16 research outputs found

    Replicable and Coupled Changes in Innate and Adaptive Immune Gene Expression in Two Case-Control Studies of Blood Microarrays in Major Depressive Disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Peripheral inflammation is often associated with major depressive disorder (MDD), and immunological biomarkers of depression remain a focus of investigation. METHODS: We used microarray data on whole blood from two independent case-control studies of MDD: the GlaxoSmithKline-High-Throughput Disease-specific target Identification Program [GSK-HiTDiP] study (113 patients and 57 healthy control subjects) and the Janssen-Brain Resource Company study (94 patients and 100 control subjects). Genome-wide differential gene expression analysis (18,863 probes) resulted in a p value for each gene in each study. A Bayesian method identified the largest p-value threshold (q = .025) associated with twice the number of genes differentially expressed in both studies compared with the number of coincidental case-control differences expected by chance. RESULTS: A total of 165 genes were differentially expressed in both studies with concordant direction of fold change. The 90 genes overexpressed (or UP genes) in MDD were significantly enriched for immune response to infection, were concentrated in a module of the gene coexpression network associated with innate immunity, and included clusters of genes with correlated expression in monocytes, monocyte-derived dendritic cells, and neutrophils. In contrast, the 75 genes underexpressed (or DOWN genes) in MDD were associated with the adaptive immune response and included clusters of genes with correlated expression in T cells, natural killer cells, and erythroblasts. Consistently, the MDD patients with overexpression of UP genes also had underexpression of DOWN genes (correlation > .70 in both studies). CONCLUSIONS: MDD was replicably associated with proinflammatory activation of the peripheral innate immune system, coupled with relative inactivation of the adaptive immune system, indicating the potential of transcriptional biomarkers for immunological stratification of patients with depression

    Uncovering the heterogeneity and temporal complexity of neurodegenerative diseases with Subtype and Stage Inference

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    The heterogeneity of neurodegenerative diseases is a key confound to disease understanding and treatment development, as study cohorts typically include multiple phenotypes on distinct disease trajectories. Here we introduce a machine-learning technique\u2014Subtype and Stage Inference (SuStaIn)\u2014able to uncover data-driven disease phenotypes with distinct temporal progression patterns, from widely available cross-sectional patient studies. Results from imaging studies in two neurodegenerative diseases reveal subgroups and their distinct trajectories of regional neurodegeneration. In genetic frontotemporal dementia, SuStaIn identifies genotypes from imaging alone, validating its ability to identify subtypes; further the technique reveals within-genotype heterogeneity. In Alzheimer\u2019s disease, SuStaIn uncovers three subtypes, uniquely characterising their temporal complexity. SuStaIn provides fine-grained patient stratification, which substantially enhances the ability to predict conversion between diagnostic categories over standard models that ignore subtype (p = 7.18 7 10 124 ) or temporal stage (p = 3.96 7 10 125 ). SuStaIn offers new promise for enabling disease subtype discovery and precision medicine

    Willingness to donate blood samples for genetic research: A survey from a community in Singapore

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    10.1111/j..2004.00192.xClinical Genetics65145-51CLGN

    Relação entre características morfológicas e produção de leite em vacas da raça Gir Relationship between morphological traits and milk yield in Gir breed cows

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar parâmetros genéticos relacionados a características morfológicas e suas correlações genéticas com a produção de leite, em vacas da raça Gir. Utilizaram-se 3.805 registros provenientes de 2.142 vacas. O modelo utilizado na análise de características morfológicas continha os efeitos fixos de rebanho, ano e estação de classificação, estádio da lactação e idade da vaca à classificação, além da identificação do classificador. Quanto à produção de leite, foram incluídos no modelo os efeitos fixos de rebanho, ano e estação de parição e idade da vaca ao parto. Os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidos por meio do aplicativo REMLF90. As estimativas de herdabilidade variaram de 0,09 a 0,54. A variabilidade genética aditiva da maioria das características é suficiente para que ganhos genéticos anuais significativos possam ser alcançados com o processo de seleção. As correlações genéticas entre as características morfológicas variaram de baixas a altas e, entre elas e a produção de leite, de baixas a moderadas. Altas correlações genéticas entre algumas características morfológicas implicam a possibilidade de exclusão de algumas delas do programa de melhoramento genético da raça Gir, no Brasil. As correlações genéticas entre produção de leite e algumas características morfológicas indicam que estas podem ser utilizadas na formação de índices de seleção.<br>The objective of this work was to determine genetic parameters related to morphological traits and their genetic correlation with milk yield of Gir breed cows. A total of 3,805 records from 2,142 cows was used. For morphological trait analysis, the used model included the herd fixed effects, classification year and season, lactation phase and animal age at evaluation, besides the classifier identification. For milk yield, the fixed herd effects, year and season of calving and cow age at calving were included in the model. The genetic parameters were estimated using the REMLF90 software. The heritability estimates varied from 0.09 to 0.54. The additive genetic variability of the majority of traits is sufficient to achieve significative annual genetic gain by selection practices. The genetic correlations among morphological traits varied from low to high and, between them and milk yield, from low to moderate. High genetic correlations among some morphological traits implies on the possibility of exclusion of some of them from the breeding program, for Gir breed in Brazil. The genetic correlations between milk yield and some morphological traits indicate that they may be used in the formation of selection indexes

    Modelagem da capacidade de suporte de carga e quantificação dos efeitos das operações mecanizadas em um Latossolo Amarelo cultivado com cafeeiros Modelling the load support capacity and quantification of mechanized operation effects on a Yellow Latosol under coffee plantations

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    O Estado de Minas Gerais é o maior produtor de café do Brasil, com mais de 50 % da produção total, sendo grande parte da área cultivada originalmente ocupada por vegetação de cerrado. Essa região é destaque na cafeicultura em razão da alta tecnologia empregada na mecanização, que submete o solo ao tráfego de máquinas, tornando preocupante a possibilidade de disseminação da compactação do solo. Objetivou-se com este estudo: (a) propor modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga de um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico (LAd) cultivado com cafeeiro em função da pressão de preconsolidação e da umidade, (b) determinar, com o uso destes modelos, em três profundidades e em duas épocas de amostragem, a influência das operações de manejo na estrutura do Latossolo Amarelo nas estações: seca e chuvosa. As amostragens foram realizadas em três camadas (0-3, 10-13 e 25-28 cm), sendo 30 amostras coletadas no local onde não houve tráfego e 10 amostras na linha de tráfego para cada equipamento, coletadas nos meses de agosto de 2002 e março de 2003 para quantificar seu efeito na estrutura do solo nas duas épocas: seca e chuvosa, respectivamente. As amostras indeformadas foram utilizadas nos ensaios de compressão uniaxial. Foram determinados também granulometria, matéria orgânica, densidade de partículas, limite de contração e limite de plasticidade do solo. O modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga do LAd é expresso pela equação sigmap = 10(2,72-1,17U), em que sigmap significa a pressão de preconsolidação e U a umidade. Os efeitos das operações mecanizadas na lavoura cafeeira foram quantificados com o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga e com o seu uso foi possível quantificar a influência das operações de manejo na estrutura do Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico.<br>Minas Gerais state is the largest coffee producer in Brazil. The state contributes with over 50 % of the total production, which is for the most part cultivated in the Cerrado region. This region is outstanding in coffee production due to the advanced technology in mechanization. Consequently, the machine traffic that the soils are subjected to causes concern because of the possibility of widespread soil compaction. Our objectives were (a) to propose load support capacity models to a typical dystrophic Yellow Latosol (LAd) cultivated with coffee as a function of preconsolidation pressure and moisture content; (b) to determine, through the use of this model, the influence of soil management operations on the soil structure at three depths, in the dry and rainy seasons. Soil samples were taken from three depths (0 to 3, 10 to 13 and 25 to 28 cm); thirty samples were collected where there was no traffic and ten samples collected in the traffic line of each equipment, in August 2002 and March 2003, respectively, to quantify its effects on the soil structure in the rainy and in the dry seasons. The undisturbed soil samples were used in the uniaxial compression test. Texture, organic matter, particle density, shrinkage limit, and plasticity limit were also determined. The load support capacity model of the LAd is a function of the preconsolidation pressure and moisture content and is expressed by the equation sigmap = 10(2.72-1.17U) where sigmap means preconsolidation pressure and U means humidity. The effects of the mechanized operations in the coffee plantation were quantified by the load support capacity model and through its use it was possible to quantify the influence of the management operations in the Yellow Latosol structure

    Effect of the kappa-casein gene polymorphism, breed and seasonality on physicochemical characteristics, composition and stability of bovine milk Efeito do polimorfismo do gene da kappa-caseína, da raça e da sazonalidade sobre as características físico-químicas, de composição e de estabilidade do leite bovino

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein, breed and seasonality on the physicochemical characteristics, composition and stability of milk in commercial dairy herds. A total of 879 milk and blood samples were collected from 603 Holstein and 276 Girolando cows, obtained during rainy and dry seasons. Milk samples were analyzed to determine the physicochemical characteristics, composition and ethanol stability, while blood samples were subjected to polymerase chain reaction to identify the kappa-casein genotype. The frequencies of genotypes AA, AB and BB of k-casein were respectively, 66.83, 31.84 and 1.33% for Holstein, and 71.38, 27.90 and 0.72% for the Girolando cows, respectively. The A allele was more frequent than the B allele, both for Holstein (0.827 and 0.173) and Girolando cows (0.853 and 0.147), respectively. Cows of AB and BB genotypes showed a higher milk fat content compared to the AA genotype. There was an interaction between breed and seasonality on the concentration of milk urea with higher values for Holstein and Girolando cows in the rainy and dry season, respectively. The levels of lactose, total solids, crude protein, true protein, casein and the casein:true protein ratio were higher during the dry season, while during the rainy season, the somatic cell count and milk urea concentration were higher. There was no association between milk stability and k-casein genotypes, but Holstein cows showed higher milk stability than Girolando cows, and milk was more stable during the rainy season than during the dry season.<br>Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do polimorfismo genético da kappa-caseína, da raça e da sazonalidade sobre as características físico-químicas, a composição e a estabilidade do leite bovino de rebanhos comerciais. Foram coletadas 879 amostras de leite e de sangue de 603 vacas da raça Holandesa e 276 da raça Girolando, obtidas durante as estações seca e chuvosa. As amostras de leite foram analisadas para determinação de características físico-químicas, de composição e de estabilidade ao etanol, e as amostras de sangue foram submetidas à reação em cadeia da polimerase para identificação do genótipo da kappa-caseína. As frequências dos genótipos AA, AB e BB da kappa-caseína foram, respectivamente, de 66,83; 31,84; e 1,33% para a raça Holandesa e 71,38; 27,90; e 0,72% para a Girolando. O alelo A foi mais frequente que o B, tanto para a raça Holandesa (0,827 e 0,173) quanto para a Girolando (0,853 e 0,147). Vacas dos genótipos AB e BB apresentaram maior teor de gordura no leite que as do genótipo AA. Houve interação entre raça e sazonalidade para a concentração de ureia do leite, com maiores concentrações para as raças Holandesa e Girolando, respectivamente, nas estações chuvosa e seca. Os teores de lactose, sólidos totais, proteína bruta, proteína verdadeira e caseína e a relação caseína/proteína verdadeira foram maiores durante o período seco, enquanto, durante a estação chuvosa, a contagem de células somáticas e os teores de nitrogênio ureico no leite foram maiores. Não houve associação entre a estabilidade do leite e os genótipos da kappacaseína, no entanto, o leite de vacas Holandesas é mais estável que o de vacas Girolando e, durante a estação chuvosa, apresenta maior estabilidade que na estação seca