543 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Trauma due to Winter Storm Alexa, PTSD, Mental Health of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

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    Aim: This study investigated the relationship between trauma due to winter storm Alexa, PTSD and other mental health problems of Palestinian in Gaza Strip. Method: The sample consisted of 105 males (50%) and 105 females (50%) selected from three of the most affected areas by flooding in 2014 due to Alexa storm in Gaza Strip. Participants age range was 20-65 years, with a mean age 40.88 (SD = 9.8), with a mean age of years. Mental health status was assessed by a sociodemographic scale, the Trauma Due to Flood Scale, PTSD scale, and General Health Questionnaire (28 items). Results: Mean traumatic events experienced were 7.8. There were no statistically significant differences between males and females in reporting traumatic events. Mean post-traumatic stress disorder was 18.65, re-experiences symptoms was 6.4, avoidance symptoms was 5.7 and mean arousal symptoms was 5.73. The study showed that 34.8% reported full criteria of PTSD. There were no statistically significant differences in PTSD total scores and subscales and sex of participants. Mean GHQ-28 was 12.12, somatization mean was 3.21, anxiety was 3.31, social dysfunction was 3.34, and depression was 2.27, 91% of the participants were rated as psychiatric morbidity cases and need further investigation. Males significantly scored more in social dysfunction than females. Traumatic events were significantly correlated with PTSD and general mental health and all subscales. Conclusion and implications: This study has important implications for need of establishing and implementing psychosocial intervention programs for in the Gaza Strip not only for those victims of political violence but also for people exposed to other types of traumatic events such as natural disasters

    Microstructural finite strain analysis of the Hafafit granitoids domes South Central Eastern desert of Egypt

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    The Wadi Hafafit Culmination (WHC) can be subdivided into two main units which are separated by Nugrus thrust shear zone. The WHC domes are occupies the southern part of the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt and is cored by five separated gneissic granitoids ranging in composition from tonalite to granodiorite having compositions consistent with hydrous partial melting of a mafic source suggesting subduction-related magmatism. The leucogranites along thrust zones is related to the late phase of metamorphism of Hafafit rocks. The five main domes of the WHC have been labeled A dome occupies the northern part of WHC, B and C domes occupies the central eastern part of WHC, D dome occupies the central western part of WHC and E dome occupies the southern part of WHC. The fourth domes A, B, C and E are affected by more than one deformation event but D dome is affected by one deformation event. The domes not uniform throughout the WHC according radial pattern of stretching lineation but these domes of WHC were subjected and affected by late-orogenic extension that was controlled by the Najd transform faults and that resulted in exhumation of the WHC domes are oriented NW-SE parallel to the trend of the left-lateral shear zones of Najd fault system

    Design modern structure for heterojunction quantum dot solar cells

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    This paper proposal new structure for improving the optical, electrical characteristics and efficiency of 3rd generation heterojunction quantum dot solar cell (HJQDSC) (ITO/CdS/QDPbS/Au) model by using the quantum dot window layer instead of bulk structure layers cell. Also, this paper presents theoretically analysis for the performance of the proposal HJQDSC (ITO/QDCdS/QDPbS/Au) structure. The new design structure was applied on traditional (SnO2/CdS/CdTe/Cu) and (ZnO/CdS/CIGS/Mo) thin film solar cells which based on sub-micro absorber layer thickness models by replacing the bulk CdTe, CIGS absorber layers and CdS window layer with quantum dot size materials to achieve higher efficiency with lesser usage layer material. Also, it has been studied the effect of using semiconductors layers in quantum dots size on electric and optical properties of thin film solar cells and the effect of window and absorber layers quantum dots radii on the performance of solar cells. Finally, a thermal efficiency analysis has been investigated for explaining the importance of new structure HJQD solar cells

    Nontraditional Instructional Techniques on Mathematics Achievement of Ninth Grade Algebra 1 Students

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    Curriculum and Instruction/Mathematics Educatio

    Culturally informed resilience in conflict settings: A literature review of Sumud in the occupied Palestinian territories

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    Investigating culturally specific views and experiences of trauma and resilience can offer new insights that can aid distress management, meaning making, coping and resilience in adverse conditions, and inform emergency and disaster responses. Sumud is a Palestinian cultural construct and component of resilience in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). Sumud in Arabic refers to steadfastness or perseverance. This literature review focuses on research studies on Sumud in the oPt, with particular attention on the meaning and manifestations of Sumud, the role of non-violent resistance, and how Sumud and non-violent resistance informs resilience and coping in the context of a military occupation, protracted political conflict, and chronic adversity. The peer-reviewed literature was surveyed using the PubMed and PsycINFO databases. The findings indicate how Sumud is a central component of resilience and provides a meta-cognitive framework which Palestinians use to interpret, cope and respond to ongoing injustice and traumatic experiences, engendering a sense of purpose and meaning. It is both a value and an action that manifests via individual and collective action to protect family and community survival, wellbeing, dignity, Palestinian identity and culture, and a determination to remain on the land. The implications of this study and the relevance of the findings to mental health and disaster relief are considered

    Oral misoprostol solution in comparison to vaginal misoprostol for induction of labour in a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: With more than 15% of all gravid women requiring prostaglandins in cervical ripening and labour induction. However, evidence is not clear about the preferred route or dose of the drug. So, this study was designed with objectives to compare the induction delivery interval and safety of titrated oral misoprostol solution with vaginal misoprostol for labour induction in term primigravida women.Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on a total of 100 patients randomly selected among primigravida at term women undergoing induction of labour for obstetric or medical indication for labour induction in Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. They were divided into two Groups: Group I: patients undergoing induction of labour using misoprostol oral solution and Group II: patients undergoing induction of labour using vaginal misoprostol.Results: Oral misoprostol solution has less induction delivery duration and less side effects than vaginal misoprostol. The induction-delivery time with the oral route compared to the vaginal one (15.2 versus 20.3 hours respectively) with significant p-value (<0.001).Conclusions: Titrated oral misoprostol is safe and effective for labour induction in primigravida patients with unfavorable cervix
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