619 research outputs found

    Development of laboratory information management system

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    Results of the actual direction of work of Scientific Research Institute of HV on development of the program complex LIS/LIMS «Chemist - analysts» for automatization of activity of analytical laboratories are presented. Functions of the complex and methodological principles of its development are considered, comparison with foreign analogues is carried out. The model of the industrial analytical control with use of concepts of a life cycle of a laboratory, technique and test is described


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    The electronic system which serves for the convenience of driving and improve neut of traffic safety has been regarded. Innovative development of an integrated system of voice control with the possibility of interactive communication and the function of preventing from falling asleep has been given

    Unoccupied topological surface state in Bi2_{2}Te2_{2}Se

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    Bias voltage dependent scattering of the topological surface state is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy for a clean surface of the topological insulator Bi2_2Te2_2Se. A strong warping of constant energy contours in the unoccupied part of the spectrum is found to lead to a spin-selective scattering. The topological surface state persists to higher energies in the unoccupied range far beyond the Dirac point, where it coexists with the bulk conduction band. This finding sheds light on the spin and charge dynamics over the wide energy range and opens a way to designing opto-spintronic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Myth in the structure of national consciousness

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    In the context of globalization processes, the problem of nations and national selfconsciousness has become one of the most widely discussed in the modern social sciences and humanities. Within the framework of globalization approaches, a nation is viewed as a transitional formation between traditional locality and planetary interdependence. According to modern theories, the model of a nation is built on the basis of Western European developmental patterns. From such viewpoint, the characterization of ethnicity is rejected, as a feature of “primitive”, “pre-political” societies as marginal groups doomed to assimilation into the existing structures. The central problem of ethnical belonging is the issue of origin, the restoration of cultural and historical memory and the construction of the “appropriate past”, which would assist in solving the problems of the present. The core of any national culture is national-ethnic self-consciousness which is the key factor in the national identity formation. It is pointed out that certain types of myths are inseparable from the ethnic identity. Today, researchers speak of the process of “remythologization”. For Russia, which has always been a multiethnic state, the problem of scientific definition of nations, ethnic groups, national and ethnic consciousness has a special practical significance. In Russia and the post-Soviet space, the activation of mythological thinking has its own specifics.Keywords: Nations, Ethnicity, National consciousness, Myth, Globalizatio

    Unoccupied Topological States on Bismuth Chalcogenides

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    The unoccupied part of the band structure of topological insulators Bi2_2Tex_{x}Se3x_{3-x} (x=0,2,3x=0,2,3) is studied by angle-resolved two-photon photoemission and density functional theory. For all surfaces linearly-dispersing surface states are found at the center of the surface Brillouin zone at energies around 1.3 eV above the Fermi level. Theoretical analysis shows that this feature appears in a spin-orbit-interaction induced and inverted local energy gap. This inversion is insensitive to variation of electronic and structural parameters in Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi2_2Te2_2Se. In Bi2_2Te3_3 small structural variations can change the character of the local energy gap depending on which an unoccupied Dirac state does or does not exist. Circular dichroism measurements confirm the expected spin texture. From these findings we assign the observed state to an unoccupied topological surface state

    Hybrid Plasma-Catalytic Reforming of Ethanol into Synthesis Gas: Experiment and Modeling

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    Understanding of the plasma-assisted reforming of hydrocarbons requires a combined application of the experimental studies of reforming systems and the kinetics modeling of reforming processes. Experiments were conducted on a system with a wide-aperture rotating gliding discharge with atmospheric air used as a plasma gas. Reforming parameters essential for the kinetics modelling of the reforming process were obtained. The influence of water addition method on the product composition of plasma-catalytic ethanol reforming was investigated

    Аналіз регіонального розподілу державних фінансових ресурсів для здійснення протитуберкульозних заходів

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    To analyze the distribution of the state financial resources for implementing anti-tuberculosis measures in the regions of Ukraine.Анализ распределения объемов государственных финансовых ресурсов для осуществления противотуберкулезных мероприятий по областям Украины.Аналіз розподілу обсягів державних фінансових ресурсів для здійснення протитуберкульозних заходів за областями України

    Трифторацетат кальция: новый структурный тип

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    Objectives. The study was devoted to considering the features of the synthesis and crystal structure of calcium trifluoroacetate Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH and investigating the products of its thermal behavior.Methods. The compositions of the proposed structural form were characterized by various physicochemical methods (X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy), and the products of thermal decomposition were determined under dynamic vacuum conditions.Results. The reaction between calcium carbonate and 99% trifluoroacetic acid yielded a new structural type of calcium trifluoroacetate Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH (I) in the form of colorless prismatic crystals unstable air. X-ray diffraction results confirmed the composition I: space group P21, with unit cell parameters: a = 10.0193(5) Å, b = 15.2612(7) Å, c = 16.3342(8) Å, β = 106.106(2)°, V = 2399.6(2) Å3, Z = 2. The structure is molecular, constructed from Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH dimers. The end molecules of the trifluoroacetic acid were involved in the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the bidentate bridging anions CF3COO−. There were strongly pronouncedsymmetric and asymmetric absorption bands of COO and CF3-groups in the IR spectrum of the resulting compound in the range of 1200–1800 cm−1. The definite peak of the oscillation of the OH-group at 3683 cm−1 corresponds to the trifluoroacetic acid molecules present in the structure. The broadpeak of the valence oscillations in the range of 3300–3500 cm−1 is caused by the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Decomposition began at 250°C and 10−2 mm Hg with calcium fluoride CaF2 as the final decomposition product.Conclusions. We obtained a previously undescribed calcium–trifluoroacetic acid complex whose composition can be represented by Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH. The crystal island structure is a dimeric molecule where the calcium atoms are bound into dimers by four trifluoroacetate groups. The complex was deposited in the Cambridge Structural Data Bank with a deposit number CCDC 2081186. Although the compound has a molecular structure, thermal decomposition leads to the formation of calcium fluoride characterized by a small particle size, which may further determine its applications.Цели. Работа посвящена рассмотрению особенностей синтеза и кристаллического строения трифторацетата кальция Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH, а также изучению продуктов его термического поведения.Методы. Соединение охарактеризовано различными физико-химическими методами (рентгеноструктурный анализ, ИК-спектроскопия), установлены продукты термического разложения в условиях динамического вакуума.Результаты. Взаимодействием карбоната кальция с 99% трифторуксусной кислотой синтезирован новый структурный тип трифторацетата кальция Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH (I) в виде неустойчивых на воздухе бесцветных призматических кристаллов. Строение I установлено по результатам рентгеноструктурного анализа: пространственная группа Р21, параметры элементарной ячейки: a = 10.0193(5) Å, b = 15.2612(7) Å, c = 16.3342(8) Å, β = 106.106(2)°, V = 2399.6(2) Å3, Z = 2. Структура молекулярная, построена из димеров Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH. Торцевые молекулы трифторуксусной кислоты участвуют в образовании внутримолекулярных водородных связей с атомами кислорода бидентатных мостиковых анионов CF3COO−. На ИК-спектре полученного соединения в диапазоне 1200–1800 см−1 присутствуют ярко выраженные симметричные и асимметричные полосы поглощения СОО и CF3-групп. Четкий пик колебания OH-группы на 3683 см−1 соответствует присутствующим в структуре молекулам трифторуксусной кислоты. Широкий пик валентных колебаний в области 3300–3500 см−1 обусловлен наличием внутримолекулярных водородных связей. При давлении 10−2 мм рт.ст. разложение начинается при 250 °С, конечным продуктом разложения является фторид кальция CaF2.Выводы. Нами получен ранее не описанный комплекс кальция с трифторуксусной кислотой, состав которого может быть представлен формулой Ca2(CF3COO)4·8CF3COOH, кристаллическая островная структура которого представляет собой димерную молекулу, а атомы кальция связаны в димеры четырьмя трифторацетатными группами. Комплекс задепонирован в Кембриджском банке структурных данных, номер депонирования – CCDC 2081186. Соединение имеет молекулярное строение, термическое разложение приводит к образованию фторида кальция, характеризующегося небольшим размером частиц, что может в дальнейшем обусловить его применение

    Energy and time resolution for a LYSO matrix prototype of the Mu2e experiment

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    We have measured the performances of a LYSO crystal matrix prototype tested with electron and photon beams in the energy range 60-450 MeV. This study has been carried out to determine the achievable energy and time resolutions for the calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detector