28 research outputs found

    Smartphone Apps for the Treatment of Mental Disorders: Systematic Review

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    Background: Smartphone apps are an increasingly popular means for delivering psychological interventions to patients suffering from a mental disorder. In line with this popularity, there is a need to analyze and summarize the state of the art, both from a psychological and technical perspective. Objective: This study aimed to systematically review the literature on the use of smartphones for psychological interventions. Our systematic review has the following objectives: (1) analyze the coverage of mental disorders in research articles per year; (2) study the types of assessment in research articles per mental disorder per year; (3) map the use of advanced technical features, such as sensors, and novel software features, such as personalization and social media, per mental disorder; (4) provide an overview of smartphone apps per mental disorder; and (5) provide an overview of the key characteristics of empirical assessments with rigorous designs (ie, randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). Methods: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines for systematic reviews were followed. We performed searches in Scopus, Web of Science, American Psychological Association PsycNET, and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, covering a period of 6 years (2013-2018). We included papers that described the use of smartphone apps to deliver psychological interventions for known mental disorders. We formed multidisciplinary teams, comprising experts in psychology and computer science, to select and classify articles based on psychological and technical features. Results: We found 158 articles that met the inclusion criteria. We observed an increasing interest in smartphone-based interventions over time. Most research targeted disorders with high prevalence, that is, depressive (31/158,19.6%) and anxiety disorders (18/158, 11.4%). Of the total, 72.7% (115/158) of the papers focused on six mental disorders: depression, anxiety, trauma and stressor-related, substance-related and addiction, schizophrenia spectrum, and other psychotic disorders, or a combination of disorders. More than half of known mental disorders were not or very scarcely (<3%) represented. An increasing number of studies were dedicated to assessing clinical effects, but RCTs were still a minority (25/158, 15.8%). From a technical viewpoint, interventions were leveraging the improved modalities (screen and sound) and interactivity of smartphones but only sparingly leveraged their truly novel capabilities, such as sensors, alternative delivery paradigms, and analytical methods. Conclusions: There is a need for designing interventions for the full breadth of mental disorders, rather than primarily focusing on most prevalent disorders. We further contend that an increasingly systematic focus, that is, involving RCTs, is needed to improve the robustness and trustworthiness of assessments. Regarding technical aspects, we argue that further exploration and innovative use of the novel capabilities of smartphones are needed to fully realize their potential for the treatment of mental health disorders

    Aplicación de criterios de cribado de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal en pacientes con espondiloartritis y su asociación con la enfermedad y la actividad endoscópica

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    Existe poca bibliografía sobre la aplicación de criterios de cribado de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) en pacientes con espondiloartritis (EPS). Este estudio tenía como objetivo aplicar criterios de cribado de EII en un grupo de pacientes con EspA sin diagnóstico de EII y correlacionarlos con los hallazgos endoscópicos y la actividad de la enfermedad. Se incluyó a un total de 82 pacientes con EspA. Se realizó la prueba de cribado de la EII y una ileocolonoscopia con cromoendoscopia digital con aumento y análisis histológico. Los datos se analizaron con la prueba de Chi-cuadrado/prueba exacta de Fisher y análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Los principales criterios de cribado encontrados en el 48,7% de los pacientes estaban asociados a antecedentes de infección (p = 0,037). La hemorragia rectal se asoció al diagnóstico de espondilitis anquilosante, inflamación aguda, entesitis y alteración de la arquitectura tisular en el íleon (p < 0,050). La diarrea se asoció a una mayor puntuación de la actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,02). Los criterios de cribado menores se asociaron con una articulación inflamatoria dolorosa (p = 0,05), una puntuación elevada de la actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,001) y niveles elevados de calprotectina (p = 0,050). El dolor abdominal (36,9%) se asoció con compromiso axial/periférico (p = 0,017), dolor lumbar inflamatorio (p = 0,01), entesitis (p = 0,021), mayor puntuación de actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,023) e inflamación aguda del íleon (p = 0,046). La diarrea de 4 semanas y el dolor abdominal fueron los criterios de cribado mayor y menor más prevalentes, respectivamente, estando relacionados con manifestaciones tempranas de compromiso inflamatorio intestinal y mayor puntuación de actividad de la enfermedad. Esta prueba de cribado ofrece la posibilidad de derivar oportunamente a los pacientes con EAE de reumatología a gastroenterología.There is little literature on the implementation of screening criteria for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). This study aimed to apply IBD screening criteria in a group of patients with SpA without IBD diagnosis and correlate them to endoscopic findings and disease activity. A total of 82 patients with SpA were included. The IBD screening test and ileocolonoscopy with digital chromoendoscopy with magnification and histological analysis were performed. The data were analysed with Chi-square test/Fisher’s exact test and multiple correspondence analysis. The major screening criteria found in 48.7% of the patients were associated with a history of infection (p = 0.037). Rectal bleeding was associated with the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, acute inflammation, enthesitis and tissue architecture alteration in the ileum (p < 0.050). Diarrhoea was associated with a higher disease activity score (p = 0.02). Minor screening criteria were associated with painful inflammatory joint (p = 0.05), high disease activity score (p = 0.001) and high calprotectin levels (p = 0.050). Abdominal pain (36.9%) was associated with axial/peripheral compromise (p = 0.017), inflammatory back pain (p = 0.01), enthesitis (p = 0.021), higher disease activity score (p = 0.023) and acute ileum inflammation (p = 0.046). Diarrhoea of 4 weeks and abdominal pain were the most prevalent major and minor screening criteria, respectively, being related to early manifestations of inflammatory bowel compromise and higher disease activity score. This screening test grants a chance of opportune referral of SpA patients from rheumatology to gastroenterology

    Don't erase

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    Aquesta exposició del Postgrau en Il·lustració creativa i tècniques de comunicació visual d’EINA és una mostra condensada de l’odissea personal que 26 il·lustradors hem fet durant un any. Us ensenyem fins a on hem arribat sota la consigna de “No esborrar”, d’abraçar l’error i perdre-li la por, de trobar la nostra manera única i intransferible d’il·lustrar. No hi ha camí ràpid per convertir-se en il·lustrador o il·lustradora d’èxit, igualment no hi ha una única manera d’il·lustrar. Cadascun de nosaltres ho fem i ho seguirem fent a la nostra manera, però el que està clar és que per il·lustrar bé necessites fer-ho sense por, amb confiança i seguretat en els encerts i també en els errors perquè això és el que fa que una obra ens emocioni.Esta exposición del Postgrado en Ilustración creativa y técnicas de comunicación visual de EINA es una muestra condensada de la odisea personal que 26 ilustradores hemos hecho durante un año. Os enseñamos hasta donde hemos llegado bajo la consigna de “No borrar”, de abrazar el error y perderle el miedo, de encontrar nuestra manera única e intransferible de ilustrar. No existe el camino rápido para convertirse en ilustrador o ilustradora de éxito, al igual que no hay una única forma de ilustrar, cada uno de nosotros lo hace y lo seguirá haciendo a su manera, pero lo que está claro es que para ilustrar bien necesitas hacerlo sin miedo, con confianza y seguridad en tus aciertos y también en tus errores porque eso es lo que hace que una obra nos emocione.This exhibition of the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques of EINA is a condensed sample of the personal odyssey that 26 illustrators have made in the past year. In it we show you, the public, how far we have come under the slogan of “Don’t Erase”, of embracing error and facing our fears, of finding our unique and non-transferable way of illustrating. There is no quick way to become a successful illustrator, just as there is no single way to illustrate, each one of us will continue to work his or her own way, but what is clear is that to illustrate well you need to do it without fear, with confidence in both your achievements and failures because that is what helps create emotional, moving work

    Centro de desarrollo infantil

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    Efecto de una intervención conductual en la interacción familiar

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    Se hizo una intervención conductual a cuatro integrantes de una familia (papá y tres hijos), con el objetivo de lograr una mayor asistencia de los mismos a las cenas. El estudio duró 98 días, durante los cuales se registró la asistencia de los miembros de la familia a las cenas. El estudio tuvo tres fases; la primera fue la línea base (28 días), la intervención (56 días) y un seguimiento (14 días), a los cuatro meses de haber terminado la intervención. Las estrategias usadas en esta última fue el uso de metas semanales, que fueron modificándose a lo largo de la intervención; el dar reforzador (distinto para cada participante) si cenaba a la hora acordada; y la aplicación de un castigo (ayudar en la limpieza de la cocina) cuando algún miembro de la familia no asistía. Los resultados mostraron, respecto al valor de la línea base, un aumento de la asistencia diaria a las cenas, conforme transcurría la intervención. Este aumento en la frecuencia resultó en una mayor interacción entre los miembros de la familia, lo que redundó en una mayor satisfacción familiar. Los datos obtenidos en el seguimiento a los cuatro meses indican el mantenimiento de los efectos del tratamiento. Estos hallazgos sugieren la utilidad del manejo de estrategias conductuales para aumentar, y por lo tanto mejorar la interacción entre los miembros de una familia

    Productividad académica, maternidad y malestares subjetivos en investigadoras e investigadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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    Se analizan algunos indicadores de productividad académica y su relación con el reporte de malestares, obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario a investigadoras e investigadores con y sin hijas/os de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se obtuvo mayor productividad y un mayor reporte de malestares en las mujeres con hijos/as, en comparación con quienes no tienen. Se discute en torno al mayor trabajo realizado por las mujeres, debido a los esfuerzos adicionales para la recuperación de su productividad, disminuida durante las pausas académicas por motivos de maternidad, sacrificando actividades de ocio.

    Factors Influencing Adult Female Oviposition in the Citrus Leafminer Phyllocnistis Citrella

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    [EN] The citrus leafminer (CLM) Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is a serious pest in most citrus-growing regions of the world. The influence of leaf length, citrus species or variety, leaf colour tone and temperature on CLM oviposition was studied from field observations and laboratory experiments. The spatial distribution of eggs on leaves was also examined. Field data were obtained from 1100 samples collected in eastern Spain for 7 years. 2 Significant differences in oviposition rate were found among citrus species in ‘no choice’ laboratory experiments. This tendency was not apparent in the field due to the confounding effect of such factors as the intensity of new flushes and adult CLM abundance. Leaf colour tone and air temperature in the range studied (18 – 27°C) had no effect on CLM egg-laying. 3 The distribution of eggs among leaves was random for population densities lower than four eggs per leaf, but became strongly aggregated above this, when not all eggs could survive and complete development. 4 The CLM developmental stage found on leaves depended on the leaf length, and most of the egg-laying occurred only on leaves that were 10 – 25 mm long. These leaves had the highest CLM stages in the field and thus give the best estimate of CLM oviposition.We thank M. Villalba, A. Alonso, V. Bueno, C. Granda, C. Moreno, J. M. Rodríguez, and E. Sanz for their technical assistance in many aspects of the project. Financial support was provided by the Consellería d´Agricultura (project GV-CAPA00-18) and the Consellería de Cultura, Educació i Ciència (project GV-D-AG-01-128-96) of the Generalitat Valenciana , and the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (project INIA SC95-108-C5-4), and Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (project CICYT AGF97-0899-C02-02).Vercher Aznar, R.; Farias, A.; Marzal, C.; Soto, A.; Tena, A.; García-Marí, F. (2008). Factors Influencing Adult Female Oviposition in the Citrus Leafminer Phyllocnistis Citrella. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. (10):45-51. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/85605S45511

    Supplementation with omega‐3 or omega‐6 fatty acids attenuates platelet reactivity in postmenopausal women

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    Postmenopausal women are at increased risk for a cardiovascular event due to platelet hyperactivity. There is evidence suggesting that ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and ω-6 PUFAs have cardioprotective effects in these women. However, a mechanistic understanding of how these fatty acids regulate platelet function is unknown. In this study, we supplemented postmenopausal women with fish oil (ω-3 fatty acids) or evening primrose oil (ω-6 fatty acids) and investigated the effects on their platelet activity. The effects of fatty acid supplementation on platelet aggregation, dense granule secretion, and activation of integrin αIIbβ3 at basal levels and in response to agonist were tested in postmenopausal women following a supplementation and washout period. Supplementation with fish oil or primrose oil attenuated the thrombin receptor PAR4-induced platelet aggregation. Supplementation with ω-3 or ω-6 fatty acids decreased platelet dense granule secretion and attenuated basal levels of integrin αIIbβ3 activation. Interestingly, after the washout period following supplementation with primrose oil, platelet aggregation was similarly attenuated. Additionally, for either treatment, the observed protective effects post-supplementation on platelet dense granule secretion and basal levels of integrin activation were sustained after the washout period, suggesting a long-term shift in platelet reactivity due to fatty acid supplementation. These findings begin to elucidate the underlying mechanistic effects of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids on platelet reactivity in postmenopausal women. Hence, this study supports the beneficial effects of fish oil or primrose oil supplementation as a therapeutic intervention to reduce the risk&nbsp;of thrombotic events in postmenopausal women. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02629497