1,458 research outputs found

    Improving the Efficiency of a Nuclear Power Plant Using a Thermoelectric Cogeneration System

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    The efficiencies of nuclear power plants are rather poor having the ratio %30 by using the conventional energy/exergy tools. According to that information, large amount of energy is wasted during condensation and thrown out to the environment. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) system has a potential to be used as a heat exchanging technology to produce power with a relatively low efficiency (about 5%) and it can transform the temperature difference into electricity and generate clean electrical energy. In the present study, we offer a novel system to recover the waste heat from a VVER-1000 nuclear power plant. The heat transfer of the TEG is analyzed numerically with respect to the various temperature ranges and constant mass flow rate of the exhaust steam entering the system. In the analyses, different hot temperature ranges (35ºC, 45ºC and 55ºC) and a constant cold temperature (i.e. 18ºC) are used for a HZ-20 thermoelectric module and it has been proven that the designed TEG can produce the maximum output power of 76,956 MW for a temperature difference ∆T=37 and the conversion efficiency of 3.854% sits. The TEG is designed for the condenser of a 1000 MW nuclear power plant. It\u27s shown that about 2.0% increasing in the power plant efficiency is expected by using the selected thermoelectric generator in the condensation cycle.Article History: Received: July 15th 2017; Received: October 17th 2017; Accepted: February 13rd 2018; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Terzi, R. and Kurt, E. (2018), Improving the efficiency of a nuclear power plant using a thermoelectric cogeneration system, Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(1), 77-84.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.7.1.77-8

    Acculturation and Adaptation of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The role of (dis)concordance of acculturation orientations and identity threat

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    The present chapter examined the social-psychological factors associated with the adaptation of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Specifically, building on the mutuality approach to acculturation, the current research considered both the role of refugees’ acculturation orientations towards culture maintenance and contact with the Turkish society, refugees’ meta-perceived acculturation orientations of the Turkish host society and the impact of perceived (dis)concordance of acculturation orientations and perceived identity threat (i.e., discrimination) on their psychological and sociocultural adaptation. This research extends previous research conducted with Syrian refugees in Turkey by examining both psychological and sociocultural adaptation of refugees and by considering the specific impact of (dis)concordance of acculturation orientations. Using data from a survey (109 participants) the results showed a negative association between own culture maintenance and psychological adaptation, whereas own desire for contact was not associated with sociocultural adaptation. Extending previous research, refugees’ perceived acculturation orientations from Turkish society, particularly perceived desire for contact, were positively related to psychological and sociocultural adaptation (albeit marginally for the latter). Finally, perceived discordance of acculturation was negatively related to psychological and sociocultural adaptation and positively related to perceived discrimination. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    LSTM neural networks: Input to state stability and probabilistic safety verification

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    The goal of this paper is to analyze Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks from a dynamical system perspective. The classical recursive equations describing the evolution of LSTM can be recast in state space form, resulting in a time-invariant nonlinear dynamical system. A sufficient condition guaranteeing the Input-to-State (ISS) stability property of this class of systems is provided. The ISS property entails the boundedness of the output reachable set of the LSTM. In light of this result, a novel approach for the safety verification of the network, based on the Scenario Approach, is devised. The proposed method is eventually tested on a pH neutralization process

    In situ atomic force microscopy in the study of electrogeneration of polybithiophene on Pt electrode

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    Electrochemical AFM technique has been used for the in situ study of the electrogeneration-deposition process of polybithiophene at varying the polymerisation conditions, such as supporting electrolyte, i.e., LiClO4 or tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate, and polymerisation procedure, i.e., either potentiostatic or potentiodynamic method. In order to better follow the evolution of the morphology of the deposit, particularly during the early stages of the polymer film growth, a suitable home-made electrochemical cell has been used

    Identification of a set of widely expressed genes in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and its functional characterisation: a multi-evidence based study

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    Quantitative gene expression data analysis requires efficient normalization to be really informative: as a consequence reference genes that are stably expressed in tested vs. control samples are used for results standardization. The identification of tissue-wide-expressed genes makes it easier to highlight the best set of candidate internal controls. While tissue-specific genes are often regulated by microRNA, housekeeping genes, being involved in cell maintenance and thus required in all miRNA expressing cells are not expected to be microRNA targets. In this work we have identified a set of tissue-wide expressed genes in grape which has then been functionally characterised and scanned for the presence vs. absence of putative miRNA target sites. The gene list obtained by this multi-evidence based procedure can be helpful to identify appropriate references in grape.

    In vitro fermentation of ten cultivars of barley silage.

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    The fermentation characteristics of whole-crop barley silages from ten different cultivars were evaluated by the in vitro gas production technique. The organic matter degradability of barley silage (62.9% in average) was comparable to those reported in our previous trials for oat (59.7%) and sorghum silages (65.5%); while the maximum gas production rate (5.38 ml/h in average) was slightly lower respect to oat (6.71 ml/h) and sorghum silage (6.74 ml/h). The mean nutritive value (4.00 MJ/kg DM) calculated on the basis of both chemical composition and in vitro fermentation data was comparable to that (4.16 MJ/kg DM) obtained in our previous research performed on corn silage, from crop sowed in the same area

    New syntaxon names for the Italian Quercus cerris woods

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    Based on the results of a previous nomenclatural revision of the Italian Quercus cerris forests, 31 syntaxon names are here validated or described as new and 5 lectotypes are designated

    A revised phytosociological nomenclature for the Italian Quercus cerris woods

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    This paper aims to revise the phytosociological nomenclature of the Quercus cerris woods occurring in Italy with particular attention to associations, subassociations, and suballiances. The syntaxa included in this revision were selected based on a physiognomical criterion, i.e., woods with dominance or codominance of Quercus cerris. The nomenclatural revision complied with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. Correct names and Authors' citations were considered for all the syntaxa analyzed (121), and, in most cases, other information about nomenclatural types, localities, synonyms, classification, and other notes was reported. As regards the alliance level, the correct application of the name Melittio albidae-Quercion frainetto ―whose original diagnosis and type-association occur in Italy― was discussed. In all, 31 syntaxon names were validated or described: two suballiances (Campanulo medii-Ostryenion carpinifoliae and Pulmonario apenninae-Carpinenion betuli), nine associations and 20 subassociations. Five lectotypes were also designated

    Immune and virologic responses to Truvada or Combivir as a first-line therapy of HIV-infected, treatment-naïve patients

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    Methods 107 HIV-infected, ARV-naive patients were prospectively enrolled and treated with TVD (300 mg TDF + 200 mg FTC QD) or CBV (300 mg AZT + 150 mg 3TC BID) in combination with EFV (600 mg QD) or a PI (LPV/r, ATV/ r, fAPV/r and SQV/r). Twenty-seven patients received TVD-EFV, 33 received TVD-PI, 24 received CBV-EFV, and 23 received CBV-PI. Fifty-one of these patients have, so far, reached 12 months of therapy. Clinical, immunological and virologic parameters at baseline and after 12 months of therapy are presented
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