578 research outputs found

    Notes on the migration and dispersal of birds at Kitui

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    Volume: XXI

    Notes on the birds of Kakamega forest

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    Volume: XX

    Abstract machines: overlaying virtual worlds on physical rides

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    Overlaying virtual worlds onto existing physical rides and altering the sensations of motion can deliver new experiences of thrill, but designing how motion is mapped between physical ride and virtual world is challenging. In this paper, we present the notion of an abstract machine, a new form of intermediate design knowledge that communicates motion mappings at the level of metaphor, mechanism and implementation. Following a performance-led, in-the-wild approach we report lessons from creating and touring VR Playground, a ride that overlays four distinct abstract machines and virtual worlds on a playground swing. We compare the artist's rationale with riders' reported experiences and analysis of their physical behaviours to reveal the distinct thrills of each abstract machine. Finally, we discuss how to make and use abstract machines in terms of heuristics for designing motion mappings, principles for virtual world design and communicating experiences to riders

    School-based Indigenous cultural programs and their impact on Australian Indigenous students: a systematic review.

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    This critical systematic review of Australian research literature provides insights into the aspirations of Indigenous communities to collaborate with schools in establishing local Indigenous language and cultural programmes. This systematic review investigates the body of Australian research into the cultural, social and educational impacts on those Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students who have had opportunities to engage with these school-based Indigenous languages and/or cultural programmes. The review found that while many Indigenous families have advocated for their children’s to have access to quality language and cultural programmes, barriers of indifference, resourcing and leadership, have worked to limit students’ ability to access to these programmes. The studies highlight the effects on students sense of identity, the strengthening connectedness to community and County and the intergenerational sharing of cultural knowledge

    The strong influence of substrate conductivity on droplet evaporation

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    We report the results of physical experiments that demonstrate the strong influence of the thermal conductivity of the substrate on the evaporation of a pinned droplet. We show that this behaviour can be captured by a mathematical model including the variation of the saturation concentration with temperature, and hence coupling the problems for the vapour concentration in the atmosphere and the temperature in the liquid and the substrate. Furthermore, we show that including two ad hoc improvements to the model, namely a Newton's law of cooling on the unwetted surface of the substrate and the buoyancy of water vapour in the atmosphere, give excellent quantitative agreement for all of the combinations of liquid and substrate considered

    Syntactic Control of Interference Revisited

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    In Syntactic Control of Interference (POPL, 1978), J. C. Reynolds proposes three design principles intended to constrain the scope of imperative state effects in Algol-like languages. The resulting linguistic framework seems to be a very satisfactory way of combining functional and imperative concepts, having the desirable attributes of both purely functional languages (such as pcf) and simple imperative languages (such as the language of while programs). However, Reynolds points out that the obvious syntax for interference control has the unfortunate property that fi-reductions do not always preserve typings. Reynolds has subsequently presented a solution to this problem (ICALP, 1989), but it is fairly complicated and requires intersection types in the type system. Here, we present a much simpler solution which does not require intersection types. We first describe a new type system inspired in part by linear logic and verify that reductions preserve typings. We then define a class of bireflective models, which provide a categorical analysis of structure underlying the new typing rules; a companion paper Bireflectivity, in this volume, exposes wider ramifications of this structure. Finally, we describe a concrete model for an illustrative programming language based on the new type system; this improves on earlier such efforts in that states are not assumed to be structured using locations

    A systematic review of pedagogies that support, engage and improve the educational outcomes of Aboriginal students

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    This review analyses studies that identify pedagogies to support, engage and improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student outcomes. Some studies focus on pedagogies to support and engage, while others describe pedagogies that are designed to improve engagement, attendance and academic skills. The role of context emerges as a key theme, particularly in remote areas. In larger studies, Aboriginal students are often a subset of a larger student group, included because of socio-economic status and achievement levels. Key findings indicate a disconnect between practice and outcomes where links to improved outcomes are by implication rather than evidence. Further, definitions and detail about pedagogies are mostly absent, relying on ‘common understandings’ of what pedagogy means. This review highlights that most of the research identifies effective pedagogies to engage and support Aboriginal students rather than to improve their educational outcomes

    Polyura inopinatus Röber, 1940; a remarkable butterfly mystery resolved

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    The most distinctive species of Polyura, P. inopinatus, described from a single specimen said to be from North Sulawesi, Indonesia, has been a great mystery since it was first described by Röber, in 1940. The holotype, originally illustrated in monochrome in the journal Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris, was lost very soon after it was described, almost certainly destroyed during allied bombing of Dresden in the 1940s. No other specimen was known for almost eight decades. We suggest that the type locality (Sulawesi) is incorrect and that the holotype was more likely to have been collected in the Baining Mountains, East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. We report the recent discovery of several male P. inopinatus from West New Britain Province, and describe and illustrate specimens. A neotype is designated
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