29 research outputs found

    Adolescent Health Issues

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    Adolescence and Sexuality

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    Hospitalization of Children with Down Syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Children with Down syndrome present with multiple medical problems in a higher prevalence compared with the general population, which may lead to hospitalizations. METHODS: Analysis of 560 hospitalizations of 162 children aged 0-16 years with Down syndrome at Hadassah Medical Center during the years 1988-2007 compared with data on children in the general population, hospitalized at the same period. Data was collected from patient files and statistical data from the Ministry of Health. RESULTS: Respiratory infections were the leading cause for hospitalization of children with Down syndrome. The number of hospitalizations of children with Down syndrome compared to the number of all children, who were hospitalized was surprisingly similar to their proportion in the general population. Eleven children died during their hospitalization (five heart failure, three sepsis, one respiratory tract infection, and one due to complication after surgery). Nine of the 11 had a congenital heart anomaly. CONCLUSION: Children with Down syndrome can present with complex medical issues and we support the concept of a multidisciplinary team that has experience and knowledge to serve as a one stop shop for these individuals and their families, with timely visits in which a comprehensive evaluation is performed, problems attended to and prevention plans applied. In this way, we may prevent morbidity, hospitalizations, and mortality

    Anemia in Children with Down Syndrome

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    Background. Iron deficiency anemia impacts on cognitive development. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency in children with Down syndrome and identify risk factors for anemia. Methods. We conducted a prolective cross-sectional study of children attending a multidisciplinary Down syndrome medical center. One hundred and forty nine children with Down syndrome aged 0–20 years were enrolled in the study. Information obtained included a medical history, physical and developmental examination, nutritional assessment, and the results of blood tests. Results. Of the patients studied, 8.1% were found to have anemia. Among the 38 children who had iron studies, 50.0% had iron deficiency. In a multivariate analysis, Arab ethnicity and low weight for age were significantly associated with anemia. Gender, height, the presence of an eating disorder, and congenital heart disease were not risk factors for anemia. Conclusions. Children with Down syndrome are at risk for anemia and iron deficiency similar to the general population. Children with Down syndrome should be monitored for anemia and iron deficiency so that prompt intervention can be initiated

    Clustering gene expression data with a penalized graph-based metric

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The search for cluster structure in microarray datasets is a base problem for the so-called "-omic sciences". A difficult problem in clustering is how to handle data with a manifold structure, i.e. data that is not shaped in the form of compact clouds of points, forming arbitrary shapes or paths embedded in a high-dimensional space, as could be the case of some gene expression datasets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we introduce the Penalized k-Nearest-Neighbor-Graph (PKNNG) based metric, a new tool for evaluating distances in such cases. The new metric can be used in combination with most clustering algorithms. The PKNNG metric is based on a two-step procedure: first it constructs the k-Nearest-Neighbor-Graph of the dataset of interest using a low k-value and then it adds edges with a highly penalized weight for connecting the subgraphs produced by the first step. We discuss several possible schemes for connecting the different sub-graphs as well as penalization functions. We show clustering results on several public gene expression datasets and simulated artificial problems to evaluate the behavior of the new metric.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In all cases the PKNNG metric shows promising clustering results. The use of the PKNNG metric can improve the performance of commonly used pairwise-distance based clustering methods, to the level of more advanced algorithms. A great advantage of the new procedure is that researchers do not need to learn a new method, they can simply compute distances with the PKNNG metric and then, for example, use hierarchical clustering to produce an accurate and highly interpretable dendrogram of their high-dimensional data.</p

    School, Adolescence and Health Issues

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    Adolescence is the critical period or rather process in human development, where the individual leaves the dependency of childhood and enters a period in which dramatic changes occur, eventually resulting in what society identifies as adulthood. It is a complex developmental time involving sociological, psychological and physiological issues that starts with puberty and ends sometime in the third decade of life with central nervous system maturation (parents would want this period to be much quicker and shorter). The goal of adolescence is to develop an autonomous adult, who is capable of functioning at intellectual, sexual, and vocational levels acceptable to society. Prevention and management of health problems in children and adolescents can prevent considerable morbidity in adults. Working with adolescents is difficult, frustrating and very rewarding at the same time. In this book, we have gathered international research to show you a picture of health issues in adolescence and during the school period of human development. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical

    Adolescence and Sexuality: International Perspectives

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    Human sexuality involves sexual attraction to another person, which for the most part is to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), some to the same sex (homosexuality) or some having both (bisexuality) or not being attracted to anyone in a sexual manner (asexuality). Human sexuality is determined by many factors, like cultural, political, legal and philosophical aspects of life, but also morality, ethics, theology, spirituality and religion. Sexuality is as old as mankind and interest in sexual activity is very much related to the onset of puberty and the period of schooling. In this book, we have gathered papers from around the world in order to discuss issues of sexuality from an international perspective. (Imprint: Nova