2 research outputs found

    Peran Locus Of Control pada Hubungan Job Insecurity, Komitmen dan Kepuasan Kerja

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between job insecurity and its outcomes (job satisfaction and commitment), also to examine the moderator role of locus of control in this relationship. Data were collected from 143 employees across different industries, and also different job levels. A series of regressions are employed to test the hypotheses. The results showed that job insecurity was directly and negatively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research findings also showed that locus of control moderated relations between job insecurity and two studied outcomes (job satisfaction and commitment). This study offers implications for managerial practices. This result suggest for manager how to overcome the impact of job insecurity on commitment and job satisfaction through locus of control. Keywords: job insecurity, locus of control, job satisfaction, commitmen

    Model Hubungan Kompensasi Non-Financial dan Komitmen Karyawan: Peran Pendidikan sebagai Pemoderasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of non-financial rewards on organizational commitment with education as a moerator. This research is included in the type of survey research, namely research whose information is collected from respondents using a questionnaire. As much as 55 respondents were involved in the survey, and the data were analyzed by moderating regression. This study concludes that non-financial rewards (career development, development opportunities and recognition) are tools that management can use to increase commitmen