78 research outputs found

    Family policies in Europe: available databases and initial comparisons

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    Population trends in recent years have prompted most European countries to introduce or expand family support policies. In particular, the decline in fertility since the 1970s might be harmful in the long term. The number of children per family is often below the desired number declared in surveys. State support is intended to close the gap by lowering the barriers to having children. The increase in divorce, separation and blended families, and the numbers of children born outside marriage and living with `lone' parents, have also prompted countries to increase support for families, particularly for struggling families, whose children are the most vulnerable to poverty. At the same time, governments have sought to encourage women's workforce participation by ensuring that these policies enable parents to strike a better balance between work and family. Consequently, the total investment of governments in benefits and services for families has strongly increased recently, reaching an average of 2.4% of GDP in 2003 in OECD countries, compared with 1.6% in 1980.

    Politiques familiales et objectifs européens : il faut améliorer le benchmarking

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    Depuis la mise en place de la Stratégie Européenne pour l'Emploi (SEE), l'Union européenne fixe des objectifs et définit des indicateurs destinés à développer un benchmarking des politiques sociales. Bien que la politique familiale ne soit pas un domaine d'intervention explicitement identifié au niveau européen, certains de ces indicateurs correspondent au champ " traditionnel " des politiques familiales : ils se regroupent autour de deux grands axes : (i) la promotion de la conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale et (ii) l'inclusion sociale. Au regard des objectifs européens, la France fait plutÎt figure de " bon élÚve ", exception faite de l'indicateur de taux d'emploi féminin : elle n'a pas encore atteint l'objectif prévu pour 2010. A terme, cet objectif n'apparaßt pas comme inaccessible. Cependant, le centrage d'un pilotage des politiques familiales françaises sur ce seul objectif est problématique, car il existe un risque de réduction des performances françaises en termes d'inclusion et d'égalité entre les sexes. Or ces performances correspondent également à des objectifs européens. De ce point de vue, l'expérience française conduit à recommander une amélioration du benchmarking européen par la prise en compte d'indicateurs de taux d'emploi en équivalent temps plein mais également d'indicateurs d'inégalité face à l'emploi déclinés par sexe et par type de famille

    Politiques familiales et objectifs européens : il faut améliorer le benchmarking

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    Depuis la mise en place de la Stratégie Européenne pour l'Emploi (SEE), l'Union européenne fixe des objectifs et définit des indicateurs destinés à développer un benchmarking des politiques sociales. Bien que la politique familiale ne soit pas un domaine d'intervention explicitement identifié au niveau européen, certains de ces indicateurs correspondent au champ " traditionnel " des politiques familiales : ils se regroupent autour de deux grands axes : (i) la promotion de la conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale et (ii) l'inclusion sociale. Au regard des objectifs européens, la France fait plutÎt figure de " bon élÚve ", exception faite de l'indicateur de taux d'emploi féminin : elle n'a pas encore atteint l'objectif prévu pour 2010. A terme, cet objectif n'apparaßt pas comme inaccessible. Cependant, le centrage d'un pilotage des politiques familiales françaises sur ce seul objectif est problématique, car il existe un risque de réduction des performances françaises en termes d'inclusion et d'égalité entre les sexes. Or ces performances correspondent également à des objectifs européens. De ce point de vue, l'expérience française conduit à recommander une amélioration du benchmarking européen par la prise en compte d'indicateurs de taux d'emploi en équivalent temps plein mais également d'indicateurs d'inégalité face à l'emploi déclinés par sexe et par type de famille.politique sociale ; Europe ; famille

    The costs of raising children and the effectiveness of policies to support parenthood in European countries: a Literature Review

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    The purpose of this report is to produce an overview of available knowledge about the following issues:  the costs (to parents) of parenthood and of raising children in European Countries;  the effectiveness, in the short and long term, of various policy measures in avoiding or compensating for those costs; 8  the impact of different policy instruments aimed at supporting families according to various policy objectives, e.g. achieving family projects, reconciling family and working life, reducing child poverty, raising the levels of education and well being of children, and increasing equal opportunities.  the wider economic and social costs and benefits of policy interventions in support of families. The current state of knowledge on the following issues is presented as follows in this review report:  The costs of children and the challenges for public policies supporting parenthood (chapter 1); author: O. ThĂ©venon  The policy instruments used in the EU to support families and reduce the costs of parenthood (Chapter 2); authors: A. Math and O. ThĂ©venon  The impacts of these policies on families: o On fertility and the decision to have children (chapter 3); authors M-Th. Letablier and O. ThĂ©venon o On parents‘ participation in the labour market, gender equality and work-life balance (chapter 4); authors: M-Th. Letablier, A. Luci, O. ThĂ©venon o On children‘s well-being (chapter 5): M-Th. Letablier and O. ThĂ©venon  The wider economic and social costs and benefits of such policies (Chapter 6); author: A. Luci. The review of literature presented in this report attempts to make the tools, goals and impacts of family policies more clear and comparable across countries, in order to facilitate the circulation of knowledge between Member States, notably in the context of the European Alliance for Families and the newly established High Level Experts Group on Demography Issues. The report provides a review of recent literature and available data material on the direct and indirect costs of raising children in the European Union (using international as well as particularly important national studies). Ground breaking studies from countries outside the EU, of particular interest from a methodological point of view, are also included in the review. Focus is on the following kinds of costs of having and raising children over the long and short term: - Direct financial costs, e.g. for housing, health care, education, child care, - Indirect financial costs, e.g. for lost income, lost pension rights, lost career prospects etc. , also taking into account the impact on gender roles and gender equality. The costs of raising children are examined at the different phases of their development, from birth through to the age at which they become autonomous. The overview also summarizes knowledge on the main determinants of costs, including, the effects of the number of children, the socio-economic status of parents, and the family structure. Significant differences in cost levels and structures across Member States are identified. The overview also identifies gaps in the available knowledge, and highlights some issues for future research that have the potential to contribute to a better understanding of the policy impact and to better comparability across the European Union.cost of children; family policies; work and family life reconciliation; fertility; female employment

    Effect of extractions on dynamic mechanical properties of white mulberry (Morus alba)

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    International audienceVibrational properties of wood are affected by several parameters, of which extractives can be one of the most important ones. Wood for European musical instruments has been often studied, but traditional Middle Eastern ones had been left unnoticed. In this study white mulberry (Morus alba L.), the main material for long-necked lutes in Iran, was extracted by five solvents of various polarities (water included). Free-free bar forced vibrations were used to measure longitudinal (L) loss tangent (tanÎŽ), storage (elastic) modulus (Eâ€Č) and specific modulus (Eâ€Č/Îł) in the acoustic range. Their anisotropy between the 3 axes of orthotropy was determined by DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis). Native wood had a quite low ELâ€Č/Îł but its tanÎŽ was smaller than expected, and the anisotropy of tanÎŽ and Eâ€Č/Îł was very low. Removal of extractives caused tanÎŽ to increase and moduli to decrease. Acetone, the most effective solvent on damping despite a moderate extraction yield, increased tanÎŽL by at least 20% but did not modify Eâ€Č/Îł as much. When used successively, its effects masked those of solvents used afterwards. Anisotropy of Eâ€Č/Îł was nearly unchanged after extraction in methanol or hot water, while tanÎŽ was much more increased in R than in T direction. Results suggest that in white mulberry, damping is governed more by nature and localization of extractives rather than by their crud abundance

    L’augmentation de l’activitĂ© des femmes en Europe : progrĂšs de la conciliation ou polarisation des comportements ?

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    L'Ă©volution des situations d'activitĂ© des femmes de 1992 Ă  2005 est analysĂ©e Ă  partir des EnquĂȘtes europĂ©ennes sur les forces de travail. Ces situations sont modĂ©lisĂ©es pour rendre compte des effets propres Ă  la prĂ©sence d'enfant(s), l'Ăąge du plus jeune et l'Ăąge de la mĂšre Ă  la naissance du premier, ou la prĂ©sence d'un conjoint sur l'emploi et le temps de travail des femmes, ainsi que leurs Ă©volutions. Certains pays ont connu des Ă©volutions qui remettent en question la cartographie proposĂ©e par les typologies standards des annĂ©es 1990. La croissance des taux d'activitĂ© fĂ©minine est partiellement due Ă  la rĂ©duction de la taille des familles ; mais l'activitĂ© des femmes s'est aussi dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  dimension donnĂ©e des mĂ©nages. Cette augmentation semble aller de pair, dans certains pays, avec le fait d'avoir des enfants uniquement si leur naissance peut ĂȘtre conciliĂ©e avec l'emploi. On trouve des indices reflĂ©tant cette situation en Allemagne, en Espagne, aux Pays-Bas et au Portugal oĂč les aides Ă  la conciliation demeurent limitĂ©es. Par contre, une rĂ©duction moins forte de la taille des familles a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e en Belgique, en France et au Royaume-Uni oĂč le contexte est plus favorable Ă  la conciliation entre travail et enfant

    The political economy of child-related leave policies in OECD member states : key trends and the impact of the crisis

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    A widespread expansion of leave entitlements has taken place over the past decades in OECD countries. Basic rights, set initially for mothers, have been complemented with entitlements for both parents. This considerably prolonged the time period covered by parental leave entitlements, of which mothers remain the main users. As a consequence, cross-national differences in leave duration increased until the late 1990s, but they have decreased slightly since the early 2000s without radically changing the picture. Yet, one main change has occurred with the provision of father-specific rights granted in a growing number of countries. The effect of the recession has been quite limited, since cutbacks in leave-related benefits have observed up to now in a minority of countries. Against this background, we analyse the effect of economic and political factors on the prolongation of maternity and parental leave, as well as on the provision of father-specific entitlements. We show that the different types of leave respond differently to these factors, which suggests that a different rationale guides their respective evolution. Finally, we discuss the merits of the greater flexibility introduced in the legislation of parental leave systems

    Politiques familiales, fécondité et emploi des femmes : apports et limites des comparaisons au niveau national

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    Ce document discute les avantages et limites des analyses comparatives des politiques familiales. Nous commençons par prĂ©senter des faits stylisĂ©s clĂ©s concernant la fĂ©conditĂ©, l’emploi des femmes et les diffĂ©rences concernant les politiques familiales qui tous appellent Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des diffĂ©rentes tendances que l’on observe. Une question centrale est, en particulier, d’identifier les facteurs qui ont permis Ă  certains pays de combiner aujourd’hui des taux de fĂ©conditĂ© et d’emploi des femmes comparativement Ă©levĂ©s, tandis que d’autres pays se situent trĂšs en retrait sur ces deux aspects. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous passons en revue des analyses rĂ©centes Ă©tudiant l’effet des politiques sur les tendances de la fĂ©conditĂ© et l’emploi des femmes au niveau national. La derniĂšre partie appelle Ă  des analyses permettant de mieux comprendre les relations existant entre les diffĂ©rences que l’on observe entre pays et les diffĂ©rences de comportement existant dans chacun d’eux. Sont nĂ©cessaires pour cela des approches visant Ă  mieux intĂ©grer les niveaux d’observation micro-individuels et macro-nationaux et Ă  analyser plus finement les variations de politiques en fonction des configurations familiales, ainsi que les diffĂ©rences selon les rĂ©gions et les changements au cours du temps. Le maintien des efforts dĂ©jĂ  engagĂ©s pour collecter des donnĂ©es permettant de comparer les pays selon ces dimensions est alors une prioritĂ©
