529 research outputs found

    Temporal Trends in the C02 Content of Hawaiian Coastal Waters and Climatic Drivers: An Eight Year Time-Series Perspective.

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    M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Neocolonialism in education: Cooperative learning, Western pedagogy in an Asian Context

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    This article is concerned with the influence of western educational approaches in non-western countries and societies. This influence is frequently referred to as educational neocolonialism in the sense that western paradigms tend to shape and influence educational systems and thinking elsewhere through the process of globalisation. Given the perceived pressure to modernise and reform in order to attain high international standards, educational policy makers in non-western countries tend to look to the west. Thus they may 'borrow' policies and practices that were originally developed and operated, and which appeared to be effective, in a very different cultural context to that of their own societies. In effecting such transfer, detailed consideration of particular aspects of the culture and heritage of the originating country is often neglected. To illustrate some of the problems that result from this, the article presents a case study of the application of Cooperative Learning, an educational method developed in the west, within an Asian context. Drawing upon Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's typology of seven cultural dimensions, our examination of western method and eastern context reveals a complex web of cultural conflicts and mismatches. The paper concludes by suggesting that non-western cultures should seek to reconstruct imported pedagogic practices in accordance with their own world views and in line with their own norms and values

    Stability of Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Tablet Halves During Prolonged Storage Under Tropical Conditions.

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    Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) is recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, used in efforts to contain artemisinin resistance, and increasingly considered for mass drug administration. Because of the narrow therapeutic dose range and available tablet strengths, the manufacturers and World Health Organization recommended regimens involve breaking tablets into halves to accurately dose children according to body weight. Use of tablet fractions in programmatic settings under tropical conditions requires a highly stable product; however, the stability of DP tablet fractions is unknown. We aged full and half DP (Eurartesim®) tablets in a stability chamber at 30°C and 70% humidity level. The active pharmaceutical ingredients dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine remained at ≥ 95% over the 3 months' period of ageing in light and darkness. These findings are reassuring for DP, but highlight the need to assess drug stability under real-life settings during the drug development process, particularly for key drugs of global disease control programs

    Adaptive geostatistical design and analysis for prevalence surveys

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    Non-adaptive geostatistical designs (NAGDs) offer standard ways of collecting and analysing geostatistical data in which sampling locations are fixed in advance of any data collection. In contrast, adaptive geostatistical designs (AGDs) allow collection of geostatistical data over time to depend on information obtained from previous information to optimise data collection towards the analysis objective. AGDs are becoming more important in spatial mapping, particularly in poor resource settings where uniformly precise mapping may be unrealistically costly and the priority is often to identify critical areas where interventions can have the most health impact. Two constructions are: singleton and batch adaptive sampling. In singleton sampling, locations xi are chosen sequentially and at each stage, xk+1 depends on data obtained at locations x1,…,xk. In batch sampling, locations are chosen in batches of size b>1, allowing each new batch, {x(k+1),…,x(k+b)}, to depend on data obtained at locations x1,…,xkb. In most settings, batch sampling is more realistic than singleton sampling. We propose specific batch AGDs and assess their efficiency relative to their singleton adaptive and non-adaptive counterparts using simulations. We then show how we are applying these findings to inform an AGD of a rolling Malaria Indicator Survey, part of a large-scale, five-year malaria transmission reduction project in Malawi

    Inhibitory geostatistical designs for spatial prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure

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    The problem of choosing spatial sampling designs for investigating an unobserved spatial phenomenon S arises in many contexts, for example in identifying households to select for a prevalence survey to study disease burden and heterogeneity in a study region D. We studied randomised inhibitory spatial sampling designs to address the problem of spatial prediction whilst taking account of the need to estimate covariance structure. Two specific classes of design are inhibitory designs and inhibitory designs plus close pairs. In an inhibitory design, any pair of sample locations must be separated by at least an inhibition distance δ. In an inhibitory plus close pairs design, n − k sample locations in an inhibitory design with inhibition distance δ are augmented by k locations each positioned close to one of the randomly selected n − k locations in the inhibitory design, uniformly distributed within a disc of radius ζ. We present simulation results for the Mat´ern class of covariance structures. When the nugget variance is non-negligible, inhibitory plus close pairs designs demonstrate improved predictive efficiency over designs without close pairs. We illustrate how these findings can be applied to the design of a rolling Malaria Indicator Survey that forms part of an ongoing large-scale, five-year malaria transmission reduction project in Malawi

    Inleiding Themanummer: De publieke onderwijstaak van het hoger beroepsonderwijs

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    Een vrije en veerkrachtige samenleving ontstaat niet vanzelf en blijft niet vanzelf bestaan. In dit themanummer verkennen we de publieke onderwijstaak van het hoger beroepsonderwijs om studenten te onderwijzen de gemeenschappelijke wereld én het publieke gesprek over die wereld centraal te stellen. Met dit themanummer willen wij iets tegenover het vigerende marktdenken zetten. We laten ons hierbij inspireren door het gedachtegoed van Hannah Arendt (1906–1975). Ze heeft uitgebreid geschreven over ‘het publieke’. Ze verbindt de inzet van wetenschappelijke kennis en technologie met het politieke vraagstuk: willen we daadwerkelijk leven in de wereld die we aan het scheppen zijn? Arendts gedachtegoed biedt volop handvatten om op verschillende niveaus van het hoger beroepsonderwijs deze taak te doordenken en invulling te geven

    Childhood malaria case incidence in Malawi between 2004 and 2017:Spatio-temporal modelling of climate and non-climate factors

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    Introduction Malaria transmission is influenced by a complex interplay of factors including climate, socio-economic, environmental factors and interventions. Malaria control efforts across Africa have shown a mixed impact. Climate driven factors may play an increasing role with climate change. Efforts to strengthen routine facility-based monthly malaria data collection across Africa create an increasingly valuable data source to interpret burden trends and monitor control programme progress. A better understanding of the association with other climatic and non-climatic drivers of malaria incidence over time and space may help guide and interpret the impact of interventions. Methods Routine monthly paediatric outpatient clinical malaria case data were compiled from 27 districts in Malawi between 2004 and 2017, and analysed in combination with data on climatic, environmental, socio-economic and interventional factors and district level population estimates. A spatio-temporal generalized linear mixed model was fitted using Bayesian inference, in order to quantify the strength of association of the various risk factors with district-level variation in clinical malaria rates in Malawi, and visualised using maps. Results Between 2004 and 2017 reported childhood clinical malaria case rates showed a slight increase, from 50 to 53 cases per 1000 population, with considerable variation across the country between climatic zones. Climatic and environmental factors, including average monthly air temperature and rainfall anomalies, normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) and RDT use for diagnosis showed a significant relationship with malaria incidence. Temperature in the current month and in each of the 3 months prior showed a significant relationship with the disease incidence unlike rainfall anomaly which was associated with malaria incidence at only three months prior. Estimated risk maps show relatively high risk along the lake and Shire valley regions of Malawi. Conclusion Our modelling approach can identify locations likely to have unusually high or low risk of malaria incidence across Malawi, and distinguishes between contributions to risk that can be explained by measured risk-factors and unexplained residual spatial variation. Also, spatial statistical methods applied to readily available routine data provides an alternative information source that can supplement survey data in policy development and implementation to direct surveillance and intervention efforts

    Plasma Physics

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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT(30-1)-1842National Science Foundation (Grant G-9330)U.S. Air Force (Electronic Systems Division) under Contract AF19(604)-599