76 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini mencoba memberikan informasi tentang status sumber dayadan perikanan teripang serta pemanfatannya berdasarkan pada hasil-hasil penelitian di perairan Indonesia. Terletak di wilayah tropis, perairan Indonesia memiliki beranekaragam jenis sumber daya ikan termasuk teripang yang pemanfaatannya cukup intensif di berbagai daerah. Sumber daya teripang berperan penting sebagai salah satu komoditas ekspor perikanan ke manca negara. Dari sekitar 53 jenis teripang, yang ditemukan, terdapat sekitar 22 jenis yang dapat dikonsumsi, dan 8 jenis diantaranya memiliki nilai pasar tinggi. Ke-8 jenis tersebut adalah teripang pasir (Holothuria scraba), teripang susuan atau koro (H. nobilis dan H. fuscogiva), teripang batu (Actinopyga echinites), teripang bilabo (A. lecanora), teripang lotong (A. miliaris), teripang mata kucing (Bohadschia argus), dan teripang nanas (Theleonata ananas). Banyak nya permintaan pasar ekspor dengan harga yang sangat tinggi telah memacu masyarakat untuk memburu teripang secara besar-besaran sehingga terjadi peningkatan produksi teripang secara nasional. Fenomena ini terlihat dari terjadinya peningkatan produksi teripang kering pada 2 tahun terakhir (tahun 2005 sampai 2006) yang mencapai 100% dibandingkan tahun-tahunsebelumnya. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah populasi teripang tampak semakin menurun dengan kepadatan yang relatif rendah (<1 ind m-2). Sementara itu, belum ada peraturan yang khusus mengatur tentang pengelolaan perikanan teripang di Indonesia. Dari hasil kajian ini dapat direkomendasikan bahwa (i) perlu ada peraturan tentang eksplotasi teripang yang mencakup pengaturan musim pengambilan, jumlah dan ukuran teripang, serta pengawasan terhadap pengambilan teripang melalui penegakan hukum; (ii) melakukan kegiatan pemacuan stok teripang dengan pengembangan sentra perbenihan teripang; dan (iii) perlu dilakukan upaya konservasi terhadap sumber daya teripang terutama jenis-jenis yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis tinggi sejalan dengan penetapan kawasan konservasi laut.The current paper tries to provide information on the sea cucumbers resource and fishery status as well as its utilization based on research results in Indonesian waters. Located in tropical region, Indonesian waters contains widely variety of marine resources including sea cucumbers which are utilisized intensively in some regions. Sea cucumbers resource plays an important role as one of the principal fisheries commodities exported to foreign countries. From 53 species of sea cucumbers, there are about 22 consumable species and eight species among them having important price. Those eight species are sandfish (Holothuria scraba), black teathfish and white teathfish (H. nobilis and H. fuscogiva), brown fish (Actinopyga echinites), stone fish (A. lecanora), black fish (A. miliaris), leopard (tiger) fish (Bohadschia argus), and prickly redfish (Theleonata ananas). The highly market demand and price for sea cucumbers have stimulated the community to harvesting sea cucumbers in large number, resulting the increase of the production in national level. This phenomenon appeared from the significant increasing dry sea cucumbers productions in last two years (2005 until 2006), with value reaching about 100% compared to those recorded in years previous year. The problem raised is the depleting of sea cucumbers stock, falling down to low density level (<1 individual m2). Meanwhile, there is not any specific regulation to manage sea cucumbers fisheries in Indonesia. This study might recommend that (i) the need of regulation concerning on sea cucumbers exploitation with scope including season of harvest, number, and size as well as the controlling to the sea cucumbers harvest by low enforcement; (ii) to carry out stock enhancement activity with developing sea cucumbers hatchery; and (iii) the need of conservation measure for sea cucumbers, especially those with having high price, in accordance to the establishment of marine protected area

    Pimpinan Level Menengah yang Buruk Komunikasinya: Haruskah Karyawan Keluar?

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    Objective of this literature review is to understand on how employees’ strategies to support their mental health status. This is very important since they have to engage in an organization which their boss has poor communication style. The boss in this research means the middle manager. Roots of poor communication style among middle managers are culture and improperly promotion inside organization. Although the organization has been managed improperly, interestingly, some employees still engage loyally. Unfortunately, loyalty does not reflect good mental health status. It is because loyalty is influenced strongly by external factors such as highly unemployment rate. The best strategy to adapt in that inconvenience work situation is enhancing self-quality. Hoping the boss will improve his / her communication style is more likely unrealistic.

    Parasympathetic Reactivity in Fibromyalgia and Temporomandibular Disorder: Associations With Sleep Problems, Symptom Severity, and Functional Impairment

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    Despite evidence of autonomic disturbances in chronic multi-symptom illnesses such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and fibromyalgia (FM), additional work is needed to characterize the role of parasympathetic reactivity in these disorders. Given the high levels of comorbidity with psychiatric disorders characterized by stronger parasympathetic reductions than controls in safe contexts (leading to higher arousal), it was hypothesized that individuals with TMD and FM would respond similarly. In this preliminary investigation, 43 women with TMD (n = 17), TMD + FM (n = 11), or neither (controls; n = 15) completed a baseline assessment of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; a measure of parasympathetic activity) followed by ongoing parasympathetic assessment during a questionnaire period. As predicted, patients showed greater parasympathetic decline in response to the questionnaire period, suggesting an autonomic stance that supports defensive rather than engagement behaviors. Individual differences in parasympathetic reduction during the questionnaire period were related to a variety of physical and psychosocial variables. Although this study has a number of key limitations, including a convenience sampling approach and the small group sizes, if replicated in larger samples, the findings would have important implications for the treatment of patients with these disorders

    PCSK9 inhibitors and ezetimibe for the reduction of cardiovascular events: a clinical practice guideline with risk-stratified recommendations.

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    CLINICAL QUESTION In adults with low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels >1.8 mmol/L (>70 mg/dL) who are already taking the maximum dose of statins or are intolerant to statins, should another lipid-lowering drug be added, either a proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) inhibitor or ezetimibe, to reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events? If so, which drug is preferred? Having decided to use one, should we add the other lipid-lowering drug? CURRENT PRACTICE Most guidelines emphasise LDL cholesterol targets in their recommendations for prescribing PCSK9 inhibitors and/or ezetimibe in adults at high risk of experiencing a major adverse cardiovascular event. However, to achieve these goals in very high risk patients with statins alone is almost impossible, so physicians are increasingly considering other lipid-lowering drugs solely for achieving LDL cholesterol treatment goals rather than for achieving important absolute cardiovascular risk reduction. Most guidelines do not systematically assess the cardiovascular benefits of adding PCSK9 inhibitors and/or ezetimibe for all risk groups across primary and secondary prevention, nor do they report, in accordance with explicit judgments of assumed patients' values and preferences, absolute benefits and harms and potential treatment burdens. RECOMMENDATIONS The guideline panel provided mostly weak recommendations, which means we rely on shared decision making when applying these recommendations. For adults already using statins, the panel suggests adding a second lipid-lowering drug in people at very high and high cardiovascular risk but recommends against adding it in people at low cardiovascular risk. For adults who are intolerant to statins, the panel recommends using a lipid-lowering drug in people at very high and high cardiovascular risk but against adding it in those at low cardiovascular risk. When choosing to add another lipid-lowering drug, the panel suggests ezetimibe in preference to PCSK9 inhibitors. The panel suggests further adding a PCSK9 inhibitor to ezetimibe for adults already taking statins at very high risk and those at very high and high risk who are intolerant to statins. HOW THIS GUIDELINE WAS CREATED An international panel including patients, clinicians, and methodologists produced these recommendations following standards for trustworthy guidelines and using the GRADE approach. The panel identified four risk groups of patients (low, moderate, high, and very high cardiovascular risk) and primarily applied an individual patient perspective in moving from evidence to recommendations, though societal issues were a secondary consideration. The panel considered the balance of benefits and harms and burdens of starting a PCSK9 inhibitor and/or ezetimibe, making assumptions of adults' average values and preferences. Interactive evidence summaries and decision aids accompany multi-layered recommendations, developed in an online authoring and publication platform (www.magicapp.org) that also allows re-use and adaptation. THE EVIDENCE A linked systematic review and network meta-analysis (14 trials including 83 660 participants) of benefits found that PCSK9 inhibitors or ezetimibe probably reduce myocardial infarctions and stroke in patients with very high and high cardiovascular risk, with no impact on mortality (moderate to high certainty evidence), but not in those with moderate and low cardiovascular risk. PCSK9 inhibitors may have similar effects to ezetimibe on reducing non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke (low certainty evidence). These relative benefits were consistent, but their absolute magnitude varied based on cardiovascular risk in individual patients (for example, for 1000 people treated with PCSK9 inhibitors in addition to statins over five years, benefits ranged from 2 fewer strokes in the lowest risk to 21 fewer in the highest risk). Two systematic reviews on harms found no important adverse events for these drugs (moderate to high certainty evidence). PCSK9 inhibitors require injections that sometimes result in injection site reactions (best estimate 15 more per 1000 in a 5 year timeframe), representing a burden and harm that may matter to patients. The MATCH-IT decision support tool allows you to interact with the evidence and your patients across the alternative options: https://magicevidence.org/match-it/220504dist-lipid-lowering-drugs/. UNDERSTANDING THE RECOMMENDATIONS The stratification into four cardiovascular risk groups means that, to use the recommendations, physicians need to identify their patient's risk first. We therefore suggest, specific to various geographical regions, using some reliable risk calculators that estimate patients' cardiovascular risk based on a mix of known risk factors. The largely weak recommendations concerning the addition of ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors reflect what the panel considered to be a close balance between small reductions in stroke and myocardial infarctions weighed against the burdens and limited harms.Because of the anticipated large variability of patients' values and preferences, well informed choices warrant shared decision making. Interactive evidence summaries and decision aids linked to the recommendations can facilitate such shared decisions. The strong recommendations against adding another drug in people at low cardiovascular risk reflect what the panel considered to be a burden without important benefits. The strong recommendation for adding either ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors in people at high and very high cardiovascular risk reflect a clear benefit.The panel recognised the key uncertainty in the evidence concerning patient values and preferences, namely that what most people consider important reductions in cardiovascular risks, weighed against burdens and harms, remains unclear. Finally, availability and costs will influence decisions when healthcare systems, clinicians, or people consider adding ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors

    The pandemic toll and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers at a Swiss University Hospital.

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    Healthcare workers have potentially been among the most exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as the deleterious toll of the pandemic. This study has the objective to differentiate the pandemic toll from post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers compared to the general population. The study was conducted between April and July 2021 at the Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland. Eligible participants were all tested staff, and outpatient individuals tested for SARS-CoV-2 at the same hospital. The primary outcome was the prevalence of symptoms in healthcare workers compared to the general population, with measures of COVID-related symptoms and functional impairment, using prevalence estimates and multivariable logistic regression models. Healthcare workers (n=3,083) suffered mostly from fatigue (25.5%), headache (10.0%), difficulty concentrating (7.9%), exhaustion/burnout (7.1%), insomnia (6.2%), myalgia (6.7%) and arthralgia (6.3%). Regardless of SARS-CoV-2 infection, all symptoms were significantly higher in healthcare workers than the general population (n=3,556). SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers was associated with loss or change in smell, loss or change in taste, palpitations, dyspnea, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and headache. Functional impairment was more significant in healthcare workers compared to the general population (aOR 2.28; 1.76-2.96), with a positive association with SARS-CoV-2 infection (aOR 3.81; 2.59-5.60). Symptoms and functional impairment in healthcare workers were increased compared to the general population, and potentially related to the pandemic toll as well as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. These findings are of concern, considering the essential role of healthcare workers in caring for all patients including and beyond COVID-19

    Advances in Auctions

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    As a selling mechanism, auctions have acquired a central position in the free market economy all over the globe. This development has deepened, broadened, and expanded the theory of auctions in new directions. This chapter is intended as a selective update of some of the developments and applications of auction theory in the two decades since Wilson (1992) wrote the previous Handbook chapter on this topic