44 research outputs found

    Methods to quantify avian airspace use in relation to wind energy development

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    It is likely that there will continue to be a substantial increase in the number of wind turbines as we aim to meet global energy demands through renewable sources. However, these structures can have adverse impacts on airborne wildlife, such as posing a potential collision risk with the turbine structure. A range of methods and technologies have been applied to the collection of bird flight parameters, such as height and speed, to improve the estimation of potential collision compared with traditional visual methods, but these are currently not applied in a consistent and systematic way. To this end, a systematic literature search was conducted to (1) examine the methods and technologies that can be used to provide bird flight data to assess the impact of wind energy developments and (2) provide an updated framework to guide how they might be most usefully applied within the impact assessment process. Four empirical measurement methods were found that improve the estimation of bird flight parameters: radar, telemetry, ornithodolite and LiDAR. These empirical sensor-based tools were typically more often applied in academic peer-reviewed papers than in report-based environmental statements. Where sensor-based tools have been used in the report-based literature, their inconsistent application has resulted in an uncertain regulatory environment for practitioners. Our framework directly incorporates sensor-based methods, together with their limitations and data requirements, from pre-deployment of infrastructure to post-consent monitoring of impacts. This revised approach will help improve the accuracy of estimation of bird flight parameters for ornithological assessment of wind energy. Sensor-based tools may not be the most cost-effective. However, a precedent has been set for wind energy development consent refusal based on ornithological impact assessment, and therefore the cost of collecting accurate and reliable flight data may be balanced favourably against the cost of development consent refusalacceptedVersio

    Functional connectivity network between terrestrial and aquatic habitats by a generalist waterbird, and implications for biovectoring

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    Birds are vectors of dispersal of propagules of plants and other organisms including pathogens, as well as nutrients and contaminants. Thus, through their movements they create functional connectivity between habitat patches. Most studies on connectivity provided by animals to date have focused on movements within similar habitat types. However, some waterbirds regularly switch between terrestrial, coastal and freshwater habitats throughout their daily routines. Lesser black-backed gulls that overwinter in Andalusia use different habitat types for roosting and foraging. In order to reveal their potential role in biovectoring among habitats, we created an inter-habitat connectivity network based on GPS tracking data. We applied connectivity measures by considering frequently visited sites as nodes, and flights as links, to determine the strength of connections in the network between habitats, and identify functional units where connections are more likely to happen. We acquired data for 42 tagged individuals (from five breeding colonies), and identified 5676 direct flights that connected 37 nodes. These 37 sites were classified into seven habitat types: reservoirs, natural lakes, ports, coastal marshes, fish ponds, rubbish dumps and ricefields. The Donana ricefields acted as the central node in the network based on centrality measures. Furthermore, during the first half of winter when rice was harvested, ricefields were the most important habitat type in terms of total time spent. Overall, 90% of all direct flights between nodes were between rubbish dumps (for foraging) and roosts in other habitats, thereby connecting terrestrial and various wetland habitats. The strength of connections decreased between nodes as the distance between them increased, and was concentrated within ten independent spatial and functional units, especially between December and February. The pivotal role for ricefields and rubbish dumps in the network, and their high connectivity with aquatic habitats in general, have important implications for biovectoring into their surroundings. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Long-distance migrants vary migratory behaviour as much as short-distance migrants : an individual-level comparison from a seabird species with diverse migration strategies

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    As environmental conditions fluctuate across years, seasonal migrants must determine where and when to move without comprehensive knowledge of conditions beyond their current location. Animals can address this challenge by following cues in their local environment to vary behaviour in response to current conditions, or by moving based on learned or inherited experience of past conditions resulting in fixed behaviour across years. It is often claimed that long-distance migrants are more fixed in their migratory behaviour because as distance between breeding and wintering areas increases, reliability of cues to predict distant and future conditions decreases. While supported by some population-level studies, the influence of migration distance on behavioural variation is seldom examined on an individual level. Lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus are generalist seabirds that use a diversity of migration strategies. Using high-resolution multi-year GPS tracking data from 82 individuals from eight colonies in Western Europe, we quantified inter- and intra-individual variation in non-breeding distributions, winter site fidelity, migration routes and timing of migration, with the objectives of determining how much variation lesser black-backed gulls have in their migratory behaviour and examining whether variation changes with migration distance. We found that intra-individual variation was significantly lower than variation between individuals for non-breeding distributions, winter site fidelity, migration routes and timing of migration, resulting in consistent individual strategies for all behaviours examined. Yet, intra-individual variation ranged widely among individuals (e.g. winter site overlap: 0-0.91 out of 1; migration timing: 0-192 days), and importantly, individual differences in variation were not related to migration distance. The apparent preference for maintaining a consistent strategy, present in even the shortest distance migrants, suggests that familiarity may be more advantageous than exactly tracking current environmental conditions. Yet, variation in behaviour across years was observed in many individuals and could be substantial. This suggests that individuals, irrespective of migration distance, have the capacity to adjust to current conditions within the broad confines of their individual strategies, and occasionally, even change their strategy

    Habitat selection and specialisation of herring gulls during the non-breeding season

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    Understanding both the distribution and habitat use of populations through the annual cycle is vital to understanding how vulnerable species are to environmental change. However, distributions and habitat use can vary among individuals and populations, particularly in generalist species, with variation depending on external environmental factors, such as resource availability. Comprehensive information across multiple populations is important to guide spatial planning of protected areas and is increasingly available for breeding individuals, but it is still lacking for many species, particularly seabirds, during the non-breeding season, especially those with declining populations. We investigated within-species variation in migratory strategies, non-breeding habitat selection and habitat and spatial specialisation in a declining, opportunistic, generalist seabird, the European herring gull Larus argentatus, from multiple breeding colonies across northwest England and southwest Scotland using global positioning system (GPS) tracking during the non-breeding season of 2014/15. Although several individuals stayed within the area of the breeding colony, the majority of individuals migrated in a southerly direction and spent half of the annual cycle (on average 53%) away from the breeding area and kept moving through the non-breeding period. During non-breeding, herring gulls selected mainly marine intertidal, but also a range of anthropogenic terrestrial habitats. However, habitat selection differed between geographical regions, within a geographical region and among individuals. There was a generalist use of non-breeding habitats at the population level, but some habitat specialisation at the individual level that was repeatable through the non-breeding period despite individuals showing low spatial specialisation. The results highlight the importance of intertidal habitat and a mix of alternative foraging habitats in the wintering areas of herring gulls. The results also highlight that habitat selection in an opportunistic generalist can vary even between nearby regions and that appropriate conservation management plans may need to be tailored to regional differences in specific non-breeding areas

    Breeding and foraging ecology of guillemots and razorbills : a comparison of two pursuit-diving seabirds

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    Long-Term Changes in the Abundance of Benthic Foraging Birds in a Restored Wetland

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    Estuaries have historically been subject to considerable habitat loss, and continue to be subjected to such in areas where the natural landward migration of intertidal habitats is constrained by hard coastal defences. Thus, in estuaries where direct (e.g., port development) or indirect (e.g., sea level rise) processes are predicted to threaten intertidal habitats and associated waterbird species, there is a regulatory requirement to produce compensatory intertidal habitats. Managed realignment (MR) is a shoreline management practise that is undertaken to build sustainable coastal defences and create intertidal habitats in estuaries. This nature-based solution brings multiple benefits in the form of carbon storage, increased resilience to flooding, and, potentially, the formation of new habitats, which is the topic of this study. A 75-ha site at the Paull Holme Strays (Humber Estuary, United Kingdom) was monitored over a 10-year period following MR to examine the change in the abundance of waterbirds in the chosen site in response to the physical processes occurring there. Using digital terrain models (DTMs) collected via light detection and ranging (LiDAR), we examined how four compensatory target species responded to changes in elevation after the creation of the site. It was shown that the very rapid accretion of estuarine sediment occurred in the first decade of the new re-created intertidal, which, over time, led to changes in the numbers of benthic foraging birds supported. Furthermore, elevation change was also driven by this sediment accretion, the rate of which depended on the initial bed elevation of the sectors within the site. Ten years after the recreation of the habitat, the spatial heterogeneity in the bed elevation remained high; however, the sectors with the lowest elevations accreted the most over the 10-year period. The foraging number of the four waterbird species that colonised the MR site significantly declined above a certain elevation, with this effect being most pronounced for the Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata). The number of common shelducks (Tadorna tadorna), dunlins (Calidris alpina), and common redshanks (Tringa totanus) declined significantly after initial peaks 5–7 years after the creation of the site, reflecting the ongoing elevation changes. Thus, this study highlighted the need for long-term studies to understand how species respond to large-scale habitat construction. It can also aid in predicting the suitability of an MR site for waterbirds in the medium and long term