547 research outputs found

    Depth Image Processing for Obstacle Avoidance of an Autonomous VTOL UAV

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    We describe a new approach for stereo-based obstacle avoidance. This method analyzes the images of a stereo camera in realtime and searches for a safe target point that can be reached without collision. The obstacle avoidance system is used by our unmanned helicopter ARTIS (Autonomous Rotorcraft Testbed for Intelligent Systems) and its simulation environment. It is optimized for this UAV, but not limited to aircraft systems

    Command injection attacks, continuations, and the Lambek calculus

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    This paper shows connections between command injection attacks, continuations, and the Lambek calculus: certain command injections, such as the tautology attack on SQL, are shown to be a form of control effect that can be typed using the Lambek calculus, generalizing the double-negation typing of continuations. Lambek's syntactic calculus is a logic with two implicational connectives taking their arguments from the left and right, respectively. These connectives describe how strings interact with their left and right contexts when building up syntactic structures. The calculus is a form of propositional logic without structural rules, and so a forerunner of substructural logics like Linear Logic and Separation Logic.Comment: In Proceedings WoC 2015, arXiv:1606.0583

    Categorical structure of continuation passing style

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    Laboratory for Foundations of Computer ScienceThis thesis attempts to make precise the structure inherent in Continuation Passing Style (CPS). We emphasize that CPS translates lambda-calculus into a very basic calculus that does not have functions as primitive. We give an abstract categorical presentation of continuation semantics by taking the continuation type constructor (cont in Standard ML of New Jersey) as primitive. This constructor on types extends to a contravariant functor on terms which is adjoint to itself on the left; restricted to the subcategory of those programs that do not manipulate the current continuation, it is adjoint to itself on the right. The motivating example of such a category is built from (equivalence classes of typing judgements for) continuation passing style (CPS) terms. The categorical approach suggests a notion of effect-free term as well as some operators for manipulating continuations. We use these for writing programs that illustrate our categorical approach and refute some conjectures about control effects. A call-by-value lambda-calculus with the control operator callcc can be interpreted. Arrow types are broken down into continuation types for argument/result-continuations pairs, reflecting the fact that CPS compiles functions into a special case of continuations. Variant translations are possible, among them lazy call-by-name, which can be derived by way of argument thunking, and a genuinely call-by-name transform. Specialising the semantics to the CPS term model allows a rational reconstruction of various CPS transforms

    A Proof-of-Principle Study in Rural Kenya

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    Tungiasis (sand flea disease) is a neglected tropical disease, prevalent in resource-poor communities in South America and sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by an inflammatory response against penetrated female sand fleas (Tunga penetrans) embedded in the skin of the host. Although associated with debilitating acute and chronic morbidity, there is no proven effective drug treatment. By consequence patients attempt to remove embedded sand fleas with non-sterile sharp instruments, such as safety pins, a procedure that represents a health threat by itself. In this proof-of-principle study we compared the topical application of a mixture of two dimeticones of low viscosity (NYDA) to the topical application of a 0.05% solution of KMnO4 in 47 school children in an endemic area in rural Kenya. The efficacy of the treatment was assessed during a follow up period of seven days using viability signs of the embedded parasites, alterations in the natural development of lesion morphology and the degree of local inflammation as outcome measures. Seven days after treatment, in the dimeticone group 78% (95% CI 67–86%) of the parasites had lost all signs of viability as compared to 39% (95% CI 28–52%) in the KMnO4 group (p<0.001). In the dimeticone group 90% (95% CI 80–95%) of the penetrated sand fleas showed an abnormal development already after 5 days, compared to 53% (95% CI 40–66%; p<0.001) in the KMnO4 group. Seven days after treatment, signs of local skin inflammation had significantly decreased in the dimeticone group (p<0.001). This study identified the topical application of dimeticones of low viscosity (NYDA) as an effective means to kill embedded sand fleas. In view of the efficacy and safety of the topical treatment with dimeticone, the mechanical extraction of embedded sand fleas using hazardous instruments is no longer warranted

    LEGO Mindstorms Votingbot

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    Auch in diesem Jahr 2021 wurde das Legopraktikum trotz komplizierter Situation durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wurde einigen Studierenden der Fachschaft fĂŒr Elektro- und Informationstechnik die Möglichkeit geboten allein oder als Gruppe eine Idee fĂŒr einen Roboter zu entwickeln und diese umzusetzen. Dieser Roboter sollte aus LEGO gebaut werden und eine oder mehrere Aufgaben autonom ausfĂŒhren können. In diesem Paper wird auf die Konstruktion, Programmierung und Entwicklung einesRoboters eingegangen, welcher durch einen Ultraschallsensor Objekte erkennen, diese aufnehmen, in einen BehĂ€lter ablegenund anschließend die Anzahl der Objekte, die er sortiert hat per Sprachausgabe ausgeben konnte

    Active Fluid Borne Noise Reduction for Aviation Hydraulic Pumps

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    The aviation environment holds challenging application constraints for efficient hydraulic system noise reduction devices. Besides strong limits on component weight and size, high safety and reliability standards demand simple solutions. Hence, basic silencers like inline expansion chambers and Helmholtz-Resonators are state-of-the-art aboard commercial aircrafts. Unfortunately, they do not meet today’s noise attenuation aims regarding passenger comfort and equipment durability. Significant attenuation performance is expected from active concepts that generate anti-phase noise. However, such concepts remain a long term approach unless related costs, e.g. due to additional power allocation and real-time control equipment can be avoided. In this paper an active fluid borne noise attenuation concept is discussed that accounts for the mentioned constraints. An aircraft hydraulic pump is considered as main noise source. The active attenuator is an in-house rotary valve design. The basic feature is a known direct shaft coupling principle of pump and rotary valve, so no speed/ frequency control of the valve and no separate power supply are required. The common-shaft principle is further simplified here and proposed as integral feature of future “smart pumps”

    Control effects as a modality

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    Ein Überblick ĂŒber die Entwicklung des Schiffahrtszeichenwesens der Außenweser in den vergangenen 150 Jahren

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    Dependence of impedance of embedded single cells on cellular behaviour

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    Non-invasive single cell analyses are increasingly required for the medicaldiagnostics of test substances or the development of drugs and therapies on the single celllevel. For the non-invasive characterisation of cells, impedance spectroscopy whichprovides the frequency dependent electrical properties has been used. Recently,microfludic systems have been investigated to manipulate the single cells and tocharacterise the electrical properties of embedded cells. In this article, the impedance ofpartially embedded single cells dependent on the cellular behaviour was investigated byusing the microcapillary. An analytical equation was derived to relate the impedance ofembedded cells with respect to the morphological and physiological change ofextracellular interface. The capillary system with impedance measurement showed afeasibility to monitor the impedance change of embedded single cells caused bymorphological and physiological change of cell during the addition of DMSO. By fittingthe derived equation to the measured impedance of cell embedded at different negativepressure levels, it was able to extrapolate the equivalent gap and gap conductivity betweenthe cell and capillary wall representing the cellular behaviour

    Learning Topometric Semantic Maps from Occupancy Grids

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    Today's mobile robots are expected to operate in complex environments they share with humans. To allow intuitive human-robot collaboration, robots require a human-like understanding of their surroundings in terms of semantically classified instances. In this paper, we propose a new approach for deriving such instance-based semantic maps purely from occupancy grids. We employ a combination of deep learning techniques to detect, segment and extract door hypotheses from a random-sized map. The extraction is followed by a post-processing chain to further increase the accuracy of our approach, as well as place categorization for the three classes room, door and corridor. All detected and classified entities are described as instances specified in a common coordinate system, while a topological map is derived to capture their spatial links. To train our two neural networks used for detection and map segmentation, we contribute a simulator that automatically creates and annotates the required training data. We further provide insight into which features are learned to detect doorways, and how the simulated training data can be augmented to train networks for the direct application on real-world grid maps. We evaluate our approach on several publicly available real-world data sets. Even though the used networks are solely trained on simulated data, our approach demonstrates high robustness and effectiveness in various real-world indoor environments.Comment: Presented at the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS
