1,482 research outputs found

    O ideário republicano de Ezequiel de Campos : (1900-1919)

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    Tese de doutoramento, História (História Contemporânea), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011The present study examines the process of formation of Ezequiel’s thought inte the period described, in close connection with his professional career. For this reason, is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to Ezequiel’s perspectives on S.Tomé e Príncipe. This study presents the ideas developed by the author on the cocoa economy of the islands, but also the characteristics of the society; the population of the islands, their activity, livings conditions on the territory. These aspects lead the author on the characterization of a development model based on decentralization and financial management but also the adoption of a transport network to improve the economic performance of the islands and reduce the cost of cocoa produced in S.Tomé. These ideas were followed by a structural change in agriculture, industrial and social development in the province, aimed to produt diverfication, development of industries and increase people’s skills. The second part examines the economic and social concepts developed by Ezequiel de Campos after the established the republican regime in Portugal. In particular, analyses the contributions of the author to the Portuguese agrarian restructuring, the development of the industry, energy problems, the implementation of land transport network and equipping the country’s ports. It also explains the impact of First World War in the author’s thought. The possibilities of economic growth associated with the conflict or, alternatively, the scenario of national bankruptcy and the end of republican regime in Portugal

    Estratégias colaborativas e ferramentas operativas para a prática do design: matriz de análise e avaliação de casos de estudo

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    Esta investigação centra-se na análise das estratégias colaborativas e ferramentas operativas de co-criação para a prática de design através do estudo de propostas desenvolvidas e implementadas em contexto real. Através da identificação de casos de estudos de base eminentemente colaborativa, circunscritos ao território europeu, foi definida uma matriz de catalogação e identificação que clarifica a origem das propostas: atelier de design, laboratório de investigação, social e comercial. Procedeu-se a métodos de investigação baseados em questinários abertos e entrevistas semidirectivas, pretendendo-se aferir informação em ordem à índole, processo (criativo e funcional) e estratégias de moderação das propostas. A primeira (índole) centra-se no campo de actuação da proposta e tipologia do processo; a segunda (operatividade) centra-se na evolução processual (criativo e funcional) e estratégias e ferramentas operativas utilizadas; por último (convivialidade) centra-se na tipologia de orientação da colaboração e contacto entre os actores. A tradução visual da dimensão individual e comparativa entre vários casos de estudo surge como um desafio que possibilite a identificação de modos de acção, organização e abordagens de co-criação, de desenvolvimento, implementação e funcionamento das propostas. Este suporte exibe orientações processuais e operativas nas várias fases de análise. Temos como objectivo a criação de uma estrutura de consulta que possibilite a ponderação de estratégias processuais e operativas consoante o objecto de estudo e contexto de actuação das propostas a desenvolver. O potencial de replicação de modelos de acção surge como um desafio de aplicação e de transferência de conhecimento. Por consequência a capacidade de identificar matrizes e modos de actuação de acordo com a localização geográfica, também poderá apresentar-se como um contributo interessante

    Intra-abdominal infections: the role of different classifications on the selection of the best antibiotic treatment

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    The study was approved by the local ethics committee, Departamento de Ensino, Formação e Investigação (DEFI) of Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto (CHUP) - ref. 2017.226(195-DEFI/187-CES). The need for consent was waived by the local ethics committee and patient data was de-identifiedBackground: Intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) represent a most frequent gastrointestinal emergency and serious cause of morbimortality. A full classification, including all facets of IAIs, does not exist. Two classifications are used to subdivide IAIs: uncomplicated or complicated, considering infection extent; and community-acquired, healthcare-associated or hospital-acquired, regarding the place of acquisition. Adequacy of initial empirical antibiotic therapy prescribed is an essential need. Inadequate antibiotic therapy is associated with treatment failure and increased mortality. This study was designed to determine accuracy of different classifications of IAIs to identify infections by pathogens sensitive to current treatment guidelines helping the selection of the best antibiotic therapy. Methods: A retrospective cohort study including all adult patients discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of IAI between 1st of January and 31st of October, 2016. All variables potentially associated with pre-defined outcomes: infection by a pathogen sensitive to non-pseudomonal cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole (ATB 1, primary outcome), sensitive to piperacillin-tazobactam (ATB 2) and hospital mortality (secondary outcomes) were studied through logistic regression. Accuracy of the models was assessed by area under receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) curve and calibration was tested using the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test. Results: Of 1804 patients screened 154 met inclusion criteria. Sensitivity to ATB 1 was independently associated with male gender (adjusted OR = 2.612) and previous invasive procedures in the last year (adjusted OR = 0.424) (AUROC curve = 0,65). Sensitivity to ATB 2 was independently associated with liver disease (adjusted OR = 3.580) and post-operative infections (adjusted OR = 2.944) (AUROC curve = 0.604). Hospital mortality was independently associated with age ≥ 70 (adjusted OR = 4.677), solid tumour (adjusted OR = 3.127) and sensitivity to non-pseudomonal cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole (adjusted OR = 0.368). The accuracy of pre-existing classifications to identify infection by a pathogen sensitive to ATB 1 was 0.59 considering place of acquisition, 0.61 infection extent and 0.57 local of infection, for ATB 2 it was 0.66, 0.50 and 0.57, respectively. Conclusion: None of existing classifications had a good discriminating power to identify IAIs caused by pathogens sensitive to current antibiotic treatment recommendations. A new classification, including patients' individual characteristics like those included in the current model, might have a higher potential to distinguish IAIs by resistant pathogens allowing a better choice of empiric antibiotic therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the redox properties of tetrahaem cytochromes C3

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Bioquímica,especialidade Bioquímica-Física, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias e TecnologiaThe work presented in this thesis concerns the description and modelling of the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of tetrahaem cytochromes C3 isolated from different Desulfovibrio spp.. Sulfate-reducing bacteria produce tetrahaem cytochrome C3 in large quantities. This small (13 - 15 kD) protein is located in the periplasmic space of the cells,where it has been proposed to work as a cofactor of the enzyme hydrogenase. The four haems in cytochrome C3 are covalently bound to the protein through thioether linkages with cysteinyl residues and all display bis-histidinyl axial coordination. Although the degree of homology between the amino acid sequence of cytochromes C3 isolated from different organisms is low, the architecture of the haem core, is strictly conserved. The modelling of the thermodynamic properties of this protein has to take into account the fact that the four haems display different, interacting, and pH dependent redox potentials. Various approaches are described and discussed in this thesis, giving special emphasis to models which include both haem-haem and haem-proton interactions. To explain the pH dependence of the NMR resonances, the acid/base (NB) model was developed under the assumption that the protein could undergo a proton-linked conformational change, each conformation being characterised by a different set of microscopic redox potentials and haemhaem interacting potentials. The model of five interacting centres, developed later, demonstrated that it is not necessary to make any structural assumptions and that the experimental data can be simulated using fewer parameters, which are therefore better defined. According to this model, the thermodynamic properties of cytochrome C3 can be described by the intrinsic microscopic parameters of one acid/base and four redox centres plus the two-site interactions established between the five centres, namely, six haem-haem interactions plus four haem-proton interactions. Application of this model to NMR and visible redox titrations enabled the accurate determination of the complete set of microscopic parameters that characterise the thermodynamic behaviour of cytochromes C3 isolated from D. gigas and D. vulgaris. It is apparent from the values of the thermodynamic parameters that these cytochromes are able to perform a concerted two-electron step, which is coupled to the simultaneous uptake or release of protons, depending on the direction of the electron flow. These properties allow cytochrome C3 to work as an energy transducing system. However, since kinetic control of the electron and proton transfer steps is essential to achieve energy transduction, the kinetic properties of cytochrome C3 isolated from D. gigas are described and analysed in the second half of this thesis, making use of a specially developed kinetic model

    Traqueostomia: Indicações e complicações em doentes pediátricos

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    AbstractDespite advances in non-invasive ventilation techniques, tracheostomy is still indicated in children with serious airway obstruction or with the need for long-term ventilation. Alternatives should be studied before deciding to tracheostomise as complications exist, despite the simple procedure.The aims of this study were the identification of tracheostomised children followed in a tertiary care paediatric department, the characterisation of primary disease, the indications leading to tracheostomy and any complications.We present a case review of tracheostomised children followed in our department.Sixteen tracheostomised children were followed, median age of 4.5months, neuromuscular disease – 5, cerebral palsy – 3 and pulmonary or airway disease – 7. Indications were long-term invasive ventilation – 12, subglottic or tracheal stenosis – 3 and laryngomalacia – 1. The most frequent complications found were persistent bacterial colonisation, accidental decannulation and obstruction. There was a tracheostomy-related death in 1 child. Outcome: 9 children maintained tracheostomy, 5 were successfully decannulated and 2 children died while on tracheostomy.Tracheostomised children usually have complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary team and should be followed-up at a specialised reference centre.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (2): 227-23

    Influence of habitat structure on the fish prey consumption by largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in experimental tanks

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    The largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, was introduced into the Iberian Peninsula in the 50's and has developed important populations in systems naturally lacking native piscivores. As a consequence, the displacement of native cyprinids has been associated with its predatory behaviour, particularly in reservoirs. In order to study the capture rate of largemouth bass in relation to an Iberian native cyprinid, Squalius alburnoides, and also to pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus -another exotic species introduced to Iberia that is able to coexist sucessfully with bass in Iberian systems-tanks were used to simulate the absence of structure, and the presence of vegetation struture and bottom structure. The number of fish captured by largemouth bass were influenced by both structure and prey effects, as well as by their interaction. The bottom and vegetation structure reduced the number of pumpkinseed captured when compared with the absence of structure, whereas only the vegetation reduced the number of Squalius alburnoides captured. Neither the pumpkinseed nor the cyprind were eaten more frequently by largemouth bass in the absence of structure or in the vegetation structure, but the cyprinid was eaten more frequently in the bottom structure.El black bass, Micropterus salmoides, fue introducido en la Península Ibérica en los años 50 y ha desarrollado importantes poblaciones en sistemas naturalmente carentes de ictiófagos nativos. Como consecuencia, el aparente desplazamiento de los ciprínidos nativos ha sido asociado con su comportamiento predador, particularmente en embalses. Con el objetivo de estudiar la captura del black bass sobre un ciprínido ibérico nativo, el calandino, Squalius alburnoides y sobre el pez sol, Lepomis gibbosus -otra especie exótica introducida en Iberia que es capaz de coexistir con éxito con el black bass en los sistemas ibéricos- se utilizaron tanques simulando tres situaciones: ausencia de estructuras, estructuras vegetales y estructuras de ladrillos. Se comprobó que el número de peces capturados por el black bass estaba influenciado por el efecto de las estructuras y de las presas, así como por su interacción. Las estructuras vegetales y de ladrillo provocaban una reducción en el número de pez sol capturadas en comparación con la ausencia de tales estructuras, mientras que instalando sólo estructuras vegetales el número de calandinos, Squalius alburnoides, capturados disminuía. El black bass no capturó ninguna de las dos especies en mayor número en ausencia de estructuras o en estructuras vegetales, pero capturó el calandino más frecuentemente en presencia de estructuras de ladrillo

    Ação dos Dr. Palhaços em contexto hospitalar com crianças em risco de desenvolvimento

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    No quadro das práticas de intervenção precoce do Centro de Desenvolvimento da Criança-Torrado da Silva do Hospital Garcia de Orta em Almada (CDC), os Dr. Palhaços promovem o ato de brincar junto das crianças do CDC. Neste estudo procuramos conhecer as representações dos participantes (profissionais, pais e a dupla de Dr. Palhaços) face à intervenção dos Dr. Palhaços no CDC, e caracterizar as reações das crianças em interação com estes profissionais. Neste estudo exploratório e qualitativo, participaram cinco crianças, 16 profissionais, 18 pais das crianças e uma dupla de Dr. Palhaços. Foram realizadas entrevistas aos profissionais, pais e dupla de Dr. Palhaços; concretizadas observações diretas das crianças em interação com os Dr. Palhaços e efetuada pesquisa documental. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade das interações diádicas e o impacto dessas interações na criança, desenvolvemos a Escala da Qualidade de Interação Dr. Palhaços-Criança. Os resultados revelaram que na presença dos Dr. Palhaços as crianças que estão ou acabaram de ser sujeitas a intervenções mais intensas ou intrusivas conseguem rir, cantar e brincar, e sugerem que a atividade dos Dr. Palhaços contribui positivamente para o bem-estar da criança e para a intervenção dos outros técnicos, se usada com esse propósito. Para os pais as ações dos Dr. Palhaços parecem transformar o CDC num ambiente mais agradável, descontraído e motivador para todos, desdramatizando o contexto hospitalar

    Item response theory. A first approach

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    The Item Response Theory (IRT) has become one of the most popular scoring frameworks for measurement data, frequently used in computerized adaptive testing, cognitively diagnostic assessment and test equating. According to Andrade et al. (2000), IRT can be defined as a set of mathematical models (Item Response Models – IRM) constructed to represent the probability of an individual giving the right answer to an item of a particular test. The number of Item Responsible Models available to measurement analysis has increased considerably in the last fifteen years due to increasing computer power and due to a demand for accuracy and more meaningful inferences grounded in complex data. The developments in modeling with Item Response Theory were related with developments in estimation theory, most remarkably Bayesian estimation with Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms (Patz & Junker, 1999). The popularity of Item Response Theory has also implied numerous overviews in books and journals, and many connections between IRT and other statistical estimation procedures, such as factor analysis and structural equation modeling, have been made repeatedly (Van der Lindem & Hambleton, 1997). As stated before the Item Response Theory covers a variety of measurement models, ranging from basic one-dimensional models for dichotomously and polytomously scored items and their multidimensional analogues to models that incorporate information about cognitive sub-processes which influence the overall item response process. The aim of this work is to introduce the main concepts associated with one-dimensional models of Item Response Theory, to specify the logistic models with one, two and three parameters, to discuss some properties of these models and to present the main estimation procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    a global psychiatric emergency

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