial commitment under uncertainty, such as investments in technology. Implications for producers are drawn from the analysis. Producers always have the alternative of not investing in the initial start-up but waiting and buying in at a later time, perhaps when less uncertainty prevails. Results indicate that producers are better able to evaluate investment in a NGC using real options.Agribusiness,

    Studies of low-energy ionic collisions Final report, 1 Oct. 1965 - 30 Sep. 1967

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    Ionic-molecular collisions, and collision induced dissociation of ion

    The Evolution of 5G: Delineating the Impact and Limitations across Transportation, Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, and Manufacturing

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    A world previously only thought possible in science fiction is about to become a reality. A world where doctors can operate on patients thousands of miles away. A world where students can experience ancient cities and distant galalike they are physically there. A world of fully self-driving cars. A world where every step of the supply chain is automated. A world where factories have a handful of employees overseeing robots handling the entire manufacturing process. A world of fully autonomous farms, where one farmer can manage an entire farm from seed to harvest from their smartphone. The development, implementation, and adoption of 5G cellular networks will make this world a possibility. 5G is the fifth generation of cellular networks. It is the successor of the current fourth generation (4G) networks. 5G technology is characterized by ultra-low latency, massive data rates, near perfect reliability, extreme density of connection, and wide coverage areas. 5G is not just another “G”, it has the potential to completely disrupt the way we work and live (Binney, 2020). 5G networks will impact the world in an almost infinite number of ways. Business models will change, the way people work will change, the way students learn will change, the way patients get health care will change, the way people get their food will change, the way people drive will change. In this thesis, I examine the development, applications, benefits, and socioeconomic impacts of 5G technology, as well as current limitations facing the industry and ways to address them

    The Evolution of 5G: Delineating the Impact and Limitations across Transportation, Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, and Manufacturing

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    A world previously only thought possible in science fiction is about to become a reality. A world where doctors can operate on patients thousands of miles away. A world where students can experience ancient cities and distant galalike they are physically there. A world of fully self-driving cars. A world where every step of the supply chain is automated. A world where factories have a handful of employees overseeing robots handling the entire manufacturing process. A world of fully autonomous farms, where one farmer can manage an entire farm from seed to harvest from their smartphone. The development, implementation, and adoption of 5G cellular networks will make this world a possibility. 5G is the fifth generation of cellular networks. It is the successor of the current fourth generation (4G) networks. 5G technology is characterized by ultra-low latency, massive data rates, near perfect reliability, extreme density of connection, and wide coverage areas. 5G is not just another “G”, it has the potential to completely disrupt the way we work and live (Binney, 2020). 5G networks will impact the world in an almost infinite number of ways. Business models will change, the way people work will change, the way students learn will change, the way patients get health care will change, the way people get their food will change, the way people drive will change. In this thesis, I examine the development, applications, benefits, and socioeconomic impacts of 5G technology, as well as current limitations facing the industry and ways to address them

    Community Colleges in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Community colleges account for a surprisingly large share of American higher education. Nearly one half of all postsecondary undergraduates in fall 1997 were enrolled in community colleges (U.S. Department of Education, 2000a), and over the span of any given year, more for-credit undergraduate students enroll in community colleges than in baccalaureate-granting institutions. Community colleges have large and growing enrollments in non-credit courses as well. Moreover, the types of students who enroll in community colleges— first-generation or those from low socioeconomic backgrounds (U.S. Department of Education, 2000a)— are precisely the ones who are of most concern to scholars and policymakers. But after several decades of growth, community colleges now face a particularly challenging environment. Changes in pedagogic and production technology, state funding policy, the expectations of students, parents, and policymakers, demographic trends; and the growth of new types of educational institutions and providers are potentially altering the role of community colleges within the wider landscape of higher education

    People Remember Liked Political Policies as Having Been Attributed to Their Own Party

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    A robust finding in psychology shows that people tend to like information more when it supports their existing beliefs, or comes from their own ingroup, a finding known as motivated reasoning. These findings are especially prominent in a political context. Quite consistently, research suggests people increase their liking of political information like political policies when they are attributed to their own party. What is unknown, however, is if people also tend to attribute personally liked information to their own party. These studies were conducted to investigate this question. Two, within-subjects studies were conducted. In both, participants (undergraduate students) saw various political policies and indicated their liking for each. After a delay, the policies were randomly attributed to either the Democrat or Republican party and participants indicated their liking for each again. After another delay, participants saw all policies again in the context of a memory task. For each policy, participants indicated which party they remembered it was attributed to and their confidence in that memory. Participants also responded to items that measured their political sophistication, political identity fusion, and political identity investment. Collectively, the results of the study provided evidence that people remembered personally liked policies as being attributed to their own party. It also suggests that political sophistication may moderate this effect in some fashion. Finally, people seemed to increase their liking for policies that were attributed to their own party and decrease their liking for policies attributed to the opposing party

    Environmentally friendly natural waste materials for use in civil structures

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    [Abstract]: By examining past work and conducting a review of available literature the best design and experimentation methodology of investigating environmentally friendly composites using natural waste products could be identified. As examples of these natural waste products, jute and CNSL were used to construct numerous samples of different texture, treatment process of cardanol content. Flexural, tensile and dynamic mechanical analyse was used to identify the mechanical properties of each sample. These results show quite a high susceptibility to stresses. Testing also shows that cardanol can be combined with phenol in the phenol-formaldehyde resin in ratios up to 40%, with minimal impact on mechanical properties. Another significant result of the testing conducted in this project is the proven benefit of treating jute fibre in NaCl solution. Jute and CNSL grow abundantly in some of the poorest region in the world. Coincidently, these areas also show some of the highest rates of deforestation. If jute reinforced composites are used to supplement or replace timber as a building material in these areas, they can be significantly improved by treating the fibres in seawater. Using seawater to treat jute fibres and supplementing petrochemically derived phenol-formaldehyde resins with CNSL has the potential to create one of the most sustainable fibre composites since mud-brick. The first principles that allowed us to research and develop composites for use in civil structures came from very basic technology in primitive societies. This research explored ways in which we can further the technology and couple it with sustainable thinking. Through research and experimentation this project investigated how waste materials can be utilised in creating environmentally friendly composites

    Preparation And Properties Of 2-Chloro-5-Bensaldehyde

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    This experiment was attempted with the intention of producing in the laboratory that which had been theoretically produced on paper. According to Heilbxon (4), Bellsteln (6), and Mulliken (6) there are few dihalogan benzaldehudes on record. Report a indicate definitely that work, as well as information on this class of compounds, is limited. Furthermore, inspite of the fact that substituents Influence greatly the properties exhibited by the molecules of compounds, this laboratory found maple reasons to manifest an interest in the preparation and study of 2-Chloro- 5 Benzaldehyde. Ferry (7) has collected and will report elsewhere, in full, data concerning the formation and study of this compound

    The effect of computer-assisted instruction in improving mathematics performance of low-achieving ninth-grade students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether computer assisted instruction of mathematics produces significantly greater improvement in mathematics performance of low achieving ninth grade students than teaching mathematics skills without computer assisted instruction.;The sample consisted of four classes (N = 46) of ninth grade students who had registered for the course Mathematics Nine, and whose eighth grade ITBS scores fell between the 1st and 30th national percentile. Identified students were randomly assigned to one of four instructors and one of two instructional groups (computer assisted instruction or non computer instruction). Two classes with different instructors were taught the standard 9th grade mathematics curriculum augmented with computer instructed drill and practice, simulation, and games. Two classes with different instructors were taught the standard 9th grade mathematics curriculum with the conventional (teacher directed) instructional technique without computer assisted instruction. The treatment group used 16 Apple IIe microcomputers. Treatment and control groups were taught at alternating periods 3rd through 6th for 50 minutes daily. The Iowa Test for Basic Skills mathematics subtest and the Test of Achievement and Proficiency mathematics subtest were administered to all students as pretest-posttest measures of student performance in mathematics. A system wide standard exam was administered first and second semester to assess student performance in terms of the divisions mathematic program and as multiple indicators of treatment effect.;The major findings of the study were: (1) Significant differences (p {dollar}\u3c{dollar}.05) in total mathematics achievement gains were found between students receiving computer assisted instruction and those not receiving CAI. Students receiving CAI increased mean scores on ITBS/TAP from the 11th percentile to the 30th percentile. (2) No significant differences (p {dollar}\u3c{dollar}.05) in computation, concepts, and problem solving achievement gains were found between students receiving computer assisted instruction and those not receiving CAI. (3) No significant differences (p {dollar}\u3c{dollar}.05) were found in the performance of the non-computer and the computer groups on the division city-wide exams
