1,320 research outputs found

    The Proca-field in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    In this paper we investigate the Proca-field in the framework of Loop Quantum Gravity. It turns out that the methods developed there can be applied to the symplectically embedded Proca-field, giving a rigorous, consistent, non-perturbative quantization of the theory. This can be achieved by introducing a scalar field, which has completely different properties than the one used in spontaneous symmetry breaking. The analysis of the kernel of the Hamiltonian suggests that the mass term in the quantum theory has a different role than in the classical theory.Comment: 15 pages. v2: 19 pages, amended sections 2 and 6, references added v3: 20 pages, amended section 6 and minor correction

    The large cosmological constant approximation to classical and quantum gravity: model examples

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    We have recently introduced an approach for studying perturbatively classical and quantum canonical general relativity. The perturbative technique appears to preserve many of the attractive features of the non-perturbative quantization approach based on Ashtekar's new variables and spin networks. With this approach one can find perturbatively classical observables (quantities that have vanishing Poisson brackets with the constraints) and quantum states (states that are annihilated by the quantum constraints). The relative ease with which the technique appears to deal with these traditionally hard problems opens several questions about how relevant the results produced can possibly be. Among the questions is the issue of how useful are results for large values of the cosmological constant and how the approach can deal with several pathologies that are expected to be present in the canonical approach to quantum gravity. With the aim of clarifying these points, and to make our construction as explicit as possible, we study its application in several simple models. We consider Bianchi cosmologies, the asymmetric top, the coupled harmonic oscillators with constant energy density and a simple quantum mechanical system with two Hamiltonian constraints. We find that the technique satisfactorily deals with the pathologies of these models and offers promise for finding (at least some) results even for small values of the cosmological constant. Finally, we briefly sketch how the method would operate in the full four dimensional quantum general relativity case.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, 2 figures with epsfi

    Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS) : II. Peakedness Properties

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    In this article we apply the methods outlined in the previous paper of this series to the particular set of states obtained by choosing the complexifier to be a Laplace operator for each edge of a graph. The corresponding coherent state transform was introduced by Hall for one edge and generalized by Ashtekar, Lewandowski, Marolf, Mour\~ao and Thiemann to arbitrary, finite, piecewise analytic graphs. However, both of these works were incomplete with respect to the following two issues : (a) The focus was on the unitarity of the transform and left the properties of the corresponding coherent states themselves untouched. (b) While these states depend in some sense on complexified connections, it remained unclear what the complexification was in terms of the coordinates of the underlying real phase space. In this paper we resolve these issues, in particular, we prove that this family of states satisfies all the usual properties : i) Peakedness in the configuration, momentum and phase space (or Bargmann-Segal) representation, ii) Saturation of the unquenched Heisenberg uncertainty bound. iii) (Over)completeness. These states therefore comprise a candidate family for the semi-classical analysis of canonical quantum gravity and quantum gauge theory coupled to quantum gravity, enable error-controlled approximations and set a new starting point for {\it numerical canonical quantum general relativity and gauge theory}. The text is supplemented by an appendix which contains extensive graphics in order to give a feeling for the so far unknown peakedness properties of the states constructed.Comment: 70 pages, LATEX, 29 figure

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity I. General Framework

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    Recently the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) was proposed as a classically equivalent way to impose the infinite number of Wheeler -- DeWitt constraint equations in terms of a single Master Equation. While the proposal has some promising abstract features, it was until now barely tested in known models. In this series of five papers we fill this gap, thereby adding confidence to the proposal. We consider a wide range of models with increasingly more complicated constraint algebras, beginning with a finite dimensional, Abelean algebra of constraint operators which are linear in the momenta and ending with an infinite dimensional, non-Abelean algebra of constraint operators which closes with structure functions only and which are not even polynomial in the momenta. In all these models we apply the Master Constraint Programme successfully, however, the full flexibility of the method must be exploited in order to complete our task. This shows that the Master Constraint Programme has a wide range of applicability but that there are many, physically interesting subtleties that must be taken care of in doing so. In this first paper we prepare the analysis of our test models by outlining the general framework of the Master Constraint Programme. The models themselves will be studied in the remaining four papers. As a side result we develop the Direct Integral Decomposition (DID) for solving quantum constraints as an alternative to Refined Algebraic Quantization (RAQ).Comment: 42 pages, no figure

    Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS) : I. General Properties

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    In this article we outline a rather general construction of diffeomorphism covariant coherent states for quantum gauge theories. By this we mean states ψ(A,E)\psi_{(A,E)}, labelled by a point (A,E) in the classical phase space, consisting of canonically conjugate pairs of connections A and electric fields E respectively, such that (a) they are eigenstates of a corresponding annihilation operator which is a generalization of A-iE smeared in a suitable way, (b) normal ordered polynomials of generalized annihilation and creation operators have the correct expectation value, (c) they saturate the Heisenberg uncertainty bound for the fluctuations of A^,E^\hat{A},\hat{E} and (d) they do not use any background structure for their definition, that is, they are diffeomorphism covariant. This is the first paper in a series of articles entitled ``Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS)'' which aim at connecting non-perturbative quantum general relativity with the low energy physics of the standard model. In particular, coherent states enable us for the first time to take into account quantum metrics which are excited {\it everywhere} in an asymptotically flat spacetime manifold. The formalism introduced in this paper is immediately applicable also to lattice gauge theory in the presence of a (Minkowski) background structure on a possibly {\it infinite lattice}.Comment: 40 pages, LATEX, no figure

    On (Cosmological) Singularity Avoidance in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), mainly due to Bojowald, is not the cosmological sector of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Rather, LQC consists of a truncation of the phase space of classical General Relativity to spatially homogeneous situations which is then quantized by the methods of LQG. Thus, LQC is a quantum mechanical toy model (finite number of degrees of freedom) for LQG(a genuine QFT with an infinite number of degrees of freedom) which provides important consistency checks. However, it is a non trivial question whether the predictions of LQC are robust after switching on the inhomogeneous fluctuations present in full LQG. Two of the most spectacular findings of LQC are that 1. the inverse scale factor is bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates which hints at the avoidance of the local curvature singularity and 2. that the Quantum Einstein Equations are non -- singular which hints at the avoidance of the global initial singularity. We display the result of a calculation for LQG which proves that the (analogon of the) inverse scale factor, while densely defined, is {\it not} bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates. Thus, in full LQG, if curvature singularity avoidance is realized, then not in this simple way. In fact, it turns out that the boundedness of the inverse scale factor is neither necessary nor sufficient for curvature singularity avoidance and that non -- singular evolution equations are neither necessary nor sufficient for initial singularity avoidance because none of these criteria are formulated in terms of observable quantities.After outlining what would be required, we present the results of a calculation for LQG which could be a first indication that our criteria at least for curvature singularity avoidance are satisfied in LQG.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    On the Relation between Operator Constraint --, Master Constraint --, Reduced Phase Space --, and Path Integral Quantisation

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    Path integral formulations for gauge theories must start from the canonical formulation in order to obtain the correct measure. A possible avenue to derive it is to start from the reduced phase space formulation. In this article we review this rather involved procedure in full generality. Moreover, we demonstrate that the reduced phase space path integral formulation formally agrees with the Dirac's operator constraint quantisation and, more specifically, with the Master constraint quantisation for first class constraints. For first class constraints with non trivial structure functions the equivalence can only be established by passing to Abelian(ised) constraints which is always possible locally in phase space. Generically, the correct configuration space path integral measure deviates from the exponential of the Lagrangian action. The corrections are especially severe if the theory suffers from second class secondary constraints. In a companion paper we compute these corrections for the Holst and Plebanski formulations of GR on which current spin foam models are based.Comment: 43 page

    Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models

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    The uncertainty in a given hydrologic prediction is the compound effect of the parameter, data, and structural uncertainties associated with the underlying model. In general, therefore, the confidence in a hydrologic prediction can be improved by reducing the uncertainty associated with the parameter estimates. However, the classical approach to doing this via model calibration typically requires that considerable amounts of data be collected and assimilated before the model can be used. This limitation becomes immediately apparent when hydrologic predictions must be generated for a previously ungauged watershed that has only recently been instrumented. This paper presents the framework for a Bayesian recursive estimation approach to hydrologic prediction that can be used for simultaneous parameter estimation and prediction in an operational setting. The prediction is described in terms of the probabilities associated with different output values. The uncertainty associated with the parameter estimates is updated (reduced) recursively, resulting in smaller prediction uncertainties as measurement data are successively assimilated. The effectiveness and efficiency of the method are illustrated in the context of two models: a simple unit hydrograph model and the more complex Sacramento soil moisture accounting model, using data from the Leaf River basin in Mississippi

    Semiclassical quantisation of space-times with apparent horizons

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    Coherent or semiclassical states in canonical quantum gravity describe the classical Schwarzschild space-time. By tracing over the coherent state wavefunction inside the horizon, a density matrix is derived. Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is obtained from the density matrix, modulo the Immirzi parameter. The expectation value of the area and curvature operator is evaluated in these states. The behaviour near the singularity of the curvature operator shows that the singularity is resolved. We then generalise the results to space-times with spherically symmetric apparent horizons.Comment: 52 pages, 4 figure

    QSD IV : 2+1 Euclidean Quantum Gravity as a model to test 3+1 Lorentzian Quantum Gravity

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    The quantization of Lorentzian or Euclidean 2+1 gravity by canonical methods is a well-studied problem. However, the constraints of 2+1 gravity are those of a topological field theory and therefore resemble very little those of the corresponding Lorentzian 3+1 constraints. In this paper we canonically quantize Euclidean 2+1 gravity for arbitrary genus of the spacelike hypersurface with new, classically equivalent constraints that maximally probe the Lorentzian 3+1 situation. We choose the signature to be Euclidean because this implies that the gauge group is, as in the 3+1 case, SU(2) rather than SU(1,1). We employ, and carry out to full completion, the new quantization method introduced in preceding papers of this series which resulted in a finite 3+1 Lorentzian quantum field theory for gravity. The space of solutions to all constraints turns out to be much larger than the one as obtained by traditional approaches, however, it is fully included. Thus, by suitable restriction of the solution space, we can recover all former results which gives confidence in the new quantization methods. The meaning of the remaining "spurious solutions" is discussed.Comment: 35p, LATE