104 research outputs found

    Методологические и методические аспекты изучения социальных представлений об интеллигенции

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    The article is devoted to studying social representations of the intelligenzia and the intellectual. The author’s main aim is to study social representations of the intelligenzia on the empirical level on the basis of a complex analysis applying specially elaborated techniques. The completed study allows us to reconstruct the image of the intelligenzia and the intellectual proceeding from social representations.Статья посвящена изучению социальных представлений об интеллигенции и интеллигентном человеке. Автор ставит в качестве основной цели изучение социальных представлений об интеллигенции на эмпирическом уровне на основе комплексного анализа с помощью специально разработанных методик. Проведенное исследование позволяет реконструировать образ интеллигенции и интеллигентного человека на основе социальных представлений

    Способы обработки данных, полученных методом виньеток в социологических исследованиях

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    The article considers the vignette method as a projective technique that can be an alternative for the traditional methods in mass surveys. The authors present an example of the study of the social representations of an intelligent man with the vignette method: identify the meaning of the concept 'social representations' suggested by S. Moscovici, a scientist who introduced its conceptualization and empirical interpretation; and describe the structure of social representations which consists of a 'core' and a 'periphery' according to the theory of J.-C. Abric. The article shows the process of creating vignettes, choosing their number and conditions for the tool application. The main emphasis is made on the analysis of data obtained through the vignette method by calculating indices, discriminant analysis and logistic regression, and the explanation for the application of these three techniques is given. The authors describe the research procedure, the creation of the tool and the sample; compare the results of each method of analysis. Discriminant analysis and logistic regression data confirm each other, which is an important verification of the results of different methods of analysis.В статье рассматривается метод виньеток как проективный метод с перспективой альтернативного использования традиционным методам в массовых опросах. Приводится пример изучения социальных представлений об интеллигентном человеке с помощью этого метода. Раскрывается значение термина «социальные представления» с точки зрения С. Московичи, как социолога, осуществившего его концептуализацию и эмпирическую интерпретацию. Раскрывается и описывается структура социальных представлений, состоящая из «ядра» и «периферии» согласно теории Ж-К. Абрика. В статье также представлен процесс создания виньеток, определение их количества, условия закладываемых в инструмент переменных. Главный акцент делается на описании возможностей обработки данных, полученных методом виньеток с помощью расчета индексов, дискриминантного анализа и логистической регрессии. Приводится обоснование выбора этих методов анализа для обработки данных, полученных методом виньеток. Подробно описывается процедура исследования, процесс создания инструментария, обосновывается выборка. Проводится анализ полученных результатов каждым из методов, их сопоставимость с данными, полученными ранее. Описываются результаты и применимость каждого из способов анализа. Данные дискриминантного анализа и логистической регрессии полностью подтверждают друг друга, что важно для верификации данных, полученных с помощью разных методов анализа

    Social exclusion as a side effect of machine learning mechanisms

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    The development of neural network technologies leads to their integration in decision-making processes at the level of such important social institutions as healthcare, education, employment, etc. This situation brings up the question of the correctness of artificial intelligence decisions and their consequences. The aim of this work is to consider the origin and replication of social exclusion, inequality and discrimination in society as a result of neurotraining. Neurotraining understood as the principles of any neural networks’ training. Social exclusion and the resulting discrimination in decisions made by artificial intelligence is considered as a consequence of the big data processing principles. The authors review the theories of foreign and Russian authors concerning the impact of artificial intelligence on strengthening the existing social order, as well as problems with processing and interpreting data for training computer systems on them. Real situations of the specifics of the data itself and its processing that have led to increased inequality and exclusion are also given. The conclusion about the sources of social exclusion and stigmatization in society is made due to the similarity between natural and artificial neural networks functioning. The authors suggest that it is the principles of neurotraining in a “natural” society that lead not only to discrimination at the macro level, but also cause vivid negative reactions towards representatives of the exclusive groups, for example, interethnic hatred, homophobia, sexism, etc. The question about the possibility of studying “natural” society in comparison with “artificial” one is raised

    Chemical Genetics Reveals an RGS/G-Protein Role in the Action of a Compound

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    We report here on a chemical genetic screen designed to address the mechanism of action of a small molecule. Small molecules that were active in models of urinary incontinence were tested on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the resulting phenotypes were used as readouts in a genetic screen to identify possible molecular targets. The mutations giving resistance to compound were found to affect members of the RGS protein/G-protein complex. Studies in mammalian systems confirmed that the small molecules inhibit muscarinic G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling involving G-αq (G-protein alpha subunit). Our studies suggest that the small molecules act at the level of the RGS/G-αq signaling complex, and define new mutations in both RGS and G-αq, including a unique hypo-adapation allele of G-αq. These findings suggest that therapeutics targeted to downstream components of GPCR signaling may be effective for treatment of diseases involving inappropriate receptor activation

    Airway smooth muscle relaxation results from a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations induced by a cAMP-mediated inhibition of the IP(3 )receptor

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that the contractile state of airway smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in response to agonists is determined by the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations occurring within the SMCs. Therefore, we hypothesized that the relaxation of airway SMCs induced by agents that increase cAMP results from the down-regulation or slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations. METHODS: The effects of isoproterenol (ISO), forskolin (FSK) and 8-bromo-cAMP on the relaxation and Ca(2+ )signaling of airway SMCs contracted with methacholine (MCh) was investigated in murine lung slices with phase-contrast and laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: All three cAMP-elevating agents simultaneously induced a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations within the SMCs and the relaxation of contracted airways. The decrease in the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency correlated with the extent of airway relaxation and was concentration-dependent. The mechanism by which cAMP reduced the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations was investigated. Elevated cAMP did not affect the re-filling rate of the internal Ca(2+ )stores after emptying by repetitive exposure to 20 mM caffeine. Neither did elevated cAMP limit the Ca(2+ )available to stimulate contraction because an elevation of intracellular Ca(2+ )concentration induced by exposure to a Ca(2+ )ionophore (ionomycin) or by photolysis of caged-Ca(2+ )did not reverse the effect of cAMP. Similar results were obtained with iberiotoxin, a blocker of Ca(2+)-activated K(+ )channels, which would be expected to increase Ca(2+ )influx and contraction. By contrast, the photolysis of caged-IP(3 )in the presence of agonist, to further elevate the intracellular IP(3 )concentration, reversed the slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations and relaxation of the airway induced by FSK. This result implied that the sensitivity of the IP(3)R to IP(3 )was reduced by FSK and this was supported by the reduced ability of IP(3 )to release Ca(2+ )in SMCs in the presence of FSK. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the relaxant effect of cAMP-elevating agents on airway SMCs is achieved by decreasing the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency by reducing internal Ca(2+ )release through IP(3 )receptors

    GI-530159, a novel, selective, mechanosensitive two‐pore‐domain potassium (K2P_{2P}) channel opener, reduces rat dorsal root ganglion neuron excitability

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    Background and Purpose: TREK two pore domain potassium channels play a critical role in regulating the excitability of somatosensory nociceptive neurons and are important mediators of pain perception. An understanding of the roles of TREK channels in pain perception and, indeed, in other pathophysiological conditions, has been severely hampered by the lack of potent and/or selective activators and inhibitors. In this study we describe a new, selective opener of TREK channels, GI-530159 (4,4?-(Hexafluoroisopropylidene)bis(p-phenyleneoxy)dianiline). Experimental Approach: The effect of GI-530159 on TREK channels was demonstrated using 86Rb efflux assays, whole-cell and single channel patch clamp recordings from recombinant TREK channels. TREK1, TREK2 and TRAAK expression was determined using transcriptome analysis from single dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells. Current-clamp recordings from cultured rat DRG neurons were used to measure the effect of GI-530159 on neuronal excitability. Key Results: For recombinant human TREK1 channels GI-530159 had an EC50 of 0.8?M from Rb efflux experiments and 0.9?M from electrophysiological recordings. The compound activated TREK2 channels but it had no detectable action on TRAAK channels nor any significant effect on other K channels tested. Current clamp recordings from cultured rat DRG neurones showed that application of GI-530159 at 1?M resulted in a significant reduction in firing frequency and a small hyperpolarisation of resting membrane potential. Conclusions and Implications: This study provides pharmacological evidence for the presence of mechano-sensitive TREK K2P channels in sensory neurones and suggests that development of selective K2P channel openers like GI-530159 could aid to the development of novel analgesic agents

    Pharmacologically Reversible, Loss of Function Mutations in the tm2 and tm4 Inner Pore Helices of Trek-1 k2p Channels

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    A better understanding of the gating of TREK two pore domain potassium (K2P) channels and their activation by compounds such as the negatively charged activator, flufenamic acid (FFA) is critical in the search for more potent and selective activators of these channels. Currents through wild-type and mutated human K2P channels expressed in tsA201 cells were measured using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the presence and absence of FFA. Mutation of the TM2.6 residue of TREK-1 to a phenylalanine (G171F) and a similar mutation of TM4.6 (A286F) substantially reduced current through TREK-1 channels. In complementary experiments, replacing the natural F residues at the equivalent position in TRESK channels, significantly enhanced current. Known, gain of function mutations of TREK-1 (G137I, Y284A) recovered current through these mutated channels. This reduction in current could be also be reversed pharmacologically, by FFA. However, an appropriate length MTS (MethaneThioSulfonate) cross-linking reagent (MTS14) restricted the activation of TREK-1_A286C channels by repeated application of FFA. This suggests that the cross-linker stabilises the channel in a conformation which blunts FFA activation. Pharmacologically reversible mutations of TREK channels will help to clarify the importance of these channels in pathophysiological conditions such as pain and depression

    Activation of TREK currents by riluzole in three subgroups of cultured mouse nodose ganglion neurons

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    Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) constitute major candidates for the regulation of background potassium currents in mammalian cells. Channels of the TREK subfamily are also well positioned to play an important role in sensory transduction due to their sensitivity to a large number of physiological and physical stimuli (pH, mechanical, temperature). Following our previous report describing the molecular expression of different K2P channels in the vagal sensory system, here we confirm that TREK channels are functionally expressed in neurons from the mouse nodose ganglion (mNG). Neurons were subdivided into three groups (A, Ah and C) based on their response to tetrodotoxin and capsaicin. Application of the TREK subfamily activator riluzole to isolated mNG neurons evoked a concentration-dependent outward current in the majority of cells from all the three subtypes studied. Riluzole increased membrane conductance and hyperpolarized the membrane potential by approximately 10 mV when applied to resting neurons. The resting potential was similar in all three groups, but C cells were clearly less excitable and showed smaller hyperpolarization-activated currents at -100 mV and smaller sustained currents at -30 mV. Our results indicate that the TREK subfamily of K2P channels might play an important role in the maintenance of the resting membrane potential in sensory neurons of the autonomic nervous system, suggesting its participation in the modulation of vagal reflexes

    Methodological and Methodic Aspects of Studying Social Representations of Intelligenzia

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    The article is devoted to studying social representations of the intelligenzia and the intellectual. The author’s main aim is to study social representations of the intelligenzia on the empirical level on the basis of a complex analysis applying specially elaborated techniques. The completed study allows us to reconstruct the image of the intelligenzia and the intellectual proceeding from social representations