25 research outputs found

    Analysis of cathepsin B and cathepsin L treatment to clear toxic lysosomal protein aggregates in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

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    : Proteolysis mediated by lysosomal cathepsin proteases maintains a physiological flow in autophagy, phagocytosis and endocytosis. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a childhood neurodegenerative disorder characterized by disturbed autophagic flow and pathological accumulation of proteins. We demonstrated a therapeutic clearance of protein aggregates after dosing NCL10 mice with recombinant human pro-cathepsin-D. Prompted by these results and speculating that cathepsins may act in a redundant and in an hierarchical manner we envisaged that a treatment with human recombinant cysteine proteases pro-cathepsin-L (proCTSL) and pro-cathepsin-B (proCTSB) could similarly be used to induce protein degradation. Both enzymes were taken up by mannose 6-phosphate receptor- and LRP-receptor-mediated endocytosis and processed to the lysosomal mature cathepsins. In murine NCL10 astrocytes an abnormal increase in LAMP1 and saposin expression was revealed. Although proCTSB application did not improve this phenotype, proCTSL treatment led to reduced saposin-C levels in this model as well as in an acute brain slice model. Intracerebral dosing in a NCL10 mouse model revealed cellular and lysosomal uptake of both enzymes. Only proCTSL mildly reduced saposin-C levels and attenuated reactive astrogliosis. Application of both proteases did not improve weight loss and mortality of mutant mice. Our data reveal that although recombinant lysosomal proteases can be efficiently delivered to neuronal lysosomes cysteine proteases are less efficient in protein aggregates clearance as compared to the cathepsin-D treatment. Our data including in vitro degradation assays support the idea that bulk proteolysis requires a hierarchical process in which both aspartyl and cysteine hydrolases play a role

    Fiscal decentralisation, efficiency, and growth

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    Much of the recent worldwide trend towards devolution has been driven by the belief that fiscal decentralisation is likely to have a positive effect on government efficiency and economic growth. It is generally assumed that the transfer of powers and resources to lower tiers of government allows for a better matching of public policies to local needs and thus for a better allocation of resources. These factors, in turn, are expected to lead to an improvement in regional economic performance, if subnational authorities shift resources from current to capital expenditures in search of a better response to local needs. In this paper we test these assumptions empirically by analysing the evolution of subnational expenditure categories and regional growth in Germany, India, Mexico, Spain, and the USA. We find that, contrary to expectations, decentralisation has coincided in the sample countries with a relative increase in current expenditures at the expense of capital expenditures, which has been associated with lower levels of economic growth in countries where devolution has been driven from above (India and Mexico), but not in Spain, where it has been driven from below. We hypothesise that the differences in legitimacy between the central or federal government and subnational governments in top-down and bottom-up processes of devolution may be at the origin of the diverse capacity to deliver greater allocative and productive efficiency and, eventually, greater economic growth by devolved governments