379 research outputs found

    Effects of Two Different Chopping Lengths of Maize Silage on Silage Quality and Dairy Performance

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    Maize silage harvested at dough stage contains less fibre structure than grass silage. Due to higher proportions of maize silage in dairy rations and due to the fact that with longer chopping length of maize silage the contribution of fibre structure increases. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of two chopping lengths in the silage on animal performance with respect to feed intake, milk yields and ingredients as well as physiological effects of digestion

    Effects of Inoculation of LAB on Fermentation Pattern and Clostridia Spores in Easily Ensilable Grass Silages

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    Clostridia can damage the protein quality of grass silages. They cause high gas losses during the fermentation process and quality problems in dairy products like semi-hard cheeses. In comparison to the effect of chemicals such as nitrite on undesirable clostridia in grass silages the respective inhibitory mechanism of LAB requires further investigation. The objective of this experiment was to study under laboratory conditions novel isolates of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), selected for their inhibitory effect on clostridia in grass silages

    Biochemical characterization of bovine plasma thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>TAFI is a plasma protein assumed to be an important link between coagulation and fibrinolysis. The three-dimensional crystal structures of authentic mature bovine TAFI (TAFIa) in complex with tick carboxypeptidase inhibitor, authentic full lenght bovine plasma thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), and recombinant human TAFI have recently been solved. In light of these recent advances, we have characterized authentic bovine TAFI biochemically and compared it to human TAFI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The four N-linked glycosylation sequons within the activation peptide were all occupied in bovine TAFI, similar to human TAFI, while the sequon located within the enzyme moiety of the bovine protein was non-glycosylated. The enzymatic stability and the kinetic constants of TAFIa differed somewhat between the two proteins, as did the isoelectric point of TAFI, but not TAFIa. Equivalent to human TAFI, bovine TAFI was a substrate for transglutaminases and could be proteolytically cleaved by trypsin or thrombin/solulin complex, although small differences in the fragmentation patterns were observed. Furthermore, bovine TAFI exhibited intrinsic activity and TAFIa attenuated tPA-mediated fibrinolysis similar to the human protein.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings presented here suggest that the properties of these two orthologous proteins are similar and that conclusions reached using the bovine TAFI may be extrapolated to the human protein.</p

    Results of pancreas transplantation after steroid withdrawal under tacrolimus immunosuppression

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    Purpose. The results of steroid withdrawal in pancreas transplant recipients under tacrolimus immunosuppression were analyzed. Methods. From July 4, 1994 until April 30, 1998, 147 pancreas transplantations were performed in 141 patients, including 126 simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantations, 13 pancreas after kidney transplantation, and 8 pancreas transplantations alone. Baseline immunosuppression consisted of tacrolimus and steroids without antilymphocyte induction. Twenty-three patients were excluded from analysis because of early graft loss in 17 cases, retransplantation in 5 cases, and simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation after heart transplantation in 1 patient. Results. With a mean follow-up of 2.8±1.1 years (range 1.0 to 4.8 years), complete steroid withdrawal was achieved in 58 (47%) patients with a mean time to steroid withdrawal of 15.2±8 months (range 4 to 40 months after transplantation). Of the entire cohort of 141 patients, overall 1-, 2-, and 4-year patient survival rates were 98%, 95.5%, and 86%, respectively. Overall 1-, 2-, and 4- year graft survival rates were 83%, 80%, and 71% (pancreas) and 95%, 91%, and 84% (kidney), respectively. Of the 124 patients analyzed for steroid withdrawal, 1-, 2-, and 4-year patient survival rates were 98%, 97%, and 92%, respectively. Overall 1-, 2-, and 4-year graft survival rates were 98%, 91.5%, 83% (pancreas) and 97%, 95%, and 91% (kidney). Patient, pancreas, and kidney survival rates at 1 year were 100%, 100%, and 98% (off steroids) versus 97%, 91%, and 96% (on steroids, all NS) and at 4 years were 100%, 94%, and 95% (off steroids) versus 78%, 68%, and 85% (on steroids, P=0.01, 0.002, and NS, respectively). The cumulative risk of rejection at the time of follow-up was 76% for patients on steroids versus 74% for patients off steroids (P=NS). Seven patients originally tapered off steroids were treated for subsequent rejection episodes, which were all steroid sensitive, and two of these seven patients are currently off steroids. Thirteen patients received antilymphocyte therapy for steroid-resistant rejection, five of whom are now off steroids. Tacrolimus trough levels were 9.3±2.4 ng/ml (off steroids) and 9.7±4.3 (on steroids, P=NS). Mean fasting glucose levels were 98±34 mg/dl (off steroids) and 110±41 mg/dl (on steroids, P=NS). Mean glycosylated hemoglobin levels were 5.2±0.9% (off steroids) and 6.2±2.1% (on steroids, P=0.02), and mean serum creatinine levels were 1.4±0.8 mg/dl (off steroids) and 1.7±1.0 mg/dl (on steroids, P=0.02). Conclusion. These data show for the first time that steroid withdrawal can be safely accomplished in pancreas transplant recipients maintained on tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. Steroid withdrawal is associated with excellent patient and graft survival with no increase in the cumulative risk of rejection

    Enabling large-scale hydrogen storage in porous media – the scientific challenges

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    Expectations for energy storage are high but large-scale underground hydrogen storage in porous media (UHSP) remains largely untested. This article identifies and discusses the scientific challenges of hydrogen storage in porous media for safe and efficient large-scale energy storage to enable a global hydrogen economy. To facilitate hydrogen supply on the scales required for a zero-carbon future, it must be stored in porous geological formations, such as saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs. Large-scale UHSP offers the much-needed capacity to balance inter-seasonal discrepancies between demand and supply, decouple energy generation from demand and decarbonise heating and transport, supporting decarbonisation of the entire energy system. Despite the vast opportunity provided by UHSP, the maturity is considered low and as such UHSP is associated with several uncertainties and challenges. Here, the safety and economic impacts triggered by poorly understood key processes are identified, such as the formation of corrosive hydrogen sulfide gas, hydrogen loss due to the activity of microbes or permeability changes due to geochemical interactions impacting on the predictability of hydrogen flow through porous media. The wide range of scientific challenges facing UHSP are outlined to improve procedures and workflows for the hydrogen storage cycle, from site selection to storage site operation. Multidisciplinary research, including reservoir engineering, chemistry, geology and microbiology, more complex than required for CH4 or CO2 storage is required in order to implement the safe, efficient and much needed large-scale commercial deployment of UHSP.This work was stimulated by the GEO*8 Workshop on “Hydrogen Storage in Porous Media”, November 2019 at the GFZ in Potsdam (Germany). NH, AH, ET, KE, MW and SH are funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded research project “HyStorPor” (grant number EP/S027815/1). JA is funded by the Spanish MICINN (Juan de la Cierva fellowship-IJC2018-036074-I). JM is co-funded by EU INTERREG V project RES-TMO (Ref: 4726 / 6.3). COH acknowledges funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany) in the context of project H2_ReacT (03G0870C).Peer reviewe

    Hyper-truncated Asn355- And Asn391-glycans modulate the activity of neutrophil granule myeloperoxidase

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    Myeloperoxidase (MPO) plays essential roles in neutrophil-mediated immunity via the generation of reactive oxidation products. Complex carbohydrates decorate MPO at discrete sites, but their functional relevance remains elusive. To this end, we have characterised the structure–biosynthesis–activity relationship of neutrophil MPO (nMPO). Mass spectrometry demonstrated that nMPO carries both characteristic under-processed and hyper-truncated glycans. Occlusion of the Asn355/Asn391-glycosylation sites and the Asn323-/Asn483-glycans, located in the MPO dimerisation zone, was found to affect the local glycan processing, thereby providing a molecular basis of the site-specific nMPO glycosylation. Native mass spectrometry, mass photometry and glycopeptide profiling revealed significant molecular complexity of diprotomeric nMPO arising from heterogeneous glycosylation, oxidation, chlorination and polypeptide truncation variants and a previously unreported low-abundance monoprotomer. Longitudinal profiling of maturing, mature, granule-separated and pathogen-stimulated neutrophils demonstrated that nMPO is dynamically expressed during granulopoiesis, unevenly distributed across granules and degranulated upon activation. We also show that proMPO-to-MPO maturation occurs during early/mid-stage granulopoiesis. While similar global MPO glycosylation was observed across conditions, the conserved Asn355-/Asn391-sites displayed elevated glycan hyper-truncation, which correlated with higher enzyme activities of MPO in distinct granule populations. Enzymatic trimming of the Asn355-/Asn391-glycans recapitulated the activity gain and showed that nMPO carrying hyper-truncated glycans at these positions exhibits increased thermal stability, polypeptide accessibility and ceruloplasmin-mediated inhibition potential relative to native nMPO. Finally, molecular modelling revealed that hyper-truncated Asn355-glycans positioned in the MPO-ceruloplasmin interface are critical for uninterrupted inhibition. Here, through an innovative and comprehensive approach, we report novel functional roles of MPO glycans, providing new insight into neutrophil-mediated immunity

    Efficiency of primary saliva secretion: an analysis of parameter dependence in dynamic single-cell and acinus models, with application to aquaporin knockout studies

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    Secretion from the salivary glands is driven by osmosis following the establishment of osmotic gradients between the lumen, the cell and the interstitium by active ion transport. We consider a dynamic model of osmotically driven primary saliva secretion and use singular perturbation approaches and scaling assumptions to reduce the model. Our analysis shows that isosmotic secretion is the most efficient secretion regime and that this holds for single isolated cells and for multiple cells assembled into an acinus. For typical parameter variations, we rule out any significant synergistic effect on total water secretion of an acinar arrangement of cells about a single shared lumen. Conditions for the attainment of isosmotic secretion are considered, and we derive an expression for how the concentration gradient between the interstitium and the lumen scales with water- and chloride-transport parameters. Aquaporin knockout studies are interpreted in the context of our analysis and further investigated using simulations of transport efficiency with different membrane water permeabilities. We conclude that recent claims that aquaporin knockout studies can be interpreted as evidence against a simple osmotic mechanism are not supported by our work. Many of the results that we obtain are independent of specific transporter details, and our analysis can be easily extended to apply to models that use other proposed ionic mechanisms of saliva secretion

    Community evaluation of glycoproteomics informatics solutions reveals high-performance search strategies for serum glycopeptide analysis

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    Glycoproteomics is a powerful yet analytically challenging research tool. Software packages aiding the interpretation of complex glycopeptide tandem mass spectra have appeared, but their relative performance remains untested. Conducted through the HUPO Human Glycoproteomics Initiative, this community study, comprising both developers and users of glycoproteomics software, evaluates solutions for system-wide glycopeptide analysis. The same mass spectrometrybased glycoproteomics datasets from human serum were shared with participants and the relative team performance for N- and O-glycopeptide data analysis was comprehensively established by orthogonal performance tests. Although the results were variable, several high-performance glycoproteomics informatics strategies were identified. Deep analysis of the data revealed key performance-associated search parameters and led to recommendations for improved 'high-coverage' and 'high-accuracy' glycoproteomics search solutions. This study concludes that diverse software packages for comprehensive glycopeptide data analysis exist, points to several high-performance search strategies and specifies key variables that will guide future software developments and assist informatics decision-making in glycoproteomics