13 research outputs found

    Anthropometric and hemodynamic indicators of cardiovascular risk and associated factor with high blood pressure in miners

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    Obesity and hypertension are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and their prevalence seems to vary according to profession. In this scenario, the aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in employees of a mining company and to identify associated factors with high blood pressure (BP). To this end, 197 volunteers (61.4% male) aged between 20 and 60, all employees of a mining company had their body mass index and BP measured. Excessive weight (overweight + obesity) and high BP values (pre-hypertension + hypertension) were observed in 76.1% and 46.1% of the sample, respectively; and the prevalence of pre-hypertensive individuals was higher (p <0.05) in men. The likelihood of having high BP was higher in males (11%), in those above than 40 years old (13%) and overweight (13%). In conclusion, a significant portion of the miners assessed is at risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, measures against hypertension must be directed to male employees and those above than 40 years old. Overweight prevention and control are the main therapeutic measures to be adopted

    Abdominal perimeter is the best anthropometric risk indicator of cardiovascular diseases

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    The objectives of this study were: a) to determine the prevalence of inadequate body fat determined based on body mass index (BMI), abdominal perimeter (AP) and relative body fat (%F), and biochemical indicators of cardiovascular risk, and b) to examine which body fat indicators better reflect the biochemical factors. BMI, %F, AP, glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were measured in 125 men. More than half the sample (56.8%) had low HDL and high BMI (58.4%) and %F (53.6%). There was a lower percentage of subjects with elevated LDL (40.8%), AP (38.4%), triglycerides (34.8%), glucose (27.2%), and total cholesterol (15.2%). AP was associated with four biochemical markers, whereas %F was associated with three and BMI with only two. The prevalence of risk factors was high. An AP >92 cm proved to be the best fat indicator, demonstrating that men are exposed to high levels of LDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose

    <b>Abdominal perimeter is the best anthropometric risk indicator of cardiovascular diseases</b>. DOI: 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n1p1

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    The objectives of this study were: a) to determine the prevalence of inadequate body fat determined based on body mass index (BMI), abdominal perimeter (AP) and relative body fat (%F), and biochemical indicators of cardiovascular risk, and b) to examine which body fat indicators better reflect the biochemical factors. BMI, %F, AP, glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were measured in 125 men. More than half the sample (56.8%) had low HDL and high BMI (58.4%) and %F (53.6%). There was a lower percentage of subjects with elevated LDL (40.8%), AP (38.4%), triglycerides (34.8%), glucose (27.2%), and total cholesterol (15.2%). AP was associated with four biochemical markers, whereas %F was associated with three and BMI with only two. The prevalence of risk factors was high. An AP >92 cm proved to be the best fat indicator, demonstrating that men are exposed to high levels of LDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose

    Prevalência de Indicadores de Aptidão Física Associada à Saúde em Escolares. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5016/1980-6574.2010v16n2p387

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    High body fat (BF) and low cardiovascular fitness (CF) are risk factors to no-degenerative chronic disease. The objective of this study was to check the BF and CF prevalence in 118 boys and 151 girls (10-11 years old), and to analyze these in relation to criterion-referenced (CR). The BF and CF were measured and analyzed according to AAHPERD´s protocol (1988). Through descriptive statistics and chi-square, was found that 70.6% of the sample has a low AC, being higher (p < 0.05) in boys (86.4%) than girls (58, 3%). The ideal BF was prevalent (66.9%), however 24.2% and 8.9% of sample (p < 0.05) showed levels above and below the ideal values, respectively. The frequency (20.4%) of students who serve concurrently of CR on health is less than those who did not attend (24.2%). Therefore, a significant proportion of students are exposed to developing no-degenerative chronic disease related to the low AC and inadequate values of GC. Key Words: Physical Fitness. Adiposity. Chronic Disease.Elevados valores de gordura corporal (GC) e baixa aptidão cardiorrespiratória (AC) são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis (DCNT). Objetivou-se verificar em 118 rapazes e 151 moças (10 e 11 anos) a prevalência quanto sua AC e GC, e analisar esses em relação aos critérios-referênciados (CR). A AC e a GC foram medidas e classificadas conforme protocolo da AAHPERD (1988). Por meio da estatística descritiva e do teste qui-quadrado, verificou-se que 70,6% da amostra apresenta baixa AC, sendo maior (p < 0,05) nos rapazes (86,4%) do que nas moças (58,3%). A GC ideal foi prevalente (66,9%), entretanto 24,2% e 8,9% (p < 0,05) da amostra apresenta valores acima e abaixo do ideal, respectivamente. A prevalência de escolares que atendem concomitantemente (20,4%) aos CR para a saúde é inferior aos dos que não atendem (24,2%). Portanto, uma proporção expressiva de escolares está exposta as DCNT relacionadas à baixa AC e a inadequados valores de GC. Palavras-chave: Aptidão Física. Adiposidade. Doença Crônica

    Influence of apolipoprotein-E gene on lipid profile, physical activity and body fat relationship

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    Physical activity and body fat modify lipemia, and this effect seems to be influenced by apolipoprotein-E (APOE) gene polymorphism. Thus, the purpose of this article was to review main results of studies that have analyzed the relation of APOE gene with physical activity and body fat on triglycerides, total cholesterol and low (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations. The Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO, Web of Science and PubMed database were used to locate the articles. The keywords used in combination were: apoe genotype, apolipoprotein-E polymorphism, physical exercise, physical activity, aerobic exercise, body fat and obesity. Originals scientific investigations performed with humans were included, and excluded those ones which involved samples with diseases, except obesity and/or lipemic disorders. It was observed a trend, that ε2 allele carriers are the ones with the greater improvements on lipemia from physical exercise. In addition, the body fat impact on the elevation of triglycerides and LDL are stronger in carriers of the ε2 and ε4 allele, respectively. Considering the small number of originals scientific investigations and their divergent results, reliable inferences can not be made about the APOE gene polymorphism influences on physical activity and body fat effect on lipemia. Thus, further studies with others populations and more volunteers for allele, as well as others exercise modalities and intensities, are necessary

    <b> Influence of apolipoprotein-E gene on lipid profile, physical activity and body fat relationship</b>

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    Physical activity and body fat modify lipemia, and this effect seems to be influenced by apolipoprotein-E (APOE) gene polymorphism. Thus, the purpose of this article was to review main results of studies that have analyzed the relation of APOE gene with physical activity and body fat on triglycerides, total cholesterol and low (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations. The Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO, Web of Science and PubMed database were used to locate the articles. The keywords used in combination were: apoe genotype, apolipoprotein-E polymorphism, physical exercise, physical activity, aerobic exercise, body fat and obesity. Originals scientific investigations performed with humans were included, and excluded those ones which involved samples with diseases, except obesity and/or lipemic disorders. It was observed a trend, that ε2 allele carriers are the ones with the greater improvements on lipemia from physical exercise. In addition, the body fat impact on the elevation of triglycerides and LDL are stronger in carriers of the ε2 and ε4 allele, respectively. Considering the small number of originals scientific investigations and their divergent results, reliable inferences can not be made about the APOE gene polymorphism influences on physical activity and body fat effect on lipemia. Thus, further studies with others populations and more volunteers for allele, as well as others exercise modalities and intensities, are necessary

    A associação entre a adiposidade corporal e a aptidão musculoesquelética em meninos é mediada pelo nível econômico?

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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2014v16n1p116   Objetivou-se estimar a prevalência de adiposidade corporal elevada e sua associação com a aptidão musculoesquelética, por nível econômico, em crianças e adolescentes do sexo masculino. Estudo epidemiológico transversal realizado em 1.531 escolares (6-17 anos) da rede de ensino pública do município de Cascavel, PR, Brasil. A adiposidade corporal foi estimada pela técnica de dobras cutâneas. Foram coletadas informações referentes à idade, nível econômico e estágio maturacional, bem como ao desempenho nos testes de sentar e alcançar, abdominal em 1 minuto, impulsão horizontal e Shuttle run. As análises (teste t de student não pareado e regressão de Poisson) foram realizadas por nível econômico alto e baixo (baixo+médio), com nível de significância de 5%. A prevalência de adiposidade corporal elevada foi de 30,4%, sendo maior (p<0,05) naqueles de nível econômico alto (33,3% vs 28,3%). Após ajuste para todas as variáveis, no nível econômico baixo, a adiposidade corporal elevada se associou a baixa resistência abdominal (RP=1,44; IC95%=1,05-1,99) e potência de membros inferiores (RP=2,09; IC95%=1,46-1,98). No nível econômico alto, o desfecho foi associado à baixa resistência abdominal (RP=1,72; IC95%=1,17-2,51) e, à média (RP=2,83; IC95%=1,76-4,55) e baixa (RP=3,90; IC95%=2,38-6,38) potência de membros inferiores. Em ambos os estratos sociais, o menor desempenho muscular (resistência abdominal e potência de membros inferiores) conferiu maior probabilidade de ter adiposidade corporal elevada. Porém, a magnitude das valências musculares associadas à adiposidade corporal elevada parece diferir de acordo com o nível econômico

    Excesso de adiposidade corporal em adolescentes: associação com fatores sociodemográficos e aptidão física High body fat among adolescents: association with sociodemographics and physical fitness factors

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    Objetivou-se verificar a prevalência e os fatores sociodemográficos e de aptidão física associados à adiposidade corporal elevada (ACE) em adolescentes de Januária-MG, Brasil. A amostra foi de 266 rapazes e 361 moças (15,47±1,06 anos). A adiposidade foi estimada pelo somatório das dobras cutâneas tricipital e subescapular. As variáveis independentes foram: zona de domicílio (rural e urbana); idade (14-15 e 16-17); nível econômico (alto, médio e baixo); aptidão aeróbia, flexibilidade e resistência muscular (adequada e inadequada). Nos rapazes, 13,91% apresentaram ACE, com maior somatório de dobras cutâneas sendo observado nos residentes da zona urbana (pThe objective was to verify the prevalence and factors associated with high body fat in adolescents from Januaria-MG, Brazil. The sample included 266 boys and 361 girls (15,47±1,06 years old). Adiposity was estimated by the sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness. The independent variables were: area of residence (urban and rural); age (14-15 and 16-17 years old); house income (high, medium and low); aerobic fitness, flexibility and muscular resistance (adequate and inadequate). Among boys, 13,91% exhibited adiposity excess, with higher (p<0.05) skinfold thicknesses sum been observed among boys with low house income and urban residence. Among girls, 33,24% exhibited adiposity excess, with higher (p<0.05) skinfold thicknesses sum been observed among girls with 16-17 years old and low house income. Adiposity excess was associates, only in boys, with urban residence and inadequate muscular resistance. Thus, boys seem to be more susceptible to environmental factors than girls