39 research outputs found

    IFN-β concentration following infection.

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    <p>IFN-β concentration in the (A) liver, (B) spleen, and (C) brain in mice after infection. The first row represents mock infected mice, the second row represents MP-12 infected mice, and the third is ZH501 infected mice. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. There were five mice in each group with the exception of the 96 time-point for ZH501 when only three animals were surviving. The horizontal bar represents the mean of the mice for each group. Brackets indicate that the average value for ZH501 infected animals is significantly different from both mock and MP-12 infected animals.</p

    Liver and spleen pathology.

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    <p>(A) Liver from a mock-infected mouse at 84 hpi. The liver is essentially normal H&E 20×. (B) Liver from an MP-12 infected mouse at 84 hpi. The random, small microgranulomas composed of individually-necrotic hepatocytes surrounded by small numbers of neutrophils and mononuclear cells are unrelated to the study, H&E 20×. (C) Liver from a ZH501 infected mouse at 84 hpi, showing piecemeal hepatocyte necrosis (white arrowhead), hepatocellular intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions (white arrow). Note the presence of neutrophils (black arrow) within foci of necrosis, H&E stain 40×. (D) Spleen from a mock-infected mouse at 84 hpi. The spleen is essentially normal, H&E 20×. (E) Spleen from an MP-12 infected mouse at 84 hpi. The spleen is essentially normal, H&E 20×. (F) Spleen from a ZH501 infected mouse at 84 hpi with moderate amounts of necrotic cellular debris and macrophages containing hemosiderin (brown pigment) within red pulp sinusoids, H&E 10×.</p

    Mouse daily weight and temperature.

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    <p>Daily weight (g) and temperature (°C) of mock-infected C57BL/6 mice and mice infected with either MP-12 or ZH501.</p

    Liver function enzymes.

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    <p>Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), glucose, and total bilirubin concentrations in the serum of mock (A), MP-12 (B) and ZH501 (C) infected mice. The first row provides serum ALT concentrations, the second row glucose concentrations and the third total bilirubin concentrations. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. There were five mice in each group, except at 96 hpi where only three animals had survived until this point of the study. The horizontal bar represents the mean of the mice for that group. Please note that the maximum for the Y-axis in (C)-ALT is 2000 U/L rather than 150 U/L as in (A) and (B) ALT graphs.</p

    Viral Titers.

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    <p>Viral titers in the serum, liver, spleen, and brain after infection with (A) MP-12 or (B) ZH501. Each point with the exception of 96 hpi in the ZH501 graph represents the mean virus titer of five mice. The 96 hpi points in the ZH501 graph represent only the 3 mice that survived until that point. Error bars for the standard deviation were removed for clarity. (C) Immunohistochemical staining for RVFV antigen in liver from a ZH501 infected mouse at 60 hpi. Intracytoplasmic viral antigen is depicted by brown staining, 10×. (D) Immunohistochemical stain of liver from a ZH501 infected mouse at 84 hpi. Intracytoplasmic viral antigen is depicted by brown staining, 20×. (E) Immunohistochemical stain of spleen for RVFV antigen from a ZH501 infected mouse at 84 hpi. The red pulp sinusoids contain numerous cells with cytoplasmic brown, granular material depicting viral antigen. There are no viral antigen positive cells in the lymphoid follicle. Note the increased lymphocytolysis depicted by pyknotic nuclei and cellular fragments, 20×. (F) Brain from a ZH501 infected animal at 84 hpi with no pathologic changes, H&E 2.5×.</p

    Characterization of Rift Valley Fever Virus MP-12 Strain Encoding NSs of Punta Toro Virus or Sandfly Fever Sicilian Virus

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    <div><p>Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV; genus <i>Phlebovirus</i>, family <i>Bunyaviridae</i>) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic pathogen which can cause hemorrhagic fever, neurological disorders or blindness in humans, and a high rate of abortion in ruminants. MP-12 strain, a live-attenuated candidate vaccine, is attenuated in the M- and L-segments, but the S-segment retains the virulent phenotype. MP-12 was manufactured as an Investigational New Drug vaccine by using MRC-5 cells and encodes a functional NSs gene, the major virulence factor of RVFV which 1) induces a shutoff of the host transcription, 2) inhibits interferon (IFN)-β promoter activation, and 3) promotes the degradation of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR). MP-12 lacks a marker for differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA). Although MP-12 lacking NSs works for DIVA, it does not replicate efficiently in type-I IFN-competent MRC-5 cells, while the use of type-I IFN-incompetent cells may negatively affect its genetic stability. To generate modified MP-12 vaccine candidates encoding a DIVA marker, while still replicating efficiently in MRC-5 cells, we generated recombinant MP-12 encoding Punta Toro virus Adames strain NSs (rMP12-PTNSs) or Sandfly fever Sicilian virus NSs (rMP12-SFSNSs) in place of MP-12 NSs. We have demonstrated that those recombinant MP-12 viruses inhibit IFN-β mRNA synthesis, yet do not promote the degradation of PKR. The rMP12-PTNSs, but not rMP12-SFSNSs, replicated more efficiently than recombinant MP-12 lacking NSs in MRC-5 cells. Mice vaccinated with rMP12-PTNSs or rMP12-SFSNSs induced neutralizing antibodies at a level equivalent to those vaccinated with MP-12, and were efficiently protected from wild-type RVFV challenge. The rMP12-PTNSs and rMP12-SFSNSs did not induce antibodies cross-reactive to anti-RVFV NSs antibody and are therefore applicable to DIVA. Thus, rMP12-PTNSs is highly efficacious, replicates efficiently in MRC-5 cells, and encodes a DIVA marker, all of which are important for vaccine development for Rift Valley fever.</p> </div

    rMP12-PTNSs and rMP12-SFSNSs inhibit IFN-β mRNA synthesis.

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    <p>MEF cells were mock-infected or infected with MP-12, rMP12-C13type, rMP12-PTNSs or rMP12-SFSNSs at a m.o.i of 3. Total RNA was harvested at 7 hpi. Northern blotting was performed with strand-specific RNA probes to detect mouse IFN-β or ISG56 mRNA, or RVFV anti-sense S-segment/N mRNA, respectively. The 18S rRNA was shown as loading control. Representative data from three independent experiments are shown.</p

    Replication of rMP12-PTNSs and rMP12-SFSNSs in cell culture.

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    <p>(A) VeroE6 cells, (B) MEF cells or (C) MRC-5 cells were mock-infected or infected with MP-12, rMP12-C13type, rMP12-PTNSs, or rMP12-SFSNSs at a m.o.i of 0.01. Culture supernatants were collected at 72 hpi (A and B), or indicated time points (C) and virus titer was determined by plaque assay with VeroE6 cells. Means+standard deviations of three independent experiments are shown in the graph. Asterisk represents statistical significance (Unpaired t-test, **p<0.01, vs. MP-12).</p

    Efficacy and immunogenicity of rMP12-PTNSs or rMP12-SFSNSs in mice.

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    <p>Five-week-old CD1 mice were mock-vaccinated with PBS (n = 10) or vaccinated subcutaneously with 1×10<sup>5</sup> pfu of MP-12 (n = 20), rMP12-NSsR173A (n = 10), rMP12-PTNSs (n = 9) or rMP12-SFSNSs (n = 10). Sera were collected at 42 days post vaccination, and mice were challenged with 1×10<sup>3</sup> pfu of wt RVFV ZH501 strain (i.p) at 45 days post vaccination. Mice were observed for 21 days post-challenge. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of vaccinated mice after wt RVFV challenge. (B) Neutralizing antibody titers of vaccinated mice (PRNT<sub>80</sub>). Asterisk represents statistical significance (Mann-Whitney U-test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. rMP12-NSsR173A). (C) Anti-N IgG titer measured by IgG ELISA. Y-axis shows endpoint titers of sera. Asterisk represents statistical significance (Mann-Whitney U-test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. rMP12-NSsR173A). (D) Anti-NSs IgG level measured by IgG ELISA. Y-axis shows OD405 nm of sera at 1∶100 dilutions, and cut-off at 0.204 is shown as dotted line.</p

    Host general transcriptional suppression by RVFV MP-12 mutants.

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    <p>(A) Flow cytometry analysis was performed in 293 cells. 293 cells were mock-infected or infected with MP-12, rMP12-C13type, rMP12-PTNSs or rMP12-SFSNSs at a m.o.i of 3 and treated with 0.5 mM EU at 8 hpi for 3 hours. Mock-infected cells were co-treated with ActD (5 µg/ml) at 8 hpi for 3 hours. Incorporated EU was stained with Alexa Fluor 647-azide, and RVFV antigens were stained with anti-RVFV antibodies and detected by Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IgG. Subsequently, cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Representative data from two independent experiments are shown. X-axis: signal intensity for RVFV antigen, Y-axis: signal intensity for EU. (B) Relative fluorescence intensity of EU-positive cells is shown as a histogram.</p