655 research outputs found

    Boticas dos Carmelitas Descalços em Portugal – Espécies Vegetais e Fitogeografia

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    Com os processos de extinção das casas religiosas, foram elaborados inventários com a finalidade de dar a conhecer todo o seu património. Dos bens inventariados no património móvel salienta-se o que se encontrava nas boticas, que eram espaços destinados à produção de medicamentos (vegetais ou não) para os religiosos e pessoas do exterior que necessitavam dos mesmos. No presente trabalho, pretende-se analisar a riqueza das drogas vegetais utilizadas na época e, para tal, recorreu-se aos registos de algumas casas religiosas pertencentes à Ordem dos Carmelitas Descalços. Do elenco vegetal obtido, identificaram-se os nomes científicos e as respetivas áreas fitogeográficas e atualizaram-se os antigos nomes para o atual uso corrente. A partir das áreas geográficas naturais dos espécimes vegetais, foi possível classifica-los por prováveis grupos de proveniências

    Cartography and iconography as diachronic analysis tools of the urban fabric ─ Évora and Setúbal

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    The evolution of cities can be interpreted through graphic elements, such as that recommended by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (1st century bC.) (Maciel, 2006), whose forms of expression were plans, elevations and perspectives, which prove to be precious and reliable instruments for the reading of cities. It is important to establish these elements, which appear as representations of cities, in various stages of construction of their urban fabrics, in documents such as cartography or iconography. These are relevant testimonies in the analysis and allow a careful reading of the "reality" of cities at different times. In addition to understanding them as representations of a certain period, they allow the current reinterpretation of the urban fabric, and should be considered dynamic instruments in the understanding of the reading of the cities. Considering cartography and iconography from several epochs, we will make a comparative analysis of the historical urban fabric of two cities, using differentiated urban implantation and development (Évora and Setúbal). To reach these objectives, we will read and interpret morphological elements of the Medieval City (fortifications, squares, streets, blocks, markets, singular buildings among others) and these respective witness documents, to understand the diachronic evolution in their similarities and differences

    Minkowski Functionals of Convergence Maps and the Lensing Figure of Merit

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    Minkowski functionals (MFs) quantify the topological properties of a given field probing its departure from Gaussianity. We investigate their use on lensing convergence maps in order to see whether they can provide further insights on the underlying cosmology with respect to the standard second-order statistics, i.e., cosmic shear tomography. To this end, we first present a method to match theoretical predictions with measured MFs taking care of the shape noise, imperfections in the map reconstruction, and inaccurate description of the nonlinearities in the matter power spectrum and bispectrum. We validate this method against simulated maps reconstructed from shear fields generated by the MICE simulation. We then perform a Fisher matrix analysis to forecast the accuracy on cosmological parameters from a joint MFs and shear tomography analysis. It turns out that MFs are indeed helpful to break the Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}--σ8\sigma_8 degeneracy thus generating a sort of chain reaction leading to an overall increase of the Figure of Merit.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Matches published version in PR
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