65 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequences of Three Clinical Listeria monocytogenes Sequence Type 8 Strains from Recent German Listeriosis Outbreaks

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    We report here the closed genome sequences of three clinical Listeria monocytogenes strains of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequence type 8 (ST8). These strains are representatives of three separate listeriosis outbreak clusters (Alpha1, Pi4, and Sigma1) that affected Germany between 2012 and 2020.Peer Reviewe

    Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis Strain ∆6

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    Bacillus subtilis ∆6 is a genome-reduced strain that was cured from six prophages and AT-rich islands. This strain is of great interest for biotechnological applications. Here, we announce the full-genome sequence of this strain. Interestingly, the conjugative element ICEBs1 has most likely undergone self-excision in B. subtilis ∆6

    An ancient pathway combining carbon dioxide fixation with the generation and utilization of a sodium ion gradient for ATP synthesis

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    Synthesis of acetate from carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen is considered to be the first carbon assimilation pathway on earth. It combines carbon dioxide fixation into acetyl-CoA with the production of ATP via an energized cell membrane. How the pathway is coupled with the net synthesis of ATP has been an enigma. The anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii uses an ancient version of this pathway without cytochromes and quinones. It generates a sodium ion potential across the cell membrane by the sodium-motive ferredoxin:NAD oxidoreductase (Rnf). The genome sequence of A. woodii solves the enigma: it uncovers Rnf as the only ion-motive enzyme coupled to the pathway and unravels a metabolism designed to produce reduced ferredoxin and overcome energetic barriers by virtue of electron-bifurcating, soluble enzymes

    Genome-Wide Association Studies for the Detection of Genetic Variants Associated With Daptomycin and Ceftaroline Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Background: As next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have experienced a rapid development over the last decade, the investigation of the bacterial genetic architecture reveals a high potential to dissect causal loci of antibiotic resistance phenotypes. Although genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been successfully applied for investigating the basis of resistance traits, complex resistance phenotypes have been omitted so far. For S. aureus this especially refers to antibiotics of last resort like daptomycin and ceftaroline. Therefore, we aimed to perform GWAS for the identification of genetic variants associated with DAP and CPT resistance in clinical S. aureus isolates. Materials/methods: To conduct microbial GWAS, we selected cases and controls according to their clonal background, date of isolation, and geographical origin. Association testing was performed with PLINK and SEER analysis. By using in silico analysis, we also searched for rare genetic variants in candidate loci that have previously been described to be involved in the development of corresponding resistance phenotypes. Results: GWAS revealed MprF P314L and L826F to be significantly associated with DAP resistance. These mutations were found to be homogenously distributed among clonal lineages suggesting convergent evolution. Additionally, rare and yet undescribed single nucleotide polymorphisms could be identified within mprF and putative candidate genes. Finally, we could show that each DAP resistant isolate exhibited at least one amino acid substitution within the open reading frame of mprF. Due to the presence of strong population stratification, no genetic variants could be associated with CPT resistance. However, the investigation of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) revealed various mecA SNPs to be putatively linked with CPT resistance. Additionally, some CPT resistant isolates revealed no mecA mutations, supporting the hypothesis that further and still unknown resistance determinants are crucial for the development of CPT resistance in S. aureus. Conclusion: We hereby confirmed the potential of GWAS to identify genetic variants that are associated with antibiotic resistance traits in S. aureus. However, precautions need to be taken to prevent the detection of spurious associations. In addition, the implementation of different approaches is still essential to detect multiple forms of variations and mutations that occur with a low frequency.Peer Reviewe

    How to survive pig farming: Mechanism of SCCmec element deletion and metabolic stress adaptation in livestock-associated MRSA

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    Previous research on methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) belonging to livestock-associated (LA-) sequence type (ST) 398, isolated from pigs and their local surroundings, indicated that differences between these MSSA and their methicillin resistant predecessors (MRSA) are often limited to the absence of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) and few single nucleotide polymorphisms. So far, our understanding on how LA-MRSA endure the environmental conditions associated with pig-farming as well as the putative impact of this particular environment on the mobilisation of SCCmec elements is limited. Thus, we performed in-depth genomic and transcriptomic analyses using the LA-MRSA ST398 strain IMT38951 and its methicillin susceptible descendant. We identified a mosaic-structured SCCmec region including a putative replicative SCCmecVc which is absent from the MSSA chromosome through homologous recombination. Based on our data, such events occur between short repetitive sequences identified within and adjacent to two distinct alleles of the large cassette recombinase genes C (ccrC). We further evaluated the global transcriptomic response of MRSA ST398 to particular pig-farm associated conditions, i.e., contact with host proteins (porcine serum) and a high ammonia concentration. Differential expression of global regulators involved in stress response control were identified, i.e., ammonia-induced alternative sigma factor B-depending activation of genes for the alkaline shock protein 23, the heat shock response and the accessory gene regulator (agr)-controlled transcription of virulence factors. Exposure to serum transiently induced the transcription of distinct virulence factor encoding genes. Transcription of genes reported for mediating the loss of methicillin resistance, especially ccrC, was not significantly different compared to the unchallenged controls. We concluded that, from an evolutionary perspective, bacteria may save energy by incidentally dismissing a fully replicative SCCmec element in contrast to the induction of ccr genes on a population scale. Since the genomic SCCmec integration site is a hot-spot of recombination, occasional losses of elements of 16 kb size may restore capacities for the uptake of foreign genetic material. Subsequent spread of resistance, on the other hand, might depend on the autonomous replication machinery of the deleted SCCmec elements that probably enhance chances for reintegration of SCCmec into susceptible genomes by mere multiplication

    Genome‑wide insights into population structure and host specifcity of Campylobacter jejuni

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    The zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is among the leading causes of foodborne diseases worldwide. While C. jejuni colonises many wild animals and livestock, persistence mechanisms enabling the bacterium to adapt to host species' guts are not fully understood. In order to identify putative determinants influencing host preferences of distinct lineages, bootstrapping based on stratified random sampling combined with a k-mer-based genome-wide association was conducted on 490 genomes from diverse origins in Germany and Canada. We show a strong association of both the core and the accessory genome characteristics with distinct host animal species, indicating multiple adaptive trajectories defining the evolution of C. jejuni lifestyle preferences in different ecosystems. Here, we demonstrate that adaptation towards a specific host niche ecology is most likely a long evolutionary and multifactorial process, expressed by gene absence or presence and allele variations of core genes. Several host-specific allelic variants from different phylogenetic backgrounds, including dnaE, rpoB, ftsX or pycB play important roles for genome maintenance and metabolic pathways. Thus, variants of genes important for C. jejuni to cope with specific ecological niches or hosts may be useful markers for both surveillance and future pathogen intervention strategies.Peer Reviewe

    Advanced sequencing approaches detected insertions of viral and human origin in the viral genome of chronic hepatitis E virus patients

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    The awareness of hepatitis E virus (HEV) increased significantly in the last decade due to its unexpectedly high prevalence in high-income countries. There, infections with HEV-genotype 3 (HEV-3) are predominant which can progress to chronicity in immunocompromised individuals. Persistent infection and antiviral therapy can select HEV-3 variants; however, the spectrum and occurrence of HEV-3 variants is underreported. To gain in-depth insights into the viral population and to perform detailed characterization of viral genomes, we used a new approach combining long-range PCR with next-generation and third-generation sequencing which allowed near full-length sequencing of HEV-3 genomes. Furthermore, we developed a targeted ultra-deep sequencing approach to assess the dynamics of clinically relevant mutations in the RdRp-region and to detect insertions in the HVR-domain in the HEV genomes. Using this new approach, we not only identified several insertions of human (AHNAK, RPL18) and viral origin (RdRp-derived) in the HVR-region isolated from an exemplary sample but detected a variant containing two different insertions simultaneously (AHNAK- and RdRp-derived). This finding is the first HEV-variant recognized as such showing various insertions in the HVR-domain. Thus, this molecular approach will add incrementally to our current knowledge of the HEV-genome organization and pathogenesis in chronic hepatitis E.Peer Reviewe

    Combined Clinical, Epidemiological, and Genome-Based Analysis Identified a Nationwide Outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia Complex Infections Caused by Contaminated Mouthwash Solutions

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    Background: In September 2018, Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) infections in 3 patients associated with exposure to a mouthwash solution (MWS) were reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). As the product was still on the market and the scale of the outbreak was unclear, a nation-wide investigation was initiated. Methods: We aimed to investigate BCC infections/colonizations associated with MWS. Hospitals, laboratories, and public health services were informed that BCC isolates should be sent to the RKI. These isolates were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) including development of an ad hoc core genome MLST (cgMLST) scheme. Results: In total, 36 patients from 6 hospitals met the case definition, the last patient in November 2018. Twenty-nine isolates from 26 of these patients were available for typing. WGS analysis revealed 2 distinct cgMLST clusters. Cluster 1 (Burkholderia arboris) contained isolates from patients and MWS obtained from 4 hospitals and isolates provided by the manufacturer. Patient and MWS isolates from another hospital were assigned to cluster 2 (B. cepacia). Conclusions: The combined clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological investigation, including whole-genome analysis, allowed for uncovering a supraregional BCC outbreak in health care settings. Strains of B. arboris and B. cepacia were identified as contaminating species of MWS bottles and subsequent colonization and putative infection of patients in several hospitals. Despite a recall of the product by the manufacturer in August 2018, the outbreak lasted until December 2018. Reporting of contaminated medical products and recalls should be optimized to protect patients.Peer Reviewe

    Silence as a way of niche adaptation: mecC-MRSA with variations in the accessory gene regulator (agr) functionality express kaleidoscopic phenotypes

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    Functionality of the accessory gene regulator (agr) quorum sensing system is an important factor promoting either acute or chronic infections by the notorious opportunistic human and veterinary pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Spontaneous alterations of the agr system are known to frequently occur in human healthcare-associated S. aureus lineages. However, data on agr integrity and function are sparse regarding other major clonal lineages. Here we report on the agr system functionality and activity level in mecC-carrying methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) of various animal origins (n = 33) obtained in Europe as well as in closely related human isolates (n = 12). Whole genome analysis assigned all isolates to four clonal complexes (CC) with distinct agr types (CC599 agr I, CC49 agr II, CC130 agr III and CC1943 agr IV). Agr functionality was assessed by a combination of phenotypic assays and proteome analysis. In each CC, isolates with varying agr activity levels were detected, including the presence of completely non-functional variants. Genomic comparison of the agr I–IV encoding regions associated these phenotypic differences with variations in the agrA and agrC genes. The genomic changes were detected independently in divergent lineages, suggesting that agr variation might foster viability and adaptation of emerging MRSA lineages to distinct ecological niches.Peer Reviewe

    Genome sequence analyses of two isolates from the recent Escherichia coli outbreak in Germany reveal the emergence of a new pathotype: Entero-Aggregative-Haemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EAHEC)

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    The genome sequences of two Escherichia coli O104:H4 strains derived from two different patients of the 2011 German E. coli outbreak were determined. The two analyzed strains were designated E. coli GOS1 and GOS2 (German outbreak strain). Both isolates comprise one chromosome of approximately 5.31 Mbp and two putative plasmids. Comparisons of the 5,217 (GOS1) and 5,224 (GOS2) predicted protein-encoding genes with various E. coli strains, and a multilocus sequence typing analysis revealed that the isolates were most similar to the entero-aggregative E. coli (EAEC) strain 55989. In addition, one of the putative plasmids of the outbreak strain is similar to pAA-type plasmids of EAEC strains, which contain aggregative adhesion fimbrial operons. The second putative plasmid harbors genes for extended-spectrum β-lactamases. This type of plasmid is widely distributed in pathogenic E. coli strains. A significant difference of the E. coli GOS1 and GOS2 genomes to those of EAEC strains is the presence of a prophage encoding the Shiga toxin, which is characteristic for enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strains. The unique combination of genomic features of the German outbreak strain, containing characteristics from pathotypes EAEC and EHEC, suggested that it represents a new pathotype Entero-Aggregative-Haemorrhagic Escherichiacoli (EAHEC)