53 research outputs found

    Case report of physiotherapy treatment of the patient after bilateral lower limb lengthening

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    Title of bachelor thesis: Case report of physiotherapy treatment of the patient after bilateral lower limb lengthening Summary: The goal of this bachelor thesis is to describe matters of rehabilitation after bilateral lower limb lengthening. The work is divided into two main sections. The first - theoretical part is dedicated to the elaboration of literature on this issue. The second - special part contains a detailed case report of the patient after bilateral lower limb lengthening that was executed during continual specialised practises in the term 8. 1 - 2. 2. 2018 in Rehabilitation hospital Beroun. Keywords: physiotherapy, prolongation, case report, limb lengthening, lower legNázev bakalářské péče: Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta po oboustranné prolongaci bérců Shrnutí: Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat problematiku rehabilitace po oboustranné prolongaci bérců. Práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části. První - teoretická část se věnuje zpracování literatury týkající se této problematiky. Druhá - speciální část obsahuje podrobnou kazuistiku pacienta po oboustranné prolongaci bérců, zpracovanou během souvislé odborné praxe v termínu 8. 1 - 2. 2. 2018 v Rehabilitační nemocnici Beroun. Klíčová slova: fyzioterapie, prolongace, kazuistika, prodloužení končetin, bérecFyzioterapieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Providing addiction counseling for smoking cessation in residential treatment among drug users: a study in selected therapeutic communities in the Czech Republic

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    Východiska: Poskytování adiktologického poradenství při odvykání kouření v pobytové léčbě uživatelů návykových látek je kontroverzním tématem pro odborníky v celém oboru adiktologie. Odborníci ze zahraničí téma oslovují mnohem častěji než odborníci v České republice, o čemž svědčí i realizace mnohých studií potvrzujících výhody současné léčby závislosti na tabáku a závislosti na jiných návykových látkách. Cíl: Hlavním cílem studie je zmapovat, zda je v terapeutických komunitách pro uživatele návykových látek v České republice poskytováno adiktologické poradenství při odvykání kouření a pokud ano, tak jakým způsobem. Dílčím cílem práce je zjistit bariéry a důvody, které poskytování zmíněného poradenství brání. Metody: Výzkum kombinoval kvalitativní a kvantitativní přístup. Výzkumný soubor byl získán metodou záměrného výběru. V kvantitativní části byly pro sběr dat použity online dotazníky, v kvalitativní části polostrukturovaná interview. Celkově bylo osloveno 14 terapeutických komunit. Online dotazník vyplnilo 10 pracovníků komunit a byla realizována 2 polostrukturovaná interview. Výsledky: Studie tohoto zaměření nebyla v České republice doposud realizována, a tak práce přináší unikátní výsledky a podklady pro diskuzi, která by v síti českých adiktologických služeb měla být otevřena. Studie...Background: Providing of addiction consulting for smoking cessation in inpatient services for substance users is a controversial topic for professionals in the whole field of addictology. Foreign professionals focus on this topic more, which can be proven by studies confirming the advantages of concurrent treatment of tobacco and another substance addiction. Aim: The main aim of this study is to find out if addiction consulting for smoking cessation is being provided to substance users in therapeutic communities in the Czech Republic and if yes, how is it being done. A partial goal is to discover the obstacles and reasons that prevent providing addiction consulting for smoking cessation in therapeutic communities. Methods: The research is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approach. The research sample was obtained through the method of selective sampling. Online questionnaires were used in the quantitate part and semi-structured interviews in the qualitative part. Altogether, 14 therapeutic communities were involved. The online questionnaires were filled by 10 employees and 2 semi-structured interviews were conducted. Results: A study with this topic hasn't yet been done in the Czech Republic, so this work provides unique results and background for discussion, which should be...Department of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Role of addiction specialist in children's home in the Ústí nad Labem region

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    Background: Studies situated in an institutional care environment point to the fact that addiction issues in institutional care are a topic that deserves special attention, even with regard to the fact that the children of these institutions are considered vulnerable to risky behavior. The Ústí nad Labem Region has long been in the first places in the prevalence of substance use and is also specific in the occurrence of a number of negative social factors. In the whole region there is 1 addiction treatment outpatient clinic focused on the target group of children and adolescents, which during its operation registered repeated demand for specialized help that originates from children's homes. Aim: The main aim of the study is to identify the opportunity of applying an addiction specialist in the children's home in the Ústí nad Labem region. The partial aims of the study are to map the current state of addiction issues in these children's homes and to describe the possible form of cooperation of these facilities and addiction specialist with regard to the identification of barriers to this cooperation. Methods: The research is based on a qualitative approach. The research sample was obtained by a combination of selective sampling method and self-selection method. All 17 children's homes in the Ústí...Východiska: Studie realizované v prostředí institucionální péče poukazují na fakt, že adiktologická problematika v ústavní péči je aktuálním problémem, který si zasluhuje zvláštní pozornost, a to i s ohledem na fakt, že děti těchto zařízení jsou považované za vulnerabilní směrem k rizikovému chování. Ústecký kraj je dlouhodobě na prvních příčkách v prevalenci užívání návykových látek a zároveň je specifický výskytem řady negativních sociálních faktorů. V celém kraji působí 1 adiktologická ambulance zaměřená na cílovou skupinu dětí a dorostu, která za své fungování evidovala opakovanou poptávku po pomoci ze strany dětských domovů. Cíl: Hlavním cílem studie je identifikovat možnost uplatnění adiktologa v dětských domovech Ústeckého kraje. Jako dílčí cíle si diplomová práce klade zmapovat současný stav adiktologické problematiky v těchto dětských domovech a popsat možnou podobu spolupráce těchto zařízení a adiktologa s ohledem na identifikaci bariér této kooperace. Metody: Výzkum vychází z kvalitativního přístupu. Výzkumný soubor byl získán kombinací metody záměrného výběru a metody samovýběru. Bylo osloveno všech 17 dětských domovů Ústeckého kraje a v konečné fázi participovalo na výzkumu 11 z nich. Každé zařízení bylo reprezentováno 1 pracovníkem. Výzkumný soubor byl tedy tvořen 11 pracovníky s...Department of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v Praze1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Impact of a Strength Intervention Program on Change of Hamstrings: Quadriceps Ratio and on Change of 1 Repetition Maximum

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    The relationship between the muscular strength of hamstrings and quadriceps and their possible muscular imbalance is considered by many authors as one of the causes of knee joint injury. The aim of this work is to assess the exercise program including squat modifications both in terms of progression of lower limb strength and in terms of possible change of H: Q ratio. Subjects were divided into five groups (one control, four experimental). The experimental groups practiced the intervention program twice a week for eight weeks (EX1: Barbell squat, EX2: Barbell half squat, EX3: Barbell half squat with countermovement). In one training session participants repeated the exercise five times in six series. All experimental groups exhibited significant differences in mean values (p < 0.01), indicating the progression of lower limb strength measured by 1RM for barbell squat. The differences in the mean values of the H: Q ratio measured on an isokinetic dynamometer in the isokinetic test mode at angular velocities of 60 and 300 degrees per second did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.99338). The established strength intervention program is suitable for the development of lower limb strength and does not show any changes in the H: Q ratio

    The Effect of 8 Weeks of Complex Training Methods on the Countermovement Jump Performance

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether a more specific stimulus, such as training which stimulates the production of power above 90% of Pmax (Pmax = maximal average concentric power output), is effective in enhancing the countermovement jump (CMJ) performance using the method of complex pairs or separate execution of the exercises in the complex pair (separate complex pair). Thirty male students of the Faculty of Sports Studies were divided into 2 experimental (EX1, EX2) and 1 control group (CNTR). The experimental groups trained for 8 weeks using the complex training (CT) method twice a week with the same quantity of repetitions for each exercise. The complex pair consisted of half-squat jumps with the intensity over 90% of Pmax and plyometric depth-jumps. EX1 trained using the complex pair method with the intracomplex rest interval of up to 15 seconds. EX2 trained all sets of the half-squat jumps first and then all sets of the plyometric exercise. We used non-parametric statistics and linear regression analysis to evaluate the effect on increasing the CMJ performance after the intervention program. There were no significant differences between the pre-test and post-test in any of the experimental groups (p > 0.05), although there were significant differences between the weeks in EX1 and EX2 (p 0.05) each week by 0.14 cm in EX1 and by 0.07 cm in EX2. These results did not clearly show the application of the CT methods to be useful in enhancing the CMJ. In practice we recommend using the complex pairs to save training time and increase training intensity. However, an additional longer-term intervention experiment with a larger sample size and groups randomised by the CMJ parameter (not by Pmax) is needed

    Transfer of Muscle Strength Between Single-Joint and Multi-Joint Exercises for Lower Limbs

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    Most strength and conditioning coaches deal with the question of how to supplement specific exercises, or which non-specific exercises would be the most suitable for achieving a set purpose. This study aims to assess strength transfer with a focus on the lower limbs projected from a selected strength intervention program (the right leg exercises only single-joint exercises: leg extension on machine and leg curl; the left leg exercises only multi-joint exercises: deadlift and leg press) to the force of the knee joint flexors and extensors during eccentric and concentric contractions. In one training session, the participants repeated every exercise five times in four series. The load intensity was around 90% of 1RM and was increased by 5% after the first and the fifth week. The rest interval was always three minutes long. For the left lower limb, the highest transfer (0.20) was from the leg press to the knee joint extensor at the eccentric contraction and from the deadlift was the highest transfer (0.19) to the knee joint extensor at the eccentric contraction. For the right lower limb, the highest transfer (0.53) was from the leg extension on a machine to the knee joint flexor at the concentric contraction and from the lying leg curl was the highest transfer (0.47) to the knee joint flexor at the concentric contraction

    Correlation Analysis Of Olympic-Style Weightlifting Exercises And Vertical Jumps

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    PURPOSE Many types of vertical jumps (VJ) are commonly used to assess the development of the level of explosive strength of lower limbs achieved after a training period. This study is focused on comparing various parameters of different types of VJ with 1 RM in Olympic-style weightlifting, squat and deadlift with an Olympic bar.METHODS Twelve elite weightlifters (men=8; women=4; age 26±4 years, height = 173±8 cm; weight 93±23 kg; weight category from 64 kg to +109 kg) were tested for 1 RM in the following exercises: snatch, clean and jerk, deadlift, squat and variations of VJ on dynamometric plates (Kistler Force Plate). The variations of VJ were: squat jump with the arm swing (SJA) and non-arm swing (SJ), countermovement jump with the arm swing (CMJA) and non-arm swing (CMJ). The parameters compared for each type of VJ were: jump height (m), relative force (% of body weight), relative power (W/kg of body weight) and average power (W). For statistical analysis, the parametric Pearsons correlation coefficient with α=0.05 was used. RESULTS The results show a significant correlation between 1 RM in exercises with an Olympic bar (snatch, clean and jerk, back squat and deadlift) and the CMJ, CMJA, SJ and SJA only in the average power output (W) parameter (p<0.05). The significant correlation coefficients in the average power output (W) were for the CMJA and the snatch r=0.96 r2= 0.92, clean and jerk r=0.96 r2= 0.92, back squat r=0.97 r2= 0.94 and deadlift r=0.93 r2= 0.86; CMJ with hands on the hips and the snatch r=0.93 r2= 0.86, clean and jerk r= 0.93 r2= 0.86, back squat r= 0.95 r2= 0.90 and deadlift r= 0.94 r2= 0.88; for the SJA and the snatch r=0.8 r2= 0.64, clean and jerk r=0.81 r2= 0.65, back squat r=0.82 r2= 0.67 and deadlift r=0.78 r2= 0.60; for the SJ with hands on the hips and the snatch r= 0.76 r2= 0.57, clean and jerk r= 0.75 r2= 0.56, back squat r= 0.77 r2= 0.59 and deadlift r= 0.71 r2= 0.50. Significant correlation coefficients were not found for 1 RM in the snatch, clean and jerk, back squat and deadlift and the CMJ or SJ with and without arm swing in any of the following parameters: jump height (m), relative force (% of body weight), relative power output (W/kg of body weight).CONCLUSION The main finding is that the jump height (m) of the CMJ or SJ with or without arm swing did not correlate significantly with 1 RM in the snatch, clean and jerk, back squat and deadlift. Therefore, jump height measurement can be used as a motivation tool but not to predict maximum strength in Olympic bar exercises, or vice versa. We recommend using the average power output (W) parameter in the CMJ with using arms as a predictor of current performance level in exercises with an Olympic bar for men and women.

    Porovnání názorů atletů - vrhačů na problematiku dopingu u vybraných věkových kategorií

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    Cílem této studie bylo zjistit názory atletů vrhačů v různých věkových kategoriích na problematiku dopingu. Data byla pořízena pomocí internetového dotazníku, který celkem vyplnilo 76 sportovců (mužů i žen). Zjistili jsme, že čím starší jsou vrhači, tím jsou v dané problematice vzdělanější a zároveň nevěří, že lze vrcholné soutěže vyhrát bez užití dopingu. Kritické období pro podlehnutí názoru, že nelze vyhrát bez užívání dopingu, je v období od 17 do 23 let. V ČR by měl být zřízen poradní orgán pro sportovce a trenéry. Systematické vzdělávání formou kurzů a diskuzí na soustředěních vrhačské reprezentace by mohlo vést k uvědomělejšímu přístupu k problematice dopingu.The aim of this study was to identify how the athletes feel about doping in track and field. Data have been collected from the online anonymous questionnaire. A total of 76 athletes participated (men and women). The results indicate that the older throwers are better educated than the young throwers. Also, the older throwers don´t believe in clear winning Olympic Games or world championship against the young ones. The critical period for succumbing to the opinion that you can´t win without doping is between 17 to 23 years. In the Czech Republic should be instituted an advisory body for athletes and coaches. Systematic education in courses and discussions on throwing camps could lead to a more aware approach to the issue of doping

    Souprava pro hydroponické pěstování rostlin

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    Our product is a hydroponic irrigation kit. Hydroponic irrigation is a modern method of growing plants without the use of soil, which consists in recirculating water enriched with nutrients and minerals that plants require. This irrigation system is relatively easy and brings many advantages such as cultivation with higher efficiency, faster plant growth, good nutrition of plants during the entire cultivation system, reduction of the risk of pests and plant diseases, reduction of the risk of drying or overflowing of the plant, conservation of water and fertilizers. To make this kit, we used wooden slats and a chipboard board, from which we made a structure, a sufficiently large bucket where the pump is located, a tube that brings water into a pipe in which perforated cups are placed in the holes, a weaker pipe used for drainage water back into the bucket and LED strip to ensure enough light. Given that this product is not difficult to make, it is also suitable as a project for 2nd grade elementary school students

    Time Changes in Resisted Sprinting With a Weighted Vest: 5 % of Body Weight or Back Squat? The Use of the 1RM Back Squat and Body Weight as Load Strategy in Weighted Vest Sprinting

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    The purpose was to investigate whether runners who do not squat their body weight once will not be overloaded with a weight vest with a load of 5% of BW and will not maintain 95% intensity across ten repetitions of a 20-meter sprint. Eight adult female students (24,05±1,15 years old; body height 168±4,24 cm; body weight 60,39±5,53 kg) from the faculty of sports studies at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic participated in this study. Categories were: 1 = NBW (1RM in the squat is relative body weight ± 5 kg), 2 = LBW (1RM in the squat is lower than BW-5 kg) and 3 = HBW (1RM in the squat is higher than BW +5 kg). The measurements took place on three different days, each day running with another experimental condition: free sprinting, weighted vest sprinting with a 5% load of BW, and weighted vest sprinting with a 5% load of 1RM squat. With a weight vest with resistance at the level of 5% of body weight, during 49 sprints, the intensity decreased by a maximum of 4.82% (participant 4, NBW group, 1st run). Although, with weight vest resistance at the level of 5% of the 1RM back squats, during 68 sprints, the intensity decreased by a maximum of 6.59% (participant 1, NBW group, 8th run). It seems that the level of strength abilities of the lower limbs did not play a role in this, we can calculate 5% intensity from both BW and 1 RM squat. Since the HBW group could maintain the required intensity even at significantly higher weights than 5% BW, further research with a larger research sample is needed