2,262 research outputs found

    Responses of Daphnia Magna to Chronic Exposure of Cadmium and Nickel Mixtures

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    The present study assessed the chronic toxicity of cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) mixtures to Daphnia magna. Using a titration design, Ni concentrations of 20, 40, 80, 100, 120, 140, and 160 μg/L were tested alone and simultaneously titrated in increments against a constant concentration of 1.5 μg/L Cd. The results demonstrated that Cd at 1.5 μg/L was highly toxic to D. magna, and Ni alone concentrations ≥80 μg/L were toxic to D. magna survival, reproduction, and growth. No Ni alone concentration was found to induce a toxic effect on undeveloped embryos and the time to first brood. Only the Ni alone treatment containing 200 μg/L affected the reproductive rates of D. magna. For CdNi mixtures, Ni concentrations of 20, 40, and 80 μg/L were found to strongly protect D. magna from Cd toxicity at the survival and growth endpoints, resulting in less-than-additive effects, but not on the reproductive endpoint. At higher concentrations, Ni exceeded the necessary concentration needed to protect D. magna, and appeared to contribute to the toxicity. Overall, the results of metal uptake support the competitive binding mechanism at the biotic ligand and explain the less-than-additive effects observed in the CdNi mixtures concentration. The embryonic effects of CdNi mixtures are not explained by the competitive binding mechanism at the biotic ligand. More research is needed to determine the mechanisms that produce embryonic impairment when cellular metals interact. Overall, the results of the present study are relevant for the development of improved environmental quality guidelines for metal mixtures

    Toward Sustainable Environmental Quality: Priority Research Questions for Asia

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    Environmental and human health challenges are pronounced in Asia, an exceptionally diverse and complex region where influences of global megatrends are extensive and numerous stresses to environmental quality exist. Identifying priorities necessary to engage grand challenges can be facilitated through horizon scanning exercises, and to this end we identified and examined 23 priority research questions needed to advance toward more sustainable environmental quality in Asia, as part of the Global Horizon Scanning Project. Advances in environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, biological monitoring, and risk‐assessment methodologies are necessary to address the adverse impacts of environmental stressors on ecosystem services and biodiversity, with Asia being home to numerous biodiversity hotspots. Intersections of the food–energy–water nexus are profound in Asia; innovative and aggressive technologies are necessary to provide clean water, ensure food safety, and stimulate energy efficiency, while improving ecological integrity and addressing legacy and emerging threats to public health and the environment, particularly with increased aquaculture production. Asia is the largest chemical‐producing continent globally. Accordingly, sustainable and green chemistry and engineering present decided opportunities to stimulate innovation and realize a number of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Engaging the priority research questions identified herein will require transdisciplinary coordination through existing and nontraditional partnerships within and among countries and sectors. Answering these questions will not be easy but is necessary to achieve more sustainable environmental quality in Asia. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;39:1485–1505. © 2020 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC

    Effects of Contaminated St. Lucie River Saltwater Sediments on an Amphipod (Ampelisca abdita) and a Hard-Shell Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria)

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    The St. Lucie estuary (SLE) ecosystem in South Florida has been shown to be contaminated with metals and pesticides. Our earlier studies also showed that aquatic organisms, especially benthic species in the SLE ecosystem, might be potentially at high risk from copper (Cu) exposure. The objectives of this study were to conduct studies with separate groups of organisms exposed to seven field-collected sediment samples from the St. Lucie River according to standard procedures to evaluate toxicity and tissue concentrations of Cu and zinc (Zn). Short term and longer term whole sediment acute toxicity studies were performed with Ampelisca abdita and Mercenaria mercenaria. Analysis of sediment chemical characteristics showed that Cu and Zn are of most concern because their concentrations in 86 % of the sediments were higher than the threshold effect concentrations for Florida sediment quality criteria and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs) sediment values. There was no significant effect on survival of the tested organisms. However, increased Cu and Zn concentrations in the test organisms were found. Dry weight of the tested organisms was also inversely related to Cu and Zn concentrations in sediments and organisms. The effects on organism weight and Cu and Zn uptake raise concerns about the organism population dynamics of the ecosystem because benthic organisms are primary food sources in the SLE system and are continuously exposed to Cu- and Zn-contaminated sediments throughout their life cycle. The results of the present study also indicate that Cu and Zn exposures by way of sediment ingestion are important routes of exposure

    Microplastic Ingestion by Daphnia Magna and its Enhancement on Algal Growth

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    The rapid increase in plastic use over the last few decades has resulted in plastic pollution in freshwater and marine ecosystems. However, more attention has been paid to plastic pollution in marine ecosystems than to freshwater ecosystems. This research determined microplastic ingestion by Daphnia magna and the potential effect of microplastics on the organism\u27s survival and reproduction. The study also examined the potential of microplastics to enhance algal growth in support of understanding effects of microplastic ingestion on the organism. When exposed to 25, 50, and 100 mg/L fluorescent green polyethylene microbeads at size of 63–75 μm, D. magna ingested significant amount of plastic microbeads. The number of ingested beads increased with increasing particle concentration and exposure time. However, no significant effect on survival and reproduction was observed although the gut of D. magna was filled with plastic microbeads. In the algal experiment, Raphidocelis subcapitata grew more in the exposure media with the present of plastic microbeads than without plastic microbeads. This result suggests that plastic microbeads could serve as substrates for R. subcapitata to grow. Raphidocelis subcapitata then could be transferred to the organism\u27s gut and provided energy for survival and reproduction. Results of the present study add to the literature of microplastic ingestion by aquatic organisms. Caution should be taken when interpreting hazards of microplastics based on ingestion, such as the measurement unit and the presence of algae in the environment

    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Application in a Two-Party Secure Protocol

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    A fully homomorphic encryption system hides data from unauthorized parties while still allowing them to perform computations on the encrypted data. Aside from the straightforward benefit of allowing users to delegate computations to a more powerful server without revealing their inputs, a fully homomorphic cryptosystem can be used as a building block in the construction of a number of cryptographic functionalities. Designing such a scheme remained an open problem until 2009, decades after the idea was first conceived, and the past few years have seen the generalization of this functionality to the world of quantum machines. Quantum schemes prior to the one implemented here were able to replicate some features in particular use cases often associated with homomorphic encryption but lacked other crucial properties, for example, relying on continual interaction to perform a computation or leaking information about the encrypted data. We present the first experimental realization of a quantum fully homomorphic encryption scheme. To demonstrate the versatility of a a quantum fully homomorphic encryption scheme, we further present a toy two-party secure computation task enabled by our scheme

    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Application in a Two-Party Secure Protocol

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    A fully homomorphic encryption system hides data from unauthorized parties, while still allowing them to perform computations on the encrypted data. Aside from the straightforward benefit of allowing users to delegate computations to a more powerful server without revealing their inputs, a fully homomorphic cryptosystem can be used as a building block in the construction of a number of cryptographic functionalities. Designing such a scheme remained an open problem until 2009, decades after the idea was first conceived, and the past few years have seen the generalization of this functionality to the world of quantum machines. Quantum schemes prior to the one implemented here were able to replicate some features in particular use-cases often associated with homomorphic encryption but lacked other crucial properties, for example, relying on continual interaction to perform a computation or leaking information about the encrypted data. We present the first experimental realisation of a quantum fully homomorphic encryption scheme. We further present a toy two-party secure computation task enabled by our scheme. Finally, as part of our implementation, we also demonstrate a post-selective two-qubit linear optical controlled-phase gate with a much higher post-selection success probability (1/2) when compared to alternate implementations, e.g. with post-selective controlled-ZZ or controlled-XX gates (1/9).Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Attenuation in Rectangular Waveguides with Finite Conductivity Walls

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    We present a fundamental and accurate approach to compute the attenuation of electromagnetic waves propagating in rectangular waveguides with finite conductivity walls. The wavenumbers kx and ky in the x and y directions respectively, are obtained as roots of a set of transcendental equations derived by matching the tangential component of the electric field (E) and the magnetic field (H) at the surface of the waveguide walls. The electrical properties of the wall material are determined by the complex permittivity ε, permeability μ, and conductivity σ. We have examined the validity of our model by carrying out measurements on the loss arising from the fundamental TE10 mode near the cutoff frequency. We also found good agreement between our results and those obtained by others including Papadopoulos’ perturbation method across a wide range of frequencies, in particular in the vicinity of cutoff. In the presence of degenerate modes however, our method gives higher losses, which we attribute to the coupling between modes as a result of dispersion

    Wave Propagation in Lossy and Superconducting Circular Waveguides

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    We present an accurate approach to compute the attenuation of waves, propagating in circular waveguides with lossy and superconducting walls. A set of transcendental equation is developed by matching the fields at the surface of the wall with the electrical properties of the wall material. The propagation constant kz is found by numerically solving for the root of the equation. The complex conductivity of the superconductor is obtained from the Mattis-Bardeen equations. We have compared the loss of TE11 mode computed using our technique with that using the perturbation and Stratton’s methods. The results from the three methods agree very well at a reasonable range of frequencies above the cutoff. The curves, however, deviate below cutoff and at millimeter wave frequencies. We attribute the discrepancies to the dispersive effect and the presence of the longitudinal fields in a lossy waveguide. At frequencies below the gap, the superconducting waveguide exhibits lossless transmission behavior. Above the gap frequency, Cooper-pair breaking becomes dominant and the loss increases significantly

    Preferred Interaction Ranges in Neutral-Atom Arrays in the Presence of Noise

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    Successful execution of a quantum information processing (QIP) task on a quantum processing device depends on the availability of high-quality entangling gates. Two important goals in the design and implementation of any entangling gate are low error rates and high connectivity. The former minimizes unintended perturbations to the quantum state during application of that gate, while the latter maximizes the set of qubits that can interact directly without remapping the QIP task through intermediary qubits -- a step that can require many additional gates. Unfortunately, these goals can sometimes conflict, necessitating a careful trade-off. In this work, we study that trade-off in two-dimensional (2D) arrays of neutral atoms interacting through two-qubit gates mediated by the Rydberg blockade effect. The connectivity associated with Rydberg mediated gates on a 2D array is limited by the strength of the Rydberg blockade shift, which decays with distance. Whereas a common strategy to improving connectivity is to use Rydberg levels with larger dipole moments, doing so also leaves the atom more susceptible to electric field noise. Here, we simulate the performance of various logical QIP operations under realistic noise sources and for a variety of Rydberg levels in order to evaluate the connectivity versus gate error trade-off. We find that under many noise regimes, a preferred range of interaction emerges that best satisfies that trade-off. While the exact optimum interaction range depends closely on the details of the atomic implementation, we present simple scaling arguments with broad applicability that should inform future hardware and compiler design choices

    Effects of inter-particle friction on the critical state behavior of granular materials: a numerical study

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    Critical state soil mechanics (CSSM) gives a theoretical framework for soil modelling. This paper investigates the effect of inter-particle friction on the critical state behavior of DEM assemblies with grading representative of a real soil. It is found that the angle of shearing resistance at the critical state increases with increasing inter-particle friction (µ) and in void ratio (e) vs logarithmic mean effective stress (log(p’)) space the critical state locii have higher e values when µ is higher. An atypical CSL in e-logp’ space that deviates from experimental observations and the classical CSSM behavior was observed when µ = 0.5. Micro-scale analyses show that this can be attributed to the emergence of a higher number of floating particles due to the increasing self-stability of strong force chains with increasing inter-particle friction. This study recommends the use of inter-particle friction lower than 0.5 in DEM simulations of element testing in soil mechanics