1,151 research outputs found

    Association for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in Quang Binh, Vietnam

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    The Association for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (AEPD) was established in May 2010 to continue the work of Survivor Corps in rural Vietnam. AEPD uses peer support to empower persons with disabilities who have sustained mine, explosive remnants of war or other war-related injuries. This approach employs survivors, who have successfully reintegrated into communities and recovered from psychosocial trauma, as peer-outreach workers. AEPD staff host training workshops, partner with local health clinics, assist in creating self-help groups and provide economic opportunity activities. AEPD also leads landmine advocacy action in Vietnam


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    Hệ thống bảo đảm chất lượng bên trong (IQA) có ý nghĩa đặc biệt quan trọng trong việc duy trì và cải tiến chất lượng của cơ sở giáo dục đại học. Thông tư số 12/2017/TT-BGDÐT ngày 19 tháng 5 năm 2017 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo quy định về kiểm định chất lượng cơ sở giáo dục đại học đã lần đầu tiên đề ra các yêu cầu cụ thể đối với hệ thống bảo đảm chất lượng bên trong của một trường đại học (Tiêu chuẩn 9). Tuy nhiên, trong thực tế triển khai, việc chọn lựa thiết lập hệ thống IQA theo mô hình như thế nào để đáp ứng quy định và hoạt động có hiệu quả là một vấn đề không hề dễ dàng. Với quan điểm mọi hoạt động đều hướng đến mục tiêu không ngừng cải tiến, nâng cao chất lượng nên hệ thống IQA đã sớm được xây dựng, vận hành tại Trường Đại học Luật, Đại học Huế. Nghiên cứu này đề xuất một số cải tiến đối với hệ thống IQA tại Trường Đại học Luật, Đại học Huế nhằm đáp ứng quy định của Nhà nước và các nguyên tắc bảo đảm chất lượng bên trong của Khung bảo đảm chất lượng ASEAN cũng như tiếp cận theo mô hình bảo đảm chất lượng bên trong của AUN-QA


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    The property auction service contract in civil judgment enforcement is a form of contract where the person signing a contract to transfer the rights to possess, use and dispose of property is not the owner of the property, but is the executor of the judgment enforcement agency. The conclusion of this contract affects the interests of the judgment creditors and the judgment debtors. Therefore, the article focus on some shortcomings of this contract such as the subject of the contract, the content of the contract and the duration of the contract. On that basis, our paper proposes a number of recommendations to improve the law on property auction service contract in enforcing a civil judgment.Hợp đồng dịch vụ đấu giá tài sản thi hành án dân sự là một dạng hợp đồng mà người ký hợp đồng để chuyển giao các quyền chiếm hữu, sử dụng, định đoạt tài sản không phải là chủ sở hữu tài sản mà là chấp hành viên thuộc cơ quan thi hành án. Việc ký kết hợp đồng này ảnh hưởng đến quyền lợi của người được thi hành án và người phải thi hành án. Vì vậy, bài viết nghiên cứu một số bất cập về loại hợp đồng này như: bất cập về chủ thể ký kết hợp đồng, về nội dung hợp đồng và thời hạn thực hiện hợp đồng. Trên cơ sở đó, bài viết đề xuất một số kiến nghị hoàn thiện pháp luật về hợp đồng dịch vụ đấu giá tài sản thi hành án dân sự

    Giá vàng - Mối quan hệ lạm phát trong trường hợp Việt Nam: nghiên cứu thực nghiệm trong bối cảnh có sự phá vỡ cấu trúc

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    Mục đích - Bài viết nghiên cứu mối quan hệ giữa giá vàng trong nước và lạm phát ở Việt Nam dựa trên chuỗi chỉ số giá vàng và chỉ số giá tiêu dùng hàng tháng trong khoảng thời gian từ tháng 12 năm 2001 đến tháng 7 năm 2020


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    Class fragmentation and allocation is an important technique to improve the performance of a distributed object oriented database system. The class fragmentation is to split a class into smaller pieces in distributed databases aims to reduce the access to unnecessary data, the allocation is to locate fragmented classes into the sites in the connected network properly to reduce the cost of data transmission. Classes in object databases include attributes describing the characteristics of the object, methods describing the behavior, and relationships with objects with other classes, including relations inheritance. With such characteristics, class fragmentation and allocation in the distributed object oriented database system is more complex than fragmentation technique and design of relational databases. Fragmentation techniques applied in the design of distributed object-oriented database today often do not use cost between the sites, fragments are allocated to the site after getting a fragmentation method of data objects. This paper proposes an algorithm of fragmentation and allocation simultaneously, including the cost of data communication between the sites used for fragmentation to reduce communication costs when processing and querying distributed data

    A study on fiscal policy and economic growth from an institutional perspective

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    This dissertation studies the interrelationship between fiscal policy and institutions (property right protection and economic freedom, in particular) in affecting economic growth. The vast literature on economic growth examines institutions and fiscal policy as separate determinants of economic growth, and has not established a theoretical basis or empirical link on the interaction between them. This dissertation takes a unique approach to the growth literature by studying a channel that institutions affect growth – the fiscal policy channel. Among the first ones who incorporate economic institutions into a growth model with fiscal policy, I construct a theoretical framework in Chapter 2 to illustrate the role of property rights protection in determining the growth impact of government spending. The analysis is based on the standard Solow growth model with some modifications where security of property rights is modeled to affect the so-called“effective aggregate capital level”, a new concept introduced in the dissertation. It is shown that the impact of government investment on the steady-state output level and the output growth rate depends on the level of property rights protection. Moreover,increase in security of property rights can either enhance or reduce the growth impact of government investment, depending on the relationship between private and public saving of a country. This theoretical framework provides a basis for testing the hypothesis about the determining role of institutions on the growth impact of fiscal policy. In Chapter 3, I test the hypothesis on the interrelationship between fiscal policy and institutions in affecting growth by employing the framework presented in Chapter 2 but extending the concept of institutions to a broader scope – economic freedom.Using a sample of 72 countries over the period of 1990 through 2015 in interactive growth regression models, and the economic freedom index of the Heritage Foundation, I find that is the level of economic freedom has a significant impact on the effectiveness of fiscal policy on economic growth. Public investment in infrastructure can enhance long-term growth better in countries with less degree of freedom. Meanwhile, public consumption does not benefit growth but its adverse impact is mitigated if a country enjoys greater economic freedom. Furthermore, the determining role of institutions in emerging countries is more prominent than that in advanced economies which are pretty homogenous in economic development and have already been at a high level of economic freedom. Chapter 4 extends the scope of this study by investigating institutional determinants of the short-term impact of fiscal policy – fiscal multipliers – with a three-step regression procedure for a sample of 72 countries from 1960 through 2015.I find significant and positive correlations between fiscal multipliers and economic institutions but weak evidence on the direct impact of political institutions on the multipliers. Countries with political stability, higher economic freedom, more efficiently regulatory system, and less corruption have greater government expenditure multipliers. The role of institutions is not the same to different components of fiscal stimulus. Institutional characteristics can explain variations in public consumption multipliers better than variations in public investment multiplier across countries. The size of fiscal multiplier across countries also depends on legal origin and level of economic development

    Der Einfluss von Selektiven Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmern auf das Auftreten symptomatischer intrazerebraler Blutungen und das funktionelle Outcome nach Thrombolysetherapie des ischämischen Schlaganfalls

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    Einführung Die Thrombolysetherapie ist eine etablierte Behandlung des ischämischen Schlaganfalls. Das Auftreten einer symptomatischen intrazerebralen Blutung (sICB) ist eine klinisch relevante Komplikation. Bereits vor unserer Analyse war bekannt, dass Selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer (SSRI) einen Einfluss auf die Thrombozytenaggregation haben. Die Studienlage bezüglich des Einflusses von SSRI auf eine Thrombolyse-assoziierte intrazerebrale Blutung war bis zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht eindeutig. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss von einer Komedikation von SSRI mit Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer (TAH) und oralen Antikoagulantien (OAK) auf das Risiko einer sICB, das funktionelle Outcome und die Mortalität untersucht. Methoden Zwischen Januar 2005 und Dezember 2015 wurden 1282 Patienten (mittleres Alter 74,0 Jahre, 49% weiblich) mit einem ischämischen Schlaganfall mit Thrombolysetherapie in der Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin in einem prospektiv angelegten Thrombolyseregister eingeschlossen.Die Daten zur SSRI-Einnahme wurden retrospektiv basierend auf Aktenlage ergänzt. Zur Beurteilung der Sicherheit der Thrombolysetherapie unter SSRI, wurden die Patienten bezüglich folgender Endpunkte mittels binär logistischer Regressionsanalyse verglichen: • Auftreten einer sICB gemäß Kriterien der SITS-MOST • Gutes Outcome nach drei Monaten (modified Rankin Skala (mRS) 0-2) • Tod innerhalb von drei Monaten (mRS 6) Ergebnisse Insgesamt bestand bei 3,1 % (n=40) der 1282 analysierten Patienten eine SSRI- Vormedikation. Eine sICB nach SITS-MOST lag bei 3,5 % (n=45) und ein gutes Drei- Monats-Outcome bei 49,01 % (n=629) vor. Eine sICB trat unter vorbestehender SSRI- Therapie nicht statistisch signifikant häufiger auf (3,4 % in der Kontroll- versus. 7,5 % in der SSRI-Gruppe, unadjustierte OR 2,32 (95 % CI 0,69-7,82), adjustierte OR 1,97 (95 % CI 0,57-6,86)). Es gab keine signifikante Erhöhung der Blutungswahrscheinlichkeit unter einer Komedikation mit SSRI und TAH (7,4 %, unadjustierte OR 2,94 (95 % CI 0,65-13,36)). Aufgrund der niedrigen Fallzahl konnte keine Aussage bezüglich der Blutungswahrscheinlichkeit unter SSRI- und OAK- Komedikation getroffen werden. Eine SSRI-Vormedikation war negativ mit dem Auftreten eines guten Outcomes assoziiert (49,9 % in der Kontroll- versus. 22,5 % in der SSRI-Gruppe, unadjustierte OR 0,29 (95 % CI 0,14-0,62), adjustierte OR 0,34 (95 % CI 0,13-0,87)). Die Mortalität nach drei Monaten war bei Patienten mit SSRI-Vorbehandlung nicht statistisch signifikant verändert (17,5% in der Kontroll- versus 37,5 % in der SSRI-Gruppe, unadjustierte OR 2,83 (1,47-5,45), adjustierte 2,36 (95 % CI 0,98-5,70)). Schlussfolgerung In dieser retrospektiven, monozentrischen Auswertung war eine vorbestehende SSRI- Behandlung bei Patienten mit einem ischämischen Schlaganfall und Thrombolysetherapie selten. Es ergab sich kein Hinweis auf eine relevante Risikoerhöhung für eine sICB unter einer SSRI-Vormedikation. Allerdings scheinen Patienten mit einer SSRI-Vormedikation häufiger ein schlechtes Outcome nach einem ischämischen Schlaganfall mit Thrombolyse zu haben. Daher sollten diese Patienten eine möglichst intensive und bedarfsgerechte Frührehabilitation erhalten.Introduction Thrombolytic therapy is an established treatment for ischemic stroke. The occurrence of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (sICB) is a clinically relevant complication. Even before our analysis, it was known that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) have an influence on platelet aggregation. The study situation regarding the influence of SSRIs on thrombolysis-associated intracerebral hemorrhage was inconclusive at that time. In this work, the influence of a comedication with SSRIs and antiplatelet drugs (TAH) or oral anticoagulants (OAK) on the risk of sICB, functional outcome, and mortality is investigated. Methods Between January 2005 and December 2015, 1282 patients (mean age 74.0 years, 49 % female) with ischemic stroke receiving thrombolytic therapy were included in a prospectively designed thrombolysis registry at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin. Data on the use of SSRIs were added retrospectively based patient files. To assess the safety of thrombolytic therapy with SSRIs, patients were compared with respect to the following end points using binary logistic regression analysis: • Occurrence of sICB according to SITS-MOST criteria • Good outcome at three months (modified Rankin Scale (mRS) 0-2). • Death within three months (mRS 6) Results Among 1282 patients SSRI premedication was present in 3.1 % (n=40). A sICB after SITS-MOST occurred in 3.5 % (n=45) and a good three-month outcome in 49.01 % (n=629). A sICB did not occur statistically significantly more frequently with pre-existing SSRI therapy (3.4 % in the control versus 7.5 % in the SSRI group, unadjusted OR 2.32 (95% CI 0.69-7.82), adjusted OR 1.97 (95 % CI 0.57-6.86)). There was no significant increase in bleeding risk under comedication with SSRI and TAH (7.4 %, unadjusted OR 2.94 (95 % CI 0.65-13.36)). Due to the low number of cases, no conclusion could be drawn regarding SSRI and OAK comedication. SSRI premedication was negatively associated with the occurrence of a good outcome (49.9 % in the control versus 22.5 % in the SSRI group, unadjusted OR 0.29 (95 % CI 0.14-0.62), adjusted OR 0.34 (95 % CI 0.13-0.87)). Mortality at three months was not statistically significantly different in patients with SSRI pretreatment (17.5 % in the control versus 37.5 % in the SSRI group, unadjusted OR 2.83 (1.47-5.45), adjusted 2.36 (95 % CI 0.98-5.70)). Conclusion In this retrospective, monocentric evaluation, preexisting SSRI treatment was rare in patients with ischemic stroke and thrombolytic therapy. There was no evidence of a relevant increase in risk for sICB while receiving SSRI premedication. However, patients with SSRI premedication seem to have a poor outcome after ischemic stroke with thrombolysis more frequently. Therefore, these patients should receive the most intensive and individualized early rehabilitation as possible

    Solutions to the development of the intelligentsia in the industrialization and modernization process of Tra Vinh

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    This research aimed at investigating the reality of the intelligentsia in the industrialization and modernization process of Tra Vinh province. Different analytical approaches were used in this study including history, logic, and secondary data analysis of the number of intelligentsia identified depending on the level. The result showed that three limitations have caused the reality of the intelligentsia in recent years. Additionally, recommendations on feasible solutions to the intelligentsia development for the industrialization and modernization of Tra Vinh province are also discussed


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    Tóm tắt: Theo quan điểm trọng dịch vụ, vai trò nhà cung cấp dịch vụ và khách hàng không tách biệt mà tương tác với nhau để trao đổi các giá trị. Khách hàng theo quan điểm này là một phần của quá trình cung cấp dịch vụ, đồng tạo sinh giá trị dịch vụ. Nghiên cứu này xác định tác động của từng yếu tố nguồn lực tương tác của tổ chức và hành vi hướng tới khách hàng của nhân viên đến hành vi tham gia của khách hàng vào quy trình dịch vụ, tại ngân hàng. Một số yếu tố liên quan lần đầu tiên được nghiên cứu như công bằng cảm nhận trong tương tác, mối quan hệ giữa nhân viên với khách hàng, văn hóa tổ chức. Nghiên cứu định lượng thực hiện với 299 khách hàng Vietcombank và Agribank - chi nhánh TP. Hồ Chí Minh và Huế. Kết quả cho thấy một số hành vi hướng tới khách hàng của nhân viên tác động đến hành vi tham gia của khách hàng vào dịch vụ mạnh hơn nguồn lực tương tác của tổ chứ

    Status adjustments in Vietnamese and methods of translation to Chinese

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    Adjectives are one of three types of real words that appear frequently in sentences and act as predicate, complement, and subject components in a sentence. Adjectives are of two types, adjectives of properties and adjectives of status (adjectives of state). Between the Chinese and Vietnamese languages, modal adjectives have many configurations, so when translating from Vietnamese to Chinese there are many ways. This article is based on the theory of comparison and comparison of configurations to find out the similarities and differences in the configuration of modal adjectives of two languages and is also based on the comparison of the semantics of two objects, then according to the theory of interpretation, some ways of translating the adverb of state from Vietnamese to Chinese are proposed in order to help learners and interpreters have good methods of learning as well as techniques in translation