75 research outputs found

    Medication Adherence And Quality Of Life Among The Elderly With Diabetic Retinopathy.

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    one hundred (n=100) elderly outpatients with diabetic retinopathy taking antihypertensives and/or oral antidiabetics/insulin were interviewed. Adherence was evaluated by the adherence proportion and its association with the care taken in administrating medications and by the Morisky Scale. The National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) was used to evaluate HRQoL. most (58%) reported the use of 80% or more of the prescribed dose and care in utilizing the medication. The item stopping the drug when experiencing an adverse event, from the Morisky Scale, explained 12.8% and 13.5% of the variability of adherence proportion to antihypertensives and oral antidiabetics/insulin, respectively. there was better HRQoL in the Color Vision, Driving and Social Functioning domains of the NEI VFQ-25. Individuals with lower scores on the NEI VFQ-25 and higher scores on the Morisky Scale presented greater chance to be nonadherent to the pharmacological treatment of diabetes and hypertension.22902-1

    Crenças relacionadas à adesão ao tratamento com antidiabéticos orais segundo a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify salient behavioral, normative, control and self-efficacy beliefs related to the behavior of adherence to oral antidiabetic agents, using the Theory of Planned Behavior. METHOD: cross-sectional, exploratory study with 17 diabetic patients in chronic use of oral antidiabetic medication and in outpatient follow-up. Individual interviews were recorded, transcribed and content-analyzed using pre-established categories. RESULTS: behavioral beliefs concerning advantages and disadvantages of adhering to medication emerged, such as the possibility of avoiding complications from diabetes, preventing or delaying the use of insulin, and a perception of side effects. The children of patients and physicians are seen as important social references who influence medication adherence. The factors that facilitate adherence include access to free-of-cost medication and taking medications associated with temporal markers. On the other hand, a complex therapeutic regimen was considered a factor that hinders adherence. Understanding how to use medication and forgetfulness impact the perception of patients regarding their ability to adhere to oral antidiabetic agents. CONCLUSION: medication adherence is a complex behavior permeated by behavioral, normative, control and self-efficacy beliefs that should be taken into account when assessing determinants of behavior.OBJETIVO: identificar creencias destacadas comportamentales, normativas, de control y de autoeficacia, relacionadas al comportamiento de adhesión a antidiabéticos orales, utilizando la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, exploratorio, con 17 diabéticos, que usaban continuamente antidiabético oral, en seguimiento en ambulatorio. Las entrevistas individuales fueron grabadas, transcritas y sometidas al análisis de contenido, utilizando categorías predefinidas. RESULTADOS: surgieron creencias comportamentales relacionadas a las ventajas y desventajas del uso de los medicamentos, como la posibilidad de evitar complicaciones de la diabetes, evitar o retardar el uso de insulina y percibir reacciones adversas. Se evidenció que los hijos y el médico son importantes referentes sociales que influencian la adhesión medicamentosa. Entre los factores que facilitan la adhesión se destacaron el acceso gratuito a los medicamentos y la toma de medicamentos relacionada a marcadores temporales. Por otro lado, la complejidad terapéutica fue considerada un factor que dificulta la adhesión. La comprensión de la forma de uso de los medicamentos y el olvido impactan la percepción de la capacidad de adherir a los antidiabéticos orales. CONCLUSIÓN: la adhesión medicamentosa es un comportamiento complejo permeado por creencias comportamentales, normativas, de control y autoeficacia que deben ser consideradas en la evaluación de los determinantes del comportamiento.OBJETIVO: identificar as crenças salientes comportamentais, normativas, de controle e de autoeficácia, relacionadas ao comportamento de adesão aos antidiabéticos orais, utilizando a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, exploratório, com 17 diabéticos, em uso contínuo de antidiabético oral, em seguimento ambulatorial. As entrevistas individuais foram gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se categorias pré-definidas. RESULTADOS: emergiram crenças comportamentais relacionadas às vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos medicamentos, como a possibilidade de evitar complicações do diabetes, evitar ou retardar o uso de insulina e percepção de reações adversas. Evidenciou-se que os filhos e o médico são importantes referentes sociais que influenciam a adesão medicamentosa. Dentre os fatores que facilitam a adesão destacaram-se o acesso gratuito aos medicamentos e a tomada dos medicamentos relacionada a marcadores temporais. A complexidade terapêutica, por outro lado, foi considerada fator que dificulta a adesão. A compreensão da forma de uso dos medicamentos e o esquecimento impactam a percepção da capacidade de aderir aos antidiabéticos orais. CONCLUSÃO: a adesão medicamentosa é um comportamento complexo, permeado por crenças comportamentais, normativas, de controle e autoeficácia que devem ser consideradas na avaliação dos determinantes do comportamento

    Beliefs Related To Adherence To Oral Antidiabetic Treatment According To The Theory Of Planned Behavior.

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    to identify salient behavioral, normative, control and self-efficacy beliefs related to the behavior of adherence to oral antidiabetic agents, using the Theory of Planned Behavior. cross-sectional, exploratory study with 17 diabetic patients in chronic use of oral antidiabetic medication and in outpatient follow-up. Individual interviews were recorded, transcribed and content-analyzed using pre-established categories. behavioral beliefs concerning advantages and disadvantages of adhering to medication emerged, such as the possibility of avoiding complications from diabetes, preventing or delaying the use of insulin, and a perception of side effects. The children of patients and physicians are seen as important social references who influence medication adherence. The factors that facilitate adherence include access to free-of-cost medication and taking medications associated with temporal markers. On the other hand, a complex therapeutic regimen was considered a factor that hinders adherence. Understanding how to use medication and forgetfulness impact the perception of patients regarding their ability to adhere to oral antidiabetic agents. medication adherence is a complex behavior permeated by behavioral, normative, control and self-efficacy beliefs that should be taken into account when assessing determinants of behavior.22529-3

    Desempenho psicométrico da versão brasileira do Mini-cuestionario de calidad de vida en la hipertensión arterial (MINICHAL)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, ceiling and floor effects, reliability, and convergent construct validity of the Brazilian version of the Mini Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL). The study included 200 hypertensive outpatients in a university hospital and a primary healthcare unit. The MINICHAL was applied in 3.0 (± 1.0) minutes with 100% of the items answered. A "ceiling effect" was observed in both dimensions and in the total score, as well as evidence of measurement stability (ICC=0.74). The convergent validity was confirmed by significant positive correlations between similar dimensions of the MINICHAL and the SF-36, and significant negative correlations with the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - MLHFQ, however, correlations between dissimilar constructs were also observed. It was concluded that the Brazilian version of the MINICHAL presents evidence of reliability and validity when applied to hypertensive outpatientsEste estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la practicidad, la aceptabilidad, los efectos techo y suelo, la confiabilidad y la validez de constructo convergente de la versión brasileña del Minicuestionario de Calidad de Vida de la Hipertensión Arterial - MINICHAL. Participaron del estudio 200 pacientes hipertensos en seguimiento en ambulatorio, en hospital universitario y en Unidad Básica de Salud. El MINICHAL fue aplicado en 3,0 (±1,0) minutos, con 100% de los ítems respondidos. Fue observado "efecto techo" en ambas dimensiones y puntaje total, así como evidencias de estabilidad de la medida (CCI=0,74). La validez convergente fue confirmada por correlaciones significativas positivas entre dimensiones similares del MINICHAL y del SF-36, y por correlaciones significativas negativas con el Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - MLHFQ, a pesar de que correlaciones entre constructos no similares hubiesen sido observadas. Se concluye que la versión brasileña del MINICHAL presenta evidencia de confiabilidad y validez cuando aplicada en hipertensos en seguimiento en ambulatorio.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a praticabilidade, a aceitabilidade, os efeitos teto e chão, a confiabilidade e a validade de constructo convergente da versão brasileira do mini - cuestionario de calidad de vida en la hipertensión arterial - Minichal. Participaram do estudo 200 pacientes hipertensos, em seguimento ambulatorial, em hospital universitário e unidade básica de saúde. O Minichal foi aplicado em 3,0 (±1,0) minutos, com 100% dos itens respondidos. Foi observado efeito teto em ambas as dimensões e escore total, bem como evidências de estabilidade da medida (ICC=0,74). A validade convergente foi confirmada por correlações significativas positivas entre dimensões similares do Minichal e do SF-36, e por correlações significativas negativas com o Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - MLHFQ, embora correlações entre constructos dissimilares tenham sido observadas. Conclui-se que a versão brasileira do Minichal apresenta evidência de confiabilidade e validade, quando aplicada em hipertensos, em seguimento ambulatorial

    Adhesión a la medicación y calidad de vida en ancianos con retinopatía diabética

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    OBJETIVO: investigar los factores relacionados a la adhesión a la medicación y su relación con la Calidad de Vida Relacionada a la Salud (CVRS) de ancianos con retinopatía diabética. MÉTODO: fueron entrevistados cien (n=100) pacientes ancianos de ambulatorio con retinopatía diabética que toman medicamentos antihipertensivos y/o antidiabéticos orales/insulina. La adhesión fue evaluada mediante la proporción de adhesión y su asociación con el cuidado tomado en la administración de medicamentos y mediante la Escala de Morisky. El National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) fue usado para evaluar la CVRS. RESULTADOS: la mayoría (58%) relató el uso de 80% o más de la dosis prescrita y cuidado con el uso de la medicación. El ítem "suspender la droga cuando vivencia un evento adverso", de la Escala de Morisky, explicó 12.8% y 13.5% de la variabilidad en la proporción de adhesión a los antihipertensivos y antidiabéticos orales/insulina, respectivamente. CONCUSIÓN: fue encontrada mejor CVRS en los dominios de Visión Cromática, Dirección y Funcionamiento Social del NEI VFQ-25. Individuos con puntuaciones menores en el NEI VFQ-25 y puntuaciones mayores en la Escala de Morisky revelaron mayor chance de no adhesión al tratamiento farmacológico de la diabetes y hipertensión.OBJETIVO: investigar os fatores relacionados à adesão medicamentosa e sua relação com a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em idosos com retinopatia diabética. MÉTODO: foram entrevistados 100 idosos, em acompanhamento ambulatorial, em uso de anti-hipertensivos e/ou antidiabéticos orais/insulina. A adesão foi avaliada pela proporção de adesão e sua associação com os cuidados no uso dos medicamentos e pela Escala de Morisky. O National Eye Institute Visual Funcioning Questionnaire foi utilizado para avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. RESULTADOS: A maioria (58%) relatou o uso de 80% ou mais das doses prescritas e os cuidados na tomada dos medicamentos. O item "interromper o uso dos medicamentos por se sentir pior", da Escala de Morisky, explicou 12,8 e 13,5% da variabilidade da proporção de adesão aos anti-hipertensivos e aos antidiabéticos orais/insulina, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: observou-se melhor qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde nos domínios visão de cores, dirigir automóvel e apectos sociais do National Eye Institute Visual Funcioning Questionnaire. Indivíduos com menor pontuação na National Eye Institute Visual Funcioning Questionnaire e maiores escores na Escala de Morisky apresentaram maiores chances de serem não aderentes aos medicamentos do diabetes e da hipertensão arterial.METHOD: one hundred (n=100) elderly outpatients with diabetic retinopathy taking antihypertensives and/or oral antidiabetics/insulin were interviewed. Adherence was evaluated by the adherence proportion and its association with the care taken in administrating medications and by the Morisky Scale. The National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) was used to evaluate HRQoL. RESULTS: most (58%) reported the use of 80% or more of the prescribed dose and care in utilizing the medication. The item "stopping the drug when experiencing an adverse event", from the Morisky Scale, explained 12.8% and 13.5% of the variability of adherence proportion to antihypertensives and oral antidiabetics/insulin, respectively. CONCLUSION: there was better HRQoL in the Color Vision, Driving and Social Functioning domains of the NEI VFQ-25. Individuals with lower scores on the NEI VFQ-25 and higher scores on the Morisky Scale presented greater chance to be nonadherent to the pharmacological treatment of diabetes and hypertension

    Genome-wide association scan for QTL and their positional candidate genes associated with internal organ traits in chickens

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    Background: Poultry breeding programs have been focused on improvement of growth and carcass traits, however, this has resulted in correlated changes in internal organ weights and increased incidence of metabolic disorders. These disorders can affect feed efficiency or even cause death. We used a high density SNP array (600 K, Affymetrix) to estimate genomic heritability, perform genome-wide association analysis, and identify genomic regions and positional candidate genes (PCGs) associated with internal organ traits in an F2 chicken population. We integrated knowledge of haplotype blocks, selection signature regions and sequencing data to refine the list of PCGs. Results: Estimated genomic heritability for internal organ traits in chickens ranged from low (LUNGWT, 0.06) to high (GIZZWT, 0.45). A total of 20 unique 1 Mb windows identified on GGA1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 27 and 28 were significantly associated with intestine length, and weights or percentages of liver, gizzard or lungs. Within these windows, 14 PCGs were identified based on their biological functions: TNFSF11, GTF2F2, SPERT, KCTD4, HTR2A, RB1, PCDH7, LCORL, LDB2, NR4A2, GPD2, PTPN11, ITGB4 and SLC6A4. From those genes, two were located within haplotype blocks and three overlapped with selection signature regions. A total of 13,748 annotated sequence SNPs were in the 14 PCGs, including 156 SNPs in coding regions (124 synonymous, 26 non-synonymous, and 6 splice variants). Seven deleterious SNPs were identified in TNFSF11, NR4A2 or ITGB4 genes. Conclusions: The results from this study provide novel insights to understand the genetic architecture of internal organ traits in chickens. The QTL detection performed using a high density SNP array covered the whole genome allowing the discovery of novel QTL associated with organ traits. We identified PCGs within the QTL involved in biological processes that may regulate internal organ growth and development. Potential functional genetic variations were identified generating crucial information that, after validation, might be used in poultry breeding programs to reduce the occurrence of metabolic disorders

    Unraveling genomic associations with feed efficiency and body weight traits in chickens through an integrative approach

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    Background: Feed efficiency and growth rate have been targets for selection to improve chicken production. The incorporation of genomic tools may help to accelerate selection. We genotyped 529 individuals using a high-density SNP chip (600 K, Affymetrix®) to estimate genomic heritability of performance traits and to identify genomic regions and their positional candidate genes associated with performance traits in a Brazilian F2 Chicken Resource population. Regions exhibiting selection signatures and a SNP dataset from resequencing were integrated with the genomic regions identified using the chip to refine the list of positional candidate genes and identify potential causative mutations. Results: Feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FC), feed efficiency (FE) and weight gain (WG) exhibited low genomic heritability values (i.e. from 0.0002 to 0.13), while body weight at hatch (BW1), 35 days-of-age (BW35), and 41 days-of-age (BW41) exhibited high genomic heritability values (i.e. from 0.60 to 0.73) in this F2 population. Twenty unique 1-Mb genomic windows were associated with BW1, BW35 or BW41, located on GGA1–4, 6–7, 10, 14, 24, 27 and 28. Thirty-eight positional candidate genes were identified within these windows, and three of them overlapped with selection signature regions. Thirteen predicted deleterious and three high impact sequence SNPs in these QTL regions were annotated in 11 positional candidate genes related to osteogenesis, skeletal muscle development, growth, energy metabolism and lipid metabolism, which may be associated with body weight in chickens. Conclusions: The use of a high-density SNP array to identify QTL which were integrated with whole genome sequence signatures of selection allowed the identification of candidate genes and candidate causal variants. One novel QTL was detected providing additional information to understand the genetic architecture of body weight traits. We identified QTL for body weight traits, which were also associated with fatness in the same population. Our findings form a basis for further functional studies to elucidate the role of specific genes in regulating body weight and fat deposition in chickens, generating useful information for poultry breeding programs

    Tendência temporal de internações por sífilis congênita entre 2008 e 2018, em Minas Gerais

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    Objetivou-se analisar a tendência temporal de internações por sífilis congênita entre 2008 e 2018 em Minas Gerais. Método: estudo ecológico de série temporal. Para a análise de tendência, realizou-se modelo de Prais-Winsten. Calculou-se a Variação Percentual Anual para apresentar a intensidade da tendência. Resultados: foi observada tendência ascendente de internações por sífilis congênita em 12 macrorregiões de Minas Gerais. As maiores Variações Percentuais Anuais foram observadas nas regiões: Leste do Sul, Oeste e Leste. A macrorregião Leste do Sul apresentou a maior variação do estado (84,34%; IC₉₅% 50,30; 126,09) e a Triângulo Norte apresentou menor variação percentual anual (19,62; IC₉₅% 6,48; 34,38). Conclusão: a tendência de aumento de internações por sífilis congênita, observada em 12 das 13 macrorregiões de saúde, caracteriza uma tendência ascendente no estado e reforça a necessidade de formulação ou revisão de ações que priorizem a prevenção desse agravo

    Integration of genome wide association studies and whole genome sequencing provides novel insights into fat deposition in chicken

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    Excessive fat deposition is a negative factor for poultry production because it reduces feed efficiency, increases the cost of meat production and is a health concern for consumers. We genotyped 497 birds from a Brazilian F2 Chicken Resource Population, using a high-density SNP array (600 K), to estimate the genomic heritability of fat deposition related traits and to identify genomic regions and positional candidate genes (PCGs) associated with these traits. Selection signature regions, haplotype blocks and SNP data from a previous whole genome sequencing study in the founders of this chicken F2 population were used to refine the list of PCGs and to identify potential causative SNPs. We obtained high genomic heritabilities (0.43–0.56) and identified 22 unique QTLs for abdominal fat and carcass fat content traits. These QTLs harbored 26 PCGs involved in biological processes such as fat cell differentiation, insulin and triglyceride levels, and lipid biosynthetic process. Three of these 26 PCGs were located within haplotype blocks there were associated with fat traits, five overlapped with selection signature regions, and 12 contained predicted deleterious variants. The identified QTLs, PCGs and potentially causative SNPs provide new insights into the genetic control of fat deposition and can lead to improved accuracy of selection to reduce excessive fat deposition in chickens

    Psychometric Performance Of The Brazilian Version Of The Mini-cuestionario De Calidad De Vida En La Hipertensión Arterial (minichal).

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    This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, ceiling and floor effects, reliability, and convergent construct validity of the Brazilian version of the Mini Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL). The study included 200 hypertensive outpatients in a university hospital and a primary healthcare unit. The MINICHAL was applied in 3.0 (± 1.0) minutes with 100% of the items answered. A ceiling effect was observed in both dimensions and in the total score, as well as evidence of measurement stability (ICC=0.74). The convergent validity was confirmed by significant positive correlations between similar dimensions of the MINICHAL and the SF-36, and significant negative correlations with the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - MLHFQ, however, correlations between dissimilar constructs were also observed. It was concluded that the Brazilian version of the MINICHAL presents evidence of reliability and validity when applied to hypertensive outpatients.19855-6