108 research outputs found

    Forest - Related Culture and Contribution to Sustainable Development in the Northern Mountain Region in Vietnam

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    The culture of communities living near/in forests indelibly interacts with forest ecosystems, both shaping and adapting to the natural environment. Forest-related cultural dimensions also provide benefits for local economies and social welfare. This study analyses the relationship between local culture and forests of the Tay and the Dao minorities and their contribution to sustainable development in Vo Nhai, a mountainous district in northern Vietnam. The study uses methods of a literature review, participant observation and qualitative interviews with local people. The strong embedded culture with forests that developed over many generations of Tay and Dao people was expressed through their knowledge systems of understanding nature, skills for environmental adaption, health protection and spiritual and recreational activities. The potentials of forest - related culture as a feature of local sustainable development were analysed through contributions in natural resource conservation, economic development and social cohesion. To integrate forest - related culture in sustainable development, some issues need to be better focused on the locality

    The role of urban agriculture for a resilient city

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    Humans are simultaneously facing challenges as climate change, epidemics and scarcity of food and water. It is estimated that by 2021 over 690 million of people will face hunger; by 2050 the global population will increase up to 10 billion with 68% of the population living in urban areas. By providing 30% of self-sufficient food in 2030, urban agriculture will be a practical concept to face these challenges. The work studies the role of agricultural land as a critical part for a resilient city. Parameters related to food production are also explored. As study case, this work aims to investigate the current food security of the Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC), offering productive green solutions at different scales from land-use planning, urban design to green roofs. For a production of 6.7 kg/day of vegetables a day, the costs of are approximately $10,000 for nearly 5.6 square meters of land; this points out A-Go-Gro technology as an effective measure for vertical farming. For example, 0.18 ha of green space can produce 2 tons of vegetables per day in the Lake View settlement (district 2 in HCMC). Moreover, due to green roofs, stormwater volumes directed into the sewer system are decreased by 65% and the penetration of electromagnetic radiation is reduced by 99.4%.Loài người đang đồng thời đối mặt với những thách thức như biến đổi khí hậu, dịch bệnh, khan hiếm thực phẩm và nước. Ước tính đến năm 2021 có hơn 690 triệu người đói và đến năm 2050 dân số toàn cầu tăng lên gần 10 tỷ người, với 68% sống ở khu vực thành thị. Được sử dụng để tự cung tự cấp 30% lương thực vào năm 2030, nông nghiệp đô thị là một khái niệm hiệu quả cho những thách thức. Bài báo là nghiên cứu đất nông nghiệp như một phần quan trọng cho một thành phố có khả năng phục hồi. Các thông số liên quan đến sản xuất lương thực được nghiên cứu. Bài báo cũng tìm hiểu an ninh lương thực của thành phố Hồ Chí Minh hiện nay. Hơn nữa, bài báo đưa ra các giải pháp phủ xanh hiệu quả trên các quy mô khác từ quy hoạch sử dụng đất, thiết kế đô thị đến mái nhà xanh tại các hộ gia đình. Với chi phí 10.000 USD và gần 5,6 mét vuông đất trồng 6,7 kg rau mỗi ngày, công nghệ A-Go-Gro là một biện pháp hữu hiệu cho canh tác theo chiều dọc. Như vậy 0,18 ha không gian xanh có thể sản xuất 2 tấn rau mỗi ngày tại khu dân cư Lake View ở quận 2. Hơn nữa, bằng cách làm mái nhà xanh, nước mưa giảm đến 65% vào hệ thống cống và sự xâm nhập bức xạ điện từ giảm 99,4%

    Foreign bank penetration in Vietnam following Vietnam’s accession to the WTO: matching expectations with reality

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    Vietnam continuously liberalizes the financial market as a requirement for its accession to the World Trade Organization in 2007. This paper discusses the foreign investors’ expectation and their experience when penetrating into Vietnam’s market. The role of the foreign entrants is also assessed. By synthesizing and analyzing relevant research and reports, several important insights are discovered. Firstly, the presence of foreign investors and banks improves market competition, efficiency, and stability. Wholly and partly foreign-owned banks provide the spillover effects in management quality, in the introduction of world standard banking products and services, and in the application of information technology. Secondly, by looking into the foreign owned banks, it is found that the banks’ foreign investors are not likely to play an influential role in managing the banks they invested in. The motive of the investors to control the invested companies leads to their decision of holdings withdrawing

    Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from leaf callus with genetic stability validation using SCoT markers in Paramignya trimera, a medicinal plant native to Vietnam

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    Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) is a medicinal plant native to Vietnam, that is renowned for its therapeutic properties, particularly for the treatment of various ailments, including cancer. This study investigated in vitro propagation of P. trimera through somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis using leaf callus. Various culture media, plant growth regulators, malt extract, and carbon sources were evaluated to optimize callus induction and somatic embryo formation from leaf explants. DNA barcoding confirmed 96.96% to 100% homology with P. trimera specimens from Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. The highest callus formation rate, reaching 100%, was observed in one-year-old explants cultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.2 mg L-1 benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the dark for over six weeks. In WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose, 4.0 mg L-1 BAP, and 500 mg L-1 malt extract, globular stage embryos developed into embryoids and shoots and buds clumped at 10 and 18 weeks, respectively. Shoot organogenesis was observed in WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and 0.07 mg L-1 thidiazuron (TDZ) after 18 weeks of culture. Genetic fidelity assessments using 12 SCoT markers indicated that in vitro plantlets were homologous to the mother plant. This study provides a viable method for the conservation and sustainable cultivation of Xao tam phan, ensuring a stable supply of this valuable medicinal resource

    Isolation of dengue serotype 3 virus from the cerebrospinal fluid of an encephalitis patient in Hai Phong, Vietnam in 2013

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    Dengue encephalitis (DE) is characterized as unusual presentation of dengue infection. Despite the reports that DE accounts for only 1-5% of dengue cases, this disease tends to be increasingly reported to threaten global human health throughout dengue endemic areas particularly in Southeast Asia. The molecular information of clinically characterized, neurotropic dengue virus (DENV) in human beings is extremely scarce despite it playing an important role in deciphering the pathogenesis of dengue-related neurological cases. Here we report a case of DE caused by DENV3 genotype III in a male patient with atypical symptoms of DENV infection in Hai Phong, Vietnam in 2013. The virus isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of this case-patient was closely related to DENV3 genotype III strains isolated from serum of two other patients, who manifested classical dengue in the same year and residing in the same area as the case-patient. It is noteworthy to mention that in 2013, DENV3 genotype III was detected for the first time in Vietnam

    Study on total lipid content, lipid class composition of some fire and soft corals collected in Nha Trang, Vietnam

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    For the first time, the total lipid content and lipid class composition of  the Vietnamese soft corals (Sinularia brassica, Sinularia flexibilis) and fire corals (Millepora dichotoma, Millepora platyphylla) were investigated. The results indicated that the total lipid content of the investigated species was significantly different. Compositions of the lipid classes were analyzed using TLC and image analysis program Sorbfil TLC Videodensitometer DV and the results showed that phospholipids (PL, 10.91–16.02%), monoalkyldiacylglycerols (MADAG, 20.69-39.92%) and hydrocarbon wax (HW, 29.83-37.17%) were the main lipid classes of the total lipid in soft coral species. Meanwhile, PL (24.11-33.23%), TG (14.27–34.92%), ST (10.10–14.50%) and HW (12.08–19.95%) were predominant in fire coral species. ST, TG and FFA contents in soft and fire corals were at low level. DG was only present in the Sinularia flexibilis but not in other studied corals

    De novo copy number variations in candidate genomic regions in patients of severe autism spectrum disorder in Vietnam

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a prevalence of around 1% children worldwide and characterized by patient behaviour (communication, social interaction, and personal development). Data on the efficacy of diagnostic tests using copy number variations (CNVs) in candidate genes in ASD is currently around 10% but it is overrepresented by patients of Caucasian background. We report here that the diagnostic success of de novo candidate CNVs in Vietnamese ASD patients is around 6%. We recruited one hundred trios (both parents and a child) where the child was clinically diagnosed with ASD while the parents were not affected. We performed genetic screening to exclude RETT syndrome and Fragile X syndrome and performed genome-wide DNA microarray (aCGH) on all probands and their parents to analyse for de novo CNVs. We detected 1708 non-redundant CNVs in 100 patients and 118 (7%) of them were de novo. Using the filter for known CNVs from the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) database, we identified six CNVs (one gain and five loss CNVs) in six patients (3 males and 3 females). Notably, 3 of our patients had a deletion involving the SHANK3 gene–which is the highest compared to previous reports. This is the first report of candidate CNVs in ASD patients from Vietnam and provides the framework for building a CNV based test as the first tier screening for clinical management

    Differential Infectivity of Human Neural Cell Lines by a Dengue Virus Serotype-3 Genotype-III with a Distinct Nonstructural Protein 2A (NS2A) Amino Acid Substitution Isolated from the Cerebrospinal Fluid of a Dengue Encephalitis Patient

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    Dengue encephalitis is considered as a severe but unusual clinical presentation of dengue infection. Limited molecular information is available on the neurotropism of dengue virus (DENV), highlighting the need for further research. During a dengue outbreak in Vietnam in 2013, two DENV-3 strains were isolated, in which one was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from a dengue encephalitis patient and another strain was isolated from a patient with classical dengue fever in Hai Phong, Vietnam. DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3) isolated from these samples belonged to genotype III, marking the first report of this genotype in the country at that time. Genetic variation between both strains was elucidated by using a full genome sequencing by next-generation sequencing (NGS). The infectivity of the isolated DENV-3 strains was further characterized using human and mouse neuronal cell lines. Phylogenetic analysis of the isolates demonstrated high homogeneity between the CSF-derived and serum-derived DENV-3, in which the full genome sequences of the CSF-derived DENV-3 presented a Thr-1339-Ile mutation in the nonstructural 2A (NS2A) protein. The CSF-derived DENV-3 isolate grew preferentially in human neuronal cells, with a significant proportion of cells that were positive for nonstructural 1 (NS1), nonstructural 4B (NS4B), and nonstructural 5 (NS5) antigens. These results suggest that NS2A may be a crucial region in the neuropathogenesis of DENV-3 and its growth in human neuronal cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a CSF-derived DENV-3 has unique infectivity characteristics for human neuronal cells, which might play a crucial role in the neuropathogenesis of DENV infection

    Interactions between climate change, urban infrastructure and mobility are driving dengue emergence in Vietnam.

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    Dengue is expanding globally, but how dengue emergence is shaped locally by interactions between climatic and socio-environmental factors is not well understood. Here, we investigate the drivers of dengue incidence and emergence in Vietnam, through analysing 23 years of district-level case data spanning a period of significant socioeconomic change (1998-2020). We show that urban infrastructure factors (sanitation, water supply, long-term urban growth) predict local spatial patterns of dengue incidence, while human mobility is a more influential driver in subtropical northern regions than the endemic south. Temperature is the dominant factor shaping dengue's distribution and dynamics, and using long-term reanalysis temperature data we show that warming since 1950 has expanded transmission risk throughout Vietnam, and most strongly in current dengue emergence hotspots (e.g., southern central regions, Ha Noi). In contrast, effects of hydrometeorology are complex, multi-scalar and dependent on local context: risk increases under either short-term precipitation excess or long-term drought, but improvements in water supply mitigate drought-associated risks except under extreme conditions. Our findings challenge the assumption that dengue is an urban disease, instead suggesting that incidence peaks in transitional landscapes with intermediate infrastructure provision, and provide evidence that interactions between recent climate change and mobility are contributing to dengue's expansion throughout Vietnam