15 research outputs found

    Leishmaniose viscérale chronique au cours d'une chimiothérapie pour ostéosarcome métastatique

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    Chronic visceral leishmaniasis during chemotherapy for metastatic osteosarcoma. Leishmaniasis refers to a spectrum of diseases caused by Leishmania. Clinically, three types of leishmaniasis can be distinguished : the cutaneous, mucous and visceral leishmaniasis, the latter being caused by Leishmania donovani. Case report. - An 11-year-old Thai, living in Belgium for 6 years, had surgery for a vertebral osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastases, followed by polychemotherapy, then pulmonary metastasectomy. During a post-chemotherapy bone marrow aplasia, febrile episode with a general condition impairment was noted and first treated by broad-spectrum antibiotherapy, then by amphotericin B, in the absence of any accurate etiology. The outcome first was favourable. Nevertheless, 7 months later, the visceral leishmaniasis diagnosis was made because of the recurrence of the same symptoms. Classical treatments by antimony derivatives (Glucantim®), then liposomal amphotericin (Ambisome ®) proved to he inefficient. A liposomal amphotericin-gamma interferon association suppressed the symptoms without eradicating the parasite. The patient was given a maintenance therapy based on liposomal amphot ricin. Conclusion. - The stubborn and recurring nature this chronic visceral leismaniosis can be due to the immune deficit inherent in the polychemotherapy performed in order to treat the metastatic osteosareoma which currently is in first full remission.On observe trois types de leishmanioses : la leishmaniose cutanée, la leishmaniose muqueuse et la leishmaniose viscérale, cette dernière étant provoquée par Leishmania donovani. Observation. - Un enfant de 11 ans, d'origine thaïlandaise, résidant en Belgique depuis 6 ans, est opéré d'un ostéosarcome vertébral, métastasé au niveau pulmonaire, ce qui conduit à une polychimiothérapie suivie d'une métastasectomie pulmonaire. Un épisode d'hyperthermie, sans cause précise, avec altération de l'état général lors d'une aplasie médullaire postchimiothérapique est traité par une antibiothéapie à large spectre puis par amphotéricine b. L'évolution est d'abord favorable puis, 7 mois plus tard un diagnostic de leishmaniose viscérale est posé à la suite de la réapparition des mêmes symptômes. Les traitements classiques par dérivés de l'antimoine (Glucantime®), puis par amphotéricine liposomale (Ambisome ®) se montrent inefficaces, Une association amphotéricine liposomale et interféron gamma amende les symptômes sans éradiquer le parasite de I'organisme. Face cette leishmaniose viscérale chronique, le patient reçoit un traitement de maintenance par amphotéricine liposomale. Conclusion. -Le caractère réfractaire et récidivant de cette leishmaniose viscérale chronique pourrait être secondaire au déficit immunitaire inhérent à la polychimiotédrapie reçue en raison d'un ostéosarcome métastatique, actuellement en première rémission complèt

    Translocation (16;17)(Q22;P13) Is a Recurrent Anomaly of Aneurysmal Bone Cysts

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    Recently, Panoutsakopoulos et al. (1999) reported 2 cases of aneurysmal bone cysts with a recurrent (16;17)(q22;p13) translocation. We present here two additional cases harboring the same translocation as well as additional chromosomal changes

    Systematic Review of the Key Factors Influencing the Indoor Airborne Spread of SARS-CoV-2.

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    peer reviewedThe COVID-19 pandemic due to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been plaguing the world since late 2019/early 2020 and has changed the way we function as a society, halting both economic and social activities worldwide. Classrooms, offices, restaurants, public transport, and other enclosed spaces that typically gather large groups of people indoors, and are considered focal points for the spread of the virus. For society to be able to go "back to normal", it is crucial to keep these places open and functioning. An understanding of the transmission modes occurring in these contexts is essential to set up effective infection control strategies. This understanding was made using a systematic review, according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses statement (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines. We analyze the different parameters influencing airborne transmission indoors, the mathematical models proposed to understand it, and discuss how we can act on these parameters. Methods to judge infection risks through the analysis of the indoor air quality are described. Various mitigation measures are listed, and their efficiency, feasibility, and acceptability are ranked by a panel of experts in the field. Thus, effective ventilation procedures controlled by CO2-monitoring, continued mask wearing, and a strategic control of room occupancy, among other measures, are put forth to enable a safe return to these essential places

    Localization of Nopp140 within mammalian cells during interphase and mitosis.

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    We investigated distribution of the nucleolar phosphoprotein Nopp140 within mammalian cells, using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy. During interphase, three-dimensional image reconstructions of confocal sections revealed that nucleolar labelling appeared as several tiny spheres organized in necklaces. Moreover, after an immunogold labelling procedure, gold particles were detected not only over the dense fibrillar component but also over the fibrillar centres of nucleoli in untreated and actinomycin D-treated cells. Labelling was also consistently present in Cajal bodies. After pulse-chase experiments with BrUTP, colocalization was more prominent after a 10- to 15-min chase than after a 5-min chase. During mitosis, confocal analysis indicated that Nopp140 organization was lost. The protein dispersed between and around the chromosomes in prophase. From prometaphase to telophase, it was also detected in numerous cytoplasmic nucleolus-derived foci. During telophase, it reappeared in the reforming nucleoli of daughter nuclei. This strongly suggests that Nopp140 could be a component implicated in the early steps of pre-rRNA processing