16 research outputs found

    Database slicing on relational databases

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    Many software systems today use databases to permanently store their data. Testing, bug finding and migration are complex problems in the case of databases that contain many records. Here, our method can speed up these processes if we can select a smaller piece of the database (called a slice) that contains all of the records belonging to the slicing criterion. The slicing criterion might be, for example, a record which gives rise to a bug in the program. Database slicing seeks to select all the records belonging to a specific slicing criterion. Here, we introduce the concept of database slicing and describe the algorithms and data structures necessary for slicing a given database. We define the Table-based and the Record-based slicing algorithms and we empirically evaluate these methods in two scenarios by applying the slicing to the database of a real-life application and to random generated database content

    On the Effectiveness of Unit Tests in Test-driven Development

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    Background: Writing unit tests is one of the primary activities in test-driven development. Yet, the existing reviews report few evidence supporting or refuting the effect of this development approach on test case quality. Lack of ability and skills of developers to produce sufficiently good test cases are also reported as limitations of applying test-driven development in industrial practice. Objective: We investigate the impact of test-driven development on the effectiveness of unit test cases compared to an incremental test last development in an industrial context. Method: We conducted an experiment in an industrial setting with 24 professionals. Professionals followed the two development approaches to implement the tasks. We measure unit test effectiveness in terms of mutation score. We also measure branch and method coverage of test suites to compare our results with the literature. Results: In terms of mutation score, we have found that the test cases written for a test-driven development task have a higher defect detection ability than test cases written for an incremental test-last development task. Subjects wrote test cases that cover more branches on a test-driven development task compared to the other task. However, test cases written for an incremental test-last development task cover more methods than those written for the second task. Conclusion: Our findings are different from previous studies conducted at academic settings. Professionals were able to perform more effective unit testing with test-driven development. Furthermore, we observe that the coverage measure preferred in academic studies reveal different aspects of a development approach. Our results need to be validated in larger industrial contexts.Istanbul Technical University Scientific Research Projects (MGA-2017-40712), and the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 278354)

    Mutation Testing Advances: An Analysis and Survey

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    A társadalmi felemelkedés elősegítése drámapedagógiai módszerekkel egy hátrányos helyzetű kistelepülés általános iskolájában

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    A kutatásom segítségével arra kívántam választ kapni, hogy a pedagógusok véleménye szerint valóban növelheti-e a drámapedagógiai módszer alkalmazása a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek társadalmi beilleszkedésének esélyeit, biztosítható-e számukra a módszer segítségével a hátránykompenzáció